Exemplo n.º 1
void Battle::OnUserBattleStatusUpdated( User &user, UserBattleStatus status )
    if ( IsFounderMe() )
			if ( ( &user != &GetMe() ) && !status.IsBot() && ( m_opts.rankneeded != UserStatus::RANK_1 ) && !status.spectator )
				if ( m_opts.rankneeded > UserStatus::RANK_1 && user.GetStatus().rank < m_opts.rankneeded )
					DoAction( _T("Rank limit autospec: ") + user.GetNick() );
					ForceSpectator( user, true );
				else if ( m_opts.rankneeded < UserStatus::RANK_1 && user.GetStatus().rank > ( -m_opts.rankneeded - 1 ) )
					DoAction( _T("Rank limit autospec: ") + user.GetNick() );
					ForceSpectator( user, true );
			UserBattleStatus previousstatus = user.BattleStatus();
			if ( m_opts.lockexternalbalancechanges )
				if ( previousstatus.team != status.team )
					 ForceTeam( user, previousstatus.team );
					 status.team = previousstatus.team;
				if ( previousstatus.ally != status.ally )
					ForceAlly( user, previousstatus.ally );
					status.ally = previousstatus.ally;
		IBattle::OnUserBattleStatusUpdated( user, status );
    if ( status.handicap != 0 )
		UiEvents::GetUiEventSender( UiEvents::OnBattleActionEvent ).SendEvent(
				UiEvents::OnBattleActionData( wxString(_T(" ")) , ( _T("Warning: user ") + user.GetNick() + _T(" got bonus ") ) << status.handicap )
		if ( IsFounderMe() )
			if ( ShouldAutoStart() )
				if ( sett().GetBattleLastAutoStartState() )
					if ( !spring().IsRunning() ) StartHostedBattle();
	if ( !GetMe().BattleStatus().spectator ) SetAutoUnspec(false); // we don't need auto unspec anymore
#ifndef SL_QT_MODE
	ui().OnUserBattleStatus( *this, user );
Exemplo n.º 2
void Battle::FixTeamIDs( BalanceType balance_type, bool support_clans, bool strong_clans, int numcontrolteams )
    wxLogMessage(_T("Autobalancing teams, type=%d, clans=%d, strong_clans=%d, numcontrolteams=%d"),balance_type, support_clans, strong_clans, numcontrolteams);
    //size_t i;
    //int num_alliances;
    std::vector<ControlTeam> control_teams;

	if ( numcontrolteams == 0 || numcontrolteams == -1 ) numcontrolteams = GetNumUsers() - GetSpectators(); // 0 or -1 -> use num players, will use comshare only if no available team slots
    IBattle::StartType position_type = (IBattle::StartType)s2l( CustomBattleOptions().getSingleValue( _T("startpostype"), OptionsWrapper::EngineOption ) );
    if ( ( position_type == ST_Fixed ) || ( position_type == ST_Random ) ) // if fixed start pos type or random, use max teams = start pos count
      	int mapposcount = LoadMap().info.positions.size();
        numcontrolteams = std::min( numcontrolteams, mapposcount );
      catch( assert_exception ) {}

    if ( numcontrolteams >= (int)( GetNumUsers() - GetSpectators() ) ) // autobalance behaves weird when trying to put one player per team and i CBA to fix it, so i'll reuse the old code :P
      // apparently tasserver doesnt like when i fix/force ids of everyone.
      std::set<int> allteams;
      size_t numusers = GetNumUsers();
      for( size_t i = 0; i < numusers; ++i )
        User &user = GetUser(i);
        if( !user.BattleStatus().spectator ) allteams.insert( user.BattleStatus().team );
      std::set<int> teams;
      int t = 0;
      for( size_t i = 0; i < GetNumUsers(); ++i )
        User &user = GetUser(i);
        if( !user.BattleStatus().spectator )
          if( teams.count( user.BattleStatus().team ) )
            while( allteams.count(t) || teams.count( t ) ) t++;
            ForceTeam( GetUser(i), t );
            teams.insert( t );
            teams.insert( user.BattleStatus().team );
    for ( int i = 0; i < numcontrolteams; i++ ) control_teams.push_back( ControlTeam( i ) );

    wxLogMessage(_T("number of teams: %u"), control_teams.size() );

    std::vector<User*> players_sorted;
    players_sorted.reserve( GetNumUsers() );

    int player_team_counter = 0;

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < GetNumUsers(); ++i ) // don't count spectators
        if ( !GetUser(i).BattleStatus().spectator )
            players_sorted.push_back( &GetUser(i) );
            // -- server fail? it doesnt work right.

