Exemplo n.º 1
/** read the request from the socket, process it and then send the
 * response back.
void ProcessIncomingNATPMPPacket(int s)
	unsigned char req[32];	/* request udp packet */
	unsigned char resp[32];	/* response udp packet */
	int resplen;
	struct sockaddr_in senderaddr;
	socklen_t senderaddrlen = sizeof(senderaddr);
	int n;
	char senderaddrstr[16];
	n = recvfrom(s, req, sizeof(req), 0,
	             (struct sockaddr *)&senderaddr, &senderaddrlen);
	if(n<0) {
		/* EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK and EINTR : silently ignore (retry next time)
		 * other errors : log to LOG_ERR */
		if(errno != EAGAIN &&
		   errno != EWOULDBLOCK &&
		   errno != EINTR) {
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "recvfrom(natpmp): %m");
	if(!inet_ntop(AF_INET, &senderaddr.sin_addr,
	              senderaddrstr, sizeof(senderaddrstr))) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "inet_ntop(natpmp): %m");
	syslog(LOG_INFO, "NAT-PMP request received from %s:%hu %dbytes",
           senderaddrstr, ntohs(senderaddr.sin_port), n);
	if(n<2 || ((((req[1]-1)&~1)==0) && n<12)) {
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "discarding NAT-PMP request (too short) %dBytes",
	if(req[1] & 128) {
		/* discarding NAT-PMP responses silently */
	memset(resp, 0, sizeof(resp));
	resplen = 8;
	resp[1] = 128 + req[1];	/* response OPCODE is request OPCODE + 128 */
	/* setting response TIME STAMP :
	 * time elapsed since its port mapping table was initialized on
	 * startup or reset for any other reason */
	*((uint32_t *)(resp+4)) = htonl(time(NULL) - startup_time);
	if(req[0] > 0) {
		/* invalid version */
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported NAT-PMP version : %u",
		resp[3] = 1;	/* unsupported version */
	} else switch(req[1]) {
	case 0:	/* Public address request */
		syslog(LOG_INFO, "NAT-PMP public address request");
		FillPublicAddressResponse(resp, senderaddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
		resplen = 12;
	case 1:	/* UDP port mapping request */
	case 2:	/* TCP port mapping request */
			unsigned short iport;	/* private port */
			unsigned short eport;	/* public port */
			uint32_t lifetime; 		/* lifetime=0 => remove port mapping */
			int r;
			int proto;
			char iaddr_old[16];
			unsigned short iport_old;
			unsigned int timestamp;

