Exemplo n.º 1
bool gtPlusIOWorker::open()
        if ( fid_.is_open() )

        if ( readFlag_ )
            fid_.open(ioTag_.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
            fid_.open(ioTag_.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

        if ( !fid_ )
            GERROR_STREAM("gtPlusIOWorker::open() cannot open file stream : " << ioTag_);
            return false;
        GERROR_STREAM("Errors in gtPlusIOWorker::open() ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  template <class T> void ht_grappa_solve_spd_system(hoNDArray<T> *A, hoNDArray<T> *B) {
      We are swithcing off OpenMP threading before this call to posv. There seems to be a bad interaction between openmp, cuda, and BLAS.
      So far this problem has only been observed from *.cu files (or in functions called from *.cu files) but the problem may be more general.

      This is a temporary fix that we should keep an eye on.

    hoNDArray<T> A_ori;
    A_ori = *A;

        posv(*A, *B);
        // it is found that if signal is very very high, the posv can throw exceptions due to ill-conditioned matrix of A
        // hesv does not require A to be a positive-definite matrix, but an n-by-n symmetric matrix

        GERROR_STREAM("ht_grappa_solve_spd_system : posv(*A, *B) throws exceptions ... ");
        *A = A_ori;
        hesv(*A, *B);
        GERROR_STREAM("ht_grappa_solve_spd_system : hesv(*A, *B) is called ");
Exemplo n.º 3
    if ( !close() )
        GERROR_STREAM("Errors in gtPlusIOWorker::~gtPlusIOWorker() ... ");
bool getISMRMRMetaValues(const ISMRMRD::MetaContainer& attrib, const std::string& name, std::vector<std::string>& v)
        size_t num = attrib.length(name.c_str());
        if ( num == 0 )
            GWARN_STREAM("getISMRMRMetaValues, can not find field : " << name);
            return true;


        size_t ii;
        for ( ii=0; ii<num; ii++ )
            v[ii] = std::string( attrib.as_str(name.c_str(), ii) );
        GERROR_STREAM("Error happened in getISMRMRMetaValues(const ISMRMRD::MetaContainer& attrib, const std::string& name, std::vector<std::string>& v) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
template <typename T> EXPORTGTPLPLOT
bool plotCurves(const std::vector<hoNDArray<T> >& x, const std::vector<hoNDArray<T> >& y,
    const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& ylabel,
    const std::string& title, const std::vector<std::string>& legend,
    const std::vector<std::string>& symbols,
    size_t xsize, size_t ysize,
    bool trueColor, bool drawLine,
    hoNDArray<float>& plotIm)
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(x.size() == y.size());

        T xlim[2], ylim[2];
        findDataRange(x, y, xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], ylim[1]);

        return Gadgetron::plotCurves(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, title, legend, symbols, xsize, ysize, xlim, ylim, trueColor, drawLine, plotIm);
        GERROR_STREAM("Errors happened in plotCurves(...) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
bool findEncodingLimits(ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader& h, ISMRMRD::EncodingCounters& meas_max_idx, bool verbose)
        ISMRMRD::EncodingSpace e_space = h.encoding[0].encodedSpace;
        ISMRMRD::EncodingSpace r_space = h.encoding[0].reconSpace;
        ISMRMRD::EncodingLimits e_limits = h.encoding[0].encodingLimits;

        meas_max_idx.kspace_encode_step_1 = (uint16_t)e_space.matrixSize.y-1;

        meas_max_idx.set = (e_limits.set && (e_limits.set->maximum>0)) ? e_limits.set->maximum : 0;
        meas_max_idx.phase = (e_limits.phase && (e_limits.phase->maximum>0)) ? e_limits.phase->maximum : 0;

        meas_max_idx.kspace_encode_step_2 = (uint16_t)e_space.matrixSize.z-1;

        meas_max_idx.contrast = (e_limits.contrast && (e_limits.contrast->maximum > 0)) ? e_limits.contrast->maximum : 0;

        meas_max_idx.slice = (e_limits.slice && (e_limits.slice->maximum > 0)) ? e_limits.slice->maximum : 0;

        meas_max_idx.repetition = e_limits.repetition ? e_limits.repetition->maximum : 0;

        meas_max_idx.average = e_limits.average ? e_limits.average->maximum : 0;

        // always combine the SEG
        meas_max_idx.segment = 0;
        GERROR_STREAM("Error happened in findEncodingLimits(...) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
bool appendISMRMRMetaValues(ISMRMRD::MetaContainer& attrib, const std::string& name, const std::vector<std::string>& v)
        size_t num = v.size();
        if ( num == 0 )
            GWARN_STREAM("appendISMRMRMetaValues, input vector is empty ... " << name);
            return true;

        attrib.append(name.c_str(), v[0].c_str());

        size_t ii;
        for ( ii=1; ii<v.size(); ii++ )
            attrib.append(name.c_str(), v[ii].c_str());
        GERROR_STREAM("Error happened in appendISMRMRMetaValues(ISMRMRD::MetaContainer& attrib, const std::string& name, const std::vector<std::string>& v) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
  bool NoiseAdjustGadget::saveNoiseCovariance()
    char* buf = NULL;
    size_t len(0);
    //Do we have any noise?
    if (noise_covariance_matrixf_.get_number_of_elements() == 0) {
      return true;

    //Scale the covariance matrix before saving
    hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > covf(noise_covariance_matrixf_);

    if (number_of_noise_samples_ > 1) {
      covf *= std::complex<float>(1.0/(float)(number_of_noise_samples_-1),0.0);

    if ( !covf.serialize(buf, len) ) {
      GDEBUG("Noise covariance serialization failed ...\n");
      return false;

    std::stringstream xml_ss;
    ISMRMRD::serialize(current_ismrmrd_header_, xml_ss);
    std::string xml_str = xml_ss.str();
    uint32_t xml_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(xml_str.size());

    std::ofstream outfile;
    std::string filename  = this->generateNoiseDependencyFilename(measurement_id_);
    outfile.open (filename.c_str(), std::ios::out|std::ios::binary);

    if (outfile.good())
	GDEBUG("write out the noise dependency file : %s\n", filename.c_str());
	outfile.write( reinterpret_cast<char*>(&xml_length), 4);
	outfile.write( xml_str.c_str(), xml_length );
	outfile.write( reinterpret_cast<char*>(&noise_dwell_time_us_), sizeof(float));
	outfile.write( reinterpret_cast<char*>(&len), sizeof(size_t));
	outfile.write(buf, len);

	// set the permission for the noise file to be rewritable
#ifndef _WIN32
	int res = chmod(filename.c_str(), S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IWGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWOTH|S_IXOTH);
	if ( res != 0 ) {
	  GDEBUG("Changing noise prewhitener file permission failed ...\n");
#endif // _WIN32
      } else {
      delete [] buf;
      GERROR_STREAM("Noise prewhitener file is not good for writing");
      return false;

    delete [] buf;
    return true;
bool prepOpenMP()
        GDEBUG_STREAM("--> OpenMP info <--");

        int numOpenMPProcs = omp_get_num_procs();
        GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, numOpenMPProcs : " << numOpenMPProcs);