    shuffle( players_sorted );

    std::map<wxString, ControlTeam> clan_teams;
    if ( support_clans )
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < players_sorted.size(); ++i )
            wxString clan = players_sorted[i]->GetClan();
            if ( !clan.empty() )
                clan_teams[clan].AddPlayer( players_sorted[i] );

    if ( balance_type != balance_random ) std::sort( players_sorted.begin(), players_sorted.end(), PlayerRankCompareFunction );

    if ( support_clans )
        std::map<wxString, ControlTeam>::iterator clan_it = clan_teams.begin();
        while ( clan_it != clan_teams.end() )
            ControlTeam &clan = (*clan_it).second;
            // if clan is too small (only 1 clan member in battle) or too big, dont count it as clan
            if ( ( clan.players.size() < 2 ) || ( !strong_clans && ( clan.players.size() >  ( ( players_sorted.size() + control_teams.size() -1 ) / control_teams.size() ) ) ) )
                wxLogMessage(_T("removing clan %s"),(*clan_it).first.c_str());
                std::map<wxString, ControlTeam>::iterator next = clan_it;
                clan_teams.erase( clan_it );
                clan_it = next;
            wxLogMessage( _T("Inserting clan %s"), (*clan_it).first.c_str() );
            std::sort( control_teams.begin(), control_teams.end() );
            float lowestrank = control_teams[0].ranksum;
            int rnd_k = 1; // number of alliances with rank equal to lowestrank
            while ( size_t( rnd_k ) < control_teams.size() )
                if ( fabs( control_teams[rnd_k].ranksum - lowestrank ) > 0.01 ) break;
            wxLogMessage(_T("number of lowestrank teams with same rank=%d"), rnd_k );
            control_teams[my_random( rnd_k )].AddTeam( clan );

    for (size_t i = 0; i < players_sorted.size(); ++i )
        // skip clanners, those have been added already.
        if ( clan_teams.count( players_sorted[i]->GetClan() ) > 0 )
            wxLogMessage( _T("clanner already added, nick=%s"),players_sorted[i]->GetNick().c_str() );

        // find teams with lowest ranksum
        // insert current user into random one out of them
        // since performance doesnt matter here, i simply sort teams,
        // then find how many teams in beginning have lowest ranksum
        // note that balance player ranks range from 1 to 1.1 now
        // i.e. them are quasi equal
        // so we're essentially adding to teams with smallest number of players,
        // the one with smallest ranksum.

        std::sort( control_teams.begin(), control_teams.end() );
        float lowestrank = control_teams[0].ranksum;
        int rnd_k = 1; // number of alliances with rank equal to lowestrank
        while ( size_t( rnd_k ) < control_teams.size() )
            if ( fabs ( control_teams[rnd_k].ranksum - lowestrank ) > 0.01 ) break;
        wxLogMessage( _T("number of lowestrank teams with same rank=%d"), rnd_k );
        control_teams[my_random( rnd_k )].AddPlayer( players_sorted[i] );

    for ( size_t i=0; i < control_teams.size(); ++i )
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < control_teams[i].players.size(); ++j )
            ASSERT_LOGIC( control_teams[i].players[j], _T("fail in Autobalance teams, NULL player") );
            wxString msg = wxString::Format( _T("setting player %s to team and ally %d"), control_teams[i].players[j]->GetNick().c_str(), i );
            wxLogMessage( _T("%s"), msg.c_str() );
            ForceTeam( *control_teams[i].players[j], control_teams[i].teamnum );
            ForceAlly( *control_teams[i].players[j], control_teams[i].teamnum );
Exemplo n.º 3
void Battle::Autobalance( BalanceType balance_type, bool support_clans, bool strong_clans, int numallyteams )
    wxLogMessage(_T("Autobalancing alliances, type=%d, clans=%d, strong_clans=%d, numallyteams=%d"),balance_type, support_clans,strong_clans, numallyteams);
    //size_t i;
    //int num_alliances;
	if ( numallyteams == 0 || numallyteams == -1 ) // 0 or 1 -> use num start rects
        int ally = 0;
        for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < GetNumRects(); ++i )
            BattleStartRect sr = GetStartRect(i);
            if ( sr.IsOk() )
                alliances.push_back( Alliance( ally ) );
        // make at least two alliances
        while ( alliances.size() < 2 )
            alliances.push_back( Alliance( ally ) );
        for ( int i = 0; i < numallyteams; i++ ) alliances.push_back( Alliance( i ) );


    wxLogMessage( _T("number of alliances: %u"), alliances.size() );

    std::vector<User*> players_sorted;
    players_sorted.reserve( GetNumUsers() );

