Exemplo n.º 1
void IPCQueueEvent(int argc, char** argv, PLSOBJECT Object)
	char* Name = argv[0];
	LSTypeDefinition* Type = pLSInterface->FindLSType(argv[1]);
	char* SubType = argv[2];
	char* Method = argv[3];

	LSOBJECT queueobject;
	if((queueobject.Ptr = FindQueue(Name)) == 0)
		queueobject.Ptr = new LSQueue(Type, SubType);
		AddQueue(Name, (LSQueue*)queueobject.Ptr);
	pQueueType->GetMethodEx(queueobject.GetObjectData(), Method, argc - 4, &argv[4]);
Exemplo n.º 2
/*@ XPrinterDevice::SetupPrinter(char *title, XFrameWindow * owner, XString * queueName, XString * fileName)
@remarks Let the user select the printer-queue in a dialog. The dialog is loaded from OOLRES.DLL which must be installed.
<t 'ø' c=2>
øchar *title            øthe title of the dialog
øXFrameWindow * owner   øowner window. If NULL, the dialog for the printer-setup is not opened
                         and the  queue given in parameter 3 is initialized directly
øXString * queueName      ødefault queue-name (can be null)
øXString * fileName      øbuffer for a fileName if the user wants to print to a file (if NULL no fiflename is stored)
@returns BOOL success
BOOL XPrinterDevice::SetupPrinter(const char *title, const XFrameWindow * owner, XString * queueName, XString * fileName)
   BOOL fOK;
   CHAR szDefaultQueue[196];
   CHAR szSavedQueue[196];
   CHAR szWork[196];
   PCHAR pch;
   PPRQINFO3 pqi;
   SIZEL sizel;
   ULONG cReturned;
   ULONG cTotal;
   ULONG cbNeeded;
   ULONG ul;
   ULONG ulrc;

   // Caller must set these items before calling.
   if (!pSetup->hab || !pSetup->lWorldCoordinates)
      return FALSE;

   // no good unless I can open a PS
   pSetup->pDevOpenData = NULL;

   // Close the info DC's and PS's from any previous call.
   if (pSetup->hpsPrinterInfo)
      GpiAssociate(pSetup->hpsPrinterInfo, (HDC) 0);
      pSetup->hpsPrinterInfo = (HPS) 0;

   if (pSetup->hdcPrinterInfo)
      pSetup->hdcPrinterInfo = (HDC) 0;

   if (pSetup->pQueueInfo)
      // Free the array of PRQINFO3 from previous call.
      pSetup->pQueueInfo = NULL;

   // Query how many queues exist on this computer and the
   // number of bytes needed to hold the array.
   ul = SplEnumQueue(NULL, 3, NULL, 0, &cReturned, &cTotal, &cbNeeded, NULL);
   if (cTotal == 0)
      // There are no queues on this computer!
      pSetup->cQueues = 0;
      return FALSE;

   // Allocate memory to store the newly enumerated queue information.
   pSetup->pQueueInfo = (PRQINFO3 *) malloc(cbNeeded);
   if (!pSetup->pQueueInfo)
      return FALSE;

   // Call system again to get the array of PRQINFO3 structures.
   ul = SplEnumQueue(NULL, 3, pSetup->pQueueInfo, cbNeeded, &cReturned, &cTotal, &cbNeeded, NULL);
   if (ul != 0 ||
      cReturned != cTotal)
      return FALSE;
   pSetup->cQueues = cReturned;

   // Establish a default queue -- might need it.
   // Profiled queue name ends with a semicolon.
   ul = PrfQueryProfileString(HINI_PROFILE, (PSZ) "PM_SPOOLER", (PSZ) "QUEUE", NULL, szDefaultQueue, 196);
   if (ul > 1)
      // Trim off semicolon.
      pch = strchr(szDefaultQueue, ';');
      *pch = 0;
      // Hmmmm. Use the first one queue from the enumeration.
      strcpy(szDefaultQueue, (char*) pSetup->pQueueInfo->pszName);
   if (!strlen(szDefaultQueue))
      return FALSE;

   if (0 == strlen(pSetup->szPreferredQueue))
      // No queue preference; use default.
      strcpy(pSetup->szPreferredQueue, szDefaultQueue);

