static QEP QEPnew(int p, int c){ QEP qep; qep = (QEP) GDKmalloc( sizeof(struct QEPrecord)); if (qep == NULL) return NULL; qep->mb= NULL; qep->p = NULL; qep->plimit = p; if( p ) { qep->parents = (QEP*) GDKzalloc( sizeof(QEP) * p); if( qep->parents == NULL){ GDKfree(qep); return NULL; } } qep->climit = c; if( c){ qep->children = (QEP *) GDKzalloc( sizeof(QEP) * c); if( qep->children == NULL){ GDKfree(qep); return NULL; } } return qep; }
static AGGRtask* GROUPcollect( Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci){ AGGRtask *a; int i; BAT *b, *bs, *bh = NULL; BUN sample; (void) mb; (void) cntxt; a= (AGGRtask *) GDKzalloc(sizeof(*a)); if ( a == NULL) return NULL; a->bid = (bat*) GDKzalloc(pci->argc * sizeof(bat)); a->cols = (BAT**) GDKzalloc(pci->argc * sizeof(BAT*)); a->unique = (BUN *) GDKzalloc(pci->argc * sizeof(BUN)); if ( a->cols == NULL || a->bid == NULL || a->unique == NULL){ if(a->cols) GDKfree(a->cols); if(a->bid) GDKfree(a->bid); if(a->unique) GDKfree(a->unique); GDKfree(a); return NULL; } for ( i= pci->retc; i< pci->argc; i++, a->last++) { a->bid[a->last] = *getArgReference_bat(stk,pci,i); b = a->cols[a->last]= BATdescriptor(a->bid[a->last]); if ( a->cols[a->last] == NULL){ for(a->last--; a->last>=0; a->last--) BBPunfix(a->cols[a->last]->batCacheid); GDKfree(a->cols); GDKfree(a->bid); GDKfree(a->unique); GDKfree(a); return NULL; } sample = BATcount(b) < 1000 ? BATcount(b): 1000; bs = BATsample( b, sample); if (bs) { bh = BATunique(b, bs); if (bh) { a->unique[a->last] = BATcount(bh); BBPunfix(bh->batCacheid); } BBPunfix(bs->batCacheid); } if ( b->tsorted) a->unique[a->last] = 1000; /* sorting helps grouping */ a->size = BATcount(b); } #ifdef _DEBUG_GROUPBY_ for(i=0; i<a->last; i++) fprintf(stderr,"#group %d unique "BUNFMT "\n", i, a->unique[i]); #endif return a; }
static JSON * JSONnewtree(int size) { JSON *js; if (size == 0) size = jsonhint; js = (JSON *) GDKzalloc(sizeof(JSON)); js->elm = (JSONterm *) GDKzalloc(sizeof(JSONterm) * size); js->size = size; return js; }
void getModuleList(Module** out, int* length) { int i; int moduleCount = 0; int currentIndex = 0; for(i = 0; i < MODULE_HASH_SIZE; i++) { Module m = moduleIndex[i]; while(m) { moduleCount++; m = m->link; } } *out = GDKzalloc(moduleCount * sizeof(Module)); if (*out == NULL) { return; } *length = moduleCount; for(i = 0; i < MODULE_HASH_SIZE; i++) { Module m = moduleIndex[i]; while(m) { (*out)[currentIndex++] = m; m = m->link; } } }
static void * column_find_value(sql_trans *tr, sql_column *c, oid rid) { BUN q; BAT *b, *d = NULL; void *res = NULL; sql_dbat *bat = c->t->data; if (bat->dbid) d = store_funcs.bind_del(tr, c->t, RDONLY); b = full_column(c, d, NULL); if (d) bat_destroy(d); q = BUNfnd(b, (ptr) &rid); if (q != BUN_NONE) { BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b); void *r; int sz; res = BUNtail(bi, q); sz = ATOMlen(b->ttype, res); r = GDKzalloc(sz); memcpy(r,res,sz); res = r; } bat_destroy(b); return res; }
static str JSONglue(str res, str r, char sep) { size_t len, l; str n; if (r == 0 || *r == 0) return res; len = strlen(r); if (res == 0) res = GDKstrdup(r); else { l = strlen(res); n = GDKzalloc(l + len + 3); strcpy(n, res); if (sep) { n[l] = ','; strncpy(n + l + 1, r, len); n[l + 1 + len] = 0; } else { strncpy(n + l, r, len); n[l + len] = 0; } GDKfree(res); res = n; } if (r) GDKfree(r); return res; }
/* * The administrator should be initialized to enable interpretation of * the command line arguments, before it starts serviceing statements */ int MCinitClientThread(Client c) { Thread t; char cname[11 + 1]; snprintf(cname, 11, OIDFMT, c->user); cname[11] = '\0'; t = THRnew(cname); if (t == 0) { showException(c->fdout, MAL, "initClientThread", "Failed to initialize client"); MPresetProfiler(c->fdout); return -1; } /* * The GDK thread administration should be set to reflect use of * the proper IO descriptors. */ t->data[1] = c->fdin; t->data[0] = c->fdout; c->mythread = t; c->errbuf = GDKerrbuf; if (c->errbuf == NULL) { GDKsetbuf(GDKzalloc(GDKMAXERRLEN)); c->errbuf = GDKerrbuf; } else c->errbuf[0] = 0; return 0; }
