Exemplo n.º 1
/* store a raster map in a mem segment on disk */
void Segment_infile (char* map_name, char* mapset, char* search_mapset, int* map_fd, 
		char* seg_name, int* seg_fd, SEGMENT* seg, void *cell_buf, int fract, 
        RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type)
    int nrows, row;

    strcpy (mapset, G_find_cell (map_name, search_mapset));
    if (mapset == NULL)
	  G_fatal_error ("Can't find displayed data layer ");
    if ((*map_fd = G_open_cell_old (map_name, mapset)) < 0)
	  G_fatal_error ("Can't open displayed data layer ");

    nrows = G_window_rows ();

	/* next line creates the actual segment, returns name of disk file */
    strcpy (seg_name, Create_segment_file (nrows, fract, data_type));
    *seg_fd = open (seg_name, O_RDWR);

    if (*seg_fd < 0)
	  G_fatal_error ("Cannot open segment disk file ");
    segment_init (seg, *seg_fd, 4);
	/* store map data in segment file IGNORE MASK */
	/* cell_buf must be pre-allocated by caller! */
    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	    if (G_get_raster_row_nomask (*map_fd, cell_buf, row, data_type) < 0) {
	        G_fatal_error ("Unable to read data layer into segment file ");
	    segment_put_row (seg, cell_buf, row); /* store raster map in segment file */
Exemplo n.º 2
int G_read_colors(const char *name, const char *mapset, struct Colors *colors)
    int fp;
    char buf[GNAME_MAX];
    char *err;
    char xname[GNAME_MAX];
    struct Range range;
    struct FPRange drange;
    CELL min, max;
    DCELL dmin, dmax;

    fp = G_raster_map_is_fp(name, mapset);

    strcpy(xname, name);
    mapset = G_find_cell(xname, mapset);
    name = xname;

    if (fp)

    /* first look for secondary color table in current mapset */
    sprintf(buf, "colr2/%s", mapset);
    if (read_colors(buf, name, G_mapset(), colors) >= 0)
	return 1;

    /* now look for the regular color table */
    switch (read_colors("colr", name, mapset, colors)) {
    case -2:
	if (!fp) {
	    if (G_read_range(name, mapset, &range) >= 0) {
		G_get_range_min_max(&range, &min, &max);
		if (!G_is_c_null_value(&min) && !G_is_c_null_value(&max))
		    G_make_rainbow_colors(colors, min, max);
		return 0;
	else {
	    if (G_read_fp_range(name, mapset, &drange) >= 0) {
		G_get_fp_range_min_max(&drange, &dmin, &dmax);
		if (!G_is_d_null_value(&dmin) && !G_is_d_null_value(&dmax))
		    G_make_rainbow_fp_colors(colors, dmin, dmax);
		return 0;
	err = "missing";
    case -1:
	err = "invalid";
	return 1;

    G_warning(_("color support for [%s] in mapset [%s] %s"), name, mapset,
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
CELL *open_cell(char *name, char *mapset, int *fd)
    if (mapset == NULL)
	mapset = G_find_cell(name, "");
    *fd = G_open_cell_old(name, mapset);
    if (*fd < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open raster map <%s>"), name);

    return G_allocate_cell_buf();
Exemplo n.º 4
int patchAreaDistributionCV(int fd, char **par, area_des ad, double *result)
    char *mapset;
    double indice = 0;
    struct Cell_head hd;
    int ris = RLI_OK;

    mapset = G_find_cell(ad->raster, "");
    if (G_get_cellhd(ad->raster, mapset, &hd) == -1)
	return RLI_ERRORE;
    switch (ad->data_type) {
    case CELL_TYPE:

	    ris = calculate(fd, ad, &indice);
    case DCELL_TYPE:

	    ris = calculateD(fd, ad, &indice);
    case FCELL_TYPE:

	    ris = calculateF(fd, ad, &indice);

	    G_fatal_error("data type unknown");
	    return RLI_ERRORE;
    if (ris != RLI_OK) {
	*result = -1;
	return RLI_ERRORE;
    *result = indice;
    return RLI_OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
void Segment_named_outfile (char* map_name, char* mapset, int* map_fd,
			           char* seg_name, int* seg_fd, SEGMENT* seg, int overwrite, 
                       int terse, int fract, RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type)
    int nrows;
    char* mapset_address;
    char message [64];

    mapset_address = G_find_cell (map_name, G_mapset ());
    strcpy (mapset, G_mapset ());
    if (mapset_address != NULL)
      if (!overwrite)
	  sprintf (message, "Raster map '%s' exists ", map_name);
	  G_fatal_error ("%s",message);
	  if (!terse)
	    fprintf (stdout, "\nOverwriting raster map '%s' \n", map_name);
	if (!terse)
	  fprintf (stdout, "\nCreating raster map '%s' ", map_name);

    if ((*map_fd = G_open_cell_new (map_name)) < 0)
	  G_fatal_error ("Can't create output layer ");

    nrows = G_window_rows ();
    strcpy (seg_name, Create_segment_file (nrows, fract, data_type));
    *seg_fd = open (seg_name, O_RDWR);
    if (*seg_fd < 0)
	  G_fatal_error ("Can't open segment disk file ");
    segment_init (seg, *seg_fd, 4);
Exemplo n.º 6
/* useful to create randomised samples for statistical tests */
void do_split_sample ( char *input, char *output, int in_types, double percentage, char *map,  
						int all, int processing_mode, int quiet) {
        CELL *cellbuf;
	DCELL *dcellbuf;
	GT_Row_cache_t *cache;
	int fd;
	int i,j,k,l;
	int no_sites;
	int sites_tried = 0;
	struct Cell_head region;
	int error;
	char *mapset, errmsg [200];
	unsigned int *taken; /* this is an array of 0/1 which signals, if
	                       a certain site has already been 'drawn' */
	long row_idx, col_idx;
	struct Map_info in_vect_map;
	struct Map_info out_vect_map;
  	struct line_pnts *vect_points;
	struct line_cats *vect_cats;
	double x,y,z;
	int n_points = 1;
	int cur_type;
	cellbuf = NULL;
	dcellbuf = NULL;
	cache = NULL;
	/* get current region */
	G_get_window (&region);
	/* attempt to create new file for output */
	Vect_set_open_level (2);
	if (0 > Vect_open_new (&out_vect_map, output, 0) ) {
		G_fatal_error ("Could not open output vector map.\n");

	/* open input vector map */  	
	if ((mapset = G_find_vector2 (input, "")) == NULL) {
	     sprintf (errmsg, "Could not find input %s\n", input);
	     G_fatal_error ("%s",errmsg);

  	if (1 > Vect_open_old (&in_vect_map, input, "")) {
    		sprintf (errmsg, "Could not open input map %s.\n", input);
    		G_fatal_error ("%s",errmsg);

	vect_points = Vect_new_line_struct ();
	vect_cats = Vect_new_cats_struct ();

	/* set constraints specified */
	if (in_types != 0) {
		Vect_set_constraint_type (&in_vect_map, in_types);	
	if (all != 1) {
		Vect_set_constraint_region (&in_vect_map, region.north, region.south, 
			region.east, region.west, 0.0, 0.0);

