Exemplo n.º 1
void print_wkt(int esristyle, int dontprettify)
    char *outwkt;

    if (check_xy(FALSE))

    outwkt = GPJ_grass_to_wkt(projinfo, projunits, esristyle,
    if (outwkt != NULL) {
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", outwkt);
	G_warning(_("%s: Unable to convert to WKT"), G_program_name());

Exemplo n.º 2
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem GRASS_EXPORT QgsGrass::crsDirect( QString gisdbase, QString location )
  QString Wkt;

  struct Cell_head cellhd;

  QgsGrass::setLocation( gisdbase, location );

  const char *oldlocale = setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, NULL );
  setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" );

    G_get_default_window( &cellhd );
  catch ( QgsGrass::Exception &e )
    Q_UNUSED( e );
    setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, oldlocale );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Cannot get default window: %1" ).arg( e.what() ) );
    return QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem();

  if ( cellhd.proj != PROJECTION_XY )
    struct Key_Value *projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
    struct Key_Value *projunits = G_get_projunits();
    char *wkt = GPJ_grass_to_wkt( projinfo, projunits,  0, 0 );
    Wkt = QString( wkt );
    G_free( wkt );

  setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, oldlocale );

  QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs;
  srs.createFromWkt( Wkt );

  return srs;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc, char **argv )
  struct GModule *module;
  struct Option *info_opt, *rast_opt, *vect_opt, *coor_opt;
  struct Cell_head window;

  /* Initialize the GIS calls */
  G_gisinit( argv[0] );

  module = G_define_module();
  module->description = ( "Get info about locations,mapsets,maps" );

  info_opt = G_define_option();
  info_opt->key = "info";
  info_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
  info_opt->description = "info key";
  info_opt->options = "proj,window,query";

  rast_opt = G_define_standard_option( G_OPT_R_INPUT );
  rast_opt->key = "rast";
  rast_opt->required = NO;

  vect_opt = G_define_standard_option( G_OPT_V_INPUT );
  vect_opt->key = "vect";
  vect_opt->required = NO;

  coor_opt = G_define_option();
  coor_opt->key = "coor";
  coor_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
  coor_opt->multiple = YES;

  if ( G_parser( argc, argv ) )
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

  if ( strcmp( "proj", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    G_get_window( &window );
    /* code from g.proj */
    if ( window.proj != PROJECTION_XY )
      struct Key_Value *projinfo, *projunits;
      char *wkt;
      projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
      projunits = G_get_projunits();
      wkt = GPJ_grass_to_wkt( projinfo, projunits,  0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "%s", wkt );
  else if ( strcmp( "window", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      fprintf( stdout, "%f,%f,%f,%f", window.west, window.south, window.east, window.north );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );
  else if ( strcmp( "query", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    double x, y;
    int row, col;
    x = atof( coor_opt->answers[0] );
    y = atof( coor_opt->answers[1] );
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      int fd;
      RASTER_MAP_TYPE rast_type;
      DCELL *dcell;
      CELL *cell;
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      G_set_window( &window );
      fd = G_open_cell_old( rast_opt->answer, "" );
      col = ( int ) G_easting_to_col( x, &window );
      row = ( int ) G_northing_to_row( y, &window );
      if ( col == window.cols ) col--;
      if ( row == window.rows ) row--;

      if ( col < 0 || col > window.cols || row < 0 || row > window.rows )
        fprintf( stdout, "value:null\n" );
        void *ptr;
        double val;