        #ifndef WIN32
            int maxOpenMPLevels = omp_get_max_active_levels();
            GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, maxOpenMPLevels : " << maxOpenMPLevels);
        #endif // WIN32

        int maxOpenMPThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
        GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, maxOpenMPThreads : " << maxOpenMPThreads);

        if ( numOpenMPProcs != maxOpenMPThreads )
            GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, numOpenMPProcs != maxOpenMPThreads , hyperthreading must be disabled ... ");

        // omp_set_nested(1);
        int allowOpenMPNested = omp_get_nested();
        GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlusRecon, allowOpenMPNested : " << allowOpenMPNested);

        #ifdef WIN32
            GDEBUG_STREAM("GtPlus, set thread affinity ... ");

            /// lock the threads
            #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
                int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
                DWORD_PTR mask = (1 << tid);
                GDEBUG_STREAM("thread id : " << tid << " - mask : " << mask);
                SetThreadAffinityMask( GetCurrentThread(), mask );
        #endif // WIN32

        GERROR_STREAM("Errors in GtPlus prepOpenMP() ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool gtPlusIOWorker::close()
        if ( fid_.is_open() )
    catch (...)
        GERROR_STREAM("Errors in gtPlusIOWorker::close() ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
bool estimateMaxSEGForRetroGating(Gadgetron::ISMRMRDCALIBMODE CalibMode,
                                  double acceFactorE1, double acceFactorE2,
                                  size_t retro_gated_segment_size,
                                  uint16_t E1, uint16_t embedded_ref_lines_E1,
                                  uint16_t E2, uint16_t embedded_ref_lines_E2,
                                  uint16_t& segment, bool verbose)
        if ( acceFactorE2 <= 1 )
            if ( CalibMode == ISMRMRD_embedded )
                segment = (uint16_t)std::ceil( (double)E1/acceFactorE1/retro_gated_segment_size
                                               + (acceFactorE1-1)*(double)embedded_ref_lines_E1/acceFactorE1/retro_gated_segment_size );
                segment = (uint16_t)std::ceil( (double)E1/acceFactorE1/retro_gated_segment_size );
            if ( CalibMode == ISMRMRD_embedded )
                segment = (uint16_t)std::ceil( (double)E1*E2/(acceFactorE1*acceFactorE2*retro_gated_segment_size)
                                               + (acceFactorE1*acceFactorE2-1)*(double)(embedded_ref_lines_E1*embedded_ref_lines_E2)/(acceFactorE1*acceFactorE2*retro_gated_segment_size) );
                segment = (uint16_t)std::ceil( (double)E1*E2/(acceFactorE1*acceFactorE2*retro_gated_segment_size) );

        if ( segment > 1 ) segment--;
        GERROR_STREAM("Error happened in estimateMaxSEGForRetroGating(...) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
    int CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::perform_mapping(IsmrmrdImageArray& data, IsmrmrdImageArray& map, IsmrmrdImageArray& para, IsmrmrdImageArray& map_sd, IsmrmrdImageArray& para_sd)
            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::perform_mapping"); }

            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::perform_mapping(...) starts ... ");

            size_t RO = data.data_.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = data.data_.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = data.data_.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = data.data_.get_size(3);
            size_t N = data.data_.get_size(4);
            size_t S = data.data_.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = data.data_.get_size(6);

            size_t ro, e1, s, slc, p;

            GADGET_CHECK_RETURN(this->prep_times_.size() >= N, GADGET_FAIL);

            hoNDArray<float> mag;
            Gadgetron::abs(data.data_, mag);

            if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                gt_exporter_.export_array(mag, debug_folder_full_path_ + "CmrParametricT2Mapping_data_mag");

            bool need_sd_map = send_sd_map.value();

            Gadgetron::GadgetronTimer gt_timer(false);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // set mapping parameters

            Gadgetron::CmrT2Mapping<float> t2_mapper;

            t2_mapper.fill_holes_in_maps_ = perform_hole_filling.value();
            t2_mapper.max_size_of_holes_ = max_size_hole.value();
            t2_mapper.compute_SD_maps_ = need_sd_map;

            t2_mapper.ti_.resize(N, 0);
            memcpy(&(t2_mapper.ti_)[0], &this->prep_times_[0], sizeof(float)*N);

            t2_mapper.data_.create(RO, E1, N, S, SLC, mag.begin());

            t2_mapper.max_iter_ = max_iter.value();
            t2_mapper.thres_fun_ = thres_func.value();
            t2_mapper.max_map_value_ = max_T2.value();

            t2_mapper.verbose_ = verbose.value();
            t2_mapper.debug_folder_ = debug_folder_full_path_;
            t2_mapper.perform_timing_ = perform_timing.value();

            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // compute mask if needed
            if (mapping_with_masking.value())
                t2_mapper.mask_for_mapping_.create(RO, E1, SLC);

                // get the image with shortest prep time
                hoNDArray<float> mag_shortest_TE;
                mag_shortest_TE.create(RO, E1, SLC);

                for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                    size_t ind = 0;
                    float min_te = this->prep_times_[0];

                    for (size_t n = 1; n < this->prep_times_.size(); n++)
                            min_te = this->prep_times_[n];
                            ind = n;

                    memcpy(&mag_shortest_TE(0, 0, slc), &mag(0, 0, ind, 0, slc), sizeof(float)*RO*E1);

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                    gt_exporter_.export_array(mag_shortest_TE, debug_folder_full_path_ + "CmrParametricT2Mapping_mag_shortest_TE");

                double scale_factor = 1.0;
                if (data.meta_[0].length(GADGETRON_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO) > 0)
                    scale_factor = data.meta_[0].as_double(GADGETRON_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO);

                GDEBUG_STREAM("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget, find incoming image has scale factor of " << scale_factor);

                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer.start("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::compute_mask_for_mapping"); }
                this->compute_mask_for_mapping(mag, t2_mapper.mask_for_mapping_, (float)scale_factor);
                if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer.stop(); }

                if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                    gt_exporter_.export_array(t2_mapper.mask_for_mapping_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "CmrParametricT2Mapping_mask_for_mapping");

            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // perform mapping

            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer.start("CmrParametricT2MappingGadget, t2_mapper.perform_parametric_mapping"); }
            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer.stop(); }

            size_t num_para = t2_mapper.get_num_of_paras();

            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // get the results

            map.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, CHA, 1, S, SLC);
            map.headers_.create(1, S, SLC);

            para.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, CHA, num_para, S, SLC);
            para.headers_.create(num_para, S, SLC);

            if (need_sd_map)
                map_sd.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, CHA, 1, S, SLC);
                map_sd.headers_.create(1, S, SLC);

                para_sd.data_.create(RO, E1, E2, CHA, num_para, S, SLC);
                para_sd.headers_.create(num_para, S, SLC);

            for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                for (s = 0; s < S; s++)
                    for (e1 = 0; e1 < E1; e1++)
                        for (ro = 0; ro < RO; ro++)
                            map.data_(ro, e1, 0, 0, 0, s, slc) = t2_mapper.map_(ro, e1, s, slc);