	/* get total number of objects with constraints */
	i = 0;
	while ((cur_type = Vect_read_next_line (&in_vect_map, vect_points, vect_cats) > 0)) {
		i ++;
	k = ( ((float) i/100)) * percentage; /* k now has the number of objects wanted */
	if ( quiet != 1 ) {
		fprintf (stderr,"Creating randomised sample of size n = %i.\n",k);
	/* now, we need to acquire exactly 'k' random objects that fall in NON-NULL */
	/* coverage raster cells. */	
	taken = G_calloc (i, sizeof (unsigned int));
	for ( l = 0; l < k; l ++ ) {
		taken[l] = 0;
	no_sites = i; /* store this for later use */
	/* does user want to filter objects through a raster map? */
	if ( map != NULL) {
		/* open raster map */
		fd = G_open_cell_old (map, G_find_cell (map, ""));
		if (fd < 0)
			G_fatal_error ("Could not open raster map for reading!\n");
		/* allocate cache and buffer, according to type of coverage */
		if ( processing_mode == CELL_TYPE) {
			/* INT coverage */
			cache = (GT_Row_cache_t *) G_malloc (sizeof (GT_Row_cache_t));
			/* TODO: check error value */
			error = GT_RC_open (cache, cachesize, fd, CELL_TYPE);
			cellbuf = G_allocate_raster_buf (CELL_TYPE);			
		if ( (processing_mode == FCELL_TYPE) || (processing_mode == DCELL_TYPE) ) {
			/* FP coverage */
			cache = (GT_Row_cache_t *) G_malloc (sizeof (GT_Row_cache_t));
			/* TODO: check error value */
			error = GT_RC_open (cache, cachesize, fd, DCELL_TYPE);
			dcellbuf = G_allocate_raster_buf (DCELL_TYPE);	
	srand ( ((unsigned int) time (NULL)) + getpid()); /* set seed for random number generator from system time and process ID*/
	i = 0;
	/* MAIN LOOP */
	while ( i < k ) {
		/* get a random index, but one that was not taken already */
		l = 0;
		while ( l == 0 ) {
			j = rand () % ( no_sites - 1 + 1) + 1; /* j now has the random position to try */
			if ( taken[j-1] == 0 ) {
				l = 1; /* exit loop */
		taken [j-1] = 1; /* mark this index as 'taken' */
		sites_tried ++; /* keep track of this so we do not enter an infinite loop */
		if ( sites_tried > no_sites ) {
			/* could not create a large enough sample */
			G_fatal_error ("Could not find enough objects for split sampling.\nDecrease split sample size.\n");
		/* get next vector object */
		cur_type = Vect_read_line (&in_vect_map, vect_points, vect_cats, j);
		if (cur_type < 0 ) {
			G_fatal_error ("Error reading vector map: premature EOF.\n");	
		/* now, check if coverage under site is NON-NULL and within region */
		/* convert site northing to row! */
		/* for this check, we use only the first pair of coordinates! */
		Vect_copy_pnts_to_xyz (vect_points, &x, &y, &z, &n_points);	
		row_idx =
			(long) G_northing_to_row (y,
		col_idx =
			(long) G_easting_to_col (x,
		/* do region check, first... OBSOLETE */
			/* read row from cache and check for NULL */
			/* if required */
			if ( map != NULL ) {
				if ( processing_mode == CELL_TYPE ) {
					cellbuf = GT_RC_get (cache, row_idx);			
					if (!G_is_c_null_value(&cellbuf[col_idx])) {
						i ++;
						Vect_write_line (&out_vect_map, cur_type, 
								vect_points, vect_cats );
						fflush (stdout);
				if ( (processing_mode == FCELL_TYPE) || (processing_mode == DCELL_TYPE) ) {
					dcellbuf = GT_RC_get (cache, row_idx);
					if (!G_is_d_null_value(&dcellbuf[col_idx])) {
						i ++;
						Vect_write_line (&out_vect_map, cur_type, 
								vect_points, vect_cats );
						fflush (stdout);
			} else {
				i ++;
				Vect_write_line (&out_vect_map, GV_POINT, 
								vect_points, vect_cats );
				fflush (stdout);
		/* disregard region setting and map, if -a flag is given */
		if ( all == 1 ) {
			i ++;
			Vect_write_line (&out_vect_map, cur_type, 
					vect_points, vect_cats );
			fflush (stdout);
		if ( quiet != 1 ) {
	Vect_copy_head_data (&in_vect_map, &out_vect_map);
	fprintf (stdout, "Building topology information for output map.\n");
	Vect_build (&out_vect_map);
	Vect_close (&in_vect_map);
	Vect_close (&out_vect_map);
	if ( map != NULL ) {
		/* close cache, free buffers! */
		GT_RC_close (cache);
		if ( processing_mode == CELL_TYPE ) {
			G_free (cellbuf);
		if ( (processing_mode == FCELL_TYPE) || (processing_mode == DCELL_TYPE) ) {
			G_free (dcellbuf);
		G_free (cache);
Exemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char buf[512];
    FILE *fd;
    long old_min, old_max;
    long new_min, new_max;
    long new_delta, old_delta;
    long value, first, prev;
    long cat;
    float divisor;
    char *old_name;
    char *new_name;
    char *mapset;
    struct GModule *module;
	struct Option *input, *from, *output, *to, *title;
    } parm;

    /* please, remove before GRASS 7 released */
	struct Flag *quiet;
    } flag;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("raster, rescale");
    module->description =
	_("Rescales the range of category values " "in a raster map layer.");

    /* Define the different options */

    parm.input = G_define_option();
    parm.input->key = "input";
    parm.input->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.input->required = YES;
    parm.input->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
    parm.input->description = _("The name of the raster map to be rescaled");

    parm.from = G_define_option();
    parm.from->key = "from";
    parm.from->key_desc = "min,max";
    parm.from->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.from->required = NO;
    parm.from->description =
	_("The input data range to be rescaled (default: full range of input map)");

    parm.output = G_define_option();
    parm.output->key = "output";
    parm.output->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.output->required = YES;
    parm.output->gisprompt = "new,cell,raster";
    parm.output->description = _("The resulting raster map name");

    parm.to = G_define_option();
    parm.to->key = "to";
    parm.to->key_desc = "min,max";
    parm.to->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.to->required = YES;
    parm.to->description = _("The output data range");

    parm.title = G_define_option();
    parm.title->key = "title";
    parm.title->key_desc = "\"phrase\"";
    parm.title->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.title->required = NO;
    parm.title->description = _("Title for new raster map");

    /* please, remove before GRASS 7 released */
    flag.quiet = G_define_flag();
    flag.quiet->key = 'q';
    flag.quiet->description = _("Quietly");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* please, remove before GRASS 7 released */
    if (flag.quiet->answer) {
	G_warning(_("The '-q' flag is superseded and will be removed "
		    "in future. Please use '--quiet' instead."));

    old_name = parm.input->answer;
    new_name = parm.output->answer;

    mapset = G_find_cell(old_name, "");
    if (mapset == NULL) {
	sprintf(buf, "%s - not found\n", old_name);
    if (G_legal_filename(new_name) < 0) {
	sprintf(buf, "%s - illegal map name\n", new_name);

    if (parm.from->answer) {
	sscanf(parm.from->answers[0], "%ld", &old_min);
	sscanf(parm.from->answers[1], "%ld", &old_max);

	get_range(old_name, mapset, &old_min, &old_max);
    if (old_min > old_max) {
	value = old_min;	/* swap */
	old_min = old_max;
	old_max = value;

    sscanf(parm.to->answers[0], "%ld", &new_min);
    sscanf(parm.to->answers[1], "%ld", &new_max);
    if (new_min > new_max) {
	value = new_min;	/* swap */
	new_min = new_max;
	new_max = value;

    G_message(_("Rescale %s[%ld,%ld] to %s[%ld,%ld]"),
	      old_name, old_min, old_max, new_name, new_min, new_max);

    sprintf(buf, "r.reclass input=\"%s\" output=\"%s\" title=\"", old_name,
    if (parm.title->answer)
	strcat(buf, parm.title->answer);
    else {
	strcat(buf, "rescale of ");
	strcat(buf, old_name);
    strcat(buf, "\"");

    fd = popen(buf, "w");
    old_delta = old_max - old_min;
    new_delta = new_max - new_min;
    divisor = (float)new_delta / (float)old_delta;

    prev = new_min;
    first = old_min;
    for (cat = old_min; cat <= old_max; cat++) {
	value = (int)(divisor * (cat - old_min) + new_min + .5);
	if (value != prev) {
	    fprintf(fd, "%ld thru %ld = %ld %ld", first, cat - 1, prev,
	    if (cat - 1 != first)
		fprintf(fd, " thru %ld", cat - 1);
	    fprintf(fd, "\n");
	    prev = value;
	    first = cat;
    fprintf(fd, "%ld thru %ld = %ld %ld", first, cat - 1, prev, first);
    if (cat - 1 != first)
	fprintf(fd, " thru %ld", cat - 1);
    fprintf(fd, "\n");

