Exemplo n.º 1
void PrintMemory()
	bool MonitoringState = MonitoringEnabled;
	MonitoringEnabled = false;

	if (CallNewDeleteVector || CallNewDeleteScalar || AllocatedMemoryBlocks || AllocatedMemorySize)
		std::wostringstream oss;
		oss << L"Memory leaks detected:" << std::endl;
		if (CallNewDeleteVector)
			oss << L"  delete[]:   " << CallNewDeleteVector << std::endl;
		if (CallNewDeleteScalar)
			oss << L"  delete:     " << CallNewDeleteScalar << std::endl;
		if (AllocatedMemoryBlocks)
			oss << L"Total blocks: " << AllocatedMemoryBlocks << std::endl;
		if (AllocatedMemorySize)
			oss << L"Total bytes:  " << AllocatedMemorySize - AllocatedMemoryBlocks * sizeof(MEMINFO) <<  L" payload, " << AllocatedMemoryBlocks * sizeof(MEMINFO) << L" overhead" << std::endl;
		oss << std::endl;

		oss << "Not freed blocks:" << std::endl;

		std::wcerr << oss.str();

		for(auto i = FirstMemBlock.next; i; i = i->next)
			oss << FormatLine(i->File, i->Line, i->Function, i->AllocationType, i->Size - sizeof(MEMINFO)).data() << std::endl;
			std::wcerr << oss.str();
	MonitoringEnabled = MonitoringState;
Exemplo n.º 2
void PacketLogger::FormatLine(
char* into, const char* dir, const char* type, unsigned int packet, unsigned int frame, unsigned char id
, const BitSize_t bitLen, unsigned long long time, const SystemAddress& local, const SystemAddress& remote,
unsigned int splitPacketId, unsigned int splitPacketIndex, unsigned int splitPacketCount, unsigned int orderingIndex)
	char numericID[16];
	const char* idToPrint = NULL;
		if (splitPacketCount>0)
			idToPrint="(SPLIT PACKET)";
			idToPrint =	IDTOString(id);
	// If printId is false, idToPrint will be NULL, as it will
	// in the case of an unrecognized id. Testing printId for false
	// would just be redundant.
	if(idToPrint == NULL)
		sprintf(numericID, "%5u", id);
		idToPrint = numericID;

	FormatLine(into, dir, type, packet, frame, idToPrint, bitLen, time, local, remote,splitPacketId,splitPacketIndex,splitPacketCount, orderingIndex);
Exemplo n.º 3
void PacketLogger::OnInternalPacket(InternalPacket *internalPacket, unsigned frameNumber, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress, RakNetTime time, bool isSend)
    char str[256];
    const char* sendType = (isSend) ? "Snd" : "Rcv";
    SystemAddress localSystemAddress = rakPeer->GetInternalID();

    // TODO - put this back in a different form
    if (internalPacket->isAcknowledgement)
    	if (printAcks)
    		if (printId==false)
    			sprintf(str, "%s,Ack,%5i,%5i,  NIL,    1,%i,%u:%i,%u:%i\n",sendType, internalPacket->messageNumber,frameNumber,time,
    			localSystemAddress.binaryAddress, localSystemAddress.port, remoteSystemAddress.binaryAddress, remoteSystemAddress.port);
    			sprintf(str, "%s,Ack,%i,%i,NIL,1,%i,%u:%i,%u:%i\n",sendType, internalPacket->messageNumber,frameNumber,time,
    			localSystemAddress.binaryAddress, localSystemAddress.port, remoteSystemAddress.binaryAddress, remoteSystemAddress.port);
        if (internalPacket->data[0]==ID_TIMESTAMP && internalPacket->data[sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(RakNetTime)]!=ID_RPC)
            FormatLine(str, sendType, "Tms", internalPacket->messageNumber, frameNumber, internalPacket->data[1+sizeof(int)], internalPacket->dataBitLength, (unsigned long long)time, localSystemAddress, remoteSystemAddress, internalPacket->splitPacketId, internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket->splitPacketCount, internalPacket->orderingIndex);
        else if (internalPacket->data[0]==ID_RPC || (internalPacket->dataBitLength>(sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(RakNetTime))*8 && internalPacket->data[0]==ID_TIMESTAMP && internalPacket->data[sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(RakNetTime)]==ID_RPC))
            const char *uniqueIdentifier = rakPeer->GetRPCString((const char*) internalPacket->data, internalPacket->dataBitLength, isSend==true ? remoteSystemAddress : UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);