str JSONkeyArray(json *ret, json *js) { char *result = NULL; str r; int i; JSON *jt; jt = JSONparse(*js, FALSE); // already validated CHECK_JSON(jt); if (jt->elm[0].kind == JSON_OBJECT) for (i = jt->elm[0].next; i; i = jt->elm[i].next) { r = GDKzalloc(jt->elm[i].valuelen + 3); if (jt->elm[i].valuelen) strncpy(r, jt->elm[i].value - 1, jt->elm[i].valuelen + 2); result = JSONglue(result, r, ','); } else throw(MAL, "json.keyarray", "Object expected"); r = (char *) GDKstrdup("["); result = JSONglue(r, result, 0); r = (char *) GDKstrdup("]"); *ret = JSONglue(result, r, 0); return MAL_SUCCEED; }
/* * Determine the variables being used and clear non-used onces. */ void MSresetVariables(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr glb, int start) { int i; bit *used = GDKzalloc(mb->vtop * sizeof(bit)); if( used == NULL){ GDKerror("MSresetVariables" MAL_MALLOC_FAIL); return; } for (i = 0; i < start && start < mb->vtop; i++) used[i] = 1; if (mb->errors == 0) for (i = start; i < mb->vtop; i++) { if (used[i] || !isTmpVar(mb, i)) { assert(!mb->var[i]->value.vtype || isVarConstant(mb, i)); used[i] = 1; } if (glb && !used[i]) { if (isVarConstant(mb, i)) garbageElement(cntxt, &glb->stk[i]); /* clean stack entry */ glb->stk[i].vtype = TYPE_int; glb->stk[i].len = 0; glb->stk[i].val.pval = 0; } } if (mb->errors == 0) trimMalVariables_(mb, used, glb); GDKfree(used); }
bool MCinit(void) { const char *max_clients = GDKgetenv("max_clients"); int maxclients = 0; if (max_clients != NULL) maxclients = atoi(max_clients); if (maxclients <= 0) { maxclients = 64; if (GDKsetenv("max_clients", "64") != GDK_SUCCEED) { fprintf(stderr,"#MCinit: GDKsetenv failed"); return false; } } MAL_MAXCLIENTS = /* console */ 1 + /* client connections */ maxclients; mal_clients = GDKzalloc(sizeof(ClientRec) * MAL_MAXCLIENTS); if( mal_clients == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"#MCinit:" MAL_MALLOC_FAIL); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < MAL_MAXCLIENTS; i++) ATOMIC_INIT(&mal_clients[i].lastprint, 0); return true; }
/* * The administrator should be initialized to enable interpretation of * the command line arguments, before it starts servicing statements */ int MCinitClientThread(Client c) { Thread t; t = MT_thread_getdata(); /* should succeed */ if (t == NULL) { MPresetProfiler(c->fdout); return -1; } /* * The GDK thread administration should be set to reflect use of * the proper IO descriptors. */ t->data[1] = c->fdin; t->data[0] = c->fdout; c->mythread = t; c->errbuf = GDKerrbuf; if (c->errbuf == NULL) { char *n = GDKzalloc(GDKMAXERRLEN); if ( n == NULL){ MPresetProfiler(c->fdout); return -1; } GDKsetbuf(n); c->errbuf = GDKerrbuf; } else c->errbuf[0] = 0; return 0; }
str MRgetCloud(int *ret, str *mrcluster) { str msg; BAT *cloud; BUN p, q; BATiter bi; char nodes[BUFSIZ]; char *n = nodes; int mapcount = 0; snprintf(nodes, sizeof(nodes), "*/%s/node/*", *mrcluster); if ((msg = RMTresolve(ret, &n)) != MAL_SUCCEED) return msg; MT_lock_set(&mal_contextLock, "mapreduce"); cloud = BATdescriptor(*ret); /* should succeed */ mapnodes = (mapnode*)GDKzalloc(sizeof(mapnode) * (BATcount(cloud) + 1)); if (mapnodes == NULL) { BBPreleaseref(*ret); throw(MAL, "mapreduce.getCloud", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL); } bi = bat_iterator(cloud); BATloop(cloud, p, q) { str t = (str)BUNtail(bi, p); mapnodes[mapcount].uri = GDKstrdup(t); mapnodes[mapcount].user = GDKstrdup("monetdb"); mapnodes[mapcount].pass = GDKstrdup("monetdb"); mapcount++; }
/* Every client record has a private module name 'user' * for keeping around non-shared functions */ Module userModule(void){ Module cur; cur = (Module) GDKzalloc(sizeof(ModuleRecord)); if (cur == NULL) return NULL; cur->name = putName("user"); cur->link = NULL; cur->space = NULL; cur->isAtomModule = FALSE; cur->space = (Symbol *) GDKzalloc(MAXSCOPE * sizeof(Symbol)); if (cur->space == NULL) { GDKfree(cur); return NULL; } return cur; }
int OPTgroupsImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr p) { int i, actions=0; InstrPtr q; InstrPtr *old, *ref; int limit,slimit; (void) cntxt; (void) stk; if (varGetProp(mb, getArg(mb->stmt[0], 0), inlineProp) != NULL) { return 0; } /* beware, new variables and instructions are introduced */ ref= (InstrPtr*) GDKzalloc(sizeof(InstrPtr) * mb->vtop); /* to find last assignment */ if ( ref == NULL) { return 0; } old= mb->stmt; limit= mb->stop; slimit= mb->ssize; if ( newMalBlkStmt(mb,mb->ssize) <0) { GDKfree(ref); return 0; } for (i = 0; i<limit; i++){ p= old[i]; if (getModuleId(p) == groupRef && p->argc == 4 && getFunctionId(p) == subgroupRef ){ setFunctionId(p, multicolumnsRef); ref[getArg(p,0)] = p; actions++; OPTDEBUGgroups { mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#new groups instruction\n"); printInstruction(cntxt->fdout,mb, 0, p, LIST_MAL_ALL); } } if (getModuleId(p) == groupRef && p->argc == 5 && getFunctionId(p) == subgroupdoneRef && ref[getArg(p,4)] != NULL){ /* * Try to expand its argument list with what we have found so far. * This creates a series of derive paths, many of which will be removed during deadcode elimination. */ q= copyInstruction(ref[getArg(p,4)]); q= pushArgument(mb, q, getArg(p,3)); getArg(q,0) = getArg(p,0); getArg(q,1) = getArg(p,1); getArg(q,2) = getArg(p,2); ref[getArg(q,0)] = q; freeInstruction(p); p= q; OPTDEBUGgroups{ mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#new groups instruction extension\n"); printInstruction(cntxt->fdout,mb, 0, p, LIST_MAL_ALL); } }
static Sensor SEnew(str nme) { Sensor se; se = (Sensor) GDKzalloc(sizeof(SErecord)); se->name = GDKstrdup(nme); se->nxt = seAnchor; seAnchor = se; return se; }
static Actuator ACnew(str nme) { Actuator ac; ac = (Actuator) GDKzalloc(sizeof(ACrecord)); ac->name = GDKstrdup(nme); ac->nxt = acAnchor; acAnchor = ac; return ac; }
MalStkPtr newGlobalStack(int size) { MalStkPtr s; s = (MalStkPtr) GDKzalloc(stackSize(size) + offsetof(MalStack, stk)); if (!s) return NULL; s->stksize = size; return s; }
MalStkPtr newGlobalStack(int size) { MalStkPtr s; s = (MalStkPtr) GDKzalloc(stackSize(size) + offsetof(MalStack, stk)); if (s == NULL) GDKfatal("newGlobalStack:can not obtain memory\n"); s->stksize = size; return s; }
Client MCinitClientRecord(Client c, oid user, bstream *fin, stream *fout) { str prompt; c->user = user; c->scenario = NULL; c->oldscenario = NULL; c->srcFile = NULL; c->blkmode = 0; c->fdin = fin ? fin : bstream_create(GDKin, 0); c->yycur = 0; c->bak = NULL; c->listing = 0; c->fdout = fout ? fout : GDKstdout; c->mdb = 0; c->history = 0; c->curprg = c->backup = 0; c->glb = 0; /* remove garbage from previous connection */ if (c->nspace) { freeModule(c->nspace); c->nspace = 0; } c->father = NULL; c->login = c->lastcmd = time(0); c->qtimeout = 0; c->stimeout = 0; c->stage = 0; c->itrace = 0; c->debugOptimizer = c->debugScheduler = 0; c->flags = MCdefault; c->timer = 0; c->memory = 0; c->errbuf = 0; prompt = !fin ? GDKgetenv("monet_prompt") : PROMPT1; c->prompt = GDKstrdup(prompt); c->promptlength = strlen(prompt); c->actions = 0; c->totaltime = 0; c->rcc = (RecPtr) GDKzalloc(sizeof(RecStat)); c->rcc->curQ = -1; c->exception_buf_initialized = 0; MT_sema_init(&c->s, 0, "MCinitClient"); return c; }
static str JSONgetValue(JSON *jt, int idx) { str s; if (jt->elm[idx].valuelen == 0) return GDKstrdup(str_nil); if (strncmp(jt->elm[idx].value, "null", 4) == 0) return GDKstrdup(str_nil); s = GDKzalloc(jt->elm[idx].valuelen + 1); if (s) strncpy(s, jt->elm[idx].value, jt->elm[idx].valuelen); return s; }
/* * Module scope management * It will contain the symbol table of all globally accessible functions. */ Module globalModule(str nme) { Module cur; // Global modules are not named 'user' assert (strcmp(nme, "user")); #ifdef _DEBUG_MODULE_ fprintf(stderr,"#create new global module %s\n",nme); #endif nme = putName(nme); cur = (Module) GDKzalloc(sizeof(ModuleRecord)); if (cur == NULL) return NULL; cur->name = nme; cur->link = NULL; cur->isAtomModule = FALSE; cur->space = (Symbol *) GDKzalloc(MAXSCOPE * sizeof(Symbol)); if (cur->space == NULL) { GDKfree(cur); return NULL; } addModuleToIndex(cur); return cur; }
