Exemplo n.º 1
void CellEdit_OnRemove (HWND hDlg)
   HWND hList = GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_LIST);
   FastList_Begin (hList);

   while ((hItem = FastList_FindFirstSelected (hList)) != NULL)
      PCELLDBLINE pInfo = (PCELLDBLINE)FastList_GetItemParam (hList, hItem);
      Delete (pInfo);
      FastList_RemoveItem (hList, hItem);

   FastList_End (hList);
Exemplo n.º 2
void Server_Hosts_OnDelEntry (HWND hDlg, LPSVR_HOSTS_PARAMS lpp)
   HWND hList = GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_HOST_LIST);
   FL_StartChange (hList, FALSE);

   while ((hItem = FastList_FindFirstSelected (hList)) != NULL)
      size_t iEntry = (size_t)FL_GetData (hList, hItem);
      AfsClass_HostList_DelEntry (lpp->lpList, iEntry);
      FastList_RemoveItem (hList, hItem);

   FL_EndChange (hList);
Exemplo n.º 3
void AutoMap_OnRemove (HWND hDlg)

   HWND hList = GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_GLOBAL_DRIVE_LIST);

   DRIVEMAP *pDrive = GetSelectedDrive(hDlg, &hItem);
   if (pDrive == 0)

   if (DefineDosDrive(pDrive, DDD_REMOVE)) {
      RemoveFromDriveList(GlobalDrives, *pDrive);
   	FastList_RemoveItem (hList, hItem);

Exemplo n.º 4
void Display_OnEndTask_UpdMachines (LPTASKPACKET ptp)
   HWND hDlg = GetTabChild (GetDlgItem (g.hMain, IDC_TAB));
   HWND hList = GetDlgItem (hDlg, IDC_MACHINES_LIST);
   if (IsWindow (hList) && !lstrcmpi (TASKDATA(ptp)->szPattern, g.szPatternMachines))
      FastList_Begin (hList);

      // Update the title above the list to indicate what we're showing
      TCHAR szCell[ cchRESOURCE ];
      asc_CellNameGet_Fast (g.idClient, g.idCell, szCell);

      LPTSTR pszTitle = FormatString ((TASKDATA(ptp)->szPattern[0]) ? IDS_MACHINES_PATTERN : IDS_MACHINES_ALL, TEXT("%s"), szCell);
      SetDlgItemText (hDlg, IDC_MACHINES_TITLE, pszTitle);
      FreeString (pszTitle);

      // For faster access, we'll want to use a hashlist to deal with
      // the items in our ASIDLIST (right now it's just a flat array).
      // This lets us remove duplicates--which is no big deal because
      // there shouldn't be any anyway--but more importantly it lets
      // us instantly determine if a particular ASID is in the list
      // (the asc_AsidListTest function is O(n), and we need O(1)).
      LPHASHLIST pAsidList = New (HASHLIST);
      if (TASKDATA(ptp)->pAsidList)
         for (size_t iAsid = 0; iAsid < TASKDATA(ptp)->pAsidList->cEntries; ++iAsid)
            pAsidList->AddUnique ((PVOID)(TASKDATA(ptp)->pAsidList->aEntries[ iAsid ].idObject));

      // Delete any items which are currently in the FastList but
      // which aren't in our AsidList.
      HLISTITEM hItemNext;
      for (HLISTITEM hItem = FastList_FindFirst (hList); hItem; hItem = hItemNext)
         hItemNext = FastList_FindNext (hList, hItem);
         ASID idObject = (ASID)FastList_GetItemParam (hList, hItem);
         if (!pAsidList->fIsInList ((PVOID)idObject))
            FastList_RemoveItem (hList, hItem);

      // Add items for any entries which are in our AsidList but aren't
      // currently in the FastList.
      DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong (hList, GWL_STYLE);

      for (LPENUM pEnum = pAsidList->FindFirst(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindNext())
         ASID idObject = (ASID)( pEnum->GetObject() );

         HLISTITEM hItem;
         if ((hItem = FastList_FindItem (hList, (LPARAM)idObject)) == NULL)
            FASTLISTADDITEM ai;
            memset (&ai, 0x00, sizeof(ai));
            Display_GetImageIcons (dwStyle, gr.ivMch, idObject, imageSERVER, IMAGE_NOIMAGE, &ai.iFirstImage, &ai.iSecondImage);
            ai.lParam = (LPARAM)idObject;
            hItem = FastList_AddItem (hList, &ai);

      Delete (pAsidList);
      FastList_End (hList);