                            if (need_sd_map)
                                map_sd.data_(ro, e1, 0, 0, 0, s, slc) = t2_mapper.sd_map_(ro, e1, s, slc);

                            for (p = 0; p < num_para; p++)
                                para.data_(ro, e1, 0, 0, p, s, slc) = t2_mapper.para_(ro, e1, p, s, slc);

                                if (need_sd_map)
                                    para_sd.data_(ro, e1, 0, 0, p, s, slc) = t2_mapper.sd_para_(ro, e1, p, s, slc);

                    size_t slc_ind = data.headers_(0, s, slc).slice;

                    map.headers_(0, s, slc) = data.headers_(0, s, slc);
                    map.headers_(0, s, slc).image_index = 1 + slc_ind;
                    map.headers_(0, s, slc).image_series_index = 11;
                    map.meta_[s+slc*S] = data.meta_[s + slc*S];
                    map.meta_[s + slc*S].set(GADGETRON_DATA_ROLE, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2MAP);
                    map.meta_[s + slc*S].append(GADGETRON_SEQUENCEDESCRIPTION, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2MAP);
                    map.meta_[s + slc*S].append(GADGETRON_IMAGEPROCESSINGHISTORY, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2MAP);

                    map_sd.headers_(0, s, slc) = data.headers_(0, s, slc);
                    map_sd.headers_(0, s, slc).image_index = 1 + slc_ind;
                    map_sd.headers_(0, s, slc).image_series_index = 12;
                    map_sd.meta_[s + slc*S] = data.meta_[s + slc*S];
                    map_sd.meta_[s + slc*S].set(GADGETRON_DATA_ROLE, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2SDMAP);
                    map_sd.meta_[s + slc*S].append(GADGETRON_SEQUENCEDESCRIPTION, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2SDMAP);
                    map_sd.meta_[s + slc*S].append(GADGETRON_IMAGEPROCESSINGHISTORY, GADGETRON_IMAGE_T2SDMAP);

                    if (need_sd_map)
                        for (p = 0; p < num_para; p++)
                            para.headers_(p, s, slc) = data.headers_(0, s, slc);
                            para.headers_(p, s, slc).image_index = 1 + p + slc_ind*num_para;
                            para.meta_[p + s*num_para + slc*num_para*S] = data.meta_[s + slc*S];

                            para_sd.headers_(p, s, slc) = data.headers_(0, s, slc);
                            para_sd.headers_(p, s, slc).image_index = 1 + p + slc_ind*num_para;
                            para_sd.meta_[p + s*num_para + slc*num_para*S] = data.meta_[s + slc*S];

            // -------------------------------------------------------------

            if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }
        catch (...)
            GERROR_STREAM("Exceptions happened in CmrParametricT2MappingGadget::perform_mapping(...) ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
    int GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::adjust_FOV(IsmrmrdImageArray& recon_res)
            size_t RO = recon_res.data_.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = recon_res.data_.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = recon_res.data_.get_size(2);

            double encodingFOV_RO = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("encoding_FOV", 0);
            double encodingFOV_E1 = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("encoding_FOV", 1);
            double encodingFOV_E2 = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("encoding_FOV", 2);

            double reconFOV_RO = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("recon_FOV", 0);
            double reconFOV_E1 = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("recon_FOV", 1);
            double reconFOV_E2 = recon_res.meta_[0].as_double("recon_FOV", 2);

            long encoding = recon_res.meta_[0].as_long("encoding", 0);

            size_t reconSizeRO = recon_size_[encoding][0];
            size_t reconSizeE1 = recon_size_[encoding][1];
            size_t reconSizeE2 = recon_size_[encoding][2];

            // if 2D reconstruction, no need to process along E2
            if (E2 <= 1)
                reconSizeE2 = E2;
                reconFOV_E2 = encodingFOV_E2;

            // if encoded FOV are the same as recon FOV
            if ((std::abs(encodingFOV_RO / 2 - reconFOV_RO)<0.1) && (std::abs(encodingFOV_E1 - reconFOV_E1)<0.1) && (std::abs(encodingFOV_E2 - reconFOV_E2)<0.1))
                if (RO <= reconSizeRO && E1 <= reconSizeE1 && E2 <= reconSizeE2)
                    Gadgetron::zero_pad_resize(recon_res.data_, reconSizeRO, reconSizeE1, reconSizeE2, res_);
                else if (RO >= reconSizeRO && E1 >= reconSizeE1 && E2 >= reconSizeE2)
                    this->perform_fft(E2, recon_res.data_, kspace_buf_);
                    Gadgetron::crop(reconSizeRO, reconSizeE1, reconSizeE2, &kspace_buf_, &res_);
                    this->perform_ifft(E2, res_, recon_res.data_);
                    GDEBUG_STREAM("Inconsistent image size [" << RO << " " << E1 << " " << E2 << "]; recon image size [" << reconSizeRO << " " << reconSizeE1 << " " << reconSizeE2 << "] ... ");
                    return GADGET_FAIL;
            else if ((encodingFOV_E1 >= reconFOV_E1) && (encodingFOV_E2 >= reconFOV_E2))
                size_t encodingE1 = reconSizeE1;
                if (encodingFOV_E1 > reconFOV_E1)
                    double spacingE1 = reconFOV_E1 / reconSizeE1;
                    encodingE1 = (size_t)std::floor(encodingFOV_E1 / spacingE1 + 0.5);

                size_t encodingE2 = reconSizeE2;
                if (encodingFOV_E2 > reconFOV_E2)
                    double spacingE2 = reconFOV_E2 / reconSizeE2;
                    encodingE2 = (size_t)std::floor(encodingFOV_E2 / spacingE2 + 0.5);

                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >* pSrc = &recon_res.data_;
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >* pDst = &res_;
                hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >* pTmp;

                // adjust E1
                if (encodingE1 >= E1 + 1)
                    Gadgetron::zero_pad_resize(*pSrc, RO, encodingE1, E2, *pDst);
                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;
                else if (encodingE1 <= E1 - 1)
                    this->perform_fft(E2, *pSrc, kspace_buf_);
                    Gadgetron::crop(RO, encodingE1, E2, &kspace_buf_, pDst);
                    this->perform_ifft(E2, *pDst, *pDst);

                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;

                // adjust E2
                if (encodingE2 >= E2 + 1)
                    Gadgetron::zero_pad_resize(*pSrc, RO, pSrc->get_size(1), encodingE2, *pDst);
                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;
                else if (encodingE2 <= E2 - 1)
                    this->perform_fft(E2, *pSrc, kspace_buf_);
                    Gadgetron::crop(RO, pSrc->get_size(1), encodingE2, &kspace_buf_, pDst);
                    this->perform_ifft(E2, *pDst, *pDst);

