void SetSoundLoc(fixed gx,fixed gy) { fixed xt; fixef yt; int x=0; int y=0; // // translate point to view centered coordinates // gx -= viewx; gy -= viewy; // // calculate newx // xt = FixedByFrac(gx,viewcos); yt = FixedByFrac(gy,viewsin); x = (xt - yt) >> TILESHIFT; // // calculate newy // xt = FixedByFrac(gx,viewsin); yt = FixedByFrac(gy,viewcos); y = (yt + xt) >> TILESHIFT; if (y >= ATABLEMAX) y = ATABLEMAX - 1; else if (y <= -ATABLEMAX) y = -ATABLEMAX; if (x < 0) x = -x; if (x >= ATABLEMAX) x = ATABLEMAX - 1; leftchannel = lefttable[x][y + ATABLEMAX]; rightchannel = righttable[x][y + ATABLEMAX]; #if 0 CenterWindow(8,1); US_PrintSigned(leftchannel); US_Print(","); US_PrintSigned(rightchannel); VW_UpdateScreen(); #endif }
void PlayLoop (void) { id0_char_t shot_color[3] = {4,9,14}; id0_int_t allgems[5]={GEM_DELAY_TIME, // used for Q & D comparison GEM_DELAY_TIME, // for having all gems... GEM_DELAY_TIME, // the "allgems" declaration MUST GEM_DELAY_TIME, // match the "gems" declaration in GEM_DELAY_TIME // the gametype structure! }; // id0_int_t originx=0; // id0_int_t i=100; id0_signed_long_t dx,dy/*,radius*/,psin,pcos,newx,newy; //id0_int_t give; id0_short_t objnum; id0_signed_long_t ox,oy,xl,xh,yl,yh,px,py,norm_dx,norm_dy; id0_short_t o_radius; void (*think)(struct objstruct *); // REFKEEN: C++ patch ingame = true; SD_SetTimeCount(0); playstate = (exittype)0; //playstate = TimeCount = 0; gamestate.shotpower = handheight = 0; pointcount = pointsleft = 0; status_flag = S_NONE; #if 0 // setup sky/ground colors and effects (based on level) // switch (gamestate.mapon) { case 255: if (!(BGFLAGS & BGF_NIGHT)) { InitBgChange(3*60,sky_daytonight,-1,NULL,BGF_NIGHT); groundcolor = &gnd_colors[0]; } else { skycolor = &sky_colors[0]; groundcolor = &gnd_colors[0]; } break; default: skycolor = &sky_colors[gamestate.mapon]; groundcolor = &gnd_colors[gamestate.mapon]; skytimer = groundtimer = -1; break; } #endif BGFLAGS |= BGF_NOT_LIGHTNING; skytimer = groundtimer = -1; debug_gnd = *groundcolor; debug_sky = *skycolor; RedrawStatusWindow(); ThreeDRefresh(); if (screenfaded) VW_FadeIn(); #ifndef PROFILE fizzlein = true; // fizzle fade in the first refresh #endif /*TimeCount = */lasttimecount = lastnuke = 0; SD_SetTimeCount(0); PollControls (); // center mouse // StartMusic (); do { #ifndef PROFILE PollControls(); #else control.xaxis = 1; //if (++TimeCount == 300) // return; SD_AddToTimeCount(1); if (SD_GetTimeCount() == 300) return; #endif DisplayStatus(&status_flag); objnum=0; for (obj = player;obj;obj = obj->next) { if ((obj->active >= yes) && (!(FreezeTime && (obj!=player)))) { if (obj->ticcount) { obj->ticcount-=realtics; while ( obj->ticcount <= 0) { think = obj->state->thinkptr; if (think) { statetype *oldstate=obj->state; think (obj); if (!obj->state) { RemoveObj (obj); goto nextactor; } if (obj->state != oldstate) break; } obj->state = obj->state->next; if (!obj->state) { RemoveObj (obj); goto nextactor; } if (!obj->state->tictime) { obj->ticcount = 0; goto nextactor; } if (obj->state->tictime>0) obj->ticcount += obj->state->tictime; } } think = obj->state->thinkptr; if (think) { think (obj); if (!obj->state) RemoveObj (obj); } nextactor:; } // keep a list of objects around the player for radar updates // if (obj == player) { px = player->x; py = player->y; psin = sintable[player->angle]; pcos = costable[player->angle]; xl = px-((id0_long_t)RADAR_WIDTH<<TILESHIFT)/2; xh = px+((id0_long_t)RADAR_WIDTH<<TILESHIFT)/2-1; yl = py-((id0_long_t)RADAR_HEIGHT<<TILESHIFT)/2; yh = py+((id0_long_t)RADAR_HEIGHT<<TILESHIFT)/2; } if (objnum > MAX_RADAR_BLIPS-2) objnum = MAX_RADAR_BLIPS-2; ox = obj->x; oy = obj->y; if ((ox >= xl) && (ox <= xh) && (oy >= yl) && (oy <= yh)) { norm_dx = (dx = px-ox)>>TILESHIFT; norm_dy = (dy = oy-py)>>TILESHIFT; id0_int_t IntSqrt(id0_long_t va); o_radius = IntSqrt((norm_dx * norm_dx) + (norm_dy * norm_dy)); if (o_radius < RADAR_RADIUS) { newx = FixedByFrac(dy,pcos)-FixedByFrac(dx,psin); newy = FixedByFrac(dy,psin)+FixedByFrac(dx,pcos); RadarXY[objnum][0]=newx>>TILESHIFT; RadarXY[objnum][1]=newy>>TILESHIFT; // Define color to use for this object... // switch (obj->obclass) { // NO GEM NEEDED // // THE WIZARD! (YOU) // case playerobj: RadarXY[objnum++][2]=15; break; // WIZARD'S SHOTS // case pshotobj: case bigpshotobj: RadarXY[objnum++][2]=shot_color[screenpage]; break; // BATS (DK GRAY) // case batobj: if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=8; break; // RABBITS (LT GRAY) // case bunnyobj: if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=7; break; // RED GEM // // EYE, RED DEMON (DK RED) // case eyeobj: case reddemonobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_RGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=4; break; // RED MAGE (LT RED) // case mageobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_RGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=12; break; // BLUE GEM // // SUCCUBUS (LT BLUE) // case succubusobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_BGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=9; break; // WATER DRAGON (DK BLUE) // case wetobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_GGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=1; break; // GREEN GEM // // GREEN TROLL (LT GREEN) // case fatdemonobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_GGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=10; break; // GODESS (DK GREEN) // case godessobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_GGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=2; break; // YELLOW GEM // // ANT (BROWN) // case antobj: case treeobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_YGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=6; break; // SKELETON (YELLOW) // case skeletonobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_YGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=14; break; // PURPLE GEM // // ZOMBIE // case zombieobj: if (gamestate.gems[B_PGEM-B_RGEM]) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=13; break; // ALL GEMS NEEDED // // NEMESIS // case grelmobj: if (!memcmp(gamestate.gems,allgems,sizeof(gamestate.gems))) if (obj->active == always) RadarXY[objnum++][2]=15; break; } } } }