Exemplo n.º 8
main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
	struct GModule *module;
	struct Option *map; /* raster map to work on */
	struct Option *sites; /* output map to write */
	struct Option *mode; /* Categorisation mode */
	struct Option *min; /* range of values to categorise ... */
	struct Option *max; /*   .. anything outside will be NULL in output */
	struct Option *logfile; /* log output to this file instead of stdout */
	struct Option *precision; /* decimal digits precision for log file */
	struct Option *cachesize;
	struct Flag *null; /* also count NULL values? */
	struct Flag *all; /* disregard region when reporting total percentages */			
	struct Flag *zeroskip;	/* also show categories with 0 count? */
	struct Flag *uncat; /* also show cells outside category range? */	
	struct Flag *background; /* show background distribution? */
	struct Flag *gain; /* calculate Kvamme's gain for each category? */
	struct Flag *quiet; /* no status display on screen */				
	char *mapset;
	int show_progress = 1; /* enable progress display by default */
	/* these vars are used to store information about the input map */
	int cats; /* number of categories in input map */
	long null_count; /* number of NULL cells */
	long nocat_count; /* number of cells that do not fall into the category range [0 .. n] */	
	/* use to create command line for r.categorize call */
	char *sysstr, *tmpfile, *input_map;	
	int error;
	sysstr = NULL;
	tmpfile = NULL;
	/* setup some basic GIS stuff */
	G_gisinit (argv[0]);
	module = G_define_module ();
	module->description = "Analyses distribution of vector sample over a raster map";
	/* do not pause after a warning message was displayed */
	G_sleep_on_error (0);
	/* raster map to sample */
	map = G_define_standard_option (G_OPT_R_INPUT);
	map->key = "raster";
	map->type = TYPE_STRING;
	map->required = YES;
	map->description = "Raster map to sample";

	/* site map for sampling positions */
	sites = G_define_standard_option (G_OPT_V_INPUT);
	sites->key = "positions";
	sites->type = TYPE_STRING;
	sites->required = YES;
	sites->description = "Vector map with sampling positions";
	/* Categorisation mode */
	mode = G_define_option ();
	mode->key = "mode";
	mode->type = TYPE_STRING;
	mode->required = NO;
	mode->description = "Categorisation mode (see manual)";

	/* min raster value to categorise */
	min = G_define_option ();
	min->key = "min";
	min->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
	min->required = NO;
	min->description = "Minimum value to include in categorisation";

	/* max raster value to categorise */
	max = G_define_option ();
	max->key = "max";
	max->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
	max->required = NO;
	max->description = "Maximum value to include in categorisation.";

	/* optional name of logfile */
	logfile = G_define_option ();
	logfile->key = "logfile";
	logfile->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
	logfile->required = NO;
	logfile->description = "Name of ASCII logfile, if desired.";
	/* optional number of decimal digitis to store in logfile/show on screen */
	precision = G_define_option ();
	precision->key = "precision";
	precision->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
	precision->required = NO;
	precision->answer = "2";
	precision->description = "Number of decimal digits for statistics/logfile";		
	/* number of lines to store in cache */
	cachesize = G_define_option ();
	cachesize->key = "cachesize";
	cachesize->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
	cachesize->answer = "-1";
	cachesize->required = NO;
	cachesize->description = "Number of raster rows to store in cache (-1 for auto)";	
	null = G_define_flag ();
	null->key = 'n';
	null->description = "Include NULL cells in report.";
	uncat = G_define_flag ();
	uncat->key = 'u';
	uncat->description = "Include uncategorised cells in statistics.";
	all = G_define_flag ();
	all->key = 'a';
	all->description = "Disregard region setting for counts.";	
	zeroskip = G_define_flag ();
	zeroskip->key = 'z';
	zeroskip->description = "Also show categories with zero count/percentage.";

	background = G_define_flag ();
	background->key = 'b';
	background->description = "Show background distribution of categories in raster input map.";

	gain = G_define_flag ();
	gain->key = 'g';
	gain->description = "Calculate Kvamme's Gain Factor for each category.";

	quiet = G_define_flag ();
	quiet->key = 'q';
	quiet->description = "Quiet operation: do not show progress display.";	

	/* parse command line */
	if (G_parser (argc, argv))
		exit (-1);

	/* check for 'quiet' flag */
	if ( quiet->answer ) {
		show_progress = 0;
	PROGNAME = argv[0];		

	/* copy the 'map' option string to another buffer and use that */
	/* from now on. We do this because we might want to manipulate */
	/* that string and that is dangerous with GRASS Option->answer strings! */
	input_map = G_calloc (255, sizeof (char));
	G_strcpy (input_map, map->answer);
	mapset = G_calloc (255, sizeof (char));
	/* check if input map is a fully categorised raster map */
	mapset = G_find_cell (input_map,"");
	if ( mapset == NULL) {
		G_fatal_error ("The input map does not exist in the current database.");

	if ( mode->answer == NULL ) {		
		cats = GT_get_stats (input_map,mapset,&null_count, &nocat_count, show_progress);
		if ( cats < 0 ) {
			G_fatal_error ("Could not stat input map. Do you have read access?");
		if ( ((cats == 0) && (mode->answer==NULL)) ) {
			G_fatal_error ("No categories defined in input map.\nPlease specify a mode to create a fully classified map.");

	/* a classification mode was given: call r.categorize and save output
	   in a tmp file */
	if ( mode->answer != NULL ) {
		srand ((unsigned long) time(NULL));
		tmpfile = G_calloc (255, sizeof(char));
		sysstr = G_calloc (255, sizeof(char));
		/* create tmp file name from current PID and system time */		
		sprintf (tmpfile,"tmp.%i.%i", getpid(),(rand())/10000);
		if ( getenv("GISBASE") == NULL ) {
			G_fatal_error ("GISBASE not set. Unable to call GRASS module 'r.categorise'.");
		if ( quiet->answer ) {
			sprintf (sysstr,"%s/bin/r.categorize input=%s@%s output=%s mode=%s min=%s max=%s -q", getenv("GISBASE"), map->answer, 
					mapset, tmpfile, mode->answer, min->answer, max->answer);
		} else {
			sprintf (sysstr,"%s/bin/r.categorize input=%s@%s output=%s mode=%s min=%s max=%s", getenv("GISBASE"), map->answer, 
					mapset, tmpfile, mode->answer, min->answer, max->answer);
		/* now create fully classified map using r.categorize and store */
		/* it in a temporary raster map */
		error = system (sysstr);
		if ( error < 0 ) {
			G_fatal_error ("Calling r.categorize has failed. Check your installation.");
		/* store name of temporary file as new input map */
		G_strcpy (input_map, tmpfile);
		/* check categories of tmpfile */
		cats = GT_get_stats (input_map,mapset,&null_count, &nocat_count, show_progress);
		if (cats < 1) {
			G_fatal_error ("Could not create a fully categorised temporary file.\nTry another categorisation mode.");
	/* initialise cache structure */
	if ( input_map != NULL ) {
		/* set cachesize */
		CACHESIZE = atoi (cachesize->answer);
		if ( (CACHESIZE<-1) || (CACHESIZE > G_window_rows ()) ) {
			/* if cache size is invalid, just set to auto-mode (-1) */
			G_warning ("Invalid cache size requested (must be between 0 and %i or -1).\n", G_window_rows());
			CACHESIZE = -1;
	if ( G_raster_map_is_fp (input_map, mapset))  {
		do_report_DCELL (input_map, mapset, sites->answer,
				atoi (precision->answer),null->answer, uncat->answer,
	           	all->answer, quiet->answer, zeroskip->answer,
			   	logfile->answer, background->answer, gain->answer, show_progress);
	} else {
		do_report_CELL (input_map, mapset, sites->answer,
				atoi (precision->answer),null->answer, uncat->answer,
	           	all->answer, quiet->answer, zeroskip->answer,
			   	logfile->answer, background->answer, gain->answer, show_progress);		

	/* delete temporary file, if needed */
	if ( mode->answer != NULL ) {
		delete_tmpfile (tmpfile);
		G_free (tmpfile);
	if ( sysstr != NULL ) {
		G_free (sysstr);
	G_free (input_map);

	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Exemplo n.º 9
/* create the actual report */
void do_report_CELL ( char *map, char *mapset, char *sites,
					int precision, int null_flag, int uncat_flag,
					int all_flag, int quiet_flag, int skip_flag,
				  	char *logfile, int background, int gain, int show_progress) {
    	CELL *cellbuf;
	struct Cell_head region;
	GT_Row_cache_t *cache;
	unsigned long row_idx, col_idx;	
	int fd;
	unsigned long i,j,k;
	unsigned long no_sites;
	FILE *lp;	
	unsigned long nrows, ncols;
	unsigned long *share_smp = NULL; /* array that keeps percentage of sites */
	double total = 0;
	double map_total = 0;
	double kvamme_gain;
	long null_count = 0; /* keeps count of sites on NULL cells */
	long nocat_count = 0;
	/* category counts and descriptions */
	int cats;
	char **cats_description; /* category labels */
	long *cat_count; /* category counts */
	long null_count_map; /* number of NULL cells in input map */
	long nocat_count_map; /* number of cells that do not fall into the category range [0 .. n] */		
	int debug_mode = 0;		/* 1 to enable writing additional output to logfile */
	time_t systime;

	char errmsg [200];
	struct Map_info in_vect_map;
  	struct line_pnts *vect_points;
	double x,y,z;
	int n_points = 1;
	int cur_type;