                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;

                //adjust RO
                if (RO < reconSizeRO)
                    Gadgetron::zero_pad_resize(*pSrc, reconSizeRO, pSrc->get_size(1), pSrc->get_size(2), *pDst);
                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;
                else if (RO > reconSizeRO)
                    this->perform_fft(E2, *pSrc, kspace_buf_);
                    Gadgetron::crop(reconSizeRO, pSrc->get_size(1), pSrc->get_size(2), &kspace_buf_, pDst);
                    this->perform_ifft(E2, *pDst, *pDst);

                    pTmp = pSrc; pSrc = pDst; pDst = pTmp;

                // final cut on image
                GADGET_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN_FALSE(Gadgetron::crop(reconSizeRO, reconSizeE1, reconSizeE2, pSrc, pDst));

                if (pDst != &recon_res.data_)
                    recon_res.data_ = *pDst;
        catch (...)
            GERROR_STREAM("Errors in GenericReconFieldOfViewAdjustmentGadget::adjust_FOV(IsmrmrdImageArray& data) ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
    int MultiChannelCartesianGrappaReconGadget::send_out_image_array(IsmrmrdReconBit& recon_bit, IsmrmrdImageArray& res, size_t encoding, int series_num, const std::string& data_role)
            size_t RO = res.data_.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = res.data_.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = res.data_.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = res.data_.get_size(3);
            size_t N = res.data_.get_size(4);
            size_t S = res.data_.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = res.data_.get_size(6);

            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(true, "sending out image array, acquisition boundary [RO E1 E2 CHA N S SLC] = [" << RO << " " << E1 << " " << E2 << " " << CHA << " " << N << " " << S << " " << SLC << "] ");

            // compute image numbers and fill the image meta
            size_t n, s, slc;
            for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                for (s = 0; s < S; s++)
                    for (n = 0; n < N; n++)
                        ISMRMRD::ImageHeader header = res.headers_(n, s, slc);

                        if (header.measurement_uid == 0) continue;

                        res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_index = (uint16_t)this->compute_image_number(res.headers_(n, s, slc), encoding, CHA, 0, E2);
                        res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_series_index = series_num;

                        size_t offset = n + s*N + slc*N*S;
                        res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_IMAGENUMBER, (long)res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_index);
                        res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_IMAGEPROCESSINGHISTORY, "GT");

                        if (data_role == GADGETRON_IMAGE_REGULAR)
                            res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_type = ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_IMTYPE_MAGNITUDE;

                            res.meta_[offset].append(GADGETRON_IMAGECOMMENT, "GT");

                            res.meta_[offset].append(GADGETRON_SEQUENCEDESCRIPTION, "_GT");
                            res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_DATA_ROLE, GADGETRON_IMAGE_REGULAR);
                        else if (data_role == GADGETRON_IMAGE_GFACTOR)
                            res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_type = ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_IMTYPE_MAGNITUDE;

                            res.meta_[offset].append(GADGETRON_IMAGECOMMENT, GADGETRON_IMAGE_GFACTOR);
                            res.meta_[offset].append(GADGETRON_SEQUENCEDESCRIPTION, GADGETRON_IMAGE_GFACTOR);
                            res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_DATA_ROLE, GADGETRON_IMAGE_GFACTOR);

                            // set the skip processing flag, so gfactor map will not be processed during e.g. partial fourier handling or kspace filter gadgets
                            res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_SKIP_PROCESSING_AFTER_RECON, (long)1);
                            // set the flag to use dedicated scaling factor
                            res.meta_[offset].set(GADGETRON_USE_DEDICATED_SCALING_FACTOR, (long)1);

                        if (verbose.value())
                            for (size_t cha = 0; cha < CHA; cha++)
                                GDEBUG_STREAM("sending out " << data_role << " image [CHA SLC CON PHS REP SET AVE] = [" << cha << " "<< res.headers_(n, s, slc).slice << " " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).contrast << " "<< res.headers_(n, s, slc).phase << " " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).repetition << " " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).set << " " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).average << " " << "] "<< " -- Image number -- " << res.headers_(n, s, slc).image_index); 

            // send out the images
            Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage<IsmrmrdImageArray>* cm1 = new Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage<IsmrmrdImageArray>();
            *(cm1->getObjectPtr()) = res;

            if (this->next()->putq(cm1) < 0)
                GERROR_STREAM("Put image array to Q failed ... ");
                return GADGET_FAIL;
        catch (...)
            GERROR_STREAM("Errors in MultiChannelCartesianGrappaReconGadget::send_out_image_array(...) ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
bool findCalibMode(ISMRMRD::IsmrmrdHeader& h, Gadgetron::ISMRMRDCALIBMODE& CalibMode, ISMRMRDDIM& InterleaveDim, double& acceFactorE1, double& acceFactorE2, bool verbose)
        if (!h.encoding[0].parallelImaging)
            GERROR_STREAM("Parallel Imaging section not found in header");
            return false;

        ISMRMRD::ParallelImaging p_imaging = *h.encoding[0].parallelImaging;

        acceFactorE1 = (double)(p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_1);
        acceFactorE2 = (double)(p_imaging.accelerationFactor.kspace_encoding_step_2);

        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose, "acceFactorE1 is " << acceFactorE1);
        GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose, "acceFactorE2 is " << acceFactorE2);

        if ( !p_imaging.calibrationMode.is_present() )
            GERROR_STREAM("Parallel calibration mode not found in header");
            return false;

        std::string calib = *p_imaging.calibrationMode;
        if ( calib.compare("interleaved") == 0 )
            CalibMode = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved;
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose, "Calibration mode is interleaved");

            if ( p_imaging.interleavingDimension )
                if ( p_imaging.interleavingDimension->compare("phase") == 0 )
                    InterleaveDim = Gadgetron::DIM_Phase;
                else if ( p_imaging.interleavingDimension->compare("repetition") == 0 )
                    InterleaveDim = Gadgetron::DIM_Repetition;
                else if ( p_imaging.interleavingDimension->compare("average") == 0 )
                    InterleaveDim = Gadgetron::DIM_Average;
                else if ( p_imaging.interleavingDimension->compare("contrast") == 0 )
                    InterleaveDim = Gadgetron::DIM_Contrast;
                else if ( p_imaging.interleavingDimension->compare("other") == 0 )
                    InterleaveDim = Gadgetron::DIM_other1;
                    GERROR_STREAM("Unknown interleaving dimension. Bailing out");
                    return false;
        else if ( calib.compare("embedded") == 0 )
            CalibMode = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_embedded;
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose, "Calibration mode is embedded");
        else if ( calib.compare("separate") == 0 )
            CalibMode = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_separate;
            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose, "Calibration mode is separate");
        else if ( calib.compare("external") == 0 )
            CalibMode = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_external;
        else if ( (calib.compare("other") == 0) && acceFactorE1==1 && acceFactorE2==1 )
            CalibMode = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_noacceleration;
        else if ( (calib.compare("other") == 0) &&  (acceFactorE1>1 || acceFactorE2>1) )
            CalibMode = Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved;
            InterleaveDim = Gadgetron::DIM_Phase;
            GERROR_STREAM("Failed to process parallel imaging calibration mode");
            return false;
        GERROR_STREAM("Error happened in findCalibMode(...) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
// C = A*B
bool GeneralMatrixProduct(hoNDArray<float>& C, const hoNDArray<float>& A, bool transA, const hoNDArray<float>& B, bool transB)
        typedef float T;