            if (internalPacket->data[0]==ID_TIMESTAMP)
                FormatLine(str, sendType, "RpT", internalPacket->messageNumber, frameNumber, uniqueIdentifier, internalPacket->dataBitLength, (unsigned long long)time, localSystemAddress, remoteSystemAddress, internalPacket->splitPacketId, internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket->splitPacketCount, internalPacket->orderingIndex);
                FormatLine(str, sendType, "Rpc", internalPacket->messageNumber, frameNumber, uniqueIdentifier, internalPacket->dataBitLength, (unsigned long long)time, localSystemAddress, remoteSystemAddress, internalPacket->splitPacketId, internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket->splitPacketCount, internalPacket->orderingIndex);
            FormatLine(str, sendType, "Nrm", internalPacket->messageNumber, frameNumber, internalPacket->data[0], internalPacket->dataBitLength, (unsigned long long)time, localSystemAddress, remoteSystemAddress, internalPacket->splitPacketId, internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket->splitPacketCount, internalPacket->orderingIndex);

Exemplo n.º 4
void PacketLogger::OnDirectSocketSend(const char *data, const BitSize_t bitsUsed, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress)
	if (logDirectMessages==false)

	char str[256];
	FormatLine(str, "Snd", "Raw", 0, 0, data[0], bitsUsed, RakNet::GetTime(), rakPeerInterface->GetExternalID(remoteSystemAddress), remoteSystemAddress, (unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1);
Exemplo n.º 5
void PacketLogger::OnInternalPacket(InternalPacket *internalPacket, unsigned frameNumber, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress, RakNetTime time, int isSend)
	char str[256];
	const char *sendTypes[] =
	const char *sendType = sendTypes[isSend];
	SystemAddress localSystemAddress = rakPeerInterface->GetExternalID(remoteSystemAddress);

	if (internalPacket->data[0]==ID_TIMESTAMP && internalPacket->data[sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(RakNetTime)]!=ID_RPC)
		FormatLine(str, sendType, "Tms", internalPacket->reliableMessageNumber, frameNumber, internalPacket->data[1+sizeof(int)], internalPacket->dataBitLength, (unsigned long long)time, localSystemAddress, remoteSystemAddress, internalPacket->splitPacketId, internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket->splitPacketCount, internalPacket->orderingIndex);
	else if (internalPacket->data[0]==ID_RPC || (internalPacket->dataBitLength>(sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(RakNetTime))*8 && internalPacket->data[0]==ID_TIMESTAMP && internalPacket->data[sizeof(unsigned char)+sizeof(RakNetTime)]==ID_RPC))
		const char *uniqueIdentifier = rakPeerInterface->GetRPCString((const char*) internalPacket->data, internalPacket->dataBitLength, isSend==1 ? remoteSystemAddress : UNASSIGNED_SYSTEM_ADDRESS);

		if (internalPacket->data[0]==ID_TIMESTAMP)
			FormatLine(str, sendType, "RpT", internalPacket->reliableMessageNumber, frameNumber, uniqueIdentifier, internalPacket->dataBitLength, (unsigned long long)time, localSystemAddress, remoteSystemAddress, internalPacket->splitPacketId, internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket->splitPacketCount, internalPacket->orderingIndex);
			FormatLine(str, sendType, "Rpc", internalPacket->reliableMessageNumber, frameNumber, uniqueIdentifier, internalPacket->dataBitLength, (unsigned long long)time, localSystemAddress, remoteSystemAddress, internalPacket->splitPacketId, internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket->splitPacketCount, internalPacket->orderingIndex);
		FormatLine(str, sendType, "Nrm", internalPacket->reliableMessageNumber, frameNumber, internalPacket->data[0], internalPacket->dataBitLength, (unsigned long long)time, localSystemAddress, remoteSystemAddress, internalPacket->splitPacketId, internalPacket->splitPacketIndex, internalPacket->splitPacketCount, internalPacket->orderingIndex);

Exemplo n.º 6
	far_bad_alloc(const char* File, int Line, const char* Function, ALLOCATION_TYPE Type, size_t Size) noexcept
		if (!inside_far_bad_alloc)
			inside_far_bad_alloc = true;
				m_What = "bad allocation at " + FormatLine(File, Line, Function, Type, Size);
			catch (...)
			inside_far_bad_alloc = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Sends gcode command.  Performs formating and waits for reply.  The line starts at command_scratch + max_command_prefix.  If buffer_response, the reply is entered into the response_buffer.
char *PrinterSerial::SendCommand( void ) {
  char *formated;
  char *recvd;
  bool send_text = true;

  if ( ( formated = FormatLine() ) == NULL ) {
    // Printer can't handle blank lines
    // Don't send them, just return an "ok" response
    // They won't show up in the log, since no data was actually sent
    char *loc = recv_buffer;
    *loc++ = 'o';
    *loc++ = 'k';
    *loc++ = '\n';
    *loc++ = '\0';
    return recv_buffer;

  while ( true ) {
    if ( send_text ) {
      if ( ! SendText( formated ) )
	return NULL;