	/* get current region */
	G_get_window (&region);
	nrows = G_window_rows ();
	ncols = G_window_cols ();	
	/* check logfile */
	if (logfile != NULL) {
		debug_mode = 1;	
		if ( !G_legal_filename (logfile) ) {
			delete_tmpfile (map);
			G_fatal_error ("Please specify a legal filename for the logfile.\n");
		/* attempt to write to logfile */
		if ( (lp = fopen ( logfile, "w+" ) ) == NULL )	{
			delete_tmpfile (map);
			G_fatal_error ("Could not create logfile.\n");
		/* we want unbuffered output for the logfile */
		setvbuf (lp,NULL,_IONBF,0);	
		fprintf (lp,"This is %s, version %.2f\n",PROGNAME, PROGVERSION);
		systime = time (NULL);
		fprintf (lp,"Started on %s",ctime(&systime));
		fprintf (lp,"\tlocation    = %s\n",G_location());
		fprintf (lp,"\tmapset      = %s\n",G_mapset());
		fprintf (lp,"\tinput map   = %s\n",map);
		fprintf (lp,"\tsample file = %s\n",sites);
	} else {		
		/* log output to stderr by default */
		lp = stderr;

  	if (1 > Vect_open_old (&in_vect_map, sites, "")) {
		delete_tmpfile (map);
    		sprintf (errmsg, "Could not open input map %s.\n", sites);
    		G_fatal_error (errmsg);

	vect_points = Vect_new_line_struct ();

	if (all_flag != 1) {
		Vect_set_constraint_region (&in_vect_map, region.north, region.south, 
			region.east, region.west, 0.0, 0.0);
	/* get total number of sampling points */
	i = 0;	
	while ((cur_type = Vect_read_next_line (&in_vect_map, vect_points, NULL) > 0)) {
		i ++;

	no_sites = i; /* store this for later use */
	/* open raster map */
	fd = G_open_cell_old (map, G_find_cell (map, ""));
	if (fd < 0)
		delete_tmpfile (map);
		G_fatal_error ("Could not open raster map for reading!\n");
	/* allocate a cache and a raster buffer */
	cache = (GT_Row_cache_t *) G_malloc (sizeof (GT_Row_cache_t));
	GT_RC_open (cache, CACHESIZE, fd, CELL_TYPE);
	cellbuf = G_allocate_raster_buf (CELL_TYPE);			
	cats = GT_get_stats (map,mapset,&null_count_map, &nocat_count_map, show_progress);
	if ( cats < 2 ) {
		delete_tmpfile (map);
		G_fatal_error ("Input map must have at least two categories.");
	/* get category labels and counts */
	cats_description = GT_get_labels (map,mapset);
	if (cats_description == NULL) {
		delete_tmpfile (map);
		G_fatal_error ("Could not read category labels from input map.");
	cat_count = GT_get_c_counts (map,mapset, show_progress);
	if (cat_count == NULL) {
		delete_tmpfile (map);
		G_fatal_error ("Could not count categories in input map.");
	/* allocate a double array to hold statistics */
	share_smp = (unsigned long *) G_malloc ((signed)(cats * sizeof (unsigned long)));
	for (i = 0; i < cats; i++)
		share_smp[i] = 0;
	/* count raster values under sampling points */
	i = 0;
	k = 0; /* progress counter for status display */
	Vect_rewind (&in_vect_map);	
	if ( !quiet_flag ) {
		fprintf (stdout, "Counting sample: \n");
		fflush (stdout);	
	/* we MUST not set constraints so that no raster values outside the current region are
	   accessed, which would give an "illegal cache request" error */
	Vect_set_constraint_region (&in_vect_map, region.north, region.south, 
				     region.east, region.west, 0.0, 0.0);
	while ((cur_type = Vect_read_next_line (&in_vect_map, vect_points, NULL) > 0)) {	
		Vect_copy_pnts_to_xyz (vect_points, &x, &y, &z, &n_points);		
		k ++;
		if ( !quiet_flag ) {
			G_percent ((signed) k, (signed) no_sites, 1);
		/* get raster row with same northing as sample and perform
		   quantification */
		row_idx = (long) G_northing_to_row (y, &region);
		col_idx = (long) G_easting_to_col (x, &region);				
		cellbuf = GT_RC_get (cache, (signed) row_idx);
		/* now read the raster value under the current site */
		if (G_is_c_null_value (&cellbuf[col_idx]) == 0) {
			/* site on cell within category range [0..cats] ? */
			if ( (cellbuf[col_idx] > -1) && (cellbuf[col_idx] <= cats) ) {
				share_smp [cellbuf[col_idx] ] ++;
				/* i keeps track of samples on non-null coverage only */
				/* inside the current region */
				i ++;
			} else {
				if ( uncat_flag ) {
					/* also keep count of sites on uncategorised cells? */
					i ++;
		if (G_is_c_null_value (&cellbuf[col_idx]) == 1) { 
			/* got a NULL value under this site */
			if (null_flag) { /* only count this, if null flag is set */
				null_count ++;
				i ++;
	Vect_close (&in_vect_map);		
	fprintf (lp,"\n");
	if ( background ) {
		fprintf (lp,"Distribution of categories under %lu points (%lu in region) and in input map:\n",i,no_sites);	
	} else {
		fprintf (lp,"Distribution of categories under %lu points (%lu in region):\n",i,no_sites);	
	/* determine starting value for total of sites analysed */
	total = 0;
	for ( j=0; j < cats; j ++) {
		total = total + share_smp[j];
		map_total = map_total + cat_count[j];
	if (null_flag) { /* add NULL values to total */	
		total = total + null_count;
		map_total = map_total + null_count_map;
	if (uncat_flag) { /* add uncategorised cells to total */
		total = total + nocat_count;
		map_total = map_total + nocat_count_map;
	/* Now display those values which the user has chosen */
	if ( (background) && (gain) ) {	
		fprintf (lp,"Cat.\tPts.\t(%%)\tMap\t(%%)\tGain\tDescription\n");				
	if ( (background) && (!gain) ) {	
		fprintf (lp,"Cat.\tPts.\t(%%)\tMap\t(%%)\tDescription\n");		
	if ( (!background) && (gain) ) {	
		fprintf (lp,"Cat.\tPts.\t(%%)\tGain\tDescription\n");
	if ( (!background) && (!gain) ) {	
		fprintf (lp,"Cat.\tPts.\t(%%)\tDescription\n");
	for ( j = 0; j < cats; j ++) {
		/* if skip_flag is not set: only show categories that have count > 0 */
		if ((skip_flag == 1) || ((skip_flag == 0) && (share_smp[j] > 0))) {
			if ( (background) && (gain) ) {
				/* Kvamme's Gain = 1 - (%area/%sites) */
				kvamme_gain = gstats_gain_K(((double) share_smp[j]*(100/total)),
							    ((double) cat_count[j]*(100/map_total)));							    				
				fprintf (lp, "%lu\t%6lu\t%6.2f\t%8lu %6.2f\t%6.2f\t%s\n", j, share_smp[j], (float) share_smp[j]*(100/total),
						cat_count[j], (float) cat_count[j]*(100/map_total),
						kvamme_gain, cats_description[j]);
			if ( (background) && (!gain) ) {
				fprintf (lp, "%lu\t%6lu\t%6.2f\t%8lu %6.2f\t%s\n", j, share_smp[j], (float) share_smp[j]*(100/total),
						cat_count[j], (float) cat_count[j]*(100/map_total),
			if ( (!background) && (gain) ) {
				kvamme_gain = 1-( (float) cat_count[j]*(100/map_total) / (float) share_smp[j]*(100/total) );
				fprintf (lp, "%lu\t%6lu\t%6.2f\t%6.2f\t%s\n", j, share_smp[j], (float) share_smp[j]*(100/total),						
						kvamme_gain, cats_description[j]);				
			if ( (!background) && (!gain) ) {
				fprintf (lp, "%lu\t%6lu\t%6.2f\t%s\n", j, share_smp[j], (float) share_smp[j]*(100/total),
	if (null_flag) {		
		if ( background ) {
			fprintf (lp,"NULL\t%6lu\t%6.2f\t%8lu %6.2f\n",null_count, (float) null_count * 100 / total
						,null_count_map, (float) null_count_map * 100 / map_total);
		} else {
			fprintf (lp,"NULL\t%6lu\t%6.2f\n",null_count, (float) null_count * 100 / total);
	if (uncat_flag) {
		if ( background ) {
			fprintf (lp,"NOCAT\t%6lu\t%6.2f\t%8lu %6.2f\n",nocat_count, (float) nocat_count * 100 / total
						,nocat_count_map, (float) nocat_count_map * 100 / map_total);
		} else {
			fprintf (lp,"NOCAT\t%6lu\t%6.2f\n",nocat_count, (float) nocat_count * 100 / total);
	if ( background) {
		fprintf (lp,"TOTAL\t%6lu\t%6.2f\t%8lu %6.2f\n",(long) total, (float) 100, (long) map_total, (float) 100);
	} else {
		fprintf (lp,"TOTAL\t%6lu\t%6.2f\n",(long) total, (float) 100);
	/* close cache and sites file; free buffers. */
	GT_RC_close (cache);
	G_free (cellbuf);
	G_free (cache);	
Exemplo n.º 10
void do_calculations_rast (Shypothesis **samples, char **groups, int norm,
						  char* basename, char **outvals, char *hypspec, int quiet_flag,
						  char *logfile, xmlDocPtr doc, Sfp_struct* file_pointers) {
	long y,x;
	int i, j, k, l, m;
	long ymax,xmax;
	double woc;
	struct Categories cats, icats;
	DCELL cmin, cmax;
	Sresult_struct *result_row; /* one result_struct for each DST value */
	BOOL **garbage;
	int no_hyps;
	char* val_names[NUMVALS]={"bel","pl","doubt","common","bint","woc","maxbpa","minbpa",
	int error;
	char **outhyps;
	int no_sets;
	/* for keeping min and max statistics */
	Uint nsets;
	double *min_backup, *max_backup;
	int *minev_backup, *maxev_backup;
	woc = 0;

