void PrintAudioStreamInfo(const AAudioStream * stream) {
#define STREAM_CALL(c) AAudioStream_##c((AAudioStream*)stream)
    LOGI("StreamID: %p", stream);

    LOGI("BufferCapacity: %d", STREAM_CALL(getBufferCapacityInFrames));
    LOGI("BufferSize: %d", STREAM_CALL(getBufferSizeInFrames));
    LOGI("FramesPerBurst: %d", STREAM_CALL(getFramesPerBurst));
    LOGI("XRunCount: %d", STREAM_CALL(getXRunCount));
    LOGI("SampleRate: %d", STREAM_CALL(getSampleRate));
    LOGI("SamplesPerFrame: %d", STREAM_CALL(getChannelCount));
    LOGI("DeviceId: %d", STREAM_CALL(getDeviceId));
    LOGI("Format: %s",  FormatToString(STREAM_CALL(getFormat)));
    LOGI("SharingMode: %s", (STREAM_CALL(getSharingMode)) == AAUDIO_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE ?
                          "EXCLUSIVE" : "SHARED");

    aaudio_performance_mode_t perfMode = STREAM_CALL(getPerformanceMode);
    std::string perfModeDescription;
    switch (perfMode){
        perfModeDescription = "NONE";
        perfModeDescription = "LOW_LATENCY";
        perfModeDescription = "POWER_SAVING";
        perfModeDescription = "UNKNOWN";
    LOGI("PerformanceMode: %s", perfModeDescription.c_str());

    aaudio_direction_t  dir = STREAM_CALL(getDirection);
    LOGI("Direction: %s", (dir == AAUDIO_DIRECTION_OUTPUT ? "OUTPUT" : "INPUT"));
        LOGI("FramesReadByDevice: %d", (int32_t)STREAM_CALL(getFramesRead));
        LOGI("FramesWriteByApp: %d", (int32_t)STREAM_CALL(getFramesWritten));
    } else {
        LOGI("FramesReadByApp: %d", (int32_t)STREAM_CALL(getFramesRead));
        LOGI("FramesWriteByDevice: %d", (int32_t)STREAM_CALL(getFramesWritten));
Exemplo n.º 2
void FBOBJECT::Init(GLSTATEMANAGER & glstate, std::vector <FBTEXTURE*> newtextures, std::ostream & error_output, bool force_multisample_off)
	OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO init start", error_output);

	const bool verbose = false;

	if (inited)
		if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: deinitializing existing FBO" << std::endl;


		OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO deinit", error_output);

	textures = newtextures;

	inited = true;


	// run some sanity checks and find out which textures are for the color attachment and
	// which are for the depth attachment
	std::vector <FBTEXTURE*> color_textures;
	std::vector <FBTEXTURE*> depth_textures;

	for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = textures.begin(); i != textures.end(); i++)
		if ((*i)->texture_format == FBTEXTURE::DEPTH24)

		//assert(!(*i)->attached || (force_multisample_off && (*i)->renderbuffer_multisample != 0));
		(*i)->attached = true;

	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: color textures: " << color_textures.size() << ", depth textures: " << depth_textures.size() << std::endl;

	//need at least some textures
	assert(color_textures.size() + depth_textures.size() >= 1);

	//can't have more than one depth attachment
	assert(depth_textures.size() < 2);

	//can't have more than 4 color textures
	assert(color_textures.size() < 5);

	for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = color_textures.begin(); i != color_textures.end(); i++)
		if ((*i)->texture_target == FBTEXTURE::CUBEMAP)
			if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: found cubemap" << std::endl;

			//can't have MRT with cubemaps
			assert(color_textures.size() == 1);

			//can't have multisample with cubemaps
			assert((*i)->multisample == 0);

			//can't have depth texture with cubemaps

	//find what multisample value to use
	int multisample = 0;
	if (!color_textures.empty())
		multisample = -1;
		for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = textures.begin(); i != textures.end(); i++)
			if (multisample == -1)
				multisample = (*i)->multisample;

			//all must have the same multisample
			assert(multisample == (*i)->multisample);

	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: multisample " << multisample << " found, " << force_multisample_off << std::endl;

	if (force_multisample_off)
		multisample = 0;

	//either we have no multisample
	//or multisample and no depth texture
	assert((multisample == 0) || ((multisample > 0) && depth_textures.empty()));

	//ensure consistent sizes
	width = -1;
	height = -1;
	for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = textures.begin(); i != textures.end(); i++)
		if (width == -1)
			width = (*i)->sizew;
		if (height == -1)
			height = (*i)->sizeh;
		assert(width == (*i)->sizew);
		assert(height == (*i)->sizeh);

	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: width " << width << ", height " << height << std::endl;

	//initialize framebuffer object (FBO)
	glGenFramebuffers(1, &framebuffer_object);

	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: generated FBO " << framebuffer_object << std::endl;

	OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO generation", error_output);

	//bind the framebuffer

	OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO binding", error_output);

	//initialize renderbuffer object that's used for our depth buffer if we're not using
	//a depth texture
	if (depth_textures.empty())
		glGenRenderbuffers(1, &renderbuffer_depth);
		glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer_depth);

		if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: generating depth renderbuffer" << std::endl;

		OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO renderbuffer generation", error_output);

		if (multisample > 0)
			// need a separate multisample depth buffer
			glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, multisample, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, width, height);

			if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: using multisampling for depth renderbuffer" << std::endl;
			glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, width, height);

		OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO renderbuffer initialization", error_output);

		//attach the render buffer to the FBO
		glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, renderbuffer_depth);

		if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: depth renderbuffer attached to FBO" << std::endl;

		OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO renderbuffer attachment", error_output);

	GLenum buffers[4] = {GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_NONE};
		int count = 0;
		for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = color_textures.begin(); i != color_textures.end(); i++,count++)
			buffers[count] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0+count;

	glDrawBuffers(4, buffers);

	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: set draw buffers: " << buffers[0] << ", " << buffers[1] << ", " << buffers[2] << ", " << buffers[3] << std::endl;
	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: set read buffer: " << buffers[0] << std::endl;

	OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO buffer mask set", error_output);

	//add separate multisample color buffers for each color texture
	if (multisample > 0)
		int count = 0;
		for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = color_textures.begin(); i != color_textures.end(); i++,count++)
			// need a separate multisample color buffer
			glGenRenderbuffers(1, &(*i)->renderbuffer_multisample);
			glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, (*i)->renderbuffer_multisample);
			glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, multisample, (*i)->texture_format, width, height);
			glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0+count, GL_RENDERBUFFER, (*i)->renderbuffer_multisample);

			if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: generating separate multisample color buffer " << count << std::endl;

			OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO multisample color renderbuffer", error_output);

	//attach any color textures to the FBO
		int count = 0;
		for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = color_textures.begin(); i != color_textures.end(); i++,count++)
			int texture_attachment = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0+count;
			if (multisample == 0)
				if ((*i)->texture_target == FBTEXTURE::CUBEMAP)
					// if we're using a cubemap, arbitrarily pick one of the faces to activate so we can check that the FBO is complete
					glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, texture_attachment, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, (*i)->fbtexture, 0);

					if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: attaching arbitrary cubemap face to color attachment " << count << std::endl;
					glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, texture_attachment, (*i)->texture_target, (*i)->fbtexture, 0);

					if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: attaching texture to color attachment " << count << std::endl;
				(*i)->texture_attachment = texture_attachment;

	//attach the depth texture to the FBO, if there is one
		int count = 0;
		for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = depth_textures.begin(); i != depth_textures.end(); i++,count++)
			if (multisample == 0)
				if ((*i)->texture_target == FBTEXTURE::CUBEMAP)
					// if we're using a cubemap, arbitrarily pick one of the faces to activate so we can check that the FBO is complete
					glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, (*i)->fbtexture, 0);

					if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: attaching cubemap depth texture" << std::endl;
					glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, (*i)->texture_target, (*i)->fbtexture, 0);

					if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: attaching depth texture" << std::endl;

	OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO attachment", error_output);

	bool status_ok = CheckStatus(error_output);
	if (!status_ok)
		error_output << "Error initializing FBO:" << std::endl;
		int count = 0;
		for (std::vector <FBTEXTURE*>::iterator i = textures.begin(); i != textures.end(); i++)
			error_output << "\t" << count << ". " << TargetToString((*i)->texture_target) << ": " << FormatToString((*i)->texture_format) << std::endl;


	OPENGL_UTILITY::CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO unbinding", error_output);

	// if multisampling is on, create another framebuffer object for the single sample version of these textures
	if (multisample > 0)
		if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: creating secondary single sample framebuffer object" << std::endl;

		multisample_dest_singlesample_framebuffer_object.back().Init(glstate, newtextures, error_output, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
void FrameBufferObject::Init(
	GraphicsState & glstate,
	const std::vector <FrameBufferTexture*> & newtextures,
	std::ostream & error_output,
	bool force_multisample_off)
	CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO init start", error_output);

	const bool verbose = false;

	if (inited)
		if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: deinitializing existing FBO" << std::endl;


		CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO deinit", error_output);
	inited = true;

	// need at least some textures
	textures = newtextures;

	width = -1;
	height = -1;
	std::vector <FrameBufferTexture*> color_textures;
	FrameBufferTexture * depth_texture = 0;
	for (std::vector <FrameBufferTexture*>::const_iterator i = textures.begin(); i != textures.end(); i++)
		// ensure consistent sizes
		if (width == -1)
			width = (*i)->GetW();
		if (height == -1)
			height = (*i)->GetH();
		assert(width == int((*i)->GetW()));
		assert(height == int((*i)->GetH()));

		// separate textures by type
		if ((*i)->GetFormat() == FrameBufferTexture::DEPTH24)
			// can't have more than one depth attachment
			depth_texture = *i;
	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: width " << width << ", height " << height << std::endl;
	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: color textures: " << color_textures.size() << std::endl;
	if (verbose && depth_texture) error_output << "INFO: depth texture: 1" << std::endl;

	// can't have more than 4 color attachments
	assert(color_textures.size() < 5);

