Exemplo n.º 1
Gives us a chance to add additional entities to the render this frame
void HUD_CreateEntities( void )
	// e.g., create a persistent cl_entity_t somewhere.
	// Load an appropriate model into it ( gEngfuncs.CL_LoadModel )
	// Call gEngfuncs.CL_CreateVisibleEntity to add it to the visedicts list

	if( tr.world_has_portals || tr.world_has_screens )
		HUD_AddEntity( ET_PLAYER, GET_LOCAL_PLAYER(), GET_LOCAL_PLAYER()->model->name );
Exemplo n.º 2
// V_CalcThirdPersonRefdef
void V_CalcThirdPersonRefdef( struct ref_params_s * pparams )
	static float lasttime, oldz = 0;

	pparams->vieworg = pparams->simorg;
	pparams->vieworg += pparams->viewheight;
	pparams->viewangles = pparams->cl_viewangles;

	V_CalcSendOrigin( pparams );

	// this is smooth stair climbing in thirdperson mode but not affected for client model :(
	if( !pparams->smoothing && pparams->onground && pparams->simorg[2] - oldz > 0.0f )
		float steptime;
		steptime = pparams->time - lasttime;
		if( steptime < 0 ) steptime = 0;

		oldz += steptime * 150.0f;

		if( oldz > pparams->simorg[2] )
			oldz = pparams->simorg[2];
		if( pparams->simorg[2] - oldz > pparams->movevars->stepsize )
			oldz = pparams->simorg[2] - pparams->movevars->stepsize;

		pparams->vieworg[2] += oldz - pparams->simorg[2];
		oldz = pparams->simorg[2];

	lasttime = pparams->time;

	V_GetChaseOrigin( pparams->viewangles, pparams->vieworg, cl_chasedist->value, pparams->vieworg );

	float pitch = pparams->viewangles[PITCH];

	// normalize angles
	if( pitch > 180.0f ) 
		pitch -= 360.0f;
	else if( pitch < -180.0f )
		pitch += 360.0f;

	// player pitch is inverted
	pitch /= -3.0;

	cl_entity_t *ent = GET_LOCAL_PLAYER();

	// slam local player's pitch value
	ent->angles[PITCH] = pitch;
	ent->curstate.angles[PITCH] = pitch;
	ent->prevstate.angles[PITCH] = pitch;
	ent->latched.prevangles[PITCH] = pitch;
Exemplo n.º 3

We have received entity_state_t for this player over the network.  We need to copy appropriate fields to the
playerstate structure
void HUD_ProcessPlayerState( struct entity_state_s *dst, const struct entity_state_s *src )
	// Copy in network data
	dst->origin	= src->origin;
	dst->angles	= src->angles;

	dst->velocity	= src->velocity;
          dst->basevelocity	= src->basevelocity;
	dst->frame	= src->frame;
	dst->modelindex	= src->modelindex;
	dst->skin		= src->skin;
	dst->effects	= src->effects;
	dst->weaponmodel	= src->weaponmodel;
	dst->movetype	= src->movetype;
	dst->sequence	= src->sequence;
	dst->animtime	= src->animtime;
	dst->solid	= src->solid;
	dst->rendermode	= src->rendermode;
	dst->renderamt	= src->renderamt;	
	dst->rendercolor.r	= src->rendercolor.r;
	dst->rendercolor.g	= src->rendercolor.g;
	dst->rendercolor.b	= src->rendercolor.b;
	dst->renderfx	= src->renderfx;

	dst->framerate	= src->framerate;
	dst->body		= src->body;

	dst->friction	= src->friction;
	dst->gravity	= src->gravity;
	dst->gaitsequence	= src->gaitsequence;
	dst->usehull	= src->usehull;
	dst->playerclass	= src->playerclass;
	dst->team		= src->team;
	dst->colormap	= src->colormap;

	memcpy( &dst->controller[0], &src->controller[0], 4 * sizeof( byte ));
	memcpy( &dst->blending[0], &src->blending[0], 2 * sizeof( byte ));

	// Save off some data so other areas of the Client DLL can get to it
	cl_entity_t *player = GET_LOCAL_PLAYER(); // Get the local player's index

	if( dst->number == player->index )
		// always have valid PVS message
		r_currentMessageNum = src->messagenum;