Exemplo n.º 1
 * LoadData
 * Loads the specified data into the buffer, using the specified formats.
 * Currently, the new format must have the same channel configuration as the
 * original format.
ALenum LoadData(ALbuffer *ALBuf, ALuint freq, ALenum NewFormat, ALsizei frames, enum UserFmtChannels SrcChannels, enum UserFmtType SrcType, const ALvoid *data, ALsizei align, ALboolean storesrc)
    ALuint NewChannels, NewBytes;
    enum FmtChannels DstChannels;
    enum FmtType DstType;
    ALuint64 newsize;
    ALvoid *temp;

    if(DecomposeFormat(NewFormat, &DstChannels, &DstType) == AL_FALSE ||
       (long)SrcChannels != (long)DstChannels)
        return AL_INVALID_ENUM;

    NewChannels = ChannelsFromFmt(DstChannels);
    NewBytes = BytesFromFmt(DstType);

    newsize = frames;
    newsize *= NewBytes;
    newsize *= NewChannels;
    if(newsize > INT_MAX)
        return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if(ReadRef(&ALBuf->ref) != 0)
        return AL_INVALID_OPERATION;

    temp = realloc(ALBuf->data, (size_t)newsize);
    if(!temp && newsize)
        return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    ALBuf->data = temp;

    if(data != NULL)
        ConvertData(ALBuf->data, (enum UserFmtType)DstType, data, SrcType, NewChannels, frames, align);

        ALBuf->OriginalChannels = SrcChannels;
        ALBuf->OriginalType     = SrcType;
        if(SrcType == UserFmtIMA4)
            ALsizei byte_align = ((align-1)/2 + 4) * ChannelsFromUserFmt(SrcChannels);
            ALBuf->OriginalSize  = frames / align * byte_align;
            ALBuf->OriginalAlign = align;
        else if(SrcType == UserFmtMSADPCM)
            ALsizei byte_align = ((align-2)/2 + 7) * ChannelsFromUserFmt(SrcChannels);
            ALBuf->OriginalSize  = frames / align * byte_align;
            ALBuf->OriginalAlign = align;
            ALBuf->OriginalSize  = frames * FrameSizeFromUserFmt(SrcChannels, SrcType);
            ALBuf->OriginalAlign = 1;
        ALBuf->OriginalChannels = (enum UserFmtChannels)DstChannels;
        ALBuf->OriginalType     = (enum UserFmtType)DstType;
        ALBuf->OriginalSize     = frames * NewBytes * NewChannels;
        ALBuf->OriginalAlign    = 1;

    ALBuf->Frequency = freq;
    ALBuf->FmtChannels = DstChannels;
    ALBuf->FmtType = DstType;
    ALBuf->Format = NewFormat;

    ALBuf->SampleLen = frames;
    ALBuf->LoopStart = 0;
    ALBuf->LoopEnd = ALBuf->SampleLen;

    return AL_NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 2
AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alBufferData(ALuint buffer, ALenum format, const ALvoid *data, ALsizei size, ALsizei freq)
    enum UserFmtChannels srcchannels;
    enum UserFmtType srctype;
    ALCdevice *device;
    ALCcontext *context;
    ALbuffer *albuf;
    ALenum newformat = AL_NONE;
    ALuint framesize;
    ALsizei align;
    ALenum err;

    context = GetContextRef();
    if(!context) return;

    device = context->Device;
    if((albuf=LookupBuffer(device, buffer)) == NULL)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done);
    if(!(size >= 0 && freq > 0))
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);
    if(DecomposeUserFormat(format, &srcchannels, &srctype) == AL_FALSE)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, done);

    align = albuf->UnpackAlign;
    if(SanitizeAlignment(srctype, &align) == AL_FALSE)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);
        case UserFmtByte:
        case UserFmtUByte:
        case UserFmtShort:
        case UserFmtUShort:
        case UserFmtFloat:
            framesize = FrameSizeFromUserFmt(srcchannels, srctype) * align;
            if((size%framesize) != 0)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);

            err = LoadData(albuf, freq, format, size/framesize*align,
                           srcchannels, srctype, data, align, AL_TRUE);
            if(err != AL_NO_ERROR)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, err, done);

        case UserFmtInt:
        case UserFmtUInt:
        case UserFmtByte3:
        case UserFmtUByte3:
        case UserFmtDouble:
            framesize = FrameSizeFromUserFmt(srcchannels, srctype) * align;
            if((size%framesize) != 0)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);