#if defined(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR) && defined(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR) && \
        rast_type = G_get_raster_map_type( fd );
        rast_type = G_raster_map_type( rast_opt->answer, "" );
        cell = G_allocate_c_raster_buf();
        dcell = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();

        if ( rast_type == CELL_TYPE )
          if ( G_get_c_raster_row( fd, cell, row ) < 0 )
            G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                          rast_opt->answer, row );
          val = cell[col];
          ptr = &( cell[col] );
          if ( G_get_d_raster_row( fd, dcell, row ) < 0 )
            G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                          rast_opt->answer, row );
          val = dcell[col];
          ptr = &( dcell[col] );
        if ( G_is_null_value( ptr, rast_type ) )
          fprintf( stdout, "value:null\n" );
          fprintf( stdout, "value:%f\n", val );
      G_close_cell( fd );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );

  exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Exemplo n.º 4
GDALDataset *GRASSDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

    char	*pszGisdb = NULL, *pszLoc = NULL;
    char	*pszMapset = NULL, *pszElem = NULL, *pszName = NULL;
    char        **papszCells = NULL;
    char        **papszMapsets = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this even look like a grass file path?                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( strstr(poOpenInfo->pszFilename,"/cellhd/") == NULL
        && strstr(poOpenInfo->pszFilename,"/group/") == NULL )
        return NULL;

    /* Always init, if no rasters are opened G_no_gisinit resets the projection and 
     * rasters in different projection may be then opened */

    // Don't use GISRC file and read/write GRASS variables (from location G_VAR_GISRC) to memory only.
    G_set_gisrc_mode ( G_GISRC_MODE_MEMORY );

    // Init GRASS libraries (required)
    G_no_gisinit();  // Doesn't check write permissions for mapset compare to G_gisinit

    // Set error function
    G_set_error_routine ( (GrassErrorHandler) Grass2CPLErrorHook );

    // GISBASE is path to the directory where GRASS is installed,
    if ( !getenv( "GISBASE" ) ) {
        static char* gisbaseEnv = NULL;
        const char *gisbase = GRASS_GISBASE;
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GRASS warning: GISBASE "
                "enviroment variable was not set, using:\n%s", gisbase );
        char buf[2000];
        snprintf ( buf, sizeof(buf), "GISBASE=%s", gisbase );
        buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';

        gisbaseEnv = CPLStrdup ( buf );
        putenv( gisbaseEnv );

    if ( !SplitPath( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, &pszGisdb, &pszLoc, &pszMapset,
                     &pszElem, &pszName) ) {
	return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check element name                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( strcmp(pszElem,"cellhd") != 0 && strcmp(pszElem,"group") != 0 ) { 
	return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set GRASS variables                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    G__setenv( "GISDBASE", pszGisdb );
    G__setenv( "LOCATION_NAME", pszLoc );
    G__setenv( "MAPSET", pszMapset); // group is searched only in current mapset 
    G_add_mapset_to_search_path ( pszMapset );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check if this is a valid grass cell.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( strcmp(pszElem,"cellhd") == 0 ) {
        if ( G_find_file2("cell", pszName, pszMapset) == NULL ) {
	    G_free(pszGisdb); G_free(pszLoc); G_free(pszMapset); G_free(pszElem); G_free(pszName);
	    return NULL;

	papszMapsets = CSLAddString( papszMapsets, pszMapset );
	papszCells = CSLAddString( papszCells, pszName );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check if this is a valid GRASS imagery group.                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else {
        struct Ref ref;

        I_init_group_ref( &ref );
        if ( I_get_group_ref( pszName, &ref ) == 0 ) {
	    G_free(pszGisdb); G_free(pszLoc); G_free(pszMapset); G_free(pszElem); G_free(pszName);
	    return NULL;
        for( int iRef = 0; iRef < ref.nfiles; iRef++ ) 
            papszCells = CSLAddString( papszCells, ref.file[iRef].name );
            papszMapsets = CSLAddString( papszMapsets, ref.file[iRef].mapset );
            G_add_mapset_to_search_path ( ref.file[iRef].mapset );

        I_free_group_ref( &ref );
    G_free( pszMapset );
    G_free( pszName );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GRASSDataset 	*poDS;

    poDS = new GRASSDataset();

