Exemplo n.º 1
SearchUme (Image &Img, Image *pLevMask, int iLev,
           CALLBACK_FUN callbackFunc, ClientData callbackData)
int x, y, i, j;

if (pLevMask != NULL)
    // For each 10x10 pixel block where the center of a face could be,
    // see if more than 5 pixel locations still need to be scanned.  If
    // so, the block must be scanned.  This is indicated by a flag placed
    // at the upper-left corner of each block.
    // In pLevMask: 0 means do scan, 255 means don't scan.

    int xp = (Img.width + 9) / 10;
    int yp = (Img.height + 9) / 10;
    for (y = 0; y < yp; y++)
        for (x = 0; x < xp; x++)
            int Total = 0, n = 0;
            for (j = y * 10; j < y * 10 + 10; j++)
                for (i = x * 10; i < x * 10 + 10; i++)
                    if (i < pLevMask->width && j < pLevMask->height)
                        if (!(*pLevMask)(i, j))
            if (n <= 5)
                (*pLevMask)(x * 10,  y * 10) = 255;
                (*pLevMask)(x * 10, y * 10) = 0;
    int TempImage[900];                         // used to store the window 30x30 = 900
    int Hist[256];
    for (y = 0; y < Img.height; y += 10)        // for each block
        for (x = 0; x < Img.width; x += 10)
            if (pLevMask != NULL && (*pLevMask)(x, y))

            memset(Hist, 0, sizeof(Hist));

            // Copy the window from the image into TempImage.  The first loop is used
            // when the window is entirely inside the image, the second one is
            // used otherwise.  For pixels outside the image, the pixels at the
            // edge of the image are replicated.  The histogram is updated.

            int *pTo = TempImage;
            if (x >= 10 && y >= 10 && x + 20 <= Img.width && y + 20 <= Img.height)
                for (j = y - 10; j < y + 20; j++)
                    for (i = x - 10; i < x + 20; i++)
                        int val = Img(i, j);
                        (*(pTo++)) = val;
                for (j = y - 10; j < y + 20; j++)
                    for (i = x - 10; i < x + 20; i++)
                        int ii = i;
                        if (ii < 0)
                            ii = 0;
                        if (ii >= Img.width)
                            ii = Img.width-1;
                        int jj = j;
                        if (jj<0)
                            jj = 0;
                        if (jj >= Img.height)
                            jj = Img.height - 1;
                        int val = Img(ii, jj);
                        (*(pTo++)) = val;

            // build a cumulative histogram

            int CumHist[256];
            pTo = CumHist;
            int *pFrom = Hist;
            int Total = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                int old = Total;
                Total += *(pFrom++);
                *(pTo++) = old + Total;
            // apply histogram equalization, write image into network input units

            const double Scale = 1.0 / Total;
            ForwardUnit *pUnit = &(gNetList[0]->pUnitList[1]);
            pFrom = TempImage; // 30x30 window
            for (i = 0; i < 900; i++)
                (pUnit++)->activation = (_FLOAT)(CumHist[*(pFrom++)] * Scale - 1.0);

            // Apply the network.
            // If there is a detection, call the callback function to record the detection.

            const double output = ForwardPass(gNetList[0]);
            if (output > 0)
                callbackFunc(callbackData, &Img, x-5, y-5, 20, 20, iLev,
                    POW12(iLev), output);
Exemplo n.º 2
fFindNewLocation (int *newX, int *newY, int *news,
                  int numScales, Image ImagePyramid[], Image &FaceMask,
                  int x, int y, int scale,
                  int dx, int dy, int ds, int step, int iNet)

double totX = 0;    // used to record centroid of face detections
double totY = 0;
double totS = 0;
double Total = 0;

int iPixel;
int hist[512];      // histogram
int map[512];       // cumulative histogram
Vec vec(3);         // part of affine fitting
int *tmp = new int[FaceMask.width * FaceMask.height];   // window

int halfX = FaceMask.width/2;
int halfY = FaceMask.height/2;
int nFaceMaskSize = FaceMask.width * FaceMask.height;

x += halfX;     // Input location is upper left corner of
y += halfY;     // the "centered" face.  This makes location be face center.

