Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Removes one particular item from a given container
 * @param itemID The id of the item to remove
 * @param ent The edict that holds the inventory to remove the item from
 * @param container The container in the inventory of the edict to remove the searched item from.
 * @return @c true if the removal was successful, @c false otherwise.
bool G_InventoryRemoveItemByID (const char *itemID, edict_t *ent, containerIndex_t container)
	invList_t *ic = CONTAINER(ent, container);
	while (ic) {
		const objDef_t *item = ic->item.item;
		if (item != NULL && Q_streq(item->id, itemID)) {
			/* remove the virtual item to update the inventory lists */
			if (!game.i.RemoveFromInventory(&game.i, &ent->chr.i, INVDEF(container), ic))
				gi.Error("Could not remove item '%s' from inventory %i",
						ic->item.item->id, container);
			G_EventInventoryDelete(ent, G_VisToPM(ent->visflags), INVDEF(container), ic->x, ic->y);
			return true;
		ic = ic->next;

	return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Moves an item inside an inventory. Floors are handled special.
 * @param[in] actor The pointer to the selected/used edict/soldier.
 * @param[in] fromContType The container (-id) the item should be moved from.
 * @param[in] fItem The item you want to move.
 * @param[in] toContType The container (-def) the item should be moved to.
 * @param[in] tx x position where you want the item to go in the destination container
 * @param[in] ty y position where you want the item to go in the destination container
 * @param[in] checkaction Set this to true if you want to check for TUs, otherwise false.
 * @sa event PA_INVMOVE
 * @sa AI_ActorThink
bool G_ActorInvMove (Edict* actor, const invDef_t* fromContType, Item* fItem, const invDef_t* toContType, int tx, int ty, bool checkaction)
	Edict* floor;
	bool newFloor;
	Item* tc;
	playermask_t mask;
	inventory_action_t ia;
	Item fromItemBackup, toItemBackup;
	int fx, fy;
	int originalTU, reservedTU = 0;
	Player& player = actor->getPlayer();


	/* Store the location/item of 'from' BEFORE actually moving items with moveInInventory. */
	fromItemBackup = *fItem;

	/* Store the location of 'to' BEFORE actually moving items with moveInInventory
	 * so in case we swap ammo the client can be updated correctly */
	tc = actor->chr.inv.getItemAtPos(toContType, tx, ty);
	if (tc)
		toItemBackup = *tc;
		toItemBackup = *fItem;

	/* Get first used bit in item. */
	fItem->getFirstShapePosition(&fx, &fy);
	fx += fItem->getX();
	fy += fItem->getY();

	/* Check if action is possible */
	/* TUs are 1 here - but this is only a dummy - the real TU check is done in the inventory functions below */
	if (checkaction && !G_ActionCheckForCurrentTeam(player, actor, 1))
		return false;

	if (!actor->chr.inv.canHoldItemWeight(fromContType->id, toContType->id, *fItem, actor->chr.score.skills[ABILITY_POWER])) {
		G_ClientPrintf(player, PRINT_HUD, _("This soldier can not carry anything else."));
		return false;

	/* "get floor ready" - searching for existing floor-edict */
	floor = G_GetFloorItems(actor);
	if (toContType->isFloorDef() && !floor) {
		/* We are moving to the floor, but no existing edict for this floor-tile found -> create new one */
		floor = G_SpawnFloor(actor->pos);
		newFloor = true;
	} else if (fromContType->isFloorDef() && !floor) {
		/* We are moving from the floor, but no existing edict for this floor-tile found -> this should never be the case. */
		gi.DPrintf("G_ClientInvMove: No source-floor found.\n");
		return false;
	} else {
		/* There already exists an edict for this floor-tile. */
		newFloor = false;

	/* search for space */
	Item* item2;
	if (tx == NONE) {
		item2 = actor->chr.inv.getItemAtPos(fromContType, fItem->getX(), fItem->getY());
		if (item2)
			actor->chr.inv.findSpace(toContType, item2, &tx, &ty, fItem);
		if (tx == NONE)
			return false;