    if ( ( recvd = RecvLine() ) == NULL )
      return NULL;

    if ( strncasecmp( recvd, "ok", 2 ) == 0 || strncasecmp( recvd, "!!", 2 ) == 0 ) {
      return recvd;

    if ( strncasecmp( recvd, "rs", 2 ) == 0 || strncasecmp( recvd, "resend:", 7 ) == 0 ) {
      // Checksum error, resend the line
      send_text = true;
    } else {
      send_text = false;
Exemplo n.º 8
static int OnKeyPressed(void *wnd, int key)
  GEM_WINDOW    *gwnd = (GEM_WINDOW *) wnd ;
  HEX_DUMP      *hex_dump = (HEX_DUMP *) gwnd->Extension ;
  long          old_xcursor, old_ycursor, old_ystart, offset ;
  int           htline, code = GW_EVTCONTINUEROUTING ;
  unsigned char new_val, input_valid = 0, plus = 0 ;

  old_xcursor = hex_dump->xcursor ;
  old_ycursor = hex_dump->ycursor ;
  old_ystart  = hex_dump->ystart ;
  ShowCursor( gwnd, 0 ) ;
  switch( key )
	case FERMER      : gwnd->OnClose( gwnd ) ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
				  	   break ;

	case SAUVE       : SaveFile( gwnd, 0 ) ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
					   break ;

	case SAUVES      : SaveFile( gwnd, 1 ) ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
  					   break ;

    case CURSOR_RT :   hex_dump->xcursor++ ;
                       if ( hex_dump->xcursor >= hex_dump->sizeof_raw_offset_array ) hex_dump->xcursor = hex_dump->sizeof_raw_offset_array - 1 ;
                       plus = 1 ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ;

    case CURSOR_SLT :  hex_dump->xcursor = SearchNextBlock( hex_dump, hex_dump->xcursor, -1L ) ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ;

    case CURSOR_LT :   hex_dump->xcursor-- ;
                       if ( hex_dump->xcursor < 0 ) hex_dump->xcursor = 0 ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ;

    case CURSOR_SRT :  hex_dump->xcursor = SearchNextBlock( hex_dump, hex_dump->xcursor, 1L ) ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ;

    case CURSOR_UP :   hex_dump->ycursor-- ;
                       if ( hex_dump->ycursor < 0 ) hex_dump->ycursor = 0 ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ;

    case CURSOR_SUP :  hex_dump->ystart  -= hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window ;
                       hex_dump->ycursor -= hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ; 

    case CURSOR_DN :   hex_dump->ycursor++ ;
                       if ( hex_dump->ycursor > hex_dump->total_nb_lines ) hex_dump->ycursor = hex_dump->total_nb_lines ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ;

    case CURSOR_SDN :  hex_dump->ystart  += hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window ;
                       hex_dump->ycursor += hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window ;
                       code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ; 

    default         :  offset = GetOffset( hex_dump, GetRawOffsetForXCursor( hex_dump, hex_dump->xcursor ), hex_dump->ycursor ) ;
                       key   &= 0xFF ;
                       input_valid = KeyPressed( hex_dump, offset, key, &new_val ) ;
                       if ( input_valid )
                         int xy[4] ;

                         hex_dump->raw_data[offset] = new_val ;
                         FormatLine( hex_dump, hex_dump->ycursor ) ;
                         hex_dump->xcursor++ ;
                         if ( hex_dump->xcursor >= hex_dump->sizeof_raw_offset_array ) hex_dump->xcursor = hex_dump->sizeof_raw_offset_array - 1 ;
                         htline = hex_dump->h_char + hex_dump->interline ;
                         GWGetWorkXYWH( gwnd, &xy[0], &xy[1], &xy[2], &xy[3] ) ;
                         xy[1] += (int)( hex_dump->ycursor - hex_dump->ystart ) * htline ;
                         xy[3]  = htline ;
                         v_hide_c( handle ) ;
                         OnDraw( gwnd, xy ) ;
                         v_show_c( handle, 1 ) ;
                         plus = 1 ;
                         SetModif( gwnd, 1 ) ;
                         code = GW_EVTSTOPROUTING ;
                       break ;