ForwardStruct *net = gNetList[iNet];
ForwardStruct *net2 = gNetList[iNet+1];

for (int scale1 = scale-ds; scale1 <= scale + ds; scale1++) // for each scale
    // milbo: removed comment that commented out two lines below (in original
    // Rowley code) because it caused a crash because scale1 was less than 0.

    if (scale1 < 0 || scale1 >= numScales)
        continue;                                           // NOTE: continue

    int cx = (int)floor(x * POW12(scale - scale1) + 0.5);   // map center position to scale
    int cy = (int)floor(y * POW12(scale - scale1) + 0.5);

    Image *pImg = &ImagePyramid[scale1];
    for (int yy = cy - dy; yy <= cy + dy; yy += step)       // scan over position
        for (int xx = cx - dx; xx <= cx + dx; xx += step)
            // if (yy!=cy && xx!=cx) continue;

            iPixel = 0;
            double v0 = 0, v1 = 0, v2 = 0;

            // The next two loops copy the window into the tmp variable, and
            // begin computing the affine fit (using only pixels inside the FaceMask)
            // The first version is for windows inside the image, the second
            // replicates the edge pixels of the image.
            if (xx - halfX >= 0 && yy - halfY >= 0 &&
                    xx + halfX <= pImg->width && yy + halfY <= pImg->height)
                for (int iy  = yy - halfY; iy < yy + halfY; iy++)
                    for (int ix = xx - halfX; ix < xx + halfX; ix++)
                        int val = (*pImg)(ix,iy);
                        tmp[iPixel] = val;
                        if (FaceMask(iPixel++))
                            v0 += (ix-xx) * val;
                            v1 += (iy-yy) * val;
                            v2 += val;
                for (int iy = yy-halfY; iy<yy+halfY; iy++)
                    for (int ix = xx-halfX; ix<xx+halfX; ix++)
                        int ii = ix; if (ii < 0) ii = 0;
                        if (ii >= pImg->width) ii = pImg->width-1;
                        int jj = iy; if (jj < 0) jj = 0;
                        if (jj >= pImg->height) jj = pImg->height-1;
                        int val = (*pImg)(ii,jj);
                        tmp[iPixel] = val;
                        if (FaceMask(iPixel++))
                            v0 += (ix - xx) * val;
                            v1 += (iy - yy) * val;
                            v2 += val;
            // actually compute the parameters of the affine fit

            vec(0) = v0; vec(1) = v1; vec(2) = v2;
            vec = gLightingCorrectionMat * vec;     // using overloaded operators here
            v0 = vec(0); v1 = vec(1); v2 = vec(2);

            // apply the affine correction, and build the histogram based
            // on pixels in the FaceMask

            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 512; i++)
                hist[i] = 0;
            iPixel = 0;
            for (int j = -FaceMask.height / 2; j < FaceMask.height / 2; j++)
                for (i = -FaceMask.width / 2; i < FaceMask.width / 2; i++)
                    int val = tmp[iPixel] - (int)(i * v0 + j * v1 + v2 - 256.5);
                    if (val < 0) val = 0;
                    if (val >= 512) val = 511;
                    if (FaceMask(iPixel)) hist[val]++;
                    tmp[iPixel++] = val;
            // build the cummulative histogram

            int *to = map;
            int *from = hist;
            int total = 0;
            for (i = 0; i<512; i++)
                int old = total;
                total += *(from++);
                *(to++) = old + total;
            // apply histogram equalization and copy the window into the network inputs

            double scaleFactor = 1.0/total;
            ForwardUnit *pUnit = &(net->pUnitList[1]);
            int *p = tmp;
            for (i = 0; i<nFaceMaskSize; i++)
                (pUnit++)->activation = _FLOAT(map[*(p++)] * scaleFactor - 1.0);

            // Check the two outputs (we applied one network, but really
            // it is two merged networks).  If both responded postively,
            // then add the detection on to the centroid of detections.