	/* check for output options */
	if ( G_legal_filename(basename) != 1 ) {
		G_fatal_error ("Please provide a legal filename as basename for output maps(s).\n");
	if ( hypspec != NULL ) { 
		/* user specified hyps, let's see if they're valid */		
		/* create an outhyps array that has as each of its elements the name
			of one of the hypotheses specified on the command line */
		outhyps = parse_hyps (hypspec, &no_hyps);
		check_hyps ( outhyps, no_hyps, doc );				
	} else {
		/* just process all hypotheses */
		outhyps = get_hyp_names_XML ( &no_hyps, doc );

	if ( logfile != NULL ) {	
		fprintf (lp,"Writing output RASTER maps for: \n");
	/* create raster rows to store results */
	result_row = G_malloc ( NUMVALS * sizeof (Sresult_struct) );	
	for (i=0; i<NUMVALS; i++) {
		result_row[i].use = NO;
		strcpy (result_row[i].valname,val_names[i]);
		/* individual raster rows will be alloc'd later */
		result_row[i].row = (DCELL **) G_malloc ( no_hyps * sizeof (DCELL*) ); 
		result_row[i].crow = (CELL **) G_malloc ( no_hyps * sizeof (CELL*) );
		result_row[i].filename = NULL;
	j = 0;
	while ( outvals[j] != NULL ) {
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"bel") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'bel' (Believe) values\n");
			make_result_row ( BEL, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[BEL], doc );			
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"pl") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'pl' (Plausibility) values\n");
			make_result_row ( PL, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[PL], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"doubt") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'doubt' (Doubt) values\n");
			make_result_row ( DOUBT, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[DOUBT], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"common") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'common' (Commonality) values\n");
			make_result_row ( COMMON, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[COMMON], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"bint") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'bint' (Believe interval) values\n");
			make_result_row ( BINT, basename, outhyps, no_hyps, &result_row[BINT], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"woc") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'woc' (Weight of conflict) values\n");
			make_result_row ( WOC, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[WOC], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"maxbpa") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'maxbpa' (Maximum BPA) values\n");
			make_result_row ( MAXBPA, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[MAXBPA], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"minbpa") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'minbpa' (Minimum BPA) values\n");
			make_result_row ( MINBPA, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[MINBPA], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"maxsrc") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'maxsrc' (source of highest BPA) values\n");
			make_result_row ( MAXSRC, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[MAXSRC], doc );
		if ( !strcmp (outvals[j],"minsrc") ) {
			if ( logfile != NULL ) 
				fprintf (lp,"\t'minsrc' (source of lowest BPA) values\n");
			make_result_row ( MINSRC, basename, outhyps, no_hyps,&result_row[MINSRC], doc );
		j ++;
	/* open output maps to store results */
	if ( logfile != NULL ) 
		fprintf (lp,"Opening output maps:\n");
	for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
		if (result_row[i].use == YES) {
			if ( i == WOC ) {
				if ( logfile != NULL ) 
					fprintf (lp,"\t%s\n",result_row[i].filename[0]);
				result_row[i].fd[0] = G_open_raster_new (result_row[i].filename[0],DCELL_TYPE);
			} else {
				for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
					if ( logfile != NULL ) 
						fprintf (lp,"\t%s\n",result_row[i].filename[j]);
					if ((i == MAXSRC) || (i == MINSRC)) {
						result_row[i].fd[j] = G_open_raster_new (result_row[i].filename[j],CELL_TYPE);
					} else {
						result_row[i].fd[j] = G_open_raster_new (result_row[i].filename[j],DCELL_TYPE);
					/* check fd for errors */
					if ( result_row[i].fd[j] < 0 ) {
						G_fatal_error ("Could not create output map for %s\n",
	if ( logfile != NULL ) {
		fprintf (lp, "Evidence will be combined for these groups:\n");
		for ( i=0; i < N; i++) {
			fprintf (lp,"\t%s\n",groups[i]);
		fprintf (lp, "Output will be stored in mapset '%s'.\n", G_mapset());
		fprintf (lp,"\nRead output below carefully to detect potential problems:\n");
	/* set start coordinates for reading from raster maps */
    	ReadX = 0;
	ReadY = 0;
	ymax = G_window_rows ();
	xmax = G_window_cols ();	
	if ( !quiet_flag ) {
		fprintf	(stdout,"Combining RAST evidence: \n");
		fflush (stdout);
	/* allocate all file pointers */
	/* open raster maps for this group */
	/* 0 is the NULL hypothesis, so we start at 1 */
	no_sets = (Uint) pow((float) 2, (float) NO_SINGLETONS);
	for (l=0; l<N; l++) {
		for ( m = 1; m < no_sets; m ++ ) {
			file_pointers[l].fp[m] = G_open_cell_old ( file_pointers[l].filename[m], G_find_cell ( file_pointers[l].filename[m],"") );
			if ( file_pointers[l].fp[m] < 0 ) {
				G_fatal_error ("Could not open raster map '%s' for reading.\n", file_pointers[l].filename[m] );
	for (y=0; y<ymax; y++) {
		for (x=0; x<xmax; x++) {
			garbage = garbage_init ();
			for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
				samples[i] = get_rast_samples_XML (groups[i],i, norm, &nsets, garbage, doc, file_pointers );	

			/* get min and max values */
			for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
				if (NULL_SIGNAL == 0) {
					for (k=0; k < nsets; k++) {
						samples[i][k].minbpn = samples[i][k].bpa;
						samples[i][k].maxbpn = samples[i][k].bpa;
						samples[i][k].minbpnev = i + 1;
						samples[i][k].maxbpnev = i + 1;
			for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
				if (NULL_SIGNAL == 0) {								
					for (j=0; j < N; j++) {
						for (k=0; k < nsets; k++) {
							if (samples[i][k].bpa < samples[j][k].minbpn) {
								samples[j][k].minbpn = samples[i][k].bpa;
								samples[j][k].minbpnev = i + 1;
							if (samples[i][k].bpa > samples[j][k].maxbpn) {
								samples[j][k].maxbpn = samples[i][k].bpa;
								samples[j][k].maxbpnev = i + 1;
			/* initialise: */
			/* set belief and plausibility before first combination of evidence */
				if ( NULL_SIGNAL == 0 ) {
			/* combine evidence and set bel and pl again */
			/* so we must save min and max values for later use */
			min_backup = G_malloc ((unsigned)(nsets * sizeof(double)));			
			max_backup = G_malloc ((unsigned)(nsets * sizeof(double)));			
			minev_backup = G_malloc ((unsigned)(nsets * sizeof(int)));			
			maxev_backup = G_malloc ((unsigned)(nsets * sizeof(int)));
			for (k=0; k < nsets; k++) {
				min_backup[k] = samples[0][k].minbpn;
				max_backup[k] = samples[0][k].maxbpn;
				minev_backup[k] = samples[0][k].minbpnev;
				maxev_backup[k] = samples[0][k].maxbpnev;