/* * After filling in a structure it is added to the multi-level symbol * table. We keep a skip list of similarly named function symbols. * This speeds up searching provided the modules adhere to the * structure and group the functions as well. */ void insertSymbol(Module scope, Symbol prg){ InstrPtr sig; int t; Module c; assert(scope); sig = getSignature(prg); #ifdef _DEBUG_MODULE_ fprintf(stderr,"#insertSymbol: %s.%s in %s ", getModuleId(sig), getFunctionId(sig), scope->name); #endif if(getModuleId(sig) && getModuleId(sig)!= scope->name){ /* move the definition to the proper place */ /* default scope is the last resort */ c= findModule(scope,getModuleId(sig)); if ( c ) scope = c; #ifdef _DEBUG_MODULE_ fprintf(stderr," found alternative module %s ", scope->name); #endif } t = getSymbolIndex(getFunctionId(sig)); if( scope->space == NULL) { scope->space = (Symbol *) GDKzalloc(MAXSCOPE * sizeof(Symbol)); if (scope->space == NULL) return; } assert(scope->space); if (scope->space[t] == prg){ /* already known, last inserted */ #ifdef _DEBUG_MODULE_ fprintf(stderr," unexpected double insert "); #endif } else { prg->peer= scope->space[t]; scope->space[t] = prg; if( prg->peer && idcmp(prg->name,prg->peer->name) == 0) prg->skip = prg->peer->skip; else prg->skip = prg->peer; } assert(prg != prg->peer); #ifdef _DEBUG_MODULE_ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); #endif }
static str JSONfilterInternal(json *ret, json *js, str *expr, str other) { pattern terms[MAXTERMS]; int tidx = 0; JSON *jt; str j = *js, msg = MAL_SUCCEED, s; json result = 0; size_t l; (void) other; if (strNil(j)) { *ret = GDKstrdup(j); return MAL_SUCCEED; } memset((char *) terms, 0, MAXTERMS * sizeof(pattern)); msg = JSONcompile(*expr, terms); if (msg) return msg; jt = JSONparse(j, FALSE); CHECK_JSON(jt); result = s = JSONmatch(jt, 0, terms, tidx); // process all other PATH expression for (tidx++; tidx < MAXTERMS && terms[tidx].token; tidx++) if (terms[tidx].token == END_STEP && tidx + 1 < MAXTERMS && terms[tidx + 1].token) { s = JSONmatch(jt, 0, terms, ++tidx); result = JSONglue(result, s, ','); } if (result) { l = strlen(result); if (result[l - 1] == ',') result[l - 1] = 0; } else l = 3; s = GDKzalloc(l + 3); snprintf(s, l + 3, "[%s]", (result ? result : "")); GDKfree(result); for (l = 0; terms[l].token; l++) if (terms[l].name) GDKfree(terms[l].name); JSONfree(jt); *ret = s; return msg; }
str MATproject(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci) { bat *res_id = (bat*) getArgReference(stk,pci,0); bat map_id = *(bat*) getArgReference(stk,pci,1); BAT *res = NULL, *map; /* rest of the args are parts, (excluding result and map) */ BAT **bats = GDKzalloc(sizeof(BAT*) * pci->argc - 2); BUN bcnt = 0; int i, len = pci->argc-2, sorted = 1; (void) cntxt; (void) mb; (void) stk; if( bats == NULL) throw(SQL, "mat.project",MAL_MALLOC_FAIL); map = BATdescriptor(map_id); if (!map) goto error; for (i=2; i<pci->argc; i++) { bat id = *(bat*) getArgReference(stk,pci,i); bats[i-2] = BATdescriptor(id); if (!bats[i-2]) goto error; bcnt += BATcount(bats[i-2]); if (!bats[i-2]->T->sorted) sorted = 0; } assert(bcnt == BATcount(map)); res = MATproject_(map, bats, len ); if (sorted && res) BATordered(BATmirror(res)); error: if (map) BBPunfix(map->batCacheid); if (bats) { for (i=0; i<len && bats[i]; i++) BBPunfix(bats[i]->batCacheid); GDKfree(bats); } if (res) { BATsettrivprop(res); BBPkeepref( *res_id = res->batCacheid); return MAL_SUCCEED; } throw(SQL, "mat.project","Cannot access descriptor"); }
void MCinit(void) { char *max_clients = GDKgetenv("max_clients"); int maxclients = 0; if (max_clients != NULL) maxclients = atoi(max_clients); if (maxclients <= 0) { maxclients = 64; GDKsetenv("max_clients", "64"); } MAL_MAXCLIENTS = /* console */ 1 + /* client connections */ maxclients; mal_clients = GDKzalloc(sizeof(ClientRec) * MAL_MAXCLIENTS); }
void printSignature(stream *fd, Symbol s, int flg) { InstrPtr p; str txt; if ( s->def == 0 ){ mnstr_printf(fd, "missing definition of %s\n", s->name); return; } txt = GDKzalloc(MAXLISTING); /* some slack for large blocks */ if( txt){ p = getSignature(s); (void) fcnDefinition(s->def, p, txt, flg, txt, MAXLISTING); mnstr_printf(fd, "%s\n", txt); GDKfree(txt); } else mnstr_printf(fd, "printSignature: " MAL_MALLOC_FAIL); }
static int table_dump(sql_trans *tr, sql_table *t) { node *n = cs_first_node(&t->columns); int i, l = cs_size(&t->columns); BAT **b = (BAT**)GDKzalloc(sizeof(BAT*) * l); (void)tr; for (i = 0; n; n = n->next, i++) { sql_column *c = n->data; sql_delta *bat = c->data; b[i] = temp_descriptor(bat->bid); } BATmultiprintf(GDKstdout, l +1, b, TRUE, 0, 1); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) bat_destroy(b[i]); GDKfree(b); return 0; }