			iport = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)(req+4)));
			eport = ntohs(*((uint16_t *)(req+6)));
			lifetime = ntohl(*((uint32_t *)(req+8)));
			proto = (req[1]==1)?IPPROTO_UDP:IPPROTO_TCP;
			syslog(LOG_INFO, "NAT-PMP port mapping request : "
			                 "%hu->%s:%hu %s lifetime=%us",
			                 eport, senderaddrstr, iport,
			                 (req[1]==1)?"udp":"tcp", lifetime);
				eport = iport;
			/* TODO: accept port mapping if iport ok but eport not ok
			 * (and set eport correctly) */
			if(lifetime == 0) {
				/* remove the mapping */
				if(iport == 0) {
					/* remove all the mappings for this client */
					int index = 0;
					unsigned short eport2, iport2;
					char iaddr2[16];
					int proto2;
					char desc[64];
					while(get_redirect_rule_by_index(index, 0,
					          &eport2, iaddr2, sizeof(iaddr2),
							  &iport2, &proto2,
							  desc, sizeof(desc),
					          0, 0, &timestamp, 0, 0) >= 0) {
						syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%d %d %hu->'%s':%hu '%s'",
						       index, proto2, eport2, iaddr2, iport2, desc);
						if(0 == strcmp(iaddr2, senderaddrstr)
						  && 0 == memcmp(desc, "NAT-PMP", 7)) {
							r = _upnp_delete_redir(eport2, proto2);
							/* TODO : check return value */
							if(r<0) {
								syslog(LOG_ERR, "failed to remove port mapping");
							} else {
								syslog(LOG_INFO, "NAT-PMP %s port %hu mapping removed",
								       proto2==IPPROTO_TCP?"TCP":"UDP", eport2);
						} else {
				} else {
					/* To improve the interworking between nat-pmp and
					 * UPnP, we should check that we remove only NAT-PMP
					 * mappings */
					r = _upnp_delete_redir(eport, proto);
					/*syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%hu %d r=%d", eport, proto, r);*/
					if(r<0) {
						//syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to remove NAT-PMP mapping eport %hu, protocol %s", eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"TCP":"UDP");
						resp[3] = 2;	/* Not Authorized/Refused */
				eport = 0; /* to indicate correct removing of port mapping */
			} else if(iport==0
			   || !check_upnp_rule_against_permissions(upnppermlist, num_upnpperm, eport, senderaddr.sin_addr, iport)) {
				resp[3] = 2;	/* Not Authorized/Refused */
			} else do {
				r = get_redirect_rule(ext_if_name, eport, proto,
				                      iaddr_old, sizeof(iaddr_old),
				                      &iport_old, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				                      &timestamp, 0, 0);
				if(r==0) {
					if(strcmp(senderaddrstr, iaddr_old)==0
				       && iport==iport_old) {
						/* redirection allready existing */
						syslog(LOG_INFO, "port %hu %s already redirected to %s:%hu, replacing",
						       eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp", iaddr_old, iport_old);
						/* remove and then add again */
						if(_upnp_delete_redir(eport, proto) < 0) {
							syslog(LOG_ERR, "failed to remove port mapping");
					} else {
				{ /* do the redirection */
					char desc[64];
#if 0
					timestamp = (unsigned)(time(NULL) - startup_time)
					                      + lifetime;
					snprintf(desc, sizeof(desc), "NAT-PMP %u", timestamp);
					timestamp = time(NULL) + lifetime;
					snprintf(desc, sizeof(desc), "NAT-PMP %hu %s",
					         eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp");
					/* TODO : check return code */
					if(upnp_redirect_internal(NULL, eport, senderaddrstr,
					                          iport, proto, desc,
					                          timestamp) < 0) {
						syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to add NAT-PMP %hu %s->%s:%hu '%s'",
						       eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp", senderaddrstr, iport, desc);
						resp[3] = 3;  /* Failure */
#if 0
					} else if( !nextnatpmptoclean_eport
					         || timestamp < nextnatpmptoclean_timestamp) {
						nextnatpmptoclean_timestamp = timestamp;
						nextnatpmptoclean_eport = eport;
						nextnatpmptoclean_proto = proto;
			} while(r==0);
			*((uint16_t *)(resp+8)) = htons(iport);	/* private port */
			*((uint16_t *)(resp+10)) = htons(eport);	/* public port */
			*((uint32_t *)(resp+12)) = htonl(lifetime);	/* Port Mapping lifetime */
		resplen = 16;
		resp[3] = 5;	/* Unsupported OPCODE */
	n = sendto(s, resp, resplen, 0,
	           (struct sockaddr *)&senderaddr, sizeof(senderaddr));
	if(n<0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "sendto(natpmp): %m");
	} else if(n<resplen) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "sendto(natpmp): sent only %d bytes out of %d",
		       n, resplen);
Exemplo n.º 2
/* SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification()
 * should be called when the public IP address changed */
void SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification(int * sockets, int n_sockets)
	struct sockaddr_in sockname;
	unsigned char notif[12];
	int j, n;

	notif[0] = 0;	/* vers */
	notif[1] = 128;	/* OP code */
	notif[2] = 0;	/* result code */
	notif[3] = 0;	/* result code */
	/* seconds since "start of epoch" :
	 * time elapsed since the port mapping table was initialized on
	 * startup or reset for any other reason */
	*((uint32_t *)(notif+4)) = htonl(time(NULL) - startup_time);
	FillPublicAddressResponse(notif, 0);
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: cannot get public IP address, stopping",
	memset(&sockname, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
    sockname.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sockname.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(NATPMP_NOTIF_ADDR);