			/* now, do the combination! */
				if ( NULL_SIGNAL == 0 ) {
					woc = combine_bpn(samples[0], samples[i+1], garbage, RAST_MODE );					
			/* restore min and max values */
			for (k=0; k < nsets; k++) {
				samples[0][k].minbpn = min_backup[k];
				samples[0][k].maxbpn = max_backup[k];
				samples[0][k].minbpnev = minev_backup[k];
				samples[0][k].maxbpnev = maxev_backup[k];
			G_free (min_backup);
			G_free (max_backup);
			G_free (minev_backup);
			G_free (maxev_backup);
			/* all other metrics can be derived from bel and pl, no need */
			/* to combine evidence again! */
			if ( NULL_SIGNAL == 0 ) {
			if ( NULL_SIGNAL == 1 ) {
				for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
					if (result_row[i].use == YES) {
						if ( i == WOC) {
								write_row_null (result_row[i].row[0], ReadX);							
						} else {
							if ((i == MAXSRC)||(i == MINSRC)) {
								for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
									write_crow_null (result_row[i].crow[j], ReadX);
							} else {							
								for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
									write_row_null (result_row[i].row[j], ReadX);							
			} else {
				for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
					if (result_row[i].use == YES) {			
						if ( i == WOC ) {
							write_row_val (result_row[i].row[0], ReadX, samples[0], result_row[i].hyp_idx[0], i, woc);
						} else {
							if (( i == MAXSRC ) || ( i == MINSRC )) {
								for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
									write_crow_val (result_row[i].crow[j], ReadX, samples[0], result_row[i].hyp_idx[j], i);
							} else {
								for (j=0; j < no_hyps; j++) {
									write_row_val (result_row[i].row[j], ReadX, samples[0], result_row[i].hyp_idx[j], i, woc);							
			ReadX ++;
			garbage_free ( garbage );									
			for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
				free_sample (samples[i]);				
		ReadY ++; /* go to next row */
		ReadX = 0;				
		/* save this row to the result file */
		for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
			if (result_row[i].use == YES) {			
				if ( i == WOC ) {
					write_row_file ( result_row[i].row[0],result_row[i].fd[0]);
				} else {
					if ( ( i == MAXSRC ) || ( i == MINSRC ) ) {
						for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {
							write_crow_file ( result_row[i].crow[j],result_row[i].fd[j]);
					} else {
						for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {
							write_row_file ( result_row[i].row[j],result_row[i].fd[j]);
		if ( !quiet_flag ) {
			G_percent (ReadY,ymax,1);
			fflush (stdout);		
	if ( !quiet_flag ) {
		fprintf (stdout,"\n");
		fflush (stdout);
	for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
		if (result_row[i].use == YES) {
			if ( i == WOC ) {
				G_close_cell (result_row[i].fd[0]);
			} else {				
				for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {				
					G_close_cell (result_row[i].fd[j]);
	/* close raster maps */
	/* 0 is the NULL hypothesis, so we start at 1 */
	for (l=0; l<N; l++) {
		for ( m = 1; m < no_sets; m ++ ) {
			G_close_cell (file_pointers[l].fp[m]);
	/* create a categories structure for output maps */
	/* DCELL maps */
	G_init_cats (3, "Value ranges", &cats);
	cmin = 0;
	cmax = 0.333333;
	G_set_d_raster_cat (&cmin, &cmax, "low", &cats);
	cmin = 0.333334;
	cmax = 0.666666;
	G_set_d_raster_cat (&cmin, &cmax, "medium", &cats);
	cmin = 0.666667;
	cmax = 1;
	G_set_d_raster_cat (&cmin, &cmax, "high", &cats);	

	/* CELL maps */
	G_init_cats (N+1, "Source of evidence", &icats);
	G_set_cat (0,"no data",&icats);
	for (i=1; i<=N; i++) {
		G_set_cat (i,groups[i-1],&icats);

	/* write all color tables, categories information and history metadata */
	for (i=0; i<NUMVALS;i++) {
		if (result_row[i].use == YES) {
			if ( i == WOC ) {
				error = G_write_colors (result_row[i].filename[0], G_mapset(), result_row[i].colors[0]);
				if (error == -1) {
					G_warning ("Could not create color table for map '%s'.\n",result_row[i].filename[j]);
			} else {
				if (( i == MAXSRC ) || ( i == MINSRC )) {					
					for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {
						G_write_cats (result_row[i].filename[j], &icats);
				} else {				
					for (j=0; j<no_hyps; j++) {
						error = G_write_colors (result_row[i].filename[j], G_mapset(), result_row[i].colors[j]);
						if (error == -1) {
							G_warning ("Could not create color table for map '%s'.\n",result_row[i].filename[j]);
						G_write_raster_cats (result_row[i].filename[j], &cats);
	G_free (samples);
	for ( i=0; i < no_hyps; i ++ ) {
		G_free ( outhyps[i]);
	G_free (outhyps);
Exemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Global variable & function declarations */
    char Cellmap_orig[50];
    FILE *realfp, *imagfp;	/* the input and output file descriptors */
    int outputfd, maskfd;	/* the input and output file descriptors */
    char *realmapset, *imagmapset;	/* the input mapset names */
    struct Cell_head orig_wind, realhead;
    CELL *cell_row, *maskbuf = NULL;

    int i, j;			/* Loop control variables */
    int or, oc;			/* Original dimensions of image */
    int rows, cols;		/* Smallest powers of 2 >= number of rows & columns */
    long totsize;		/* Total number of data points */
    int halfrows, halfcols;
    double *data[2];		/* Data structure containing real & complex values of FFT */
    struct Option *op1, *op2, *op3;
    struct GModule *module;


    /* Set description */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("imagery, FFT");
    module->description =
	_("Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) for image processing.");

    /* define options */
    op1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    op1->key = "real_image";
    op1->description = _("Name of input raster map (image fft, real part)");

    op2 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    op2->key = "imaginary_image";
    op2->description = _("Name of input raster map (image fft, imaginary part");

    op3 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    op3->key = "output_image";
    op3->description = _("Name for output raster map");

    /*call parser */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    strcpy(Cellmap_real, op1->answer);
    strcpy(Cellmap_imag, op2->answer);
    strcpy(Cellmap_orig, op3->answer);

    /* open input raster map */
    if ((realmapset = G_find_cell(Cellmap_real, "")) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"),

    if ((realfp =
	 G_fopen_old_misc("cell_misc", "fftreal", Cellmap_real,
			  realmapset)) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open real-image in the 'cell_misc' directory. "
			"Raster map probably wasn't created by i.fft"));

    if ((imagmapset = G_find_cell(Cellmap_imag, "")) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"),

    if ((imagfp =
	 G_fopen_old_misc("cell_misc", "fftimag", Cellmap_imag,
			  imagmapset)) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open imaginary-image in the 'cell_misc' directory. "
			"Raster map probably wasn't created by i.fft"));

    /* check command line args for validity */
    if (G_legal_filename(Cellmap_orig) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("<%s> is an illegal file name"),

    /* get and compare the original window data */
    get_orig_window(&orig_wind, realmapset, imagmapset);

    or = orig_wind.rows;
    oc = orig_wind.cols;
    G_get_cellhd(Cellmap_real, realmapset, &realhead);
    G_set_window(&realhead);	/* set the window to the whole cell map */

    /* get the rows and columns in the current window */
    rows = G_window_rows();
    cols = G_window_cols();
    totsize = rows * cols;
    halfrows = rows / 2;
    halfcols = cols / 2;

    G_verbose_message(_("Power 2 values: %d rows %d columns"), rows, cols);

    /* Allocate appropriate memory for the structure containing
       the real and complex components of the FFT.  DATA[0] will
       contain the real, and DATA[1] the complex component.
    data[0] = (double *)G_malloc((rows * cols) * sizeof(double));
    data[1] = (double *)G_malloc((rows * cols) * sizeof(double));

    /* Initialize real & complex components to zero */
    G_message(_("Reading raster maps..."));
	fread((char *)data[0], sizeof(double), totsize, realfp);
	fread((char *)data[1], sizeof(double), totsize, imagfp);

    /* Read in cell map values */
    G_message(_("Masking raster maps..."));
    maskfd = G_maskfd();
    if (maskfd >= 0)
	maskbuf = G_allocate_cell_buf();

    if (maskfd >= 0) {
	for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
	    double *data0, *data1;

	    data0 = data[0] + i * cols;
	    data1 = data[1] + i * cols;
	    G_get_map_row(maskfd, maskbuf, i);
	    for (j = 0; j < cols; j++, data0++, data1++) {
		if (maskbuf[j] == (CELL) 0) {
		    *(data0) = 0.0;
		    *(data1) = 0.0;