void MCinit(void) { char *max_clients = GDKgetenv("max_clients"); int maxclients = 0; if (max_clients != NULL) maxclients = atoi(max_clients); if (maxclients <= 0) { maxclients = 64; GDKsetenv("max_clients", "64"); } MAL_MAXCLIENTS = /* console */ 1 + /* client connections */ maxclients; mal_clients = GDKzalloc(sizeof(ClientRec) * MAL_MAXCLIENTS); if( mal_clients == NULL){ showException(GDKout, MAL, "MCinit",MAL_MALLOC_FAIL); mal_exit(); } }
int OPTpushselectImplementation(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci) { int i, j, limit, slimit, actions=0, *vars, push_down_delta = 0, nr_topn = 0, nr_likes = 0; InstrPtr p, *old; subselect_t subselects; memset(&subselects, 0, sizeof(subselects)); if( mb->errors) return 0; OPTDEBUGpushselect mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#Push select optimizer started\n"); (void) stk; (void) pci; vars= (int*) GDKzalloc(sizeof(int)* mb->vtop); if( vars == NULL) return 0; limit = mb->stop; slimit= mb->ssize; old = mb->stmt; /* check for bailout conditions */ for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) { int lastbat; p = old[i]; for (j = 0; j<p->retc; j++) { int res = getArg(p, j); vars[res] = i; } if (getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && (getFunctionId(p) == tintersectRef || getFunctionId(p) == tinterRef || getFunctionId(p) == tdifferenceRef || getFunctionId(p) == tdiffRef)) { GDKfree(vars); return 0; } if (getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == sliceRef) nr_topn++; if (isLikeOp(p)) nr_likes++; if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == deltaRef) push_down_delta++; if (getModuleId(p) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(p) == tidRef) { /* rewrite equal table ids */ int sname = getArg(p, 2), tname = getArg(p, 3), s; for (s = 0; s <; s++) { InstrPtr q = old[vars[subselects.tid[s]]]; int Qsname = getArg(q, 2), Qtname = getArg(q, 3); if (no_updates(old, vars, getArg(q,1), getArg(p,1)) && ((sname == Qsname && tname == Qtname) || (0 && strcmp(getVarConstant(mb, sname).val.sval, getVarConstant(mb, Qsname).val.sval) == 0 && strcmp(getVarConstant(mb, tname).val.sval, getVarConstant(mb, Qtname).val.sval) == 0))) { clrFunction(p); p->retc = 1; p->argc = 2; getArg(p, 1) = getArg(q, 0); break; } } } lastbat = lastbat_arg(mb, p); if (isSubSelect(p) && p->retc == 1 && /* no cand list */ getArgType(mb, p, lastbat) != newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid)) { int i1 = getArg(p, 1), tid = 0; InstrPtr q = old[vars[i1]]; /* find the table ids */ while(!tid) { if (getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(q) == leftfetchjoinRef) { int i1 = getArg(q, 1); InstrPtr s = old[vars[i1]]; if (getModuleId(s) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(s) == tidRef) tid = getArg(q, 1); if (s->argc == 2 && s->retc == 1) { int i1 = getArg(s, 1); InstrPtr s = old[vars[i1]]; if (getModuleId(s) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(s) == tidRef) tid = getArg(q, 1); } break; } else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 2 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 1))) { int i1 = getArg(q, 1); q = old[vars[i1]]; } else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 3 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 2))) { int i2 = getArg(q, 2); q = old[vars[i2]]; } else { break; } } if (tid && subselect_add(&subselects, tid, getArg(p, 0)) < 0) { GDKfree(vars); return 0; } } /* left hand side */ if ( (GDKdebug & (1<<15)) && isMatJoinOp(p) && p->retc == 2) { int i1 = getArg(p, 2), tid = 0; InstrPtr q = old[vars[i1]]; /* find the table ids */ while(!tid) { if (getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(q) == leftfetchjoinRef) { int i1 = getArg(q, 1); InstrPtr s = old[vars[i1]]; if (getModuleId(s) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(s) == tidRef) tid = getArg(q, 1); break; } else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 2 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 1))) { int i1 = getArg(q, 1); q = old[vars[i1]]; } else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 3 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 2))) { int i2 = getArg(q, 2); q = old[vars[i2]]; } else { break; } } if (tid && subselect_add(&subselects, tid, getArg(p, 0)) < 0) { GDKfree(vars); return 0; } } /* right hand side */ if ( (GDKdebug & (1<<15)) && isMatJoinOp(p) && p->retc == 2) { int i1 = getArg(p, 3), tid = 0; InstrPtr q = old[vars[i1]]; /* find the table ids */ while(!tid) { if (getModuleId(q) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(q) == leftfetchjoinRef) { int i1 = getArg(q, 1); InstrPtr s = old[vars[i1]]; if (getModuleId(s) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(s) == tidRef) tid = getArg(q, 1); break; } else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 2 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 1))) { int i1 = getArg(q, 1); q = old[vars[i1]]; } else if (isMapOp(q) && q->argc >= 3 && isaBatType(getArgType(mb, q, 2))) { int i2 = getArg(q, 2); q = old[vars[i2]]; } else { break; } } if (tid && subselect_add(&subselects, tid, getArg(p, 1)) < 0) { GDKfree(vars); return 0; } } } if ((! && !nr_topn && !nr_likes) || newMalBlkStmt(mb, mb->ssize) <0 ) { GDKfree(vars); return 0; } pushInstruction(mb,old[0]); for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) { p = old[i]; /* rewrite + subselect -> likesubselect */ if (getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && p->retc == 1 && getFunctionId(p) == subselectRef) { int var = getArg(p, 1); InstrPtr q = mb->stmt[vars[var]]; /* BEWARE: the optimizer may not add or remove statements ! */ if (isLikeOp(q)) { /* TODO check if getArg(p, 3) value == TRUE */ InstrPtr r = newInstruction(mb, ASSIGNsymbol); int has_cand = (getArgType(mb, p, 2) == newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid)); int a, anti = (getFunctionId(q)[0] == 'n'), ignore_case = (getFunctionId(q)[anti?4:0] == 'i'); setModuleId(r, algebraRef); setFunctionId(r, likesubselectRef); getArg(r,0) = getArg(p,0); r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(q, 1)); if (has_cand) r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(p, 2)); for(a = 2; a<q->argc; a++) r = pushArgument(mb, r, getArg(q, a)); if (r->argc < (4+has_cand)) r = pushStr(mb, r, ""); /* default esc */ if (r->argc < (5+has_cand)) r = pushBit(mb, r, ignore_case); if (r->argc < (6+has_cand)) r = pushBit(mb, r, anti); freeInstruction(p); p = r; actions++; } } /* inject table ids into subselect * s = subselect(c, C1..) => subselect(c, t, C1..) */ if (isSubSelect(p) && p->retc == 1) { int tid = 0; if ((tid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 0))) >= 0) { int lastbat = lastbat_arg(mb, p); if (getArgType(mb, p, lastbat) == TYPE_bat) /* empty candidate list bat_nil */ getArg(p, lastbat) = tid; else p = PushArgument(mb, p, tid, lastbat+1); /* make sure to resolve again */ p->token = ASSIGNsymbol; p->typechk = TYPE_UNKNOWN; p->fcn = NULL; p->blk = NULL; actions++; } } else if ( (GDKdebug & (1<<15)) && isMatJoinOp(p) && p->retc == 2 && !(getFunctionId(p) == joinRef && p->argc > 4) ) { int ltid = 0, rtid = 0, done = 0; int range = 0; if(getFunctionId(p) == joinRef) range = (p->argc >= 4); if ((ltid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 0))) >= 0 && (rtid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 1))) >= 0) { p = PushArgument(mb, p, ltid, 4+range); p = PushArgument(mb, p, rtid, 5+range); done = 1; } else if ((ltid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 0))) >= 0) { p = PushArgument(mb, p, ltid, 4+range); p = PushNil(mb, p, 5+range, TYPE_bat); done = 1; } else if ((rtid = subselect_find_tids(&subselects, getArg(p, 1))) >= 0) { p = PushNil(mb, p, 4+range, TYPE_bat); p = PushArgument(mb, p, rtid, 5+range); done = 1; } if (done) { if(getFunctionId(p) == antijoinRef) p = pushInt(mb, p, JOIN_NE); p = pushBit(mb, p, FALSE); /* do not match nils */ p = pushNil(mb, p, TYPE_lng); /* no estimate */ /* TODO join* -> subjoin* */ if(getFunctionId(p) == joinRef) getFunctionId(p) = subjoinRef; else if(getFunctionId(p) == antijoinRef) getFunctionId(p) = subthetajoinRef; else if(getFunctionId(p) == thetajoinRef) getFunctionId(p) = subthetajoinRef; else