      // Don't expect to see DRIVDATA without queue name.
      // if(! pSetup->pDriverData ) return FALSE;

   if (queueName)
      if (!queueName->IsEmpty())
         pSetup->fToFile = FALSE;
         strcpy(pSetup->szPreferredQueue, (char *) *queueName);
      if (fileName)
         if (!fileName->IsEmpty())
            pSetup->fToFile = TRUE;
            strcpy(pSetup->szFileName, (char *) *fileName);

   pqi = FindQueue(pSetup);
   if (!pqi)
      strcpy(pSetup->szPreferredQueue, szDefaultQueue);
      if (pSetup->pDriverData)
         pSetup->pDriverData = NULL;
      fOK = TRUE;

      if (pSetup->pDriverData)
         fOK = fOK && (pqi->pDriverData->cb == pSetup->pDriverData->cb);
         fOK = fOK && (0 == strcmp(pqi->pDriverData->szDeviceName, pSetup->pDriverData->szDeviceName));

      if (!fOK)
         pSetup->pDriverData = NULL;

   pqi = FindQueue(pSetup);

   if (!pSetup->pDriverData)
      pSetup->pDriverData = (DRIVDATA *) malloc(pqi->pDriverData->cb);
      if (!pSetup->pDriverData)
         ulrc = FALSE;
         return ulrc;
      memcpy(pSetup->pDriverData, pqi->pDriverData, pqi->pDriverData->cb);

   if (!pSetup->pDriverData || pSetup->pDriverData->cb <= 0 || pSetup->pDriverData->cb != pqi->pDriverData->cb || strcmp(pqi->pDriverData->szDeviceName, pSetup->pDriverData->szDeviceName))
      return FALSE;

   memcpy(pqi->pDriverData, pSetup->pDriverData, pSetup->pDriverData->cb);

   strcpy(szSavedQueue, pSetup->szPreferredQueue);

   if (owner)
      XCountryInfo info;
      XResourceLibrary lib( "oolres");
      LONG dlgID;

      switch (info.GetCountry())
      case 39:            // italy
         dlgID = IDD_SELPRINT_ITA;
      case 2:             // can francais
      case 33:            // france
      case 32:            // belgien
         dlgID = IDD_SELPRINT_FRA;
      case 49:            // german
         dlgID = IDD_SELPRINT_GER;
      default:            // english
         dlgID = IDD_SELPRINT_ENG;
      XResource res(dlgID, &lib);

      PrinterDialog *printerDialog = new PrinterDialog(owner, pSetup, &res);
//      printerDialog->SetText((char*) title);
      LONG result = printerDialog->Start();
      if (result == DID_CANCEL)
         return FALSE;
      if (queueName)
         pSetup->fToFile = FALSE;
         strcpy(pSetup->szPreferredQueue, (char *) *queueName);

         if (fileName)
            pSetup->fToFile = TRUE;
            strcpy(pSetup->szFileName, (char *) *fileName);

   *queueName = "";
   *fileName = "";

   pqi = FindQueue(pSetup);
   if (!pqi)
      return FALSE;

   if (0 != strcmp(szSavedQueue, pSetup->szPreferredQueue))
      if (!pSetup->pDriverData)
         return FALSE;

      pSetup->pDriverData = (DRIVDATA *) malloc(pqi->pDriverData->cb);
      if (!pSetup->pDriverData)
         ulrc = FALSE;
         return ulrc;
      pSetup->pDriverData->cb = pqi->pDriverData->cb;

   if (!pSetup->pDriverData || !pSetup->pDriverData->cb == pqi->pDriverData->cb)
      return FALSE;
   memcpy(pSetup->pDriverData, pqi->pDriverData, pqi->pDriverData->cb);

   if (pSetup->fToFile)
      pSetup->lDCType = OD_DIRECT;
      pSetup->devopenstruc.pszLogAddress = (PSZ) pSetup->szFileName;
      pSetup->lDCType = OD_QUEUED;
      pSetup->devopenstruc.pszLogAddress = (PSZ) pSetup->szPreferredQueue;

   strcpy(szWork, (char*) pqi->pszDriverName);
   pch = strchr(szWork, '.');
   if (pch)
      *pch = 0;

   if (pSetup->devopenstruc.pszDriverName)

   pSetup->devopenstruc.pszDriverName = (PSZ) malloc(1 + strlen(szWork));
   if (!pSetup->devopenstruc.pszDriverName)
      return FALSE;

   strcpy( (char*) pSetup->devopenstruc.pszDriverName, szWork);