	for(j=0; j<n_sockets; j++)
		if(sockets[j] < 0)
			struct lan_addr_s * lan_addr = lan_addrs.lh_first;
			int i;
			for(i=0; i<j; i++)
				lan_addr = lan_addr->list.le_next;
			FillPublicAddressResponse(notif, lan_addr->addr.s_addr);
		/* Port to use in 2006 version of the NAT-PMP specification */
    	sockname.sin_port = htons(NATPMP_PORT);
		n = sendto(sockets[j], notif, 12, 0,
		           (struct sockaddr *)&sockname, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
		if(n < 0)
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: sendto(s_udp=%d): %m",
			       "SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification", sockets[j]);
		/* Port to use in 2008 version of the NAT-PMP specification */
    	sockname.sin_port = htons(NATPMP_NOTIF_PORT);
		n = sendto(sockets[j], notif, 12, 0,
		           (struct sockaddr *)&sockname, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
		if(n < 0)
			syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: sendto(s_udp=%d): %m",
			       "SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification", sockets[j]);
Exemplo n.º 3
/** read the request from the socket, process it and then send the
 * response back.
void ProcessIncomingNATPMPPacket(int s, unsigned char *msg_buff, int len,
		struct sockaddr_in *senderaddr)
	unsigned char *req=msg_buff;	/* request udp packet */
	unsigned char resp[32];	/* response udp packet */
	int resplen;
	int n = len;
	char senderaddrstr[16];

	if(!inet_ntop(AF_INET, &senderaddr->sin_addr,
			senderaddrstr, sizeof(senderaddrstr))) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "inet_ntop(natpmp): %m");

	syslog(LOG_INFO, "NAT-PMP request received from %s:%hu %dbytes",
	       senderaddrstr, ntohs(senderaddr->sin_port), n);

	if(n<2 || ((((req[1]-1)&~1)==0) && n<12)) {
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "discarding NAT-PMP request (too short) %dBytes",
	if(req[1] & 128) {
		/* discarding NAT-PMP responses silently */
	memset(resp, 0, sizeof(resp));
	resplen = 8;
	resp[1] = 128 + req[1];	/* response OPCODE is request OPCODE + 128 */
	/* setting response TIME STAMP :
	 * time elapsed since its port mapping table was initialized on
	 * startup or reset for any other reason */
	WRITENU32(resp+4, time(NULL) - startup_time);
	if(req[0] > 0) {
		/* invalid version */
		syslog(LOG_WARNING, "unsupported NAT-PMP version : %u",
		resp[3] = 1;	/* unsupported version */
	} else switch(req[1]) {
	case 0:	/* Public address request */
		syslog(LOG_INFO, "NAT-PMP public address request");
		FillPublicAddressResponse(resp, senderaddr->sin_addr.s_addr);
		resplen = 12;
	case 1:	/* UDP port mapping request */
	case 2:	/* TCP port mapping request */
			unsigned short iport;	/* private port */
			unsigned short eport;	/* public port */
			uint32_t lifetime; 		/* lifetime=0 => remove port mapping */
			int r;
			int proto;
			char iaddr_old[16];
			unsigned short iport_old;
			unsigned int timestamp;

