Exemplo n.º 1
void COptionsPage2::ChangeFont(CString strSection, CString strEntry, CString strDefaultFace, int nDefaultSize /*-1*/)
    //empty the logfont structure
    LOGFONT lf;
    ZeroMemory( &lf, sizeof(LOGFONT) );

    //read current setting
    lf.lfItalic = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt( strSection, strEntry + "Italic", 0 );
    lf.lfWeight = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt( strSection, strEntry + "Weight", 0 );
    strcpy( lf.lfFaceName, AfxGetApp()->GetProfileString( strSection, strEntry + "Face", strDefaultFace ) );
    if( nDefaultSize != -1 )
        lf.lfHeight = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt( strSection, strEntry + "Size", nDefaultSize );
        lf.lfHeight = 13;

    //display font dialog
    CFontDialog FontDlg( &lf, CF_SCREENFONTS|CF_NOSCRIPTSEL|(nDefaultSize==-1?CF_LIMITSIZE:0) );
    if( nDefaultSize == -1 ) FontDlg.m_cf.nSizeMin = FontDlg.m_cf.nSizeMax = 10;
    if( FontDlg.DoModal() == IDOK )
        AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt( strSection, strEntry + "Italic", lf.lfItalic );
        AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt( strSection, strEntry + "Weight", lf.lfWeight );
        AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString( strSection, strEntry + "Face", lf.lfFaceName );
        if( nDefaultSize != -1 ) AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt( strSection, strEntry + "Size", lf.lfHeight );
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL BlockTextFontDlg(POBJECT pObj, WINDOWINFO *pwi)
   blocktext *pT;
   BOOL      bResult;
   SIZEF     sizfx;
   pT = (blocktext *)pObj;
   bResult = FontDlg(pwi,&pT->fattrs,TRUE); /* Start the fontdialog.... */

   if (bResult && getFontDlgSizfx(&sizfx))
      pT->sizfx.fcx    = (float)sizfx.cx;
      pT->sizfx.fcy    = (float)sizfx.cy;
      pT->sizfx.fcx   /= (float)pwi->usWidth;
      pT->sizfx.fcy   /= (float)pwi->usHeight;
   return bResult;