	/** @todo what if we don't have enough TUs after subtracting the reserved ones? */
	/* Because moveInInventory don't know anything about character_t and it updates actor->TU,
	 * we need to save original actor->TU for the sake of checking TU reservations. */
	originalTU = actor->TU;
	reservedTU = G_ActorGetReservedTUs(actor);
	/* Temporary decrease actor->TU to make moveInInventory do what expected. */
	G_ActorUseTU(actor, reservedTU);
	/* Try to actually move the item and check the return value after restoring valid actor->TU. */
	ia = game.i.moveInInventory(&actor->chr.inv, fromContType, fItem, toContType, tx, ty, checkaction ? &actor->TU : nullptr, &item2);
	/* Now restore the original actor->TU and decrease it for TU used for inventory move. */
	G_ActorSetTU(actor, originalTU - (originalTU - reservedTU - actor->TU));

	switch (ia) {
	case IA_NONE:
		/* No action possible - abort */
		return false;
	case IA_NOTIME:
		G_ClientPrintf(player, PRINT_HUD, _("Can't perform action - not enough TUs!"));
		return false;
		G_ClientPrintf(player, PRINT_HUD,
				_("Can't perform action - weapon already fully loaded with the same ammunition!"));
		return false;
		/* Continue below. */

	/* successful inventory change; remove the item in clients */
	if (fromContType->isFloorDef()) {
		/* We removed an item from the floor - check how the client
		 * needs to be updated. */
		if (actor->getFloor()) {
			/* There is still something on the floor. */
			/* Delay this if swapping ammo, otherwise the le will be removed in the client before we can add back
			 * the current ammo because removeNextFrame is set in LE_PlaceItem() if the floor le has no items */
			if (ia != IA_RELOAD_SWAP)
				G_EventInventoryDelete(*floor, G_VisToPM(floor->visflags), fromContType->id, fx, fy);
		} else {
			/* Floor is empty, remove the edict (from server + client) if we are
			 * not moving to it. */
			if (!toContType->isFloorDef()) {
			} else
				G_EventInventoryDelete(*floor, G_VisToPM(floor->visflags), fromContType->id, fx, fy);
	} else {
		G_EventInventoryDelete(*actor, G_TeamToPM(actor->team), fromContType->id, fx, fy);

	/* send tu's */

	Item item = *item2;

	if (ia == IA_RELOAD || ia == IA_RELOAD_SWAP) {
		/* reload */
		if (toContType->isFloorDef())
			mask = G_VisToPM(floor->visflags);
			mask = G_TeamToPM(actor->team);

		G_EventInventoryReload(toContType->isFloorDef() ? *floor : *actor, mask, &item, toContType, item2);

		if (ia == IA_RELOAD) {
			return true;
		} else { /* ia == IA_RELOAD_SWAP */
			item.rotated = fromItemBackup.rotated;
			toContType = fromContType;
			if (toContType->isFloorDef()) {
				/* moveInInventory placed the swapped ammo in an available space, check where it was placed
				 * so we can place it at the same place in the client, otherwise since fItem hasn't been removed
				 * this could end in a different place in the client - will cause an error if trying to use it again */
				item2 = actor->chr.inv.findInContainer(toContType->id, &item);
				fromItemBackup = item;
			tx = fromItemBackup.getX();
			ty = fromItemBackup.getY();

	/* We moved an item to the floor - check how the client needs to be updated. */
	if (toContType->isFloorDef()) {
		/* we have to link the temp floor container to the new floor edict or add
		 * the item to an already existing floor edict - the floor container that
		 * is already linked might be from a different entity (this might happen
		 * in case of a throw by another actor) */

		/* A new container was created for the floor. */
		if (newFloor) {
			/* Send item info to the clients */
		} else {
			/* use the backup item to use the old amount values, because the clients have to use the same actions
			 * on the original amount. Otherwise they would end in a different amount of items as the server (+1) */
			G_EventInventoryAdd(*floor, G_VisToPM(floor->visflags), 1);
			G_WriteItem(fromItemBackup, toContType->id, tx, ty);
			/* Couldn't remove it before because that would remove the le from the client and would cause battlescape to crash
			 * when trying to add back the swapped ammo above */
			if (ia == IA_RELOAD_SWAP)
				G_EventInventoryDelete(*floor, G_VisToPM(floor->visflags), fromContType->id, fx, fy);
	} else {
		G_EventInventoryAdd(*actor, G_TeamToPM(actor->team), 1);
		G_WriteItem(item, toContType->id, tx, ty);

	G_ReactionFireSettingsUpdate(actor, actor->chr.RFmode.getFmIdx(), actor->chr.RFmode.getHand(), actor->chr.RFmode.getWeapon());

	/* Other players receive weapon info only. */
	mask = G_VisToPM(actor->visflags) & ~G_TeamToPM(actor->team);
	if (mask) {
		if (fromContType->isRightDef() || fromContType->isLeftDef()) {
			G_EventInventoryDelete(*actor, mask, fromContType->id, fx, fy);
		if (toContType->isRightDef() || toContType->isLeftDef()) {
			G_EventInventoryAdd(*actor, mask, 1);
			G_WriteItem(item, toContType->id, tx, ty);

	return true;