    /* notdef: should only allow read access to an existing cell, right? */
    poDS->eAccess = poOpenInfo->eAccess;

    poDS->pszGisdbase = pszGisdb;
    poDS->pszLocation = pszLoc;
    poDS->pszElement = pszElem;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Capture some information from the file that is of interest.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    Rast_get_cellhd( papszCells[0], papszMapsets[0], &(poDS->sCellInfo) );
    if( G_get_cellhd( papszCells[0], papszMapsets[0], &(poDS->sCellInfo) ) != 0 ) {
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GRASS: Cannot open raster header");
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    poDS->nRasterXSize = poDS->sCellInfo.cols;
    poDS->nRasterYSize = poDS->sCellInfo.rows;

    poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] = poDS->sCellInfo.west;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] = poDS->sCellInfo.ew_res;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] = poDS->sCellInfo.north;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
    poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] = -1 * poDS->sCellInfo.ns_res;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get a projection definition.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    struct Key_Value *projinfo, *projunits;

    projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
    projunits = G_get_projunits();
    poDS->pszProjection = GPJ_grass_to_wkt ( projinfo, projunits, 0, 0);
    if (projinfo) G_free_key_value(projinfo);
    if (projunits) G_free_key_value(projunits);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create band information objects.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int iBand = 0; papszCells[iBand] != NULL; iBand++ )
	GRASSRasterBand *rb = new GRASSRasterBand( poDS, iBand+1, papszMapsets[iBand], 
                                                                  papszCells[iBand] );

	if ( !rb->valid ) {
	    CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, "GRASS: Cannot open raster band %d", iBand);
	    delete rb;
	    delete poDS;
	    return NULL;

        poDS->SetBand( iBand+1, rb );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        delete poDS;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "The GRASS driver does not support update access to existing"
                  " datasets.\n" );
        return NULL;
    return poDS;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main( int argc, char **argv )
  struct GModule *module;
  struct Option *info_opt, *rast_opt, *vect_opt, *coor_opt, *north_opt, *south_opt, *east_opt, *west_opt, *rows_opt, *cols_opt;
  struct Cell_head window;

  /* Initialize the GIS calls */
  G_gisinit( argv[0] );

  module = G_define_module();
  module->description = ( "Get info about locations,mapsets,maps" );

  info_opt = G_define_option();
  info_opt->key = "info";
  info_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
  info_opt->description = "info key";
  info_opt->options = "proj,window,size,query,info,colors,stats";

  rast_opt = G_define_standard_option( G_OPT_R_INPUT );
  rast_opt->key = "rast";
  rast_opt->required = NO;

  vect_opt = G_define_standard_option( G_OPT_V_INPUT );
  vect_opt->key = "vect";
  vect_opt->required = NO;

  coor_opt = G_define_option();
  coor_opt->key = "coor";
  coor_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
  coor_opt->multiple = YES;

  north_opt = G_define_option();
  north_opt->key = "north";
  north_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;

  south_opt = G_define_option();
  south_opt->key = "south";
  south_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;

  east_opt = G_define_option();
  east_opt->key = "east";
  east_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;

  west_opt = G_define_option();
  west_opt->key = "west";
  west_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;

  rows_opt = G_define_option();
  rows_opt->key = "rows";
  rows_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;

  cols_opt = G_define_option();
  cols_opt->key = "cols";
  cols_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;

  if ( G_parser( argc, argv ) )
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

  if ( strcmp( "proj", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    G_get_window( &window );
    /* code from g.proj */
    if ( window.proj != PROJECTION_XY )
      struct Key_Value *projinfo, *projunits;
      char *wkt;
      projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
      projunits = G_get_projunits();
      wkt = GPJ_grass_to_wkt( projinfo, projunits,  0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "%s", wkt );
  else if ( strcmp( "window", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      fprintf( stdout, "%f,%f,%f,%f", window.west, window.south, window.east, window.north );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );
  // raster width and height
  else if ( strcmp( "size", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      fprintf( stdout, "%d,%d", window.cols, window.rows );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );
  // raster informations
  else if ( strcmp( "info", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    struct FPRange range;
    double zmin, zmax;

    // Data type
    RASTER_MAP_TYPE raster_type = G_raster_map_type( rast_opt->answer, "" );
    fprintf( stdout, "TYPE:%d\n", raster_type );