  CheckYCursorValid( hex_dump ) ;
  CheckXCursorValid( hex_dump, plus ) ;
  CheckValid( hex_dump ) ;

  if ( ( old_xcursor != hex_dump->xcursor ) || ( old_ycursor != hex_dump->ycursor ) ) SmartInfos( gwnd ) ;
  if ( old_ystart != hex_dump->ystart ) SmartRePaint( gwnd, old_ystart ) ;

  return( code ) ;
Exemplo n.º 9
static void SmartRePaint(GEM_WINDOW *gwnd, long old_ystart)
  HEX_DUMP      *hex_dump = (HEX_DUMP *) gwnd->Extension ;
  long          i, dy, line_size ;
  int           xy[8], xyr[8], xyc[4] ;
  int           rx, ry, rw, rh, x, y, w, h  ;
  int           htline ;
  int           smart_possible = 0 ;
  unsigned char *fmt_txt = (unsigned char*)hex_dump->formatted_txt + hex_dump->nb_max_lines_on_window * sizeof(char*) ;

  wind_get( gwnd->window_handle, WF_FIRSTXYWH, &rx, &ry, &rw, &rh ) ;
  GWGetWorkXYWH( gwnd, &x, &y, &w, &h ) ;
  if ( ( rx == x ) && ( ry == y ) && ( rw == w ) && ( rh == h ) ) smart_possible = 1 ;

  hex_dump->ystart_fmt = hex_dump->ystart ;
  if ( smart_possible )
    line_size = 1L + hex_dump->total_nb_char_on_line ;
    htline    = hex_dump->h_char + hex_dump->interline ;
    dy        = hex_dump->ystart - old_ystart ;
    if ( labs( dy ) < hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window )
      xy[0]  = xy[4] = xyr[0] = x ;
      xy[2]  = xy[6] = xyr[2] = x + w - 1 ;
      if ( dy > 0 )
        xy[1]  = y + (int)dy * htline ;
        xy[3]  = y + (int)hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window * htline - 1 ;
        xy[5]  = y ;
        xy[7]  = y + (int)( hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window - dy ) * htline - 1 ;
        xyr[1] = 1 + xy[7] ;
        xyr[3] = (int)dy * htline - 1 ;
        memmove( fmt_txt, fmt_txt + dy * line_size, ( hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window - dy ) * line_size ) ;
        for ( i = dy; i > 0; i-- ) FormatLine( hex_dump, old_ystart + hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window + i - 1 ) ;
        xy[1]  = y ;
        xy[3]  = y + (int)( hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window + dy ) * htline - 1 ;
        xy[5]  = y - (int)dy * htline ;
        xy[7]  = y + (int)hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window * htline - 1 ;
        xyr[1] = xy[1] ;
        xyr[3] = (int)( hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window + dy ) * htline  - 1 ;
        memmove( fmt_txt - dy * line_size, fmt_txt, ( hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window + dy ) * line_size ) ;
        for ( i = dy; i < 0; i++ ) FormatLine( hex_dump, old_ystart + i ) ;
      v_hide_c( handle ) ;
      vro_cpyfm( handle, S_ONLY, xy, &screen, &screen ) ;
      xyc[0] = x ; xyc[1] = y ; xyc[2] = x + w - 1 ; xyc[3] = y + h - 1 ;
      vs_clip( handle, 1, xyc ) ;
      OnDraw( gwnd, xyr ) ;
      vs_clip( handle, 0, xyc ) ;
      v_show_c( handle, 1 ) ;
    else smart_possible = 0 ;

  if ( !smart_possible )
    for ( i = hex_dump->ystart_fmt; i < hex_dump->ystart_fmt + hex_dump->nb_lines_on_window; i++ )
      FormatLine( hex_dump, i ) ;
    GWRePaint( gwnd ) ;
  UpdateVSlider( gwnd ) ;
Exemplo n.º 10
GEM_WINDOW *CreateHexDump(char *filename)
  HEX_DUMP      tmp_hex_dump ;
  GEM_WINDOW    *gwnd ;
  long          i, size, modulo ;
  int           xywh[4], cxywh[4] ;
  int           wkind ;
  char          buf[300] ;
  unsigned char *c ;

  if ( !config.w_info ) wkind &= ~INFO ;
  wkind |= SMALLER ;
  gwnd   = GWCreateWindow( wkind, sizeof(HEX_DUMP), HEXDUMP_CLASSNAME ) ;
  if ( gwnd )
    HEX_DUMP *hex_dump = (HEX_DUMP *) gwnd->Extension ;
    FILE     *stream ;
    long     len, alloc_size ;
    int      w, h, xo, yo, wo, ho ;

    strcpy( hex_dump->filename, filename ) ;
    stream = fopen( filename, "rb" ) ;
    if ( stream == NULL )
      GWDestroyWindow( gwnd ) ;
      form_stop(1, msg[MSG_FILENOTEXIST]) ;
      return( NULL ) ;
    hex_dump->len = filelength( fileno( stream ) ) ;
    for ( len = hex_dump->len, w = 0; w < 8; w++, len >>= 4, hex_dump->nb_digits++ )
      if ( len == 0 ) break ;