            if (net->pUnitList[net->iFirstOutput].activation>0)
                pUnit = &(net->pUnitList[1]);
                ForwardUnit *pUnit2 = &(net2->pUnitList[1]);
                for (i = 0; i < nFaceMaskSize; i++)
                    (pUnit2++)->activation = (pUnit++)->activation;
                if (net2->pUnitList[net2->iFirstOutput].activation>0)
                    totS += scale1;
                    totX += xx * POW12(scale1);
                    totY += yy * POW12(scale1);
            } // for xx
        } // for yy
    } // for scale1
delete[] tmp;
if (Total == 0)
    return false;

// compute the centroid, first in scale and then in position at that scale

int newS = iround(totS / Total);
if (newS < 0) newS = 0;
if (newS >= numScales) newS = numScales - 1;

*newX = iround(totX / (Total * POW12(newS)) - halfX);
*newY = iround(totY / (Total * POW12(newS)) - halfY);
*news = newS;

return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: HDDP.cpp Projeto: jdaziz/DDP
void HDDP(options & probdata, options & nominal, int & go_to_step, int & current_iter, bool & converged){
	double rho;

	cout << "Iteration " << current_iter << ": ";
	switch (go_to_step){

		// Step 1: Computation of First and Second Order STMs
	case 1:
		cout << "Step 1: Computation of First and Second Order STMS \n";
		go_to_step = 2;

		// Step 2: Backward Sweep
	case 2:
		cout << "Step 2: Backward Sweep \n";
		go_to_step = 3;

		// Step 3: Convergence Check
	case 3:
		cout << "Step 3: Convergence Check \n";

		if ((abs(nominal.ER(0, 0)) < nominal.tol && (nominal.f < nominal.tol) && (nominal.delta <= nominal.delta_min + 1e-6)) || (nominal.delta <= nominal.delta_min + 1e-6)){
			cout << "I think we're done here \n"; 
			//cout << "Feasible Solution Within Tolerance \n";
			converged = 1;

		cout << nominal.ER(0, 0) << " " << nominal.J << " " << nominal.h << " " << nominal.f << " " << nominal.delta << "\n";
		cout << probdata.ER(0, 0) << " " << probdata.J << " " << probdata.h << " " << probdata.f << " " << probdata.delta << "\n";
		go_to_step = 4;

		// Step 4: Forward Pass
	case 4:
		probdata = nominal;
		cout << "Step 4: Forward Pass \n";
		ForwardPass(probdata, nominal);
		go_to_step = 5;

		// Step 5: Trust Region Update
	case 5:
		cout << "Step 5: Trust Region Update \n";
		rho = (probdata.J - nominal.J) / probdata.ER(0, 0);
		if (current_iter < 0){
			cout << "Accepted rho = " << rho << "\n";
			go_to_step = 6;

		} //(.8 < rho && rho < 1.2){
		else if (probdata.J < nominal.J){

			cout << "Accepted rho = " << rho << "\n";
			go_to_step = 6;
		} // second chance

		else {
			nominal.delta = max(nominal.delta*(1. - nominal.kappa), nominal.delta_min);
			cout << "Rejected rho = " << rho << "\n";

			go_to_step = 2;
	// Step 6: Nominal Solution Update
	case 6:
		cout << "Step 6: Nominal Solution Update \n";
		rho = (probdata.J - nominal.J) / probdata.ER(0, 0);

		probdata.Multipliers += nominal.delta_l;
		// Update rule from Niu
		if (probdata.psi.norm() >= nominal.psi.norm()/1.2){
			probdata.s = max(1.2*probdata.s, 1.2*probdata.Multipliers.norm());
		else {
			probdata.s = max(probdata.s, 1.2*probdata.Multipliers.norm());
		nominal = probdata;
		if (.8 < rho && rho < 1.2){
			nominal.delta = min(probdata.delta*pow((1. + probdata.kappa),2.0), probdata.delta_max);
			go_to_step = 1; // 2 to re-use STM
		else if (rho > 0){
			nominal.delta = min(probdata.delta*pow((1. + probdata.kappa), 1.0), probdata.delta_max);
			go_to_step = 1;
		else {
			nominal.delta = max(nominal.delta*(1. - nominal.kappa), nominal.delta_min);
			go_to_step = 1;