    // Statistics
    if ( G_read_fp_range( rast_opt->answer, "", &range ) < 0 )
      G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read range file" ) );
    G_get_fp_range_min_max( &range, &zmin, &zmax );
    fprintf( stdout, "MIN_VALUE:%.17e\n", zmin );
    fprintf( stdout, "MAX_VALUE:%.17e\n", zmax );
  else if ( strcmp( "colors", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    // Color table
    struct Colors colors;
    int i, ccount;
    if ( G_read_colors( rast_opt->answer, "", &colors ) == 1 )
      //int maxcolor;
      //CELL min, max;

      //G_get_color_range ( &min, &max, &colors);
      ccount = G_colors_count( &colors );
      for ( i = ccount - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        DCELL val1, val2;
        unsigned char r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;

        G_get_f_color_rule( &val1, &r1, &g1, &b1, &val2, &r2, &g2, &b2, &colors, i );
        fprintf( stdout, "%.17e %.17e %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", val1, val2, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 );

  else if ( strcmp( "query", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    double x, y;
    int row, col;
    //x = atof( coor_opt->answers[0] );
    //y = atof( coor_opt->answers[1] );
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      int fd;
      RASTER_MAP_TYPE rast_type;
      DCELL *dcell;
      CELL *cell;
      char buff[101];
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      G_set_window( &window );
      fd = G_open_cell_old( rast_opt->answer, "" );
      // wait for coors from stdin
      while ( fgets( buff, 100, stdin ) != 0 )
        if ( sscanf( buff, "%lf%lf", &x, &y ) != 2 )
          fprintf( stdout, "value:error\n" );
          col = ( int ) G_easting_to_col( x, &window );
          row = ( int ) G_northing_to_row( y, &window );
          if ( col == window.cols )
          if ( row == window.rows )

          if ( col < 0 || col > window.cols || row < 0 || row > window.rows )
            fprintf( stdout, "value:out\n" );
            void *ptr;
            double val;

#if defined(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR) && defined(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR) && \
            rast_type = G_get_raster_map_type( fd );
            rast_type = G_raster_map_type( rast_opt->answer, "" );
            cell = G_allocate_c_raster_buf();
            dcell = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();

            if ( rast_type == CELL_TYPE )
              if ( G_get_c_raster_row( fd, cell, row ) < 0 )
                G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                              rast_opt->answer, row );
              val = cell[col];
              ptr = &( cell[col] );
              if ( G_get_d_raster_row( fd, dcell, row ) < 0 )
                G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                              rast_opt->answer, row );
              val = dcell[col];
              ptr = &( dcell[col] );
            if ( G_is_null_value( ptr, rast_type ) )
              fprintf( stdout, "value:null\n" );
              fprintf( stdout, "value:%f\n", val );
        fflush( stdout );
      G_close_cell( fd );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );
  else if ( strcmp( "stats", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      int fd;
      RASTER_MAP_TYPE rast_type;
      DCELL *dcell;
      CELL *cell;
      int ncols, nrows;
      int row, col;
      void *ptr;
      double val;
      double min = DBL_MAX;
      double max = -DBL_MAX;
      double sum = 0; // sum of values
      int count = 0; // count of non null values
      double mean = 0;
      double squares_sum = 0; // sum of squares
      double stdev = 0; // standard deviation

      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      window.north = atof( north_opt->answer );
      window.south = atof( south_opt->answer );
      window.east = atof( east_opt->answer );
      window.west = atof( west_opt->answer );
      window.rows = ( int ) atoi( rows_opt->answer );
      window.cols = ( int ) atoi( cols_opt->answer );

      G_set_window( &window );
      fd = G_open_cell_old( rast_opt->answer, "" );

      ncols = G_window_cols();
      nrows = G_window_rows();

#if defined(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR) && defined(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR) && \
      rast_type = G_get_raster_map_type( fd );
      rast_type = G_raster_map_type( rast_opt->answer, "" );
      cell = G_allocate_c_raster_buf();
      dcell = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();

