Exemplo n.º 1
void ParsedExclusionProjection::parse(const boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext>& expCtx,
                                      const BSONObj& spec,
                                      ExclusionNode* node,
                                      size_t depth) {
    for (auto elem : spec) {
        const auto fieldName = elem.fieldNameStringData().toString();

        // A $ should have been detected in ParsedAggregationProjection's parsing before we get
        // here.
        invariant(fieldName[0] != '$');

        switch (elem.type()) {
            case BSONType::Bool:
            case BSONType::NumberInt:
            case BSONType::NumberLong:
            case BSONType::NumberDouble:
            case BSONType::NumberDecimal: {
                // We have already verified this is an exclusion projection.

            case BSONType::Object: {
                // This object represents a nested projection specification, like the sub-object in
                // {a: {b: 0, c: 0}} or {"a.b": {c: 0}}.
                ExclusionNode* child;

                if (elem.fieldNameStringData().find('.') == std::string::npos) {
                    child = node->addOrGetChild(fieldName);
                } else {
                    // A dotted field is not allowed in a sub-object, and should have been detected
                    // in ParsedAggregationProjection's parsing before we get here.
                    invariant(depth == 0);

                    // We need to keep adding children to our tree until we create a child that
                    // represents this dotted path.
                    child = node;
                    auto fullPath = FieldPath(fieldName);
                    while (fullPath.getPathLength() > 1) {
                        child = child->addOrGetChild(fullPath.getFieldName(0));
                        fullPath = fullPath.tail();
                    // It is illegal to construct an empty FieldPath, so the above loop ends one
                    // iteration too soon. Add the last path here.
                    child = child->addOrGetChild(fullPath.fullPath());

                parse(expCtx, elem.Obj(), child, depth + 1);
            default: { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; }
void ProjectionSpecValidator::validate() {
    if (_rawObj.isEmpty()) {
        uasserted(40177, "specification must have at least one field");
    for (auto&& elem : _rawObj) {
        parseElement(elem, FieldPath(elem.fieldName()));
Exemplo n.º 3
    intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceUnwind::createFromBson(
        BSONElement *pBsonElement,
        const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pExpCtx) {
          The value of $unwind should just be a field path.
        uassert(15981, str::stream() << "the " << unwindName <<
                " field path must be specified as a string",
                pBsonElement->type() == String);

        string prefixedPathString(pBsonElement->str());
        string pathString(Expression::removeFieldPrefix(prefixedPathString));
        intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceUnwind> pUnwind(new DocumentSourceUnwind(pExpCtx));

        return pUnwind;
void ParsedExclusionProjection::parse(const BSONObj& spec, ExclusionNode* node, size_t depth) {
    bool idSpecified = false;

    for (auto elem : spec) {
        const auto fieldName = elem.fieldNameStringData();

        // A $ should have been detected by ParsedAggregationProjection before we get here.
        invariant(fieldName[0] != '$');

        // Track whether the projection spec specifies a desired behavior for the _id field.
        idSpecified = idSpecified || fieldName == "_id"_sd || fieldName.startsWith("_id."_sd);

        switch (elem.type()) {
            case BSONType::Bool:
            case BSONType::NumberInt:
            case BSONType::NumberLong:
            case BSONType::NumberDouble:
            case BSONType::NumberDecimal: {
                // We have already verified this is an exclusion projection. _id is the only field
                // which is permitted to be explicitly included here.
                invariant(!elem.trueValue() || elem.fieldNameStringData() == "_id"_sd);
                if (!elem.trueValue()) {
            case BSONType::Object: {
                // This object represents a nested projection specification, like the sub-object in
                // {a: {b: 0, c: 0}} or {"a.b": {c: 0}}.
                ExclusionNode* child;

                if (elem.fieldNameStringData().find('.') == std::string::npos) {
                    child = node->addOrGetChild(fieldName.toString());
                } else {
                    // A dotted field is not allowed in a sub-object, and should have been detected
                    // in ParsedAggregationProjection's parsing before we get here.
                    invariant(depth == 0);

                    // We need to keep adding children to our tree until we create a child that
                    // represents this dotted path.
                    child = node;
                    auto fullPath = FieldPath(fieldName);
                    while (fullPath.getPathLength() > 1) {
                        child = child->addOrGetChild(fullPath.getFieldName(0).toString());
                        fullPath = fullPath.tail();
                    // It is illegal to construct an empty FieldPath, so the above loop ends one
                    // iteration too soon. Add the last path here.
                    child = child->addOrGetChild(fullPath.fullPath());

                parse(elem.Obj(), child, depth + 1);
            default: { MONGO_UNREACHABLE; }

    // If _id was not specified, then doing nothing will cause it to be included. If the default _id
    // policy is kExcludeId, we add a new entry for _id to the ExclusionNode tree here.
    if (!idSpecified && _policies.idPolicy == ProjectionPolicies::DefaultIdPolicy::kExcludeId) {