if(getFunctionId(p) == bandjoinRef) getFunctionId(p) = subbandjoinRef; /* make sure to resolve again */ p->token = ASSIGNsymbol; p->typechk = TYPE_UNKNOWN; p->fcn = NULL; p->blk = NULL; actions++; } } /* Leftfetchjoins involving rewriten table ids need to be flattend * l = leftfetchjoin(t, c); => l = c; * and * l = leftfetchjoin(s, ntids); => l = s; */ else if (getModuleId(p) == algebraRef && getFunctionId(p) == leftfetchjoinRef) { int var = getArg(p, 1); if (subselect_find_subselect(&subselects, var) > 0) { InstrPtr q = newAssignment(mb); getArg(q, 0) = getArg(p, 0); (void) pushArgument(mb, q, getArg(p, 2)); actions++; freeInstruction(p); continue; } else { /* deletes/updates use table ids */ int var = getArg(p, 2); InstrPtr q = mb->stmt[vars[var]]; /* BEWARE: the optimizer may not add or remove statements ! */ if (q->token == ASSIGNsymbol) { var = getArg(q, 1); q = mb->stmt[vars[var]]; } if (subselect_find_subselect(&subselects, var) > 0) { InstrPtr qq = newAssignment(mb); /* TODO: check result */ getArg(qq, 0) = getArg(p, 0); (void) pushArgument(mb, qq, getArg(p, 1)); actions++; freeInstruction(p); continue; } /* c =,uid,uval,ins); * l = leftfetchjoin(x, c); * into * l = sql.projectdelta(x,b,uid,uval,ins); */ else if (getModuleId(q) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(q) == deltaRef && q->argc == 5) { q = copyInstruction(q); setFunctionId(q, projectdeltaRef); getArg(q, 0) = getArg(p, 0); q = PushArgument(mb, q, getArg(p, 1), 1); freeInstruction(p); p = q; actions++; } } } pushInstruction(mb,p); } for (; i<limit; i++) if (old[i]) pushInstruction(mb,old[i]); for (; i<slimit; i++) if (old[i]) freeInstruction(old[i]); GDKfree(old); if (!push_down_delta) { GDKfree(vars); return actions; } /* now push selects through delta's */ limit = mb->stop; slimit= mb->ssize; old = mb->stmt; if (newMalBlkStmt(mb, mb->stop+(5*push_down_delta)) <0 ) { mb->stmt = old; GDKfree(vars); return actions; } pushInstruction(mb,old[0]); for (i = 1; i < limit; i++) { int lastbat; p = old[i]; for (j = 0; j<p->retc; j++) { int res = getArg(p, j); vars[res] = i; } /* push subslice under projectdelta */ if (isSlice(p) && p->retc == 1) { int var = getArg(p, 1); InstrPtr q = old[vars[var]]; if (getModuleId(q) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(q) == projectdeltaRef) { InstrPtr r = copyInstruction(p); InstrPtr s = copyInstruction(q); ValRecord cst; /* slice the candidates */ setFunctionId(r, sliceRef); getArg(r, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid)); getArg(r, 1) = getArg(s, 1); cst.vtype = getArgType(mb, r, 2); cst.val.wval = 0; getArg(r, 2) = defConstant(mb, cst.vtype, &cst); /* start from zero */ pushInstruction(mb,r); /* dummy result for the old q, will be removed by deadcode optimizer */ getArg(q, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, getArgType(mb, q, 0)); getArg(s, 1) = getArg(r, 0); /* use result of subslice */ pushInstruction(mb, s); } } /* c = delta(b, uid, uvl, ins) * s = subselect(c, C1..) * * nc = subselect(b, C1..) * ni = subselect(ins, C1..) * nu = subselect(uvl, C1..) * s = subdelta(nc, uid, nu, ni); * * doesn't handle Xsubselect(x, .. z, C1.. cases) ie multicolumn selects */ lastbat = lastbat_arg(mb, p); if (isSubSelect(p) && p->retc == 1 && lastbat == 2) { int var = getArg(p, 1); InstrPtr q = old[vars[var]]; if (q->token == ASSIGNsymbol) { var = getArg(q, 1); q = old[vars[var]]; } if (getModuleId(q) == sqlRef && getFunctionId(q) == deltaRef) { InstrPtr r = copyInstruction(p); InstrPtr s = copyInstruction(p); InstrPtr t = copyInstruction(p); InstrPtr u = copyInstruction(q); getArg(r, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid)); getArg(r, 1) = getArg(q, 1); /* column */ pushInstruction(mb,r); getArg(s, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid)); getArg(s, 1) = getArg(q, 3); /* updates */ s = ReplaceWithNil(mb, s, 2, TYPE_bat); /* no candidate list */ setArgType(mb, s, 2, newBatType(TYPE_oid,TYPE_oid)); /* make sure to resolve again */ s->token = ASSIGNsymbol; s->typechk = TYPE_UNKNOWN; s->fcn = NULL; s->blk = NULL; pushInstruction(mb,s); getArg(t, 0) = newTmpVariable(mb, newBatType(TYPE_oid, TYPE_oid)); getArg(t, 1) = getArg(q, 4); /* inserts */ pushInstruction(mb,t); setFunctionId(u, subdeltaRef); getArg(u, 0) = getArg(p,0); getArg(u, 1) = getArg(r,0); getArg(u, 2) = getArg(p,2); /* pre-cands */ getArg(u, 3) = getArg(q,2); /* update ids */ getArg(u, 4) = getArg(s,0); u = pushArgument(mb, u, getArg(t,0)); pushInstruction(mb,u); freeInstruction(p); continue; } } pushInstruction(mb,p); } for (; i<limit; i++) if (old[i]) pushInstruction(mb,old[i]); GDKfree(vars); GDKfree(old); return actions; }