      // Calc stats is very slow for large rasters -> prefer optimization for speed over
      // code length and readability (which is not currently true)
      for ( row = 0; row < nrows; row++ )
        if ( rast_type == CELL_TYPE )
          if ( G_get_c_raster_row( fd, cell, row ) < 0 )
            G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                          rast_opt->answer, row );
          if ( G_get_d_raster_row( fd, dcell, row ) < 0 )
            G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                          rast_opt->answer, row );

        for ( col = 0; col < ncols; col++ )
          if ( rast_type == CELL_TYPE )
            val = cell[col];
            ptr = &( cell[col] );
            val = dcell[col];
            ptr = &( dcell[col] );
          if ( ! G_is_null_value( ptr, rast_type ) )
            if ( val < min ) min = val;
            if ( val > max ) max = val;
            sum += val;
            squares_sum += pow( val, 2 );
      mean = sum / count;
      squares_sum -= count * pow( mean, 2 );
      stdev = sqrt( squares_sum / ( count - 1 ) );

      fprintf( stdout, "MIN:%.17e\n", min );
      fprintf( stdout, "MAX:%.17e\n", max );
      fprintf( stdout, "SUM:%.17e\n", sum );
      fprintf( stdout, "MEAN:%.17e\n", mean );
      fprintf( stdout, "COUNT:%d\n", count );
      fprintf( stdout, "STDEV:%.17e\n", stdev );
      fprintf( stdout, "SQSUM:%.17e\n", squares_sum );

      G_close_cell( fd );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );

  exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Exemplo n.º 6
OGRGRASSLayer::OGRGRASSLayer( int layerIndex,  struct Map_info * map )
    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "OGRGRASSLayer::OGRGRASSLayer layerIndex = %d", layerIndex );
    iLayerIndex = layerIndex;
    poMap = map; 
    poSRS = NULL;
    iNextId = 0;
    poPoints = Vect_new_line_struct();
    poCats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    pszQuery = NULL;
    paQueryMatch = NULL;
    paSpatialMatch = NULL;

    iLayer = Vect_cidx_get_field_number ( poMap, iLayerIndex);
    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "iLayer = %d", iLayer );
    poLink = Vect_get_field ( poMap, iLayer ); // May be NULL if not defined

    // Layer name
    if ( poLink && poLink->name )
	pszName = CPLStrdup( poLink->name );	
	char buf[20]; 
	sprintf ( buf, "%d", iLayer ); 
	pszName = CPLStrdup( buf );

    // Because we don't represent centroids as any simple feature, we have to scan
    // category index and create index of feature IDs pointing to category index
    nTotalCount = Vect_cidx_get_type_count(poMap,iLayer, GV_POINT|GV_LINES|GV_AREA);
    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "nTotalCount = %d", nTotalCount );
    paFeatureIndex = (int *) CPLMalloc ( nTotalCount * sizeof(int) );
    int n = Vect_cidx_get_type_count(poMap,iLayer, GV_POINTS|GV_LINES|GV_AREA);
    int cnt = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) 
	int cat,type, id;
	Vect_cidx_get_cat_by_index ( poMap, iLayerIndex, i, &cat, &type, &id );
	if ( !( type & (GV_POINT|GV_LINES|GV_AREA) ) ) continue;
	paFeatureIndex[cnt++] = i;

    poFeatureDefn = new OGRFeatureDefn( pszName );

    // Get type definition
    int nTypes = Vect_cidx_get_num_types_by_index ( poMap, iLayerIndex );
    int types = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < nTypes; i++ ) {
	int type, count;
	Vect_cidx_get_type_count_by_index ( poMap, iLayerIndex, i, &type, &count);
	if ( !(type & (GV_POINT|GV_LINES|GV_AREA) ) ) continue;
	types |= type;
        CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "type = %d types = %d", type, types );
    OGRwkbGeometryType eGeomType = wkbUnknown;
    if ( types == GV_LINE || types == GV_BOUNDARY || types == GV_LINES ) 
        eGeomType = wkbLineString;
    else if ( types == GV_POINT )
        eGeomType = wkbPoint;
    else if ( types == GV_AREA )
        CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "set wkbPolygon" );
        eGeomType = wkbPolygon;

    if (Vect_is_3d(poMap))
        poFeatureDefn->SetGeomType ( (OGRwkbGeometryType)(eGeomType | wkb25DBit) );
        poFeatureDefn->SetGeomType ( eGeomType );