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < GetNumUsers(); ++i )
        User& usr = GetUser( i );
        if ( !usr.BattleStatus().spectator )
            players_sorted.push_back( &usr );

    // remove players in the same team so only one remains
    std::map< int, User*> dedupe_teams;
    for ( std::vector<User*>::iterator it = players_sorted.begin(); it != players_sorted.end(); it++ )
        dedupe_teams[(*it)->BattleStatus().team] = *it;
    players_sorted.reserve( dedupe_teams.size() );
    for ( std::map<int, User*>::iterator it = dedupe_teams.begin(); it != dedupe_teams.end(); it++ )
        players_sorted.push_back( it->second );

    shuffle( players_sorted );

    std::map<wxString, Alliance> clan_alliances;
    if ( support_clans )
        for ( size_t i=0; i < players_sorted.size(); ++i )
            wxString clan = players_sorted[i]->GetClan();
            if ( !clan.empty() )
                clan_alliances[clan].AddPlayer( players_sorted[i] );

    if ( balance_type != balance_random ) std::sort( players_sorted.begin(), players_sorted.end(), PlayerRankCompareFunction );

    if ( support_clans )
        std::map<wxString, Alliance>::iterator clan_it = clan_alliances.begin();
        while ( clan_it != clan_alliances.end() )
            Alliance &clan = (*clan_it).second;
            // if clan is too small (only 1 clan member in battle) or too big, dont count it as clan
            if ( ( clan.players.size() < 2 ) || ( !strong_clans && ( clan.players.size() > ( ( players_sorted.size() + alliances.size() -1 ) / alliances.size() ) ) ) )
                wxLogMessage( _T("removing clan %s"), (*clan_it).first.c_str() );
                std::map<wxString, Alliance>::iterator next = clan_it;
                clan_alliances.erase( clan_it );
                clan_it = next;
            wxLogMessage( _T("Inserting clan %s"), (*clan_it).first.c_str() );
            std::sort( alliances.begin(), alliances.end() );
            float lowestrank = alliances[0].ranksum;
            int rnd_k = 1;// number of alliances with rank equal to lowestrank
            while ( size_t( rnd_k ) < alliances.size() )
                if ( fabs( alliances[rnd_k].ranksum - lowestrank ) > 0.01 ) break;
            wxLogMessage( _T("number of lowestrank alliances with same rank=%d"), rnd_k );
            alliances[my_random( rnd_k )].AddAlliance( clan );

    for ( size_t i = 0; i < players_sorted.size(); ++i )
        // skip clanners, those have been added already.
        if ( clan_alliances.count( players_sorted[i]->GetClan() ) > 0 )
            wxLogMessage( _T("clanner already added, nick=%s"), players_sorted[i]->GetNick().c_str() );

        // find alliances with lowest ranksum
        // insert current user into random one out of them
        // since performance doesnt matter here, i simply sort alliances,
        // then find how many alliances in beginning have lowest ranksum
        // note that balance player ranks range from 1 to 1.1 now
        // i.e. them are quasi equal
        // so we're essentially adding to alliance with smallest number of players,
        // the one with smallest ranksum.

        std::sort( alliances.begin(), alliances.end() );
        float lowestrank = alliances[0].ranksum;
        int rnd_k = 1;// number of alliances with rank equal to lowestrank
        while ( size_t( rnd_k ) < alliances.size() )
            if ( fabs( alliances[rnd_k].ranksum - lowestrank ) > 0.01 ) break;
        wxLogMessage( _T("number of lowestrank alliances with same rank=%d"), rnd_k );
        alliances[my_random( rnd_k )].AddPlayer( players_sorted[i] );

    UserList::user_map_t::size_type totalplayers = GetNumUsers();
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < alliances.size(); ++i )
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < alliances[i].players.size(); ++j )
            ASSERT_LOGIC( alliances[i].players[j], _T("fail in Autobalance, NULL player") );
            int balanceteam = alliances[i].players[j]->BattleStatus().team;
            wxLogMessage( _T("setting team %d to alliance %d"), balanceteam, i );
            for ( size_t h = 0; h < totalplayers; h++ ) // change ally num of all players in the team
              User& usr = GetUser( h );
              if ( usr.BattleStatus().team == balanceteam ) ForceAlly( usr, alliances[i].allynum );