Exemplo n.º 1
wxString EDA_APP::GetHelpFile( void )
    wxString      fn;
    wxArrayString subdirs, altsubdirs;

    /* FIXME: This is not the ideal way to handle this.  Unfortunately, the
     *        CMake install paths seem to be a moving target so this crude
     *        hack solve the problem of install path differences between
     *        Windows and non-Windows platforms. */

    // Partially fixed, but must be enhanced

    // Create subdir tree for "standard" linux distributions, when KiCad comes
    // from a distribution files are in /usr/share/doc/kicad/help and binaries
    // in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
    subdirs.Add( wxT( "share" ) );
    subdirs.Add( _T( "doc" ) );
    subdirs.Add( wxT( "kicad" ) );
    subdirs.Add( _T( "help" ) );

    // Create subdir tree for linux and Windows KiCad pack.
    // Note  the pack form under linux is also useful if a user wants to
    // install KiCad to a server because there is only one path to mount
    // or export (something like /usr/local/kicad).
    // files are in <install dir>/kicad/doc/help
    // (often /usr/local/kicad/kicad/doc/help)
    // <install dir>/kicad/ is retrieved from m_BinDir
    altsubdirs.Add( _T( "doc" ) );
    altsubdirs.Add( _T( "help" ) );

    /* Search for a help file.
     *  we *must* find a help file.
     *  so help is searched in directories in this order:
     *  help/<canonical name> like help/en_GB
     *  help/<short name> like help/en
     *  help/en

    // Step 1 : Try to find help file in help/<canonical name>
    subdirs.Add( m_Locale->GetCanonicalName() );
    altsubdirs.Add( m_Locale->GetCanonicalName() );
    fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( m_HelpFileName, &altsubdirs );

    if( !fn  )
        fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( m_HelpFileName, &subdirs );

    // Step 2 : if not found Try to find help file in help/<short name>
    if( !fn  )
        subdirs.RemoveAt( subdirs.GetCount() - 1 );
        altsubdirs.RemoveAt( altsubdirs.GetCount() - 1 );

        // wxLocale::GetName() does not return always the short name
        subdirs.Add( m_Locale->GetName().BeforeLast( '_' ) );
        altsubdirs.Add( m_Locale->GetName().BeforeLast( '_' ) );
        fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( m_HelpFileName, &altsubdirs );

        if( !fn )
            fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( m_HelpFileName, &subdirs );

    // Step 3 : if not found Try to find help file in help/en
    if( !fn )
        subdirs.RemoveAt( subdirs.GetCount() - 1 );
        altsubdirs.RemoveAt( altsubdirs.GetCount() - 1 );
        subdirs.Add( _T( "en" ) );
        altsubdirs.Add( _T( "en" ) );
        fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( m_HelpFileName, &altsubdirs );

        if( !fn )
            fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( m_HelpFileName, &subdirs );

    return fn;
// See also FindKicadHelpPath.cpp.notused.
wxString SearchHelpFileFullPath( const SEARCH_STACK& aSStack, const wxString& aBaseName )
    wxArrayString   subdirs;
    wxArrayString   altsubdirs;
    SEARCH_STACK    ss = aSStack;

    // It might already be in aSStack, but why depend on other code
    // far away when it's so easy to add it again (to our copy) as the first place to look.

    // This is CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX unless DEFAULT_INSTALL_PATH was defined during
    // build configuration:
    ss.AddPaths( wxT( DEFAULT_INSTALL_PATH ), 0 );

#if defined(__WXMAC__)
    ss.AddPaths( GetOSXKicadMachineDataDir() );
    ss.AddPaths( Pgm().GetExecutablePath(), 0 );

    // OS X packages can have the help files in
    // /Library/Application\ Support/kicad/help,
    // and in Contents/SharedSupport/help inside the
    // bundle.
    // Below we account for an international subdirectory.
    subdirs.Add( wxT( "help" ) );
    altsubdirs.Add( wxT( "Contents" ) );
    altsubdirs.Add( wxT( "SharedSupport" ) );
    altsubdirs.Add( wxT( "help" ) );