    BuildFormatLine( hex_dump, DT_MIXED ) ;
    alloc_size                 = hex_dump->len ;
    modulo                     = alloc_size % hex_dump->nb_raw_bytes_on_line ;
    if ( modulo ) alloc_size  += hex_dump->nb_raw_bytes_on_line ;
    hex_dump->raw_data         = (unsigned char *) malloc( alloc_size ) ;
    if ( hex_dump->raw_data == NULL )
      fclose( stream ) ;
      GWDestroyWindow( gwnd ) ;
      form_error( 8 ) ;
      return( NULL ) ;

    if ( modulo )
      modulo = hex_dump->nb_raw_bytes_on_line - modulo ;
      memset( &hex_dump->raw_data[hex_dump->len], ' ', modulo ) ;
      hex_dump->modulo = modulo ;
    hex_dump->ttype.hcar      = 13 ;
    hex_dump->ttype.angle     = 0 ;
    hex_dump->ttype.font      = 1 ;
    hex_dump->ttype.color     = 1 ;
    hex_dump->ttype.attribute = 0 ;
    hex_dump->ttype.hdisp     = 0 ;
    hex_dump->ttype.vdisp     = 5 ;
    set_texttype( &hex_dump->ttype ) ;
    hex_dump->w_char                = hex_dump->ttype.wcell ;
    hex_dump->h_char                = hex_dump->ttype.hcell ;
    hex_dump->interline             = 0 ;
    hex_dump->total_nb_char_on_line = hex_dump->nb_char_on_line ;
    hex_dump->total_nb_lines        = hex_dump->len / (long)hex_dump->nb_raw_bytes_on_line ;
    if ( hex_dump->len % hex_dump->nb_char_on_line ) hex_dump->total_nb_lines++ ;
    c = hex_dump->raw_data ;
    sprintf( buf, hex_dump->fmt, 0L, c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7], c[8], c[9], c[10], c[11], c[12], c[13], c[14], c[15] ) ;
    hex_dump->nb_bytes_for_hexa_dump = (int) strlen( buf ) ;

    BuildFormatLine( hex_dump, DT_MIXED ) ;
    w = hex_dump->nb_char_on_line * hex_dump->w_char ;
    h = (int) ((90L * (long)(Ymax-yopen)) / 100L) ;
    h = SetupNbLines( hex_dump, h ) ;

    cxywh[0] = xdesk ; cxywh[1] = ydesk ;
    cxywh[2] = wdesk ; cxywh[3] = hdesk ;
    wind_calc( WC_WORK, gwnd->window_kind, cxywh[0], cxywh[1], cxywh[2], cxywh[3], &xywh[0], &xywh[1], &xywh[2], &xywh[3] ) ;
    memcpy( &tmp_hex_dump, hex_dump, sizeof(HEX_DUMP) ) ;
    SetupNbLines( &tmp_hex_dump, xywh[3] ) ;
    hex_dump->nb_max_lines_on_window = tmp_hex_dump.nb_lines_on_window ;

    size = (sizeof(char*) + (long)hex_dump->total_nb_char_on_line + 1L) * hex_dump->nb_max_lines_on_window ;
    hex_dump->formatted_txt = (unsigned char**) calloc( 1, size ) ;
    if ( hex_dump->formatted_txt == NULL )
      free( hex_dump->raw_data ) ;
      GWDestroyWindow( gwnd ) ;
      form_error( 8 ) ;
      return( NULL ) ;
    open_where( gwnd->window_kind, w, h, &xo, &yo, &wo, &ho ) ;
    if ( GWOpenWindow( gwnd, xo, yo, wo, ho ) != 0 )
      free( hex_dump->formatted_txt ) ;
      free( hex_dump->raw_data ) ;
      GWDestroyWindow( gwnd ) ;
      form_stop(1, msg[MSG_NOMOREWINDOW]) ;
      return( NULL ) ;

    AttachHexDumpToWindow( gwnd ) ;

    if ( hex_dump->len > 512L*1024L )
      size_t offset = 0 ;
      size_t packet_size = 64L*1024L ;
      int    pc ;

      while ( !feof( stream) && ( offset < hex_dump->len ) )
        offset += fread( &hex_dump->raw_data[offset], sizeof(char), packet_size, stream ) ;
        pc      = (int) (( 100L * offset ) / hex_dump->len) ;
        gwnd->ProgPc( gwnd, pc, "" ) ;
      GWSetWindowInfo( gwnd, "" ) ;
    else fread( hex_dump->raw_data, hex_dump->len, 1, stream ) ;
    fclose( stream ) ;

    c = (unsigned char*) hex_dump->formatted_txt + hex_dump->nb_max_lines_on_window * sizeof(char*) ;
    hex_dump->ystart_fmt = 0 ;
    for ( i = hex_dump->ystart_fmt; i < hex_dump->ystart_fmt + hex_dump->nb_max_lines_on_window; i++, c += 1L + hex_dump->total_nb_char_on_line )
      hex_dump->formatted_txt[i] = c ;
      FormatLine( hex_dump, i ) ;
/*    CreateTestFile( "I:\\DUMP.HEX" ) ;*/

  return( gwnd ) ;
Exemplo n.º 11
int CG16bitFont::BreakText (const CString &sText, int cxWidth, TArray<CString> *retLines, DWORD dwFlags) const