        size_t M = A.get_size(0);
        size_t K = A.get_size(1);
        if ( transA )
            M = A.get_size(1);
            K = A.get_size(0);

        size_t K2 = B.get_size(0);
        size_t N = B.get_size(1);
        if ( transB )
            K2 = B.get_size(1);
            N = B.get_size(0);

        if ( (C.get_size(0)!=M) || (C.get_size(1)!=N) )
            C.create(M, N);

        const T* pA = A.begin();
        const T* pB = B.begin();
        T* pC = C.begin();

        size_t m, n, k;

        if ( !transA && !transB )
            for ( m=0; m<M; m++ )
                for ( n=0; n<N; n++ )
                    pC[m+n*M] = 0;
                    for ( k=0; k<K; k++ )
                        pC[m+n*M] += pA[m+k*M]*pB[k+n*K];

        if ( transA && !transB )
            for ( m=0; m<M; m++ )
                for ( n=0; n<N; n++ )
                    pC[m+n*M] = 0;
                    for ( k=0; k<K; k++ )
                        pC[m+n*M] += pA[k+m*K]*pB[k+n*K];

        if ( !transA && transB )
            for ( m=0; m<M; m++ )
                for ( n=0; n<N; n++ )
                    pC[m+n*M] = 0;
                    for ( k=0; k<K; k++ )
                        pC[m+n*M] += pA[m+k*M]*pB[n+k*K];

        if ( transA && transB )
            for ( m=0; m<M; m++ )
                for ( n=0; n<N; n++ )
                    pC[m+n*M] = 0;
                    for ( k=0; k<K; k++ )
                        pC[m+n*M] += pA[k+m*K]*pB[n+k*K];
        GERROR_STREAM("Errors in GeneralMatrixProduct(hoNDArray<float>& C, const hoNDArray<float>& A, bool transA, const hoNDArray<float>& B, bool transB) ...");
        return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
template <typename T> EXPORTGTPLPLOT
bool plotCurves(const std::vector<hoNDArray<T> >& x, const std::vector<hoNDArray<T> >& y, 
                const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& ylabel, 
                const std::string& title, const std::vector<std::string>& legend, 
                const std::vector<std::string>& symbols, 
                size_t xsize, size_t ysize, 
                T xlim[2], T ylim[2], 
                bool trueColor, bool drawLine, 
                hoNDArray<float>& plotIm)
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(x.size() == y.size());

        T minX = xlim[0];
        T maxX = xlim[1];
        T minY = ylim[0];
        T maxY = ylim[1];


        hoNDArray<unsigned char> im;
        im.create(3, xsize, ysize);

        plsmem(im.get_size(1), im.get_size(2), im.begin());



        if (legend.size() == x.size())
            plvpor(0.11, 0.75, 0.1, 0.9);
            plvpor(0.15, 0.85, 0.1, 0.9);

        T spaceX = 0.01*(maxX - minX);
        T spaceY = 0.05*(maxY - minY);

        plwind(minX - spaceX, maxX + spaceX, minY - spaceY, maxY + spaceY);

        plbox("bgcnst", 0.0, 0, "bgcnstv", 0.0, 0);

        // int mark[2], space[2];

        //mark[0] = 4000;
        //space[0] = 2500;
        //plstyl(1, mark, space);

        size_t num = x.size();

        size_t n;

        hoNDArray<double> xd, yd;

        // draw lines
        for (n = 0; n < num; n++)
            size_t N = y[n].get_size(0);


            if (drawLine)
                int c;
                getPlotColor(n, c);
                pllsty(n % 8 + 1);
                plline(N, xd.begin(), yd.begin());

            std::string gly;
                gly = symbols[n];
                getPlotGlyph(n, gly);

            plstring(N, xd.begin(), yd.begin(), gly.c_str());

        plmtex("b", 3.2, 0.5, 0.5, xlabel.c_str());
        plmtex("t", 2.0, 0.5, 0.5, title.c_str());
        plmtex("l", 5.0, 0.5, 0.5, ylabel.c_str());

        // draw the legend
        if (legend.size() == x.size())
            std::vector<PLINT> opt_array(num), text_colors(num), line_colors(num), line_styles(num), symbol_numbers(num), symbol_colors(num);
            std::vector<PLFLT> symbol_scales(num), line_widths(num), box_scales(num, 1);

            std::vector<std::string> glyphs(num);
            std::vector<const char*> symbols(num);
            PLFLT legend_width, legend_height;

            std::vector<const char*> legend_text(num);

            for (n = 0; n < num; n++)
                int c;
                getPlotColor(n, c);
                getPlotGlyph(n, glyphs[n]);

                opt_array[n] = PL_LEGEND_SYMBOL | PL_LEGEND_LINE;
                text_colors[n] = 15;
                line_colors[n] = c;
                line_styles[n] = (n%8+1);
                line_widths[n] = 0.2;
                symbol_colors[n] = c;
                symbol_scales[n] = 0.75;
                symbol_numbers[n] = 1;
                symbols[n] = glyphs[n].c_str();
                legend_text[n] = legend[n].c_str();

                    0.02,                                       // x
                    0.0,                                        // y
                    0.05,                                       // plot_width
                    0,                                          // bg_color
                    15,                                         // bb_color
                    1,                                          // bb_style
                    0,                                          // nrow
                    0,                                          // ncolumn
                    num,                                        // nlegend
                    0.05,                                       // text_offset
                    0.35,                                       // text_scale
                    1.0,                                        // text_spacing
                    0.5,                                        // text_justification
                    (const char **)(&legend_text[0]), 
                    NULL,                                       // box_colors
                    NULL,                                       // box_patterns
                    &box_scales[0],                             // box_scales
                    NULL,                                       // box_line_widths
                    (const char **)(&symbols[0])


        outputPlotIm(im, trueColor, plotIm);
    catch (...)
        GERROR_STREAM("Errors happened in plotCurves(xlim, ylim) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
bool checkReadoutStatus(uint64_t flag, int samples, Gadgetron::ISMRMRDCALIBMODE& CalibMode, int roLen,
                        bool& bIsKSpace, bool& bIsRef, bool& bIsNoise,
                        bool& bIsPhaseCorr, bool& bIsReflect, bool& bIsOther,
                        bool& bIsNavigator, bool& bIsRTFeedback, bool& bIsHPFeedback,
                        bool& bIsDummyScan)
        bool is_ref = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION).isSet(flag);
        bool is_ref_kspace = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION_AND_IMAGING).isSet(flag);
        bIsReflect = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_REVERSE).isSet(flag);
        bIsPhaseCorr = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_PHASECORR_DATA).isSet(flag);
        bIsNavigator = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_NAVIGATION_DATA).isSet(flag);
        bIsRTFeedback = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_RTFEEDBACK_DATA).isSet(flag);
        bIsHPFeedback = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_HPFEEDBACK_DATA).isSet(flag);
        bIsDummyScan = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_DUMMYSCAN_DATA).isSet(flag);

        bIsKSpace = false;
        bIsRef = false;
        bIsOther = false;

        if ( bIsNoise || bIsDummyScan )
            return true;

        if ( CalibMode==ISMRMRD_noacceleration )
            bIsKSpace = true;
            bIsRef = false;