			iport = READNU16(req+4);
			eport = READNU16(req+6);
			lifetime = READNU32(req+8);
			proto = (req[1]==1)?IPPROTO_UDP:IPPROTO_TCP;
			syslog(LOG_INFO, "NAT-PMP port mapping request : "
			                 "%hu->%s:%hu %s lifetime=%us",
			                 eport, senderaddrstr, iport,
			                 (req[1]==1)?"udp":"tcp", lifetime);
			/* TODO: accept port mapping if iport ok but eport not ok
			 * (and set eport correctly) */
			if(lifetime == 0) {
				/* remove the mapping */
				/* RFC6886 :
				 * A client MAY also send an explicit packet to request deletion of a
				 * mapping that is no longer needed. A client requests explicit
				 * deletion of a mapping by sending a message to the NAT gateway
				 * requesting the mapping, with the Requested Lifetime in Seconds set to
				 * zero. The Suggested External Port MUST be set to zero by the client
				 * on sending, and MUST be ignored by the gateway on reception. */
				int index = 0;
				unsigned short eport2, iport2;
				char iaddr2[16];
				int proto2;
				char desc[64];
				eport = 0; /* to indicate correct removing of port mapping */
				while(get_redirect_rule_by_index(index, 0,
				          &eport2, iaddr2, sizeof(iaddr2),
						  &iport2, &proto2,
						  desc, sizeof(desc),
				          0, 0, &timestamp, 0, 0) >= 0) {
					syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%d %d %hu->'%s':%hu '%s'",
					       index, proto2, eport2, iaddr2, iport2, desc);
					if(0 == strcmp(iaddr2, senderaddrstr)
					  && 0 == memcmp(desc, "NAT-PMP", 7)) {
						/* (iport == 0) => remove all the mappings for this client */
						if((iport == 0) || ((iport == iport2) && (proto == proto2))) {
							r = _upnp_delete_redir(eport2, proto2);
							if(r < 0) {
								syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to remove NAT-PMP mapping eport %hu, protocol %s",
								       eport2, (proto2==IPPROTO_TCP)?"TCP":"UDP");
								resp[3] = 2;	/* Not Authorized/Refused */
							} else {
								syslog(LOG_INFO, "NAT-PMP %s port %hu mapping removed",
								       proto2==IPPROTO_TCP?"TCP":"UDP", eport2);
			} else if(iport==0) {
				resp[3] = 2;	/* Not Authorized/Refused */
			} else { /* iport > 0 && lifetime > 0 */
				unsigned short eport_first = 0;
				int any_eport_allowed = 0;
				char desc[64];
				if(eport==0)	/* if no suggested external port, use same a internal port */
					eport = iport;
				while(resp[3] == 0) {
					if(eport_first == 0) { /* first time in loop */
						eport_first = eport;
					} else if(eport == eport_first) { /* no eport available */
						if(any_eport_allowed == 0) { /* all eports rejected by permissions */
							syslog(LOG_ERR, "No allowed eport for NAT-PMP %hu %s->%s:%hu",
							       eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp", senderaddrstr, iport);
							resp[3] = 2;	/* Not Authorized/Refused */
						} else { /* at least one eport allowed (but none available) */
							syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to find available eport for NAT-PMP %hu %s->%s:%hu",
							       eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp", senderaddrstr, iport);
							resp[3] = 4;	/* Out of resources */
					if(!check_upnp_rule_against_permissions(upnppermlist, num_upnpperm, eport, senderaddr->sin_addr, iport)) {
						if(eport == 0) eport++; /* skip port zero */
					any_eport_allowed = 1;	/* at lease one eport is allowed */
					if (port_in_use(ext_if_name, eport, proto, senderaddrstr, iport) > 0) {
						syslog(LOG_INFO, "port %hu protocol %s already in use",
						       eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp");
						if(eport == 0) eport++; /* skip port zero */
					r = get_redirect_rule(ext_if_name, eport, proto,
					                      iaddr_old, sizeof(iaddr_old),
					                      &iport_old, 0, 0, 0, 0,
					                      &timestamp, 0, 0);
					if(r==0) {
						if(strcmp(senderaddrstr, iaddr_old)==0
						    && iport==iport_old) {
							/* redirection already existing */
							syslog(LOG_INFO, "port %hu %s already redirected to %s:%hu, replacing",
							       eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp", iaddr_old, iport_old);
							/* remove and then add again */
							if(_upnp_delete_redir(eport, proto) < 0) {
								syslog(LOG_ERR, "failed to remove port mapping");
						} else {
							if(eport == 0) eport++; /* skip port zero */
					/* do the redirection */
#if 0
					timestamp = (unsigned)(time(NULL) - startup_time)
					                      + lifetime;
					snprintf(desc, sizeof(desc), "NAT-PMP %u", timestamp);
					timestamp = time(NULL) + lifetime;
					snprintf(desc, sizeof(desc), "NAT-PMP %hu %s",
					         eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp");
					/* TODO : check return code */
					if(upnp_redirect_internal(NULL, eport, senderaddrstr,
					                          iport, proto, desc,
					                          timestamp) < 0) {
						syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to add NAT-PMP %hu %s->%s:%hu '%s'",
						       eport, (proto==IPPROTO_TCP)?"tcp":"udp", senderaddrstr, iport, desc);
						resp[3] = 3;  /* Failure */
			WRITENU16(resp+8, iport);	/* private port */
			WRITENU16(resp+10, eport);	/* public port */
			WRITENU32(resp+12, lifetime);	/* Port Mapping lifetime */
		resplen = 16;
		resp[3] = 5;	/* Unsupported OPCODE */
	n = sendto_or_schedule(s, resp, resplen, 0,
	           (struct sockaddr *)senderaddr, sizeof(*senderaddr));
	if(n<0) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "sendto(natpmp): %m");
	} else if(n<resplen) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "sendto(natpmp): sent only %d bytes out of %d",
		       n, resplen);