//	BreakText
//	Splits the given string into multiple lines so that they fit
//	in the given width

	char *pPos = sText.GetASCIIZPointer();
	char *pStartLine = pPos;
	int iCharsInLine = 0;
	char *pStartWord = pPos;
	int iCharsInWord = 0;
	int cxWordWidth = 0;
	int cxRemainingWidth = cxWidth;
	int iLines = 0;

	//	Can't handle 0 widths

	if (cxWidth == 0)
		return 0;

	//	Smart quotes

	bool bInSmartQuotes = false;
	bool *ioInSmartQuotes;
	if (dwFlags & SmartQuotes)
		ioInSmartQuotes = &bInSmartQuotes;
		ioInSmartQuotes = NULL;

	//	If we need to truncate, then we need to adjust the width

	if (dwFlags & TruncateLine)
		cxWidth -= MeasureText(STR_ELLIPSIS);
		if (cxWidth < 0)
			return 0;

	//	Do it

	bool bTruncate = false;
	while (*pPos != '\0')
		//	If we've got a carriage return then we immediately end
		//	the line.

		if (*pPos == '\n')
			//	Add the current word to the line

			iCharsInLine += iCharsInWord;

			//	Add the line to the array

			FormatLine(pStartLine, iCharsInLine, ioInSmartQuotes, retLines);

			//	Reset the line and word

			pStartLine = pPos + 1;
			pStartWord = pStartLine;
			iCharsInLine = 0;
			iCharsInWord = 0;
			cxWordWidth = 0;
			cxRemainingWidth = cxWidth;

			//	Reset smartquotes (sometimes we end a paragraph without closing
			//	a quote. In that case, we need to start with an open quote).

			bInSmartQuotes = false;

			//	If we're truncating, we're out of here (we don't add an ellipsis)

			if (dwFlags & TruncateLine)

		//	Otherwise, continue by trying to add the character to the word

			char chChar = *pPos;
			if (chChar == '"' && ioInSmartQuotes) chChar = '“';

			//	Get the metrics for the character

			int iIndex = (int)(BYTE)chChar - g_iStartChar;
			iIndex = max(0, iIndex);

			CharMetrics *pMetrics = (CharMetrics *)m_Metrics.GetStruct(iIndex);

			//	Does the character fit in the line?

			bool bCharFits = ((cxRemainingWidth - cxWordWidth) >= pMetrics->cxWidth);

			//	If the character doesn't fit, then we've reached the end
			//	of the line.

			if (!bCharFits)
				//	If the character is a space then the entire word should
				//	fit on the line

				if (*pPos == ' ')
					iCharsInLine += iCharsInWord;

					//	Reset the word

					pStartWord = pPos + 1;
					iCharsInWord = 0;
					cxWordWidth = 0;

				//	If this is the first word in the line then we need to break
				//	up the word across lines.

				if (iCharsInLine == 0)
					//	Add what we've got to the array

					FormatLine(pStartWord, iCharsInWord, ioInSmartQuotes, retLines);

					//	Reset the word

					pStartWord = pPos;
					iCharsInWord = 1;
					cxWordWidth = pMetrics->cxAdvance;

				//	Otherwise, add the line to the array

					FormatLine(pStartLine, iCharsInLine, ioInSmartQuotes, retLines);

					//	Reset the line

					pStartLine = pStartWord;
					iCharsInLine = 0;
					cxRemainingWidth = cxWidth;

					//	Add the character that didn't fit to the word

					if (*pPos != ' ')
						cxWordWidth += pMetrics->cxAdvance;

				//	Done if we're truncating

				if (dwFlags & TruncateLine)
					iCharsInLine = 0;
					iCharsInWord = 0;
					bTruncate = true;

			//	Otherwise, if it does fit, add it to the end of the word

				cxWordWidth += pMetrics->cxAdvance;

				//	If this character is a space or a hyphen, add it to the
				//	end of the line

				if (*pPos == ' ' || *pPos == '-')
					iCharsInLine += iCharsInWord;
					cxRemainingWidth -= cxWordWidth;

					//	Reset the word

					pStartWord = pPos + 1;
					iCharsInWord = 0;
					cxWordWidth = 0;

		//	Next character

	//	Add the remainder

	iCharsInLine += iCharsInWord;
	if (iCharsInLine)
		FormatLine(pStartLine, iCharsInLine, ioInSmartQuotes, retLines);

	//	Add ellipsis, if necessary

	if (bTruncate && retLines)