   pSetup->devopenstruc.pdriv = pSetup->pDriverData;
   pSetup->devopenstruc.pszDataType = (PSZ) "PM_Q_STD";

   pSetup->hdcPrinterInfo = DevOpenDC(pSetup->hab, OD_INFO, (PSZ) "*", 4, (PDEVOPENDATA) & pSetup->devopenstruc, (HDC) 0);
   if (!pSetup->hdcPrinterInfo)
      return FALSE;

   sizel.cx = 0;
   sizel.cy = 0;
   pSetup->hpsPrinterInfo = GpiCreatePS(pSetup->hab, pSetup->hdcPrinterInfo, &sizel, pSetup->lWorldCoordinates | GPIA_ASSOC);

   if (GPI_ERROR == pSetup->hpsPrinterInfo)
      pSetup->hdcPrinterInfo = (HDC) 0;
      pSetup->hpsPrinterInfo = (HPS) 0;
      return FALSE;

   pSetup->pDevOpenData = (PDEVOPENDATA) & pSetup->devopenstruc;

   *queueName = pSetup->szPreferredQueue;
   if (pSetup->fToFile)
      *fileName = pSetup->szFileName;
   return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool IPCQueueType::GetMethod(LSOBJECTDATA &ObjectData, PLSTYPEMETHOD pMethod, int argc, char *argv[])
 * Parameters
 * [in] LSOBJECTDATA ObjectData: ObjectData is a 32-bit value that can be accessed in any number of different ways
 *        by way of union.  Most commonly, ObjectData.Ptr, ObjectData.DWord, or ObjectData.CharPtr are useful.  This
 *        value is the representation of some object of this object type.  "ipcfoo" works on IPCFoo*
 *        so ObjectData is a IPCFoo*
 * [in] PLSTYPEMETHOD pMethod: pMethod is a pointer to the information on the method to be retrieved, including its
 *        Name and ID.  We use the ID in a switch statement in order to quickly process the method, since the Name
 *        has already been resolved by the LavishScript engine.
 * [in] int argc, char *argv[]: argc and argv are *nearly* standard C console program parameters.  The difference here
 *        is that the name of the method is NOT given as the first argument (in contrast to LavishScript commands).
 *        Therefore, argc is 0 unless arguments are specifically given to the method retrieval.

 * Return Value
 * The return value for this function is very simple.  If the method execution fails for any reason, OR the object
 * is destroyed during execution, return false.  Otherwise, return true (indicating the object still exists AND
 * the method execution succeeded).
	/* Validate the pointer */
	if (!pQueue)
		return false;

	/* Perform the given member retrieval */
	case Queue:
		pQueue->Queue->Queue(argc, argv);
		QueueRelay(pQueue->IPCName, pQueue->Type->GetName(), pQueue->SubType, "Queue", argc, argv);
		return true;
	case Dequeue:
		QueueRelay(pQueue->IPCName, pQueue->Type->GetName(), pQueue->SubType, "Dequeue", argc, argv);
		return true;
	case Clear:
		QueueRelay(pQueue->IPCName, pQueue->Type->GetName(), pQueue->SubType, "Clear", argc, argv);
		return true;
	case Set:
	case SetIPCName:
			LSQueue *newQueue;
			strncpy(pQueue->IPCName, argv[0], sizeof(pQueue->IPCName));
				newQueue = new LSQueue(pQueue->Type, pQueue->SubType);
				AddQueue(pQueue->IPCName, newQueue);
			pQueue->Queue = newQueue;
			return true;
		return false;
	case GetIterator:
		LSOBJECT iteratorobject;
			//printf("%s %s %d", argv[0], pQueue->IPCName, pQueue->Queue->GetContainerUsed());
			if(pLSInterface->DataParse(argv[0], iteratorobject))
				return InitializeIterator(pQueue->Queue, 0, iteratorobject);
		return false;
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
// コンテキスト作成
bool InitializeContext()
	// Vulkanインスタンスを作成
		vk::ApplicationInfo appInfo;
		appInfo.pApplicationName = "VulkanSample";
		appInfo.pEngineName = "VulkanSample";
		appInfo.apiVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_0;

		// Extension
		const char* extensions[] = {
			VK_KHR_WIN32_SURFACE_EXTENSION_NAME,			// Windows用Extension
#if defined(_DEBUG)
			VK_EXT_DEBUG_REPORT_EXTENSION_NAME,				// デバッグレポート用Extension