		WriteTrajectory(nominal, current_iter);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void FindEyes (
    double *pLex,           // out: left eye position, or INVALID if can't find
    double *pLey,           // out:
    double *pRex,           // out: ditto for right eye
    double *pRey,           // out:
    int xFace, int yFace,   // in: position of top left corner of face box
    double DetWidth,        // in: width of face detector box
    const Image Img,        // in
    const Image &EyeMask,   // in
    int iNet)               // in: neural net index in gNetList
*pLex = *pRex = *pRex = *pRey = INVALID;  // assume won't find eyes

int EyeMaskSize  = EyeMask.width * EyeMask.height;
int EyeMaskWidth = EyeMask.width;
int EyeMaskHeight = EyeMask.height;

double xLeft = 0, yLeft = 0, xRight = 0, yRight = 0;
double LeftWeight = 0, RightWeight = 0;

int *pTmpImage = new int[EyeMaskSize];  // window for eye detector

// possible upper-left X positions for the left eye

int startxLeft = iround(xFace);
int endxLeft = iround(xFace + DetWidth/2 - EyeMaskWidth);
if (startxLeft < 0)
    startxLeft = 0;

if (endxLeft > Img.width - EyeMaskWidth)
    endxLeft = Img.width - EyeMaskWidth;

// possible upper-left X positions for the right eye

int startxRight = iround(xFace + DetWidth/2);
int endxRight = iround(xFace + DetWidth - EyeMaskWidth);
if (startxRight < 0)
    startxRight = 0;

if (endxRight > Img.width - EyeMaskWidth)
    endxRight = Img.width - EyeMaskWidth;

// possible upper Y positions for the eyes

int starty = iround(yFace);
int endy = iround(yFace + DetWidth / 4); // exact value 4 is not critical
if (starty < 0)
    starty = 0;
if (endy >= Img.height - EyeMaskHeight)
    endy = Img.height - EyeMaskHeight;

bool fDoneLeft = false;
bool fDoneRight = false;

// start at bottom of face and move up so eyes are before eyebrows,
// thus avoiding false positives on the eyebrows for SKIP_WHEN_EYE_FOUND

for (int y = endy-1; y >= starty; y--)
        // set these if already got the eye, to prevent false detects on eyebrows
        fDoneLeft  = LeftWeight != 0 &&
                        y < yLeft / LeftWeight  - SKIP_WHEN_EYE_FOUND_DIST;

        fDoneRight = RightWeight != 0 &&
                        y < yRight / RightWeight - SKIP_WHEN_EYE_FOUND_DIST;

        if (fDoneLeft && fDoneRight)
    // Look for right eye on this scan line.  We mirror it so it looks to the
    // net like a right eye because we trained the net on a left eye.

    int i, j, x;

    if (!fDoneRight) for (x = startxRight; x < endxRight; x++)
        int iPixel = 0;
        int Hist[256];
        memset(Hist, 0, sizeof(Hist));

        // copy the window into pTmpImage (using mirror image), and compute
        // the histogram over the entire window

        for (j = 0; j < EyeMaskHeight; j++)
            for (i = EyeMaskWidth - 1; i >= 0; i--) // note: mirror here
                int Pixel = Img(i+x, j+y);
                pTmpImage[iPixel++] = Pixel;
        // compute cumulative histogram

        int CumHist[256];
        int Sum = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            CumHist[i] = Sum;
            Sum += Hist[i];
        int Total = Sum;
        for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--)
            CumHist[i] += Sum;
            Sum -= Hist[i];
        // apply the histogram equalization, and write window to network inputs

        const double Scale = 1.0 / Total;
        ForwardUnit *pUnit = &(gNetList[iNet]->pUnitList[1]);
        for (i = 0; i < EyeMaskSize; i++)
            (pUnit++)->activation = (_FLOAT)(CumHist[pTmpImage[i]] * Scale - 1.0);