	//	Return the lines

	return iLines;
Exemplo n.º 12
void PacketLogger::OnReliabilityLayerPacketError(const char *errorMessage, const BitSize_t bitsUsed, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress)
	char str[1024];
	FormatLine(str, "RcvErr", errorMessage, 0, 0, "", bitsUsed, RakNet::GetTime(), rakPeerInterface->GetExternalID(remoteSystemAddress), remoteSystemAddress,(unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1);
Exemplo n.º 13
void TrafficInformation::DrawInfos(time_t tm)
	char str[ MAX_TRAF_WIDTH+1 ];
	char key[ MAX_TRAF_WIDTH+1 ];
	int  n,i;
	Count = 0;
	LineCount = Min(MAX_TRAF_LINES,FTP_Info->GetRegKeyFullInt(key,"Count", 0));

		LineCount = ARRAYSIZE(StdDialogLines);

		for(i = 0; i < LineCount; i++)
		for(i = 0; i < LineCount; i++)
			FTP_Info->GetRegKeyFullStr(key, FTP_Info->Message("Line%02d",i+1), str,"",ARRAYSIZE(str));

			if(!str[0]) break;


		LineCount = i;


	int w;

	for(w = n = 0; n < LineCount; n++)
		w = Max(w,static_cast<int>(strlen(Lines[n])));

	for(n = 0; n < LineCount; n++)
		if(Lines[n][0] != '\x1' && Lines[n][0] != '\x2')
			for(i = static_cast<int>(strlen(Lines[n])); i < w; i++)
				Lines[n][i] = ' ';

			Lines[n][i] = 0;

	for(n = 0; n < Count; n++)
		if(Items[n].Align == tCenter)
			Items[n].Pos = w/2 - Items[n].Size/2;
		else if(Items[n].Align == tRightFill)
			Items[n].Size = w - Items[n].Pos;

		if(static_cast<int>(strlen(Lines[Items[n].Line])) > Items[n].Pos)

	for(n = 0; n < LineCount; n++)
		Lines[n][w] = 0;
Exemplo n.º 14
void PacketLogger::OnDirectSocketReceive(const char *data, const BitSize_t bitsUsed, SystemAddress remoteSystemAddress)
    char str[256];
    FormatLine(str, "Rcv", "Raw", 0, 0, data[0], bitsUsed, RakNet::GetTime(), rakPeer->GetInternalID(), remoteSystemAddress,(unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1,(unsigned int)-1);
Exemplo n.º 15
int main()
	std::string test =
		"int main()\n"
		"    int i = 1;\n"
		"    float f = 1.0;\n"
		"    vec4 v4;\n"
		"    i = 2;\n"
		"    i = 3 * 4;\n"
		"    v4 = v4 * 7.0;\n"
		//"    int main = 1;\n"
		//"    int i = 8;\n"
		//"    1 += 2;\n"
		"    v4 *= 1;\n"
		//"    i = j;\n"
		"    return i;\n"

	std::string test =
		"export void main()\n"
		"	g_projected_position = g_projection * g_view * g_model * g_position;\n"
		"	g_projected_position[0] /= g_projected_position[3];\n"
		"	g_projected_position[1] /= g_projected_position[3];\n"
		"	g_projected_position[2] /= g_projected_position[3];\n"
		"	g_world_position = normalize(g_model * g_normal);\n"
		"	return;\n"

	std::string test =
		"export void main()\n"
		"	vec4 directionToLight = g_light0_position - g_world_position;\n"
		"	float lightDistance = length(directionToLight);\n"
		"	directionToLight = normalize(directionToLight);\n"
		"	vec4 ambient;\n"
		"	ambient[0] = 0.2;\n"
		"	ambient[1] = 0.2;\n"
		"	ambient[2] = 0.2;\n"
		"	vec4 diffuse;\n"
		"	diffuse[0] = 1.0;\n"
		"	diffuse[1] = 1.0;\n"
		"	diffuse[2] = 1.0;\n"
		"	float dp = dot(g_world_normal, directionToLight);\n"
		"	float clamped = clamp(dp, 0.0, dp);\n"
		"	float k = 0.1;\n"
		"	float attenuation = 1.0 / (lightDistance * k);\n"
		"	vec4 colour = ambient + (diffuse * clamped * attenuation);\n"
		"	g_colour[0] = clamp(colour[0], 0.0, 1.0);\n"
		"	g_colour[1] = clamp(colour[1], 0.0, 1.0);\n"
		"	g_colour[2] = clamp(colour[2], 0.0, 1.0);\n"
		"	return;\n"

	std::string test =
		"export void main()\n"
		"	int x = 100;\n"
		"	int y = 200;\n"
		"	float f = 1.0;\n"
		"	if (x < y)\n"
		"		{ x = 1; }\n"
		"	else if (x > 0)\n"
		"		{ y = 2; }\n"
		//"	if (f >= 100.0)\n"
		"	else\n"
		"		{ f = 100.0; }\n"
		"	return;\n"