        // in interleaved mode, only store the image data
        if ( CalibMode==ISMRMRD_interleaved )
            bIsKSpace = true;
            bIsRef = false;

        // in embedded, kspace stores only the undersampled lines
        // ref stores all lines used for references
        if ( CalibMode==ISMRMRD_embedded )
            if ( is_ref && !is_ref_kspace )
                bIsKSpace = false;
                bIsRef = true;

            if ( !is_ref && is_ref_kspace )
                bIsKSpace = true;
                bIsRef = true;

            if ( is_ref && is_ref_kspace )
                bIsKSpace = true;
                bIsRef = true;

            if ( !is_ref && !is_ref_kspace )
                bIsKSpace = true;
                bIsRef = false;

        // in separate mode
        if ( CalibMode==ISMRMRD_separate
                || CalibMode==ISMRMRD_external )
            if ( is_ref )
                bIsKSpace = false;
                bIsRef = true;

            if ( !is_ref )
                bIsKSpace = true;
                bIsRef = false;

        // store other data, e.g. AIF
        // only for tpat
        if ( !is_ref && !is_ref_kspace && (samples!=roLen) )
            bIsOther = true;
            bIsKSpace = false;
            bIsRef = false;
        GERROR_STREAM("Error happened in checkReadoutStatus(...) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
    int GenericReconCartesianReferencePrepGadget::process(Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage< IsmrmrdReconData >* m1)
        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("GenericReconCartesianReferencePrepGadget::process"); }


        IsmrmrdReconData* recon_bit_ = m1->getObjectPtr();
        if (recon_bit_->rbit_.size() > num_encoding_spaces_)
            GWARN_STREAM("Incoming recon_bit has more encoding spaces than the protocol : " << recon_bit_->rbit_.size() << " instead of " << num_encoding_spaces_);

        // for every encoding space, prepare the recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_
        size_t e;
        for (e = 0; e < recon_bit_->rbit_.size(); e++)
            auto & rbit = recon_bit_->rbit_[e];
            std::stringstream os;
            os << "_encoding_" << e;

            // -----------------------------------------
            // no acceleration mode
            // check the availability of ref data
            // -----------------------------------------
            if (calib_mode_[e] == Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_noacceleration)
                if (prepare_ref_always_no_acceleration.value() || !ref_prepared_[e])
                    // if no ref data is set, make copy the ref point from the  data
                    if (!rbit.ref_)
                        rbit.ref_ = rbit.data_;
                        ref_prepared_[e] = true;
                    if (ref_prepared_[e])
                        if (rbit.ref_)
                            // remove the ref
                            rbit.ref_ = boost::none;


            if (!rbit.ref_) continue;

            // useful variables
            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& ref = (*rbit.ref_).data_;

            SamplingLimit sampling_limits[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            	sampling_limits[i] = (*rbit.ref_).sampling_.sampling_limits_[i];

            size_t RO = ref.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = ref.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = ref.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = ref.get_size(3);
            size_t N = ref.get_size(4);
            size_t S = ref.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = ref.get_size(6);

            // stored the ref data ready for calibration
            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > ref_calib;
           // -----------------------------------------
            // 1) average the ref according to the input parameters; 
            //    if interleaved mode, sampling times for every E1/E2 location is detected and line by line averaging is performed 
            //    this is required when irregular cartesian sampling is used or number of frames cannot be divided in full by acceleration factor
            // 2) detect the sampled region and crop the ref data if needed
            // 3) update the sampling_limits
            // -----------------------------------------

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > ref_recon_buf;

            // step 1
            bool count_sampling_freq = (calib_mode_[e] == ISMRMRD_interleaved);
            GADGET_CHECK_EXCEPTION_RETURN(Gadgetron::compute_averaged_data_N_S(ref, average_all_ref_N.value(), average_all_ref_S.value(), count_sampling_freq, ref_calib), GADGET_FAIL);

            // step 2, detect sampled region in ref, along E1 and E2
            size_t start_E1(0), end_E1(0);
            auto t = Gadgetron::detect_sampled_region_E1(ref);
            start_E1 = std::get<0>(t);
            end_E1 = std::get<1>(t);

            size_t start_E2(0), end_E2(0);
            if (E2 > 1)
                auto t = Gadgetron::detect_sampled_region_E2(ref);
                start_E2 = std::get<0>(t);
                end_E2 = std::get<1>(t);

            // crop the ref_calib, along RO, E1 and E2
            vector_td<size_t, 3> crop_offset;
            crop_offset[0] = sampling_limits[0].min_;
            crop_offset[1] = start_E1;
            crop_offset[2] = start_E2;

            vector_td<size_t, 3> crop_size;
            crop_size[0] = sampling_limits[0].max_ - sampling_limits[0].min_ + 1;
            crop_size[1] = end_E1 - start_E1 + 1;
            crop_size[2] = end_E2 - start_E2 + 1;

            if(crop_size[0]> (ref_calib.get_size(0)-crop_offset[0]))
                crop_size[0] = ref_calib.get_size(0) - crop_offset[0];

            Gadgetron::crop(crop_offset, crop_size, &ref_calib, &ref_recon_buf);
            ref_calib = ref_recon_buf;
            // step 3, update the sampling limits
            sampling_limits[0].center_ = (uint16_t)(RO/2);

            if ( (calib_mode_[e] == Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved) || (calib_mode_[e] == Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_noacceleration) )
                // need to keep the ref kspace center information
                sampling_limits[1].min_ = (uint16_t)(start_E1);
                sampling_limits[1].max_ = (uint16_t)(end_E1);

                sampling_limits[2].min_ = (uint16_t)(start_E2);
                sampling_limits[2].max_ = (uint16_t)(end_E2);

                sampling_limits[1].center_ = (uint16_t)(E1 / 2);
                sampling_limits[2].center_ = (uint16_t)(E2 / 2);
                // sepearate, embedded mode, the ref center is the kspace center
                sampling_limits[1].min_ = 0;
                sampling_limits[1].max_ = (uint16_t)(end_E1 - start_E1);

                sampling_limits[2].min_ = 0;
                sampling_limits[2].max_ = (uint16_t)(end_E2 - start_E2);