    G_message(_("Rotating data..."));
    /* rotate the data array for standard display */
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
	double temp;

	for (j = 0; j < halfcols; j++) {
	    temp = *(data[0] + i * cols + j);
	    *(data[0] + i * cols + j) = *(data[0] + i * cols + j + halfcols);
	    *(data[0] + i * cols + j + halfcols) = temp;
	    temp = *(data[1] + i * cols + j);
	    *(data[1] + i * cols + j) = *(data[1] + i * cols + j + halfcols);
	    *(data[1] + i * cols + j + halfcols) = temp;
    for (i = 0; i < halfrows; i++) {
	double temp;

	for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
	    temp = *(data[0] + i * cols + j);
	    *(data[0] + i * cols + j) =
		*(data[0] + (i + halfrows) * cols + j);
	    *(data[0] + (i + halfrows) * cols + j) = temp;
	    temp = *(data[1] + i * cols + j);
	    *(data[1] + i * cols + j) =
		*(data[1] + (i + halfrows) * cols + j);
	    *(data[1] + (i + halfrows) * cols + j) = temp;

    /* close input cell maps and release the row buffers */
    if (maskfd >= 0) {

    /* perform inverse FFT */
    G_message(_("Starting Inverse FFT..."));
    fft(1, data, totsize, cols, rows);

    /* set up a window for the transform cell map */

    /* open the output cell map and allocate a cell row buffer */
    if ((outputfd = G_open_cell_new(Cellmap_orig)) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create raster map <%s>"),

    cell_row = G_allocate_cell_buf();

    /* Write out result to a new cell map */
    G_message(_("Writing data..."));
    for (i = 0; i < or; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < oc; j++) {
	    *(cell_row + j) = (CELL) (*(data[0] + i * cols + j) + 0.5);
	G_put_raster_row(outputfd, cell_row, CELL_TYPE);

	G_percent(i+1, or, 2);

	struct Colors colors;
	struct Range range;
	CELL min, max;

	/* make a real component color table */
	G_read_range(Cellmap_orig, G_mapset(), &range);
	G_get_range_min_max(&range, &min, &max);
	G_make_grey_scale_colors(&colors, min, max);
	G_write_colors(Cellmap_orig, G_mapset(), &colors);

    /* Release memory resources */

    G_done_msg(" ");

Exemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char group[INAME_LEN], extension[INAME_LEN];
    int order;			/* ADDED WITH CRS MODIFICATIONS */
    char *ipolname;		/* name of interpolation method */
    int method;
    int n, i, m, k = 0;
    int got_file = 0, target_overwrite = 0;
    char *overstr;
    struct Cell_head cellhd;

    struct Option *grp,         /* imagery group */
     *val,                      /* transformation order */
     *ifile,			/* input files */
     *ext,			/* extension */
     *tres,			/* target resolution */
     *mem,			/* amount of memory for cache */
     *interpol;			/* interpolation method:
				   nearest neighbor, bilinear, cubic */
    struct Flag *c, *a;
    struct GModule *module;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("imagery, rectify");
    module->description =
	_("Rectifies an image by computing a coordinate "
	  "transformation for each pixel in the image based on the "
	  "control points.");

    grp = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_I_GROUP);

    ifile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUTS);
    ifile->required = NO;

    ext = G_define_option();
    ext->key = "extension";
    ext->type = TYPE_STRING;
    ext->required = YES;
    ext->multiple = NO;
    ext->description = _("Output raster map(s) suffix");

    val = G_define_option();
    val->key = "order";
    val->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    val->required = YES;
    val->description = _("Rectification polynom order (1-3)");

    tres = G_define_option();
    tres->key = "res";
    tres->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    tres->required = NO;
    tres->description = _("Target resolution (ignored if -c flag used)");

    mem = G_define_option();
    mem->key = "memory";
    mem->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    mem->key_desc = "memory in MB";
    mem->required = NO;
    mem->answer = "300";
    mem->description = _("Amount of memory to use in MB");

    ipolname = make_ipol_list();

    interpol = G_define_option();
    interpol->key = "method";
    interpol->type = TYPE_STRING;
    interpol->required = NO;
    interpol->answer = "nearest";
    interpol->options = ipolname;
    interpol->description = _("Interpolation method to use");

    c = G_define_flag();
    c->key = 'c';
    c->description =
	_("Use current region settings in target location (def.=calculate smallest area)");

    a = G_define_flag();
    a->key = 'a';
    a->description = _("Rectify all raster maps in group");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* get the method */
    for (method = 0; (ipolname = menu[method].name); method++)
	if (strcmp(ipolname, interpol->answer) == 0)

    if (!ipolname)
	G_fatal_error(_("<%s=%s> unknown %s"),
		      interpol->key, interpol->answer, interpol->key);
    interpolate = menu[method].method;

    strcpy(group, grp->answer);
    strcpy(extension, ext->answer);
    order = atoi(val->answer);

    seg_mb = NULL;
    if (mem->answer) {
	if (atoi(mem->answer) > 0)
	    seg_mb = mem->answer;

    if (!ifile->answers)
	a->answer = 1;		/* force all */

    /* Find out how many files on command line */
    if (!a->answer) {
	for (m = 0; ifile->answers[m]; m++) {
	    k = m;

    if (order < 1 || order > MAXORDER)
	G_fatal_error(_("Invalid order (%d); please enter 1 to %d"), order,

    /* determine the number of files in this group */
    if (I_get_group_ref(group, &ref) <= 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Group <%s> does not exist"), grp->answer);

    if (ref.nfiles <= 0) {
	G_important_message(_("Group <%s> contains no raster maps; run i.group"),

    ref_list = (int *)G_malloc(ref.nfiles * sizeof(int));

    if (a->answer) {
	for (n = 0; n < ref.nfiles; n++) {
	    ref_list[n] = 1;
    else {
	char xname[GNAME_MAX], xmapset[GMAPSET_MAX], *name, *mapset;

	for (n = 0; n < ref.nfiles; n++)
		ref_list[n] = 0;

	for (m = 0; m < k; m++) {
	    got_file = 0;
	    if (G__name_is_fully_qualified(ifile->answers[m], xname, xmapset)) {
		name = xname;
		mapset = xmapset;
	    else {
		name = ifile->answers[m];
		mapset = NULL;

	    got_file = 0;
	    for (n = 0; n < ref.nfiles; n++) {
		if (mapset) {
		    if (strcmp(name, ref.file[n].name) == 0 &&
		        strcmp(mapset, ref.file[n].mapset) == 0) {
			got_file = 1;
			ref_list[n] = 1;
		else {
		    if (strcmp(name, ref.file[n].name) == 0) {
			got_file = 1;
			ref_list[n] = 1;
	    if (got_file == 0)
		err_exit(ifile->answers[m], group);

    /* read the control points for the group */
    get_control_points(group, order);

    /* get the target */

    /* Check the GRASS_OVERWRITE environment variable */
    if ((overstr = getenv("GRASS_OVERWRITE")))  /* OK ? */
	target_overwrite = atoi(overstr);

    if (!target_overwrite) {
	/* check if output exists in target location/mapset */
	char result[GNAME_MAX];
	for (i = 0; i < ref.nfiles; i++) {
	    if (!ref_list[i])

	    strcpy(result, ref.file[i].name);
	    strcat(result, extension);
	    if (G_legal_filename(result) < 0)
		G_fatal_error(_("Extension <%s> is illegal"), extension);
	    if (G_find_cell(result, G_mapset())) {
		G_warning(_("The following raster map already exists in"));
		G_warning(_("target LOCATION %s, MAPSET %s:"),
			  G_location(), G_mapset());
		G_warning("<%s>", result);
		G_fatal_error(_("Orthorectification cancelled."));
	G_debug(1, "Overwriting OK");

    /* do not use current region in target location */
    if (!c->answer) {
	double res = -1;
	if (tres->answer) {
	    if (!((res = atof(tres->answer)) > 0))
		G_warning(_("Target resolution must be > 0, ignored"));
	/* Calculate smallest region */
	if (a->answer) {
	    if (G_get_cellhd(ref.file[0].name, ref.file[0].mapset, &cellhd) <
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read header of raster map <%s>"),
	else {
	    if (G_get_cellhd(ifile->answers[0], ref.file[0].mapset, &cellhd) <
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read header of raster map <%s>"),
	georef_window(&cellhd, &target_window, order, res);