/* * The prime routine for the BAT layer is to create a new hash index. * Its argument is the element type and the maximum number of BUNs be * stored under the hash function. */ BAT * BAThash(BAT *b, BUN masksize) { BAT *o = NULL; lng t0,t1; (void) t0; (void) t1; if (VIEWhparent(b)) { bat p = VIEWhparent(b); o = b; b = BATdescriptor(p); if (!ALIGNsynced(o, b) || BUNfirst(o) != BUNfirst(b)) { BBPunfix(b->batCacheid); b = o; o = NULL; } } MT_lock_set(&GDKhashLock(ABS(b->batCacheid)), "BAThash"); if (b->H->hash == NULL) { unsigned int tpe = ATOMstorage(b->htype); BUN cnt = BATcount(b); BUN mask; BUN p = BUNfirst(b), q = BUNlast(b), r; Hash *h = NULL; Heap *hp = NULL; str nme = BBP_physical(b->batCacheid); BATiter bi = bat_iterator(b); ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BAThash: create hash(" BUNFMT ");\n", BATcount(b)); /* cnt = 0, hopefully there is a proper capacity from * which we can derive enough information */ if (!cnt) cnt = BATcapacity(b); if (b->htype == TYPE_void) { if (b->hseqbase == oid_nil) { MT_lock_unset(&GDKhashLock(ABS(b->batCacheid)), "BAThash"); ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BAThash: cannot create hash-table on void-NIL column.\n"); return NULL; } ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BAThash: creating hash-table on void column..\n"); tpe = TYPE_void; } /* determine hash mask size p = first; then no dynamic * scheme */ if (masksize > 0) { mask = HASHmask(masksize); } else if (ATOMsize(ATOMstorage(tpe)) == 1) { mask = (1 << 8); } else if (ATOMsize(ATOMstorage(tpe)) == 2) { mask = (1 << 12); } else if (b->hkey) { mask = HASHmask(cnt); } else { /* dynamic hash: we start with * HASHmask(cnt/64); if there are too many * collisions we try HASHmask(cnt/16), then * HASHmask(cnt/4), and finally * HASHmask(cnt). */ mask = HASHmask(cnt >> 6); p += (cnt >> 2); /* try out on first 25% of b */ if (p > q) p = q; } if (mask < 1024) mask = 1024; t0 = GDKusec(); do { BUN nslots = mask >> 3; /* 1/8 full is too full */ r = BUNfirst(b); if (hp) { HEAPfree(hp); GDKfree(hp); } if (h) { ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BAThash: retry hash construction\n"); GDKfree(h); } /* create the hash structures */ hp = (Heap *) GDKzalloc(sizeof(Heap)); if (hp && (hp->filename = GDKmalloc(strlen(nme) + 12)) != NULL) sprintf(hp->filename, "%s.%chash", nme, b->batCacheid > 0 ? 'h' : 't'); if (hp == NULL || hp->filename == NULL || (h = HASHnew(hp, ATOMtype(b->htype), BATcapacity(b), mask)) == NULL) { MT_lock_unset(&GDKhashLock(ABS(b->batCacheid)), "BAThash"); if (hp != NULL) { GDKfree(hp->filename); GDKfree(hp); } return NULL; } switch (tpe) { case TYPE_bte: starthash(bte); break; case TYPE_sht: starthash(sht); break; case TYPE_int: case TYPE_flt: starthash(int); break; case TYPE_dbl: case TYPE_lng: starthash(lng); break; default: for (; r < p; r++) { ptr v = BUNhead(bi, r); BUN c = (BUN) heap_hash_any(b->H->vheap, h, v); if ( HASHget(h,c) == HASHnil(h) && nslots-- == 0) break; /* mask too full */ HASHputlink(h,r, HASHget(h,c)); HASHput(h,c, r); } break; } } while (r < p && mask < cnt && (mask <<= 2)); /* finish the hashtable with the current mask */ p = r; switch (tpe) { case TYPE_bte: finishhash(bte); break; case TYPE_sht: finishhash(sht); break; case TYPE_int: case TYPE_flt: finishhash(int); break; case TYPE_dbl: case TYPE_lng: finishhash(lng); break; default: for (; p < q; p++) { ptr v = BUNhead(bi, p); BUN c = (BUN) heap_hash_any(b->H->vheap, h, v); HASHputlink(h,p, HASHget(h,c)); HASHput(h,c,p); } break; } b->H->hash = h; t1 = GDKusec(); ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BAThash: hash construction "LLFMT" usec\n", t1-t0); ALGODEBUG HASHcollisions(b,b->H->hash); }