	// check for cubemaps
	for (std::vector <FrameBufferTexture*>::const_iterator i = color_textures.begin(); i != color_textures.end(); i++)
		if ((*i)->GetTarget() == FrameBufferTexture::CUBEMAP)
			if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: found cubemap" << std::endl;

			// can't have MRT with cubemaps
			assert(color_textures.size() == 1);

			// can't have multisample with cubemaps
			assert((*i)->GetMultiSample() == 0);

			// can't have depth texture with cubemaps

	// find what multisample value to use
	int multisample = 0;
	if (!color_textures.empty())
		multisample = -1;
		for (std::vector <FrameBufferTexture*>::const_iterator i = textures.begin(); i != textures.end(); i++)
			if (multisample == -1)
				multisample = (*i)->GetMultiSample();

			// all must have the same multisample
			assert(multisample == (*i)->GetMultiSample());

	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: multisample " << multisample << " found, " << force_multisample_off << std::endl;

	if (force_multisample_off)
		multisample = 0;

	// either we have no multisample or multisample and no depth texture
	assert((multisample == 0) || ((multisample > 0) && depth_texture));

	// initialize framebuffer object
	glGenFramebuffers(1, &framebuffer_object);

	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: generated FBO " << framebuffer_object << std::endl;

	CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO generation", error_output);

	// bind framebuffer
	glstate.BindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer_object);

	CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO binding", error_output);

	if (!depth_texture)
		// create depth render buffer if we're not using a depth texture
		glGenRenderbuffers(1, &depth_renderbuffer);
		glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, depth_renderbuffer);

		if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: generating depth renderbuffer" << std::endl;

		CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO renderbuffer generation", error_output);

		if (multisample > 0)
			glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, multisample, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, width, height);

			if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: using multisampling for depth renderbuffer" << std::endl;
			glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, width, height);

		CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO renderbuffer initialization", error_output);

		// attach depth render buffer to the FBO
		glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, depth_renderbuffer);

		if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: depth renderbuffer attached to FBO" << std::endl;

		CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO renderbuffer attachment", error_output);

	if (multisample > 0)
		// create/attach separate multisample color buffers for each color texture
		multisample_renderbuffers.resize(color_textures.size(), 0);
		for (size_t i = 0; i < color_textures.size(); i++)
			glGenRenderbuffers(1, &multisample_renderbuffers[i]);
			glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, multisample_renderbuffers[i]);
			glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, multisample, color_textures[i]->GetFormat(), width, height);

			glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, GL_RENDERBUFFER, multisample_renderbuffers[i]);

			if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: generating separate multisample color buffer " << i << std::endl;

			CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO multisample color renderbuffer", error_output);
		// attach color textures to frame buffer object
		int count = 0;
		for (std::vector <FrameBufferTexture*>::iterator i = color_textures.begin(); i != color_textures.end(); i++, count++)
			int attachment = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + count;
			if ((*i)->GetTarget() == FrameBufferTexture::CUBEMAP)
				// if we're using a cubemap, arbitrarily pick one of the faces to activate so we can check that the FBO is complete
				glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, attachment, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, (*i)->GetId(), 0);

				if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: attaching arbitrary cubemap face to color attachment " << count << std::endl;
				glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, attachment, (*i)->GetTarget(), (*i)->GetId(), 0);

				if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: attaching texture to color attachment " << count << std::endl;

			CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO attachment", error_output);

		if (depth_texture)
			// attach depth texture to frame buffer object
			glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, depth_texture->GetTarget(), depth_texture->GetId(), 0);

			if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: attaching depth texture" << std::endl;
			CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO attachment", error_output);

	GLenum buffers[4] = {GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_NONE, GL_NONE};
		int count = 0;
		for (std::vector <FrameBufferTexture*>::const_iterator i = color_textures.begin(); i != color_textures.end(); i++, count++)
			buffers[count] = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + count;

		glDrawBuffers(count, buffers);

		CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO buffer mask set", error_output);

	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: set draw buffers: " << buffers[0] << ", " << buffers[1] << ", " << buffers[2] << ", " << buffers[3] << std::endl;
	if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: set read buffer: " << buffers[0] << std::endl;

	if (!CheckStatus(error_output))
		error_output << "Error initializing FBO:" << std::endl;
		int count = 0;
		for (std::vector <FrameBufferTexture*>::const_iterator i = textures.begin(); i != textures.end(); i++)
			error_output << "\t" << count << ". " << TargetToString(FrameBufferTexture::Target((*i)->GetTarget()));
			error_output << ": " << FormatToString((*i)->GetFormat()) << std::endl;

	// explicitely unbind framebuffer object
	glstate.BindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);

	CheckForOpenGLErrors("FBO unbinding", error_output);

	// if multisampling is on, create another framebuffer object for the single sample version of these textures
	if (multisample > 0)
		if (verbose) error_output << "INFO: creating secondary single sample framebuffer object" << std::endl;

		singlesample_framebuffer_object = new FrameBufferObject();
		singlesample_framebuffer_object->Init(glstate, newtextures, error_output, true);