    G_verbose_message(_("Using region: N=%f S=%f, E=%f W=%f"), target_window.north,
	      target_window.south, target_window.east, target_window.west);

    exec_rectify(order, extension, interpol->answer);

    G_done_msg(" ");

Exemplo n.º 13
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    double e1, n1, e2, n2;
    char buf[256];
    char command[2048];

    int n, err;
    int projection;
    char *mapset;
    char name[GNAME_MAX];

    struct GModule *module;
	struct Option *map;
	struct Option *line;
	struct Option *null_str;
	/*      struct Option *width;
	   struct Option *result; */
    } parms;
    struct Flag *coord;
    char coord_str[3];


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("raster, transect");
    module->description =
	_("Outputs raster map layer values lying along "
	  "user defined transect line(s).");

    parms.map = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    parms.map->description = _("Raster map to be queried");

    /*  parms.result = G_define_option();
       parms.result->key = "result";
       parms.result->key_desc = "type";
       parms.result->type = TYPE_STRING;
       parms.result->description = _("Type of result to be output");
       parms.result->required = NO;
       parms.result->multiple = NO;
       parms.result->options = "raw,median,average";
       parms.result->answer = "raw";
    parms.line = G_define_option();
    parms.line->key = "line";
    parms.line->key_desc = "east,north,azimuth,distance";
    parms.line->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parms.line->description = _("Transect definition");
    parms.line->required = YES;
    parms.line->multiple = YES;

    parms.null_str = G_define_option();
    parms.null_str->key = "null";
    parms.null_str->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parms.null_str->required = NO;
    parms.null_str->answer = "*";
    parms.null_str->description = _("Char string to represent no data cell");

    /*  parms.width = G_define_option();
       parms.width->key = "width";
       parms.width->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
       parms.width->description = _("Transect width, in cells (odd number)");
       parms.width->answer = "1";

    coord = G_define_flag();
    coord->key = 'g';
    coord->description =
	_("Output easting and northing in first two columns of four column output");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    projection = G_projection();

    /*  sscanf (parms.width->answer, "%d", &n);
       if (n <= 0 || n%2 == 0)
       fprintf(stderr,"<%s=%s> ** illegal value **\n",
       parms.width->key, parms.width->answer);

    strncpy(name, parms.map->answer, 255);
    mapset = G_find_cell(name, "");

    if (mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), name);

    if (coord->answer)
	strcpy(coord_str, "-g");
	strcpy(coord_str, "");

	    "r.profile %s input=\"%s\" output=\"-\" null=\"%s\" profile=",
	    coord_str, parms.map->answer, parms.null_str->answer);

    err = 0;
    for (n = 0; parms.line->answers[n]; n += 4) {
	err += parse_line(parms.line->key, parms.line->answers + n,
			  &e1, &n1, &e2, &n2, projection);
	if (!err) {
	    if (n)
		strcat(command, ",");
	    G_format_easting(e1, buf, projection);
	    strcat(command, buf);
	    G_format_northing(n1, buf, projection);
	    strcat(command, ",");
	    strcat(command, buf);
	    G_format_easting(e2, buf, projection);
	    strcat(command, ",");
	    strcat(command, buf);
	    G_format_northing(n2, buf, projection);
	    strcat(command, ",");
	    strcat(command, buf);
    if (err) {

    G_verbose_message(_("End coordinate: %.15g, %.15g"), e2, n2);

Exemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char mapset[GMAPSET_MAX];
    char name[GNAME_MAX];
    char *camera;

    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *group_opt, *map_opt, *target_map_opt;
    struct Cell_head cellhd;
    int ok;
    int nfiles;

    /* must run in a term window */
    G_putenv("GRASS_UI_TERM", "1");


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("imagery, orthorectify");
    module->description = _("Creates control points on an image "
			    "to be ortho-rectified.");

    group_opt = G_define_option();
    group_opt->key = "group";
    group_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    group_opt->required = YES;
    group_opt->multiple = NO;
    group_opt->description = _("Name of imagery group");

    map_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    map_opt->required = NO;
    map_opt->description = _("Name of image to be rectified which will "
			     "be initially drawn on screen");

    target_map_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    target_map_opt->key = "target";
    target_map_opt->required = NO;
    target_map_opt->description = _("Name of a map from target mapset which "
				    "will be initially drawn on screen");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    G_suppress_masking();	/* need to do this for target location */

    camera = (char *)G_malloc(40 * sizeof(char));
    strcpy(name, group_opt->answer);

    interrupt_char = G_intr_char();
    tempfile1 = G_tempfile();
    tempfile2 = G_tempfile();
    tempfile_dot = G_tempfile();
    tempfile_dot2 = G_tempfile();
    tempfile_win = G_tempfile();
    tempfile_win2 = G_tempfile();
    cell_list = G_tempfile();
    vect_list = G_tempfile();
    group_list = G_tempfile();
    digit_points = G_tempfile();

    if (R_open_driver() != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("No graphics device selected"));

    /* get group ref */
    strcpy(group.name, name);
    if (!I_find_group(group.name))
	G_fatal_error(_("Group [%s] not found"), group.name);

    /* get the group ref */
    I_get_group_ref(group.name, &group.group_ref);
    nfiles = group.group_ref.nfiles;

    /* write block files to block list file */

    /** look for camera info  for this group**/
    if (!I_get_group_camera(group.name, camera))
	G_fatal_error(_("No camera reference file selected for group [%s]"),

    if (!I_get_cam_info(camera, &group.camera_ref))
	G_fatal_error(_("Bad format in camera file for group [%s]"),


    /* get initial camera exposure station, if any */
    if (!(ok = I_find_initial(group.name)))
	G_warning(_("No initial camera exposure station for group [%s]"),

    if (ok && (!I_get_init_info(group.name, &group.camera_exp)) )
	G_warning(_("Bad format in initial camera exposure station for group [%s]"),

    /* get target info and environment */

    /* read group reference points, if any */
    if (!I_get_ref_points(group.name, &group.photo_points)) {
	if (group.photo_points.count == 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("No photo points for group [%s]"), group.name);
	else if (group.ref_equation_stat == 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Poorly placed photo points for group [%s]"),

    /* determine transformation equation */

    /* read group control points, format: image x,y,cfl; target E,N,Z */
    if (!I_get_con_points(group.name, &group.control_points))
	group.control_points.count = 0;

    /* compute image coordinates of photo control points */

    I_convert_con_points (group.name, &group.control_points, 
			 &group.control_points, group.E12, group.N12);

    /* determine transformation equation */
    G_message(_("Computing equations ..."));
    if (group.control_points.count > 0)

    /*   signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); */
    /*   signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); */



       #ifdef SIGTSTP
       signal (SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);

    /* Set image to be rectified */
    if (map_opt->answer) {
	char *ms;

	ms = G_find_cell(map_opt->answer, "");
	if (ms == NULL) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), map_opt->answer);
	strcpy(name, map_opt->answer);
	strcpy(mapset, ms);
	if (G_get_cellhd(name, mapset, &cellhd) < 0) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read raster header of <%s>"), map_opt->answer);
    else {
	/* ask user for group file to be displayed */
	do {
	    if (!choose_groupfile(name, mapset))
	    /* display this file in "map1" */
	} while (G_get_cellhd(name, mapset, &cellhd) < 0);

    G_adjust_window_to_box(&cellhd, &VIEW_MAP1->cell.head, VIEW_MAP1->nrows,
    Configure_view(VIEW_MAP1, name, mapset, cellhd.ns_res, cellhd.ew_res);


    /* Set target map if specified */
    if (target_map_opt->answer) {
	char *ms;

	ms = G_find_cell(target_map_opt->answer, "");
	if (ms == NULL) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"),
	strcpy(name, target_map_opt->answer);
	strcpy(mapset, ms);
	if (G_get_cellhd(name, mapset, &cellhd) < 0) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read raster header of <%s>"),

	G_adjust_window_to_box(&cellhd, &VIEW_MAP2->cell.head,
			       VIEW_MAP2->nrows, VIEW_MAP2->ncols);
	Configure_view(VIEW_MAP2, name, mapset, cellhd.ns_res, cellhd.ew_res);


	from_flag = 1;
	from_keyboard = 0;
	from_screen = 1;



    /* determine initial input method. */
    if (use_digitizer) {
	from_digitizer = 1;
	from_keyboard = 0;
	from_flag = 1;

    /* go do the work */