                case UserFmtMono: newformat = AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32; break;
                case UserFmtStereo: newformat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32; break;
                case UserFmtRear: newformat = AL_FORMAT_REAR32; break;
                case UserFmtQuad: newformat = AL_FORMAT_QUAD32; break;
                case UserFmtX51: newformat = AL_FORMAT_51CHN32; break;
                case UserFmtX61: newformat = AL_FORMAT_61CHN32; break;
                case UserFmtX71: newformat = AL_FORMAT_71CHN32; break;
            err = LoadData(albuf, freq, newformat, size/framesize*align,
                           srcchannels, srctype, data, align, AL_TRUE);
            if(err != AL_NO_ERROR)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, err, done);

        case UserFmtMulaw:
        case UserFmtAlaw:
            framesize = FrameSizeFromUserFmt(srcchannels, srctype) * align;
            if((size%framesize) != 0)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);

                case UserFmtMono: newformat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; break;
                case UserFmtStereo: newformat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; break;
                case UserFmtRear: newformat = AL_FORMAT_REAR16; break;
                case UserFmtQuad: newformat = AL_FORMAT_QUAD16; break;
                case UserFmtX51: newformat = AL_FORMAT_51CHN16; break;
                case UserFmtX61: newformat = AL_FORMAT_61CHN16; break;
                case UserFmtX71: newformat = AL_FORMAT_71CHN16; break;
            err = LoadData(albuf, freq, newformat, size/framesize*align,
                           srcchannels, srctype, data, align, AL_TRUE);
            if(err != AL_NO_ERROR)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, err, done);

        case UserFmtIMA4:
            framesize  = (align-1)/2 + 4;
            framesize *= ChannelsFromUserFmt(srcchannels);
            if((size%framesize) != 0)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);

                case UserFmtMono: newformat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; break;
                case UserFmtStereo: newformat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; break;
                case UserFmtRear: newformat = AL_FORMAT_REAR16; break;
                case UserFmtQuad: newformat = AL_FORMAT_QUAD16; break;
                case UserFmtX51: newformat = AL_FORMAT_51CHN16; break;
                case UserFmtX61: newformat = AL_FORMAT_61CHN16; break;
                case UserFmtX71: newformat = AL_FORMAT_71CHN16; break;
            err = LoadData(albuf, freq, newformat, size/framesize*align,
                           srcchannels, srctype, data, align, AL_TRUE);
            if(err != AL_NO_ERROR)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, err, done);

        case UserFmtMSADPCM:
            framesize  = (align-2)/2 + 7;
            framesize *= ChannelsFromUserFmt(srcchannels);
            if((size%framesize) != 0)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);

                case UserFmtMono: newformat = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; break;
                case UserFmtStereo: newformat = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; break;
                case UserFmtRear: newformat = AL_FORMAT_REAR16; break;
                case UserFmtQuad: newformat = AL_FORMAT_QUAD16; break;
                case UserFmtX51: newformat = AL_FORMAT_51CHN16; break;
                case UserFmtX61: newformat = AL_FORMAT_61CHN16; break;
                case UserFmtX71: newformat = AL_FORMAT_71CHN16; break;
            err = LoadData(albuf, freq, newformat, size/framesize*align,
                           srcchannels, srctype, data, align, AL_TRUE);
            if(err != AL_NO_ERROR)
                SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, err, done);

Exemplo n.º 3
AL_API ALvoid AL_APIENTRY alBufferSubDataSOFT(ALuint buffer, ALenum format, const ALvoid *data, ALsizei offset, ALsizei length)
    enum UserFmtChannels srcchannels;
    enum UserFmtType srctype;
    ALCdevice *device;
    ALCcontext *context;
    ALbuffer *albuf;
    ALuint byte_align;
    ALuint channels;
    ALuint bytes;
    ALsizei align;

    context = GetContextRef();
    if(!context) return;

    device = context->Device;
    if((albuf=LookupBuffer(device, buffer)) == NULL)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_NAME, done);
    if(!(length >= 0 && offset >= 0))
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);
    if(DecomposeUserFormat(format, &srcchannels, &srctype) == AL_FALSE)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, done);

    align = albuf->UnpackAlign;
    if(SanitizeAlignment(srctype, &align) == AL_FALSE)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);
    if(srcchannels != albuf->OriginalChannels || srctype != albuf->OriginalType)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, done);
    if(align != albuf->OriginalAlign)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_ENUM, done);