                sampling_limits[1].center_ = (sampling_limits[1].max_ + 1) / 2;
                sampling_limits[2].center_ = (sampling_limits[2].max_ + 1) / 2;

                sampling_limits[0].max_ = RO - 1;

            ref = ref_calib;
            ref_prepared_[e] = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                (*rbit.ref_).sampling_.sampling_limits_[i] = sampling_limits[i];

        if (this->next()->putq(m1) < 0)
            GERROR_STREAM("Put IsmrmrdReconData to Q failed ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

        return GADGET_OK;
int WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget::process(GadgetContainerMessage<ISMRMRD::AcquisitionHeader>* m1, GadgetContainerMessage< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >* m2)
    bool is_noise = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_NOISE_MEASUREMENT).isSet(m1->getObjectPtr()->flags);
    bool is_scc_correction = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_SURFACECOILCORRECTIONSCAN_DATA).isSet(m1->getObjectPtr()->flags);

    bool is_ref = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION).isSet(m1->getObjectPtr()->flags);
    bool is_ref_kspace = ISMRMRD::FlagBit(ISMRMRD::ISMRMRD_ACQ_IS_PARALLEL_CALIBRATION_AND_IMAGING).isSet(m1->getObjectPtr()->flags);

    size_t channels = m1->getObjectPtr()->active_channels;
    size_t samples = m1->getObjectPtr()->number_of_samples;

    if (!is_noise && !is_scc_correction )
        bool add_noise = true;
        if ( is_ref && !is_ref_kspace && (is_seperate_||is_external_) )
            add_noise = add_noise_ref_;

            if ( !add_noise )
                GDEBUG_STREAM("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget, noise is not added to the ref acquisitions ... ");

        if ( add_noise )
            if ( !noise_.dimensions_equal(m2->getObjectPtr()) )

            if ( !randn_->gen(noise_) )
                GERROR_STREAM("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget, randn_->gen(noise_) failed ... ");
                return GADGET_FAIL;

            if ( !noise_fl_.copyFrom(noise_) )
                GERROR_STREAM("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget, noise_fl_.copyFrom(noise_) failed ... ");
                return GADGET_FAIL;

                Gadgetron::add(*m2->getObjectPtr(), noise_fl_, *m2->getObjectPtr());
                GERROR_STREAM("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget, Gadgetron::add(*m2->getObjectPtr(), noise_, *m2->getObjectPtr()) failed ... ");
                return GADGET_FAIL;

    if (this->next()->putq(m1) == -1) 
      GERROR("WhiteNoiseInjectorGadget::process, passing data on to next gadget");
      return -1;

    return GADGET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 21
bool plotNoiseStandardDeviation(const hoNDArray< std::complex<T> >& m, const std::vector<std::string>& coilStrings,
                    const std::string& xlabel, const std::string& ylabel, const std::string& title,
                    size_t xsize, size_t ysize, bool trueColor,
                    hoNDArray<float>& plotIm)
        size_t CHA = m.get_size(0);
        GADGET_CHECK_RETURN_FALSE(coilStrings.size() == CHA);

        hoNDArray<double> xd, yd, yd2;


        size_t c;
        for (c = 0; c < CHA; c++)
            xd(c) = c+1;
            yd(c) = std::sqrt( std::abs(m(c, c)) );

        double maxY = Gadgetron::max(&yd);

        yd2 = yd;
        std::sort(yd2.begin(), yd2.end());
        double medY = yd2(CHA / 2);

        // increase dot line to be 1 sigma ~= 33%
        double medRange = 0.33;

        if (maxY < medY*(1 + medRange))
            maxY = medY*(1 + medRange);

        hoNDArray<unsigned char> im;
        im.create(3, xsize, ysize);


        plsmem(im.get_size(1), im.get_size(2), im.begin());

        plvpor(0.15, 0.75, 0.1, 0.8);

        plwind(0, CHA+1, 0, maxY*1.05);

        plbox("bcnst", 0.0, 0, "bcnstv", 0.0, 0);

        std::string gly;
        getPlotGlyph(0, gly); // circle
        plstring(CHA, xd.begin(), yd.begin(), gly.c_str());

        // draw the median line

        double px[2], py[2];

        px[0] = 0;
        px[1] = CHA+1;

        py[0] = medY;
        py[1] = medY;

        plline(2, px, py);


        py[0] = medY*(1 - medRange);
        py[1] = medY*(1 - medRange);

        plline(2, px, py);

        py[0] = medY*(1 + medRange);
        py[1] = medY*(1 + medRange);

        plline(2, px, py);

        plmtex("b", 3.2, 0.5, 0.5, xlabel.c_str());
        plmtex("t", 2.0, 0.5, 0.5, title.c_str());
        plmtex("l", 5.0, 0.5, 0.5, ylabel.c_str());

        // draw the legend
        std::vector<PLINT> opt_array(CHA), text_colors(CHA), line_colors(CHA), line_styles(CHA), symbol_numbers(CHA), symbol_colors(CHA);
        std::vector<PLFLT> symbol_scales(CHA), line_widths(CHA), box_scales(CHA, 1);

        std::vector<const char*> symbols(CHA);
        PLFLT legend_width, legend_height;

        std::vector<const char*> legend_text(CHA);

        std::vector<std::string> legends(CHA);

        size_t n;
        for (n = 0; n < CHA; n++)
            opt_array[n] = PL_LEGEND_SYMBOL;
            text_colors[n] = 15;
            line_colors[n] = 15;
            line_styles[n] = (n % 8 + 1);
            line_widths[n] = 0.2;
            symbol_colors[n] = 15;
            symbol_scales[n] = 0.75;
            symbol_numbers[n] = 1;
            symbols[n] = gly.c_str();

            std::ostringstream ostr;
            ostr << n+1 << ":" << coilStrings[n];

            legends[n] = ostr.str();

            legend_text[n] = legends[n].c_str();

            0.02,                                       // x
            0.0,                                        // y
            0.05,                                       // plot_width
            0,                                          // bg_color
            15,                                         // bb_color
            1,                                          // bb_style
            0,                                          // nrow
            0,                                          // ncolumn
            CHA,                                        // nlegend
            0.05,                                       // text_offset
            0.5,                                        // text_scale
            1.0,                                        // text_spacing
            0.5,                                        // text_justification
            (const char **)(&legend_text[0]),
            NULL,                                       // box_colors
            NULL,                                       // box_patterns
            &box_scales[0],                             // box_scales
            NULL,                                       // box_line_widths
            (const char **)(&symbols[0])


        outputPlotIm(im, trueColor, plotIm);
    catch (...)
        GERROR_STREAM("Errors happened in plotNoiseStandardDeviation(...) ... ");
        return false;