    // Get attributes definition
    poDbString = (dbString*) CPLMalloc ( sizeof(dbString) );
    poCursor = (dbCursor*) CPLMalloc ( sizeof(dbCursor) );
    bCursorOpened = FALSE;

    poDriver = NULL;
    bHaveAttributes = false;
    db_init_string ( poDbString );
    if ( poLink ) 
	if ( StartDbDriver() ) 
	    db_set_string ( poDbString, poLink->table );
	    dbTable *table;
	    if ( db_describe_table ( poDriver, poDbString, &table) == DB_OK )
		nFields = db_get_table_number_of_columns ( table );
		iCatField = -1;
		for ( int i = 0; i < nFields; i++) 
		    dbColumn *column = db_get_table_column ( table, i );
		    int ctype = db_sqltype_to_Ctype ( db_get_column_sqltype(column) );
		    OGRFieldType ogrFtype = OFTInteger;
 	     	    switch ( ctype ) {
			 case DB_C_TYPE_INT:
			    ogrFtype = OFTInteger;
			 case DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE:
			    ogrFtype = OFTReal;
			 case DB_C_TYPE_STRING:
			    ogrFtype = OFTString;
			    ogrFtype = OFTDateTime;

		    CPLDebug ( "GRASS", "column = %s type = %d", 
			       db_get_column_name(column), ctype );
		    OGRFieldDefn oField ( db_get_column_name(column), ogrFtype );
		    poFeatureDefn->AddFieldDefn( &oField );

		    if ( G_strcasecmp(db_get_column_name(column),poLink->key) == 0 )
			iCatField = i;
		if ( iCatField >= 0  ) 
    		    bHaveAttributes = true;
		    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot find key field" );
		    db_close_database_shutdown_driver ( poDriver );
		    poDriver = NULL;
		CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot describe table %s", 
			  poLink->table );

	    db_close_database_shutdown_driver ( poDriver );
	    poDriver = NULL;
    if ( !bHaveAttributes && iLayer > 0 ) // Because features in layer 0 have no cats  
	OGRFieldDefn oField("cat", OFTInteger);
	poFeatureDefn->AddFieldDefn( &oField );

    if ( getenv("GISBASE") )  // We have some projection info in GISBASE
        struct Key_Value *projinfo, *projunits;

	// Note: we dont have to reset GISDBASE and LOCATION_NAME because 
	// OGRGRASSLayer constructor is called from OGRGRASSDataSource::Open
	// where those variables are set

        projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
	projunits = G_get_projunits();

	char *srsWkt = GPJ_grass_to_wkt ( projinfo, projunits, 0, 0);
	if ( srsWkt ) 
	    poSRS = new OGRSpatialReference ( srsWkt );
	    CPLFree ( srsWkt );

Exemplo n.º 7
  \brief Create GDAL settings for given raster map

  \param name map name
  \param map_type map type (CELL, FCELL, DCELL)

  \return pointer to allocated GDAL_link structure
  \return NULL on error
struct GDAL_link *Rast_create_gdal_link(const char *name,
					RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type)
#ifdef GDAL_LINK
    char path[GPATH_MAX];
    GDALDriverH driver;
    double transform[6];
    struct GDAL_link *gdal;
    FILE *fp;
    struct Key_Value *key_val;
    char buf[32];



    if (!G_is_initialized(&st->initialized)) {
	st->projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
	st->projunits = G_get_projunits();
#if 0
	/* We cannot use GPJ_grass_to_wkt() here because that would create a
	   circular dependency between libgis and libgproj */
	if (st->projinfo && st->projunits)
	    st->srswkt = GPJ_grass_to_wkt(st->projinfo, st->projunits);