        // if the network responds positively, add the detection to centroid

        const double Output = ForwardPass(gNetList[iNet]);
        if (Output > 0)
            RightWeight += Output;
            xRight += Output * (x + EyeMaskWidth / 2);
            yRight += Output * (y + EyeMaskHeight / 2);
    // look for left eye on this scan line

    if (!fDoneLeft) for (x = startxLeft; x < endxLeft; x++)
        int iPixel = 0;
        int Hist[256];
        memset(Hist, 0, sizeof(Hist));

        // copy the window into pTmpImage,  and compute
        // the histogram over the entire window

        for (j = 0; j < EyeMaskHeight; j++)
            for (i = 0; i < EyeMaskWidth; i++)
                int Pixel = Img(i+x, j+y);
                pTmpImage[iPixel++] = Pixel;

        // compute cumulative histogram

        int CumHist[256];
        int Sum = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
            CumHist[i] = Sum;
            Sum += Hist[i];
        int Total = Sum;
        for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--)
            CumHist[i] += Sum;
            Sum -= Hist[i];
        // apply the histogram equalization, and write window to network inputs

        const double Scale = 1.0 / Total;
        ForwardUnit *pUnit = &(gNetList[iNet]->pUnitList[1]);
        for (i = 0; i < EyeMaskSize; i++)
            (pUnit++)->activation = (_FLOAT)(CumHist[pTmpImage[i]] * Scale - 1.0);

        // if the network responds positively, add the detection to centroid

        const double Output = ForwardPass(gNetList[iNet]);
        if (Output > 0)
            LeftWeight += Output;
            xLeft += Output * (x + EyeMaskWidth  / 2);
            yLeft += Output * (y + EyeMaskHeight / 2);
// if the left eye was detected at least once, return centroid

if (LeftWeight > 0)
    *pLex = xLeft / LeftWeight;
    *pLey = yLeft / LeftWeight;
// if the right eye was detected at least once, return centroid

if (RightWeight > 0)
    *pRex = xRight / RightWeight;
    *pRey = yRight / RightWeight;
delete[] pTmpImage;
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: HDDP.cpp Projeto: jdaziz/DDP
int main(){

	// Initialize
	options probdata = {};
	read_input_file("HDDP_input.txt", &probdata);
	options nominal = probdata;
	ForwardPass(probdata, nominal);
	nominal = probdata;

	// Enter the HDDP Loop
	int current_iter = 0;
	int go_to_step = 1;
	bool converged = 0;

	WriteTrajectory(nominal, current_iter);

	// construct a trivial random generator engine from a time-based seed:
	unsigned seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
	std::default_random_engine generator(seed);
	std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.0, 1.0);

	while (!converged && probdata.delta > probdata.delta_min)
		HDDP(probdata, nominal, go_to_step, current_iter, converged);
	// MBH
	int max_MBH_iterations = 1000;
	double alpha = 1.5;
	for (int i = 0; i < max_MBH_iterations; i++){
		options probdata = {};
		options perturbed = probdata;

		for (int stage = 0; stage < probdata.nstages; stage++){
			for (int k = 8; k < 11; k++){
				double s = distribution(generator);
				double r = ((alpha - 1.0) / SMALL) / pow((SMALL / (SMALL + distribution(generator))), -alpha);
				perturbed.traj[stage][k] = nominal.traj[stage][k] + s*r;
				//cout << s << " " << r << " " << s*r << "\n";


		ForwardPass(probdata, perturbed);
		probdata.Multipliers = nominal.Multipliers;
		perturbed = probdata;

		go_to_step = 1;
		converged = 0;
		while (!converged)
			HDDP(probdata, perturbed, go_to_step, current_iter, converged);
		if (perturbed.J < nominal.J){
			nominal = perturbed;

	// Save the Trajectory
	return 0;