#if ! defined(__WXMAC__) // && defined(__linux__)
    // This is the executable path minus the trailing bin directory used on Windows and Linux.
    wxFileName tmp( Pgm().GetExecutablePath(), wxEmptyString );
    wxArrayString binDirs = tmp.GetDirs();

    if( !binDirs.IsEmpty() && binDirs[ binDirs.GetCount() - 1 ].CmpNoCase( wxT( "bin" ) ) == 0 )

    ss.AddPaths( tmp.GetPath(), 0 );

    // Based on kicad-doc.bzr/CMakeLists.txt, line 20, the help files are
    // installed into "<CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX>/share/doc/kicad/help" for linux.
    // This is ${KICAD_HELP} var in that CMakeLists.txt file.
    // Below we account for an international subdirectory.
    subdirs.Add( wxT( "share" ) );
    subdirs.Add( wxT( "doc" ) );
    subdirs.Add( wxT( "kicad" ) );
    subdirs.Add( wxT( "help" ) );

    // Based on kicad-doc.bzr/CMakeLists.txt, line 35, the help files are
    // installed into "<CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX>/doc/help" for Windows.
    // This is ${KICAD_HELP} var in that CMakeLists.txt file.
    // Below we account for an international subdirectory.
    altsubdirs.Add( wxT( "doc" ) );
    altsubdirs.Add( wxT( "help" ) );

    // If there's a KICAD environment variable set, always use that guy's path first.
    if( !Pgm().GetKicadEnvVariable().IsEmpty() )
        ss.AddPaths( Pgm().GetKicadEnvVariable(), 0 );

    /* Search for a help file.
     *  we *must* find a help file.
     *  so help is searched in directories in this order:
     *  help/<canonical name> like help/en_GB
     *  help/<short name> like help/en
     *  help/en

    wxLocale* i18n = Pgm().GetLocale();

    // We try to find help file in help/<canonical name>
    // If fails, try to find help file in help/<short canonical name>
    // If fails, try to find help file in help/en
    wxArrayString locale_name_dirs;
    locale_name_dirs.Add( i18n->GetCanonicalName() );           // canonical name like fr_FR

    // wxLocale::GetName() does not return always the short name
    locale_name_dirs.Add( i18n->GetName().BeforeLast( '_' ) );  // short canonical name like fr
    locale_name_dirs.Add( wxT( "en" ) );                        // default (en)

#if defined(DEBUG) && 1
    ss.Show( wxString( __func__ ) );
    wxLogDebug( wxT( "%s: m_help_file:'%s'" ), __func__, GetChars( aBaseName ) );

    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Checking SEARCH_STACK for file %s" ), GetChars( aBaseName ) );

    // Help files can be html (.html ext) or pdf (.pdf ext) files.
    // Therefore, <BaseName>.html file is searched and if not found,
    // <BaseName>.pdf file is searched in the same paths
    wxString fn;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < locale_name_dirs.GetCount(); ii++ )
        subdirs.Add( locale_name_dirs[ii] );
        altsubdirs.Add( locale_name_dirs[ii] );

        fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( ss, aBaseName + wxT( ".html" ), &altsubdirs );

        if( !fn.IsEmpty() )

        fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( ss, aBaseName + wxT( ".pdf" ), &altsubdirs );

        if( !fn.IsEmpty() )

        fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( ss, aBaseName + wxT( ".html" ), &subdirs );

        if( !fn.IsEmpty() )

        fn = FindFileInSearchPaths( ss, aBaseName + wxT( ".pdf" ), &subdirs );

        if( !fn.IsEmpty() )

        subdirs.RemoveAt( subdirs.GetCount() - 1 );
        altsubdirs.RemoveAt( altsubdirs.GetCount() - 1 );

    return fn;