		// インスタンス生成情報
		vk::InstanceCreateInfo createInfo;
		createInfo.pApplicationInfo = &appInfo;
		createInfo.enabledExtensionCount = ARRAYSIZE(extensions);
		createInfo.ppEnabledExtensionNames = extensions;
#if defined(_DEBUG)
		// デバッグ関連
		createInfo.enabledLayerCount = ARRAYSIZE(kDebugLayerNames);
		createInfo.ppEnabledLayerNames = kDebugLayerNames;

		// インスタンス生成
		g_VkInstance = vk::createInstance(createInfo);
		if (!g_VkInstance)
			return false;

	// 物理デバイス
	g_VkPhysicalDevice = g_VkInstance.enumeratePhysicalDevices()[0];
		struct Version {
			uint32_t patch : 12;
			uint32_t minor : 10;
			uint32_t major : 10;
		} _version;

		vk::PhysicalDeviceProperties deviceProperties = g_VkPhysicalDevice.getProperties();
		memcpy(&_version, &deviceProperties.apiVersion, sizeof(uint32_t));
		vk::PhysicalDeviceFeatures deviceFeatures = g_VkPhysicalDevice.getFeatures();
		vk::PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties deviceMemoryProperties = g_VkPhysicalDevice.getMemoryProperties();

		// プロパティやFeatureの確認はここで行う

	// Vulkan device
	uint32_t graphicsQueueIndex = 0;
		// グラフィクス用のキューを検索する
		graphicsQueueIndex = FindQueue(vk::QueueFlagBits::eGraphics);

		float queuePriorities[] = { 0.0f };
		vk::DeviceQueueCreateInfo queueCreateInfo;
		queueCreateInfo.queueFamilyIndex = graphicsQueueIndex;
		queueCreateInfo.queueCount = 1;
		queueCreateInfo.pQueuePriorities = queuePriorities;

		vk::PhysicalDeviceFeatures deviceFeatures = g_VkPhysicalDevice.getFeatures();

		const char* enabledExtensions[] = {
#if defined(_DEBUG)
		vk::DeviceCreateInfo deviceCreateInfo;
		deviceCreateInfo.queueCreateInfoCount = 1;
		deviceCreateInfo.pQueueCreateInfos = &queueCreateInfo;
		deviceCreateInfo.pEnabledFeatures = &deviceFeatures;
		deviceCreateInfo.enabledExtensionCount = (uint32_t)ARRAYSIZE(enabledExtensions);
		deviceCreateInfo.ppEnabledExtensionNames = enabledExtensions;
		deviceCreateInfo.enabledLayerCount = ARRAYSIZE(kDebugLayerNames);
		deviceCreateInfo.ppEnabledLayerNames = kDebugLayerNames;

		g_VkDevice = g_VkPhysicalDevice.createDevice(deviceCreateInfo);

#if defined(_DEBUG)
	// デバッグ用コールバック設定
		g_fCreateDebugReportCallback = (PFN_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(g_VkInstance, "vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT");
		g_fDestroyDebugReportCallback = (PFN_vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(g_VkInstance, "vkDestroyDebugReportCallbackEXT");
		g_fDebugBreakCallback = (PFN_vkDebugReportMessageEXT)vkGetInstanceProcAddr(g_VkInstance, "vkDebugReportMessageEXT");

		VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT dbgCreateInfo = {};
		vk::DebugReportFlagsEXT flags = vk::DebugReportFlagBitsEXT::eError | vk::DebugReportFlagBitsEXT::eWarning;
		dbgCreateInfo.pfnCallback = (PFN_vkDebugReportCallbackEXT)DebugMessageCallback;
		dbgCreateInfo.flags = flags.operator VkSubpassDescriptionFlags();

		VkResult err = g_fCreateDebugReportCallback(g_VkInstance, &dbgCreateInfo, nullptr, &g_fMsgCallback);

	g_VkPipelineCache = g_VkDevice.createPipelineCache(vk::PipelineCacheCreateInfo());
	g_VkQueue = g_VkDevice.getQueue(graphicsQueueIndex, 0);

	// コマンドプール作成
	vk::CommandPoolCreateInfo cmdPoolInfo;
	cmdPoolInfo.queueFamilyIndex = graphicsQueueIndex;
	cmdPoolInfo.flags = vk::CommandPoolCreateFlagBits::eResetCommandBuffer;
	g_VkCmdPool = g_VkDevice.createCommandPool(cmdPoolInfo);

	return true;