    if(albuf->OriginalType == UserFmtIMA4)
        byte_align  = (albuf->OriginalAlign-1)/2 + 4;
        byte_align *= ChannelsFromUserFmt(albuf->OriginalChannels);
    else if(albuf->OriginalType == UserFmtMSADPCM)
        byte_align  = (albuf->OriginalAlign-2)/2 + 7;
        byte_align *= ChannelsFromUserFmt(albuf->OriginalChannels);
        byte_align  = albuf->OriginalAlign;
        byte_align *= FrameSizeFromUserFmt(albuf->OriginalChannels,

    if(offset > albuf->OriginalSize || length > albuf->OriginalSize-offset ||
       (offset%byte_align) != 0 || (length%byte_align) != 0)
        SET_ERROR_AND_GOTO(context, AL_INVALID_VALUE, done);

    channels = ChannelsFromFmt(albuf->FmtChannels);
    bytes = BytesFromFmt(albuf->FmtType);
    /* offset -> byte offset, length -> sample count */
    offset = offset/byte_align * channels*bytes;
    length = length/byte_align * albuf->OriginalAlign;

    ConvertData((char*)albuf->data+offset, (enum UserFmtType)albuf->FmtType,
                data, srctype, channels, length, align);

Exemplo n.º 4
 * LoadData
 * Loads the specified data into the buffer, using the specified formats.
 * Currently, the new format must have the same channel configuration as the
 * original format.
ALenum LoadData(ALbuffer *ALBuf, ALuint freq, ALenum NewFormat, ALsizei frames, enum UserFmtChannels SrcChannels, enum UserFmtType SrcType, const ALvoid *data, ALsizei align, ALboolean storesrc)
    enum FmtChannels DstChannels = FmtMono;
    enum FmtType DstType = FmtByte;
    ALuint NewChannels, NewBytes;
    ALuint64 newsize;

    if(DecomposeFormat(NewFormat, &DstChannels, &DstType) == AL_FALSE)
        return AL_INVALID_ENUM;
    if((long)SrcChannels != (long)DstChannels)
        return AL_INVALID_ENUM;

    NewChannels = ChannelsFromFmt(DstChannels);
    NewBytes = BytesFromFmt(DstType);

    newsize = frames;
    newsize *= NewBytes;
    newsize *= NewChannels;
    if(newsize > INT_MAX)
        return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    if(ReadRef(&ALBuf->ref) != 0)
        return AL_INVALID_OPERATION;

    /* Round up to the next 16-byte multiple. This could reallocate only when
     * increasing or the new size is less than half the current, but then the
     * buffer's AL_SIZE would not be very reliable for accounting buffer memory
     * usage, and reporting the real size could cause problems for apps that
     * use AL_SIZE to try to get the buffer's play length.
    newsize = (newsize+15) & ~0xf;
    if(newsize != ALBuf->BytesAlloc)
        void *temp = al_calloc(16, (size_t)newsize);
        if(!temp && newsize)
            return AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        ALBuf->data = temp;
        ALBuf->BytesAlloc = (ALuint)newsize;

    if(data != NULL)
        ConvertData(ALBuf->data, (enum UserFmtType)DstType, data, SrcType, NewChannels, frames, align);

        ALBuf->OriginalChannels = SrcChannels;
        ALBuf->OriginalType     = SrcType;
        if(SrcType == UserFmtIMA4)
            ALsizei byte_align = ((align-1)/2 + 4) * ChannelsFromUserFmt(SrcChannels);
            ALBuf->OriginalSize  = frames / align * byte_align;
            ALBuf->OriginalAlign = align;
        else if(SrcType == UserFmtMSADPCM)
            ALsizei byte_align = ((align-2)/2 + 7) * ChannelsFromUserFmt(SrcChannels);
            ALBuf->OriginalSize  = frames / align * byte_align;
            ALBuf->OriginalAlign = align;
            ALBuf->OriginalSize  = frames * FrameSizeFromUserFmt(SrcChannels, SrcType);
            ALBuf->OriginalAlign = 1;
        ALBuf->OriginalChannels = (enum UserFmtChannels)DstChannels;
        ALBuf->OriginalType     = (enum UserFmtType)DstType;
        ALBuf->OriginalSize     = frames * NewBytes * NewChannels;
        ALBuf->OriginalAlign    = 1;

    ALBuf->Frequency = freq;
    ALBuf->FmtChannels = DstChannels;
    ALBuf->FmtType = DstType;
    ALBuf->Format = NewFormat;

    ALBuf->SampleLen = frames;
    ALBuf->LoopStart = 0;
    ALBuf->LoopEnd = ALBuf->SampleLen;

    return AL_NO_ERROR;