    gdal = G_calloc(1, sizeof(struct GDAL_link));

    sprintf(path, "%s/%s%s", st->opts.dir, name, st->opts.ext);
    gdal->filename = G_store(path);
    gdal->band_num = 1;
    gdal->hflip = 0;
    gdal->vflip = 0;

    switch (map_type) {
    case CELL_TYPE:
	switch (R__.nbytes) {
	case 1:
	    gdal->type = GDT_Byte;
	    gdal->null_val = (DCELL) 0xFF;
	case 2:
	    gdal->type = GDT_UInt16;
	    gdal->null_val = (DCELL) 0xFFFF;
	case 3:
	case 4:
	    gdal->type = GDT_Int32;
	    gdal->null_val = (DCELL) 0x80000000U;
    case FCELL_TYPE:
	gdal->type = GDT_Float32;
	Rast_set_d_null_value(&gdal->null_val, 1);
    case DCELL_TYPE:
	gdal->type = GDT_Float64;
	Rast_set_d_null_value(&gdal->null_val, 1);
	G_fatal_error(_("Invalid map type <%d>"), map_type);

    driver = (*pGDALGetDriverByName) (st->opts.format);
    if (!driver)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get <%s> driver"), st->opts.format);

    /* Does driver support GDALCreate ? */
    if ((*pGDALGetMetadataItem) (driver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, NULL)) {
	gdal->data =
	    (*pGDALCreate)(driver, gdal->filename,
			   R__.wr_window.cols, R__.wr_window.rows,
			   1, gdal->type, st->opts.options);
	if (!gdal->data)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create <%s> dataset using <%s> driver"),
			  name, st->opts.format);
    /* If not - create MEM driver for intermediate dataset. 
     * Check if raster can be created at all (with GDALCreateCopy) */
    else if ((*pGDALGetMetadataItem) (driver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY, NULL)) {
	GDALDriverH mem_driver;

	G_message(_("Driver <%s> does not support direct writing. "
		    "Using MEM driver for intermediate dataset."),

	mem_driver = (*pGDALGetDriverByName) ("MEM");
	if (!mem_driver)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get in-memory raster driver"));

	gdal->data =
	    (*pGDALCreate)(mem_driver, "",
			   R__.wr_window.cols, R__.wr_window.rows,
			   1, gdal->type, st->opts.options);
	if (!gdal->data)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create <%s> dataset using memory driver"),
	G_fatal_error(_("Driver <%s> does not support creating rasters"),

    gdal->band = (*pGDALGetRasterBand) (gdal->data, gdal->band_num);

    (*pGDALSetRasterNoDataValue) (gdal->band, gdal->null_val);

    /* Set Geo Transform  */
    transform[0] = R__.wr_window.west;
    transform[1] = R__.wr_window.ew_res;
    transform[2] = 0.0;
    transform[3] = R__.wr_window.north;
    transform[4] = 0.0;
    transform[5] = -R__.wr_window.ns_res;

    if ((*pGDALSetGeoTransform) (gdal->data, transform) >= CE_Failure)
	G_warning(_("Unable to set geo transform"));

    if (st->srswkt)
	if ((*pGDALSetProjection) (gdal->data, st->srswkt) == CE_Failure)
	    G_warning(_("Unable to set projection"));

    fp = G_fopen_new_misc("cell_misc", "gdal", name);
    if (!fp)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create cell_misc/%s/gdal file"), name);

    key_val = G_create_key_value();

    G_set_key_value("file", gdal->filename, key_val);

    sprintf(buf, "%d", gdal->band_num);
    G_set_key_value("band", buf, key_val);

    sprintf(buf, "%.22g", gdal->null_val);
    G_set_key_value("null", buf, key_val);

    sprintf(buf, "%d", gdal->type);
    G_set_key_value("type", buf, key_val);

    if (G_fwrite_key_value(fp, key_val) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Error writing cell_misc/%s/gdal file"), name);



    return gdal;
    return NULL;