    return true;
bool DeviceCoordinateSystemToPatientCoordinateSystem(double& x, double& y, double& z, const std::string& position)
    if ( position == "HFS" ) // Head-first supine (HFS)
        y = -y;
        z = -z;
    else if ( position == "HFP" ) // Head-first prone (HFP)
        x = -x;
        z = -z;
    else if ( position == "HFDR" ) // Head-first decubitus-right
        double v = x;
        x = y;
        y = v;
        z = -z;
    else if ( position == "HFDL" ) // Head-first decubitus-left (HFDL)
        double v = x;
        x = y;
        y = v;

        x = -x;
        y = -y;
        z = -z;
    else if ( position == "FFDR" ) // Feet-first decubitus-right (FFDR)
        double v = x;
        x = y;
        y = v;

        y = -y;
    else if ( position == "FFDL" ) // Feet-first decubitus-left (FFDL)
        double v = x;
        x = y;
        y = v;

        x = -x;
    else if ( position == "FFP" ) // Feet-first prone (FFP)
    else if ( position == "FFS" ) // Feet-first supine (FFS)
        x = -x;
        y = -y;
        GERROR_STREAM("Unknown position string :" << position);
        return false;

    return true;
    int GenericReconEigenChannelGadget::process(Gadgetron::GadgetContainerMessage< IsmrmrdReconData >* m1)
        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.start("GenericReconEigenChannelGadget::process"); }


        IsmrmrdReconData* recon_bit_ = m1->getObjectPtr();
        if (recon_bit_->rbit_.size() > num_encoding_spaces_)
            GWARN_STREAM("Incoming recon_bit has more encoding spaces than the protocol : " << recon_bit_->rbit_.size() << " instead of " << num_encoding_spaces_);

        // for every encoding space, prepare the recon_bit_->rbit_[e].ref_
        size_t e, n, s, slc;
        for (e = 0; e < recon_bit_->rbit_.size(); e++)
            auto & rbit = recon_bit_->rbit_[e];
            std::stringstream os;
            os << "_encoding_" << e;

            hoNDArray< std::complex<float> >& data = recon_bit_->rbit_[e].data_.data_;

            size_t RO = data.get_size(0);
            size_t E1 = data.get_size(1);
            size_t E2 = data.get_size(2);
            size_t CHA = data.get_size(3);
            size_t N = data.get_size(4);
            size_t S = data.get_size(5);
            size_t SLC = data.get_size(6);

            GDEBUG_CONDITION_STREAM(verbose.value(), "GenericReconEigenChannelGadget - incoming data array : [RO E1 E2 CHA N S SLC] - [" << RO << " " << E1 << " " << E2 << " " << CHA << " " << N << " " << S << " " << SLC << "]");

            // whether it is needed to update coefficients
            bool recompute_coeff = false;
            if ( (KLT_[e].size()!=SLC) || update_eigen_channel_coefficients.value() )
                recompute_coeff = true;
                if(KLT_[e].size() == SLC)
                    for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                        if (KLT_[e][slc].size() != S) 
                            recompute_coeff = true;
                            for (s = 0; s < S; s++)
                                if (KLT_[e][slc][s].size() != N)
                                    recompute_coeff = true;

                bool average_N = average_all_ref_N.value();
                bool average_S = average_all_ref_S.value();

                    // use ref to compute coefficients
                    Gadgetron::compute_eigen_channel_coefficients(rbit.ref_->data_, average_N, average_S,
                        (calib_mode_[e] == Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved), N, S, upstream_coil_compression_thres.value(), upstream_coil_compression_num_modesKept.value(), KLT_[e]);
                    // use data to compute coefficients
                    Gadgetron::compute_eigen_channel_coefficients(rbit.data_.data_, average_N, average_S,
                        (calib_mode_[e] == Gadgetron::ISMRMRD_interleaved), N, S, upstream_coil_compression_thres.value(), upstream_coil_compression_num_modesKept.value(), KLT_[e]);

                if (verbose.value())
                    hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > E;

                    for (slc = 0; slc < SLC; slc++)
                        for (s = 0; s < S; s++)
                            for (n = 0; n < N; n++)

                                GDEBUG_STREAM("Number of modes kept: " << KLT_[e][slc][s][n].output_length() << "; Eigen value, slc - " << slc << ", S - " << s << ", N - " << n << " : [");

                                for (size_t c = 0; c < E.get_size(0); c++)
                                    GDEBUG_STREAM("        " << E(c));

            /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(rbit.data_.data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_before_KLT" + os.str());

            // apply KL coefficients
            Gadgetron::apply_eigen_channel_coefficients(KLT_[e], rbit.data_.data_);

            /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(rbit.data_.data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "data_after_KLT" + os.str());

            if (rbit.ref_)
                /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                    gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(rbit.ref_->data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_before_KLT" + os.str());

                Gadgetron::apply_eigen_channel_coefficients(KLT_[e], rbit.ref_->data_);

                /*if (!debug_folder_full_path_.empty())
                    gt_exporter_.exportArrayComplex(rbit.ref_->data_, debug_folder_full_path_ + "ref_after_KLT" + os.str());

        if (perform_timing.value()) { gt_timer_.stop(); }

        if (this->next()->putq(m1) < 0)
            GERROR_STREAM("Put IsmrmrdReconData to Q failed ... ");
            return GADGET_FAIL;

        return GADGET_OK;
Exemplo n.º 24
  int DistributeGadget::process_config(ACE_Message_Block* m)

    started_nodes_ = 0;
    node_parameters_ = std::string(m->rd_ptr());

    //Grab the original XML conifguration
    std::string xml = controller_->get_xml_configuration();

    GadgetronXML::GadgetStreamConfiguration cfg;

    //Delete Gadgets up to this Gadget
    std::vector<GadgetronXML::Gadget>::iterator it = cfg.gadget.begin();
    while ((it->name != std::string(this->module()->name())) && (it != cfg.gadget.end())) it++; it++;

    //Delete Gadgets after collector
    it = cfg.gadget.begin();
    while ((it->name != collector.value()) && (it != cfg.gadget.end())) it++; it++;

    std::stringstream o;

    node_xml_config_ = o.str();

    Gadget* tmp = this;
    while (tmp->next()) {
      if (std::string(tmp->module()->name()) == collector.value()) break;
      tmp = dynamic_cast<Gadget*>(tmp->next());

    collect_gadget_ = tmp;

    if (!collect_gadget_) {
      GERROR("Failed to locate collector Gadget with name %s\n", collector.value().c_str());
      return GADGET_FAIL;
    } else {

    // get current node ip addresses
    ACE_INET_Addr* the_addr_array = NULL;
    size_t num_of_ip = 0;

    int rc = ACE::get_ip_interfaces (num_of_ip, the_addr_array);
    if (rc != 0)
        GERROR_STREAM("Retreive local ip addresses failed ... ");
        num_of_ip = 0;

    if (the_addr_array!=NULL ) delete [] the_addr_array;

    for (size_t ii=0; ii<num_of_ip; ii++)
        std::string ip = std::string(the_addr_array[ii].get_host_addr());
        GDEBUG_STREAM("--> Local address  : " << ip);

    return GADGET_OK;