Exemplo n.º 1
    static char *
searchpath(char *name)
    static char widename[2 * BUFSIZE];
    static char location[2 * BUFSIZE + 2];

    // There appears to be a bug in FindExecutableA() on Windows NT.
    // Use FindExecutableW() instead...
    if (g_PlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (LPCTSTR)name, -1,
		(LPWSTR)widename, BUFSIZE);
	if (FindExecutableW((LPCWSTR)widename, (LPCWSTR)"",
		    (LPWSTR)location) > (HINSTANCE)32)
	    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)location, -1,
		    (LPSTR)widename, 2 * BUFSIZE, NULL, NULL);
	    return widename;
	if (FindExecutableA((LPCTSTR)name, (LPCTSTR)"",
		    (LPTSTR)location) > (HINSTANCE)32)
	    return location;
    return (char *)"";
Exemplo n.º 2
* Similar to ShellExecuteW() Win32 Shell API (shell32.dll),
* except that it will work also on Win9x/ME without MSLU support.
* Note: this Win32 function is also missing in the Microsoft Unicode
* Layer for Win9X/ME...
* Warning!
* There is no explicit size parameter for the destination buffer.
* This function may store up to 260 characters in the Result
* string, including the terminating NUL character.
APIENTRY    UFindExecutable(
    LPCWSTR     lpcwszFile,         /*UTF-16 IN*/
    LPCWSTR     lpcwszDirectory,    /*UTF-16 IN*/
    LPWSTR      lpwszResult)        /*UTF-16 OUT*/
    HINSTANCE  hInst;
    LPSTR      lpszResult;

    static BOOL bDisable_FindExecutableW = FALSE;
    if (!bDisable_FindExecutableW &&
        isWin32UnicodeAPIsSupported()) {
        typedef HINSTANCE
            (WINAPI *FARPROC_FindExecutableW)(
            LPCWSTR     lpcwszFile,         /*UTF-16 IN*/
            LPCWSTR     lpcwszDirectory,    /*UTF-16 IN*/
            LPWSTR      lpwszResult);       /*UTF-16 OUT*/
        static FARPROC_FindExecutableW farproc_FindExecutableW =

        if (farproc_FindExecutableW == (FARPROC_FindExecutableW)NULL) {
            HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleA("shell32.dll");
            farproc_FindExecutableW = (FARPROC_FindExecutableW)
                GetProcAddress(hModule, "FindExecutableW");
        if (farproc_FindExecutableW != (FARPROC_FindExecutableW)NULL) {
            return (*farproc_FindExecutableW)(
                lpcwszFile,         /*UTF-16 IN*/
                lpcwszDirectory,    /*UTF-16 IN*/
                lpwszResult);       /*UTF-16 OUT*/
        bDisable_FindExecutableW = TRUE;
    /* Convert UTF-16 input strings to ANSI */
    /* Prepare temporary ANSI output strings */
    ALLOCA_LPSTR(lpszResult, _MAX_PATH,
        return (HINSTANCE)SE_ERR_OOM
    /* Execute the ANSI API */
    hInst = FindExecutableA(
        (LPCSTR)lpcwszFile,         /*ANSI IN*/
        (LPCSTR)lpcwszDirectory,    /*ANSI IN*/
        lpszResult);                /*ANSI OUT*/
    /* On success, convert temporary output strings to UTF-16 */
    if ((int)hInst > 32) {
        LPWSTR_FROM_LPCSTR(lpszResult, lpwszResult, _MAX_PATH,
            return (HINSTANCE)SE_ERR_OOM
Exemplo n.º 3
 *             FindExecutable   (SHELL.21)
HINSTANCE16 WINAPI FindExecutable16( LPCSTR lpFile, LPCSTR lpDirectory,
                                     LPSTR lpResult )
{ return HINSTANCE_16(FindExecutableA( lpFile, lpDirectory, lpResult ));