	tokeniser::TextStream text(test);
	tokeniser::TokenDefinitions definitions(CreateDefinitions());

	tokeniser::TokenStream tokens(text, definitions);

	std::string error;

	if (! tokens.Parse(error))
		return 1;

	tokeniser::Token errorToken;
	//SyntaxTree tree(ProgramContext::VertexShaderContext());
	SyntaxTree tree(ProgramContext::FragmentShaderContext());

	if (! tree.Parse(tokens.GetTokens(), error, errorToken))
		if (errorToken.m_type == static_cast<int>(TokenType::EndOfInput))
			std::cout << error << " at end of input\n";
			return 1;

		std::string line = text.GetLineText(errorToken.m_line);
		std::string spaces(6, ' ');

		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (errorToken.m_column - 1); ++i)
			if (line[i] == '\t')
				spaces.append(1, '\t');
				spaces.append(1, ' ');

		std::string message;

		if (errorToken.m_line > 1)
			message += FormatLine(text, errorToken.m_line - 1);

		message += FormatLine(text, errorToken.m_line);
		message += spaces + "^ " + error + "\n";

		std::string after = FormatLine(text, errorToken.m_line + 1);

		if (! after.empty())
			message += "\n";
			message += after;

		std::cout << message;
		return 1;

	ShadyObject object(0x1000);

	CodeGenerator generator(object.GetStart(),
		ProgramContext::FragmentShaderContext(), tree.GetSymbolTable(), tree.GetFunctionTable());

	generator.Generate(&object, tree.GetRoot());

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
// print the file on the default printer
void ListPrintFile( void )
	register int i, n;
	int c, nRows, nBytesPrinted, nFH;
	long lTemp;
	int fKBHit;
	// disable ^C / ^BREAK handling
	wn = wOpen( 2, 1, 4, strlen( LIST_PRINTING ) + 8, nInverse, LIST_PRINT_TITLE, NULL );
	wn->nAttrib = nNormal;
	wWriteListStr( 0, 1, wn, szBuffer );
	if ((( c = GetKeystroke( EDIT_ECHO | EDIT_UC_SHIFT | EDIT_BIOS_KEY )) == LIST_PRINT_FILE_CHAR ) || ( c == LIST_PRINT_PAGE_CHAR )) {
		// save start position
		lTemp = LFile.lViewPtr;
		// display "Printing ..."
		wWriteListStr( 0, 1, wn, LIST_PRINTING );
		if (( nFH = _sopen((( gpIniptr->Printer != INI_EMPTYSTR ) ? gpIniptr->StrData + gpIniptr->Printer : _TEXT("LPT1") ), (_O_BINARY | _O_WRONLY | _O_CREAT), _SH_DENYNO, _S_IWRITE | _S_IREAD )) >= 0 ) {

			if ( setjmp( cv.env ) == -1 ) {
				_close( nFH );

			// reset to beginning of file
			if ( c == LIST_PRINT_FILE_CHAR )
				ListSetCurrent( 0L );
			else {
				nRows = GetScrRows();
				ListSetCurrent( LFile.lViewPtr );
			// print the header (filename, date & time)
			qprintf( nFH, _TEXT("%s   %s  %s\r\n\r\n"), LFile.szName, gdate( 0 ), gtime( gaCountryInfo.fsTimeFmt ) );

			do {
				// abort printing if a key is hit

				// kbhit() in DOS tries to read from STDIN, which screws
				//	 up a LIST /S pipe
				_asm {
					mov 	ah, 1
					int 	16h
					mov 	fKBHit, 1
					jnz 	KBHDone
					mov 	fKBHit, 0
				if ( fKBHit && ( GetKeystroke( EDIT_NO_ECHO | EDIT_BIOS_KEY ) == ESC ))

				i = FormatLine( szBuffer, MAXLISTLINE, LFile.lViewPtr, &nBytesPrinted, TRUE );
				LFile.lViewPtr += 16;
				// replace 0-31 with "."
				if ( lListFlags & LIST_HEX ) {
					for ( n = 0; ( n < i ); n++ ) {
						if ( szBuffer[n] < 32 )
							szBuffer[n] = _TEXT('.');
				if (( c == LIST_PRINT_PAGE_CHAR ) && ( nRows-- <= 0 ))
			} while (( nBytesPrinted > 0 ) && ( qprintf( nFH, _TEXT("%.*s\r\n"), i, szBuffer ) > 0 ));
			// print a formfeed
			qputc( nFH, _TEXT('\014') );
			_close( nFH );
			// restore start position
			LFile.lViewPtr = lTemp;
			ListSetCurrent( LFile.lViewPtr );
		} else
	wRemove( wn );
	// enable ^C / ^BREAK handling