bool EnemyBullet::CollisionTest(shared_ptr<GameObject> o)
	if (o->GetType() != GameObjectType("Asteroid") && o->GetType() != GameObjectType("SmallAsteroid") && o->GetType() != GameObjectType("Spaceship")) return false;
	if (mBoundingShape.get() == NULL) return false;
	if (o->GetBoundingShape().get() == NULL) return false;
	return mBoundingShape->CollisionTest(o->GetBoundingShape());
bool Asteroid::CollisionTest(shared_ptr<GameObject> o)
	if (o->GetType() == GameObjectType("PowerUp") || o->GetType() == GameObjectType("SmallAsteroid")) return false;
	if (GetType() == o->GetType()) return false;
	if (mBoundingShape.get() == NULL) return false;
	if (o->GetBoundingShape().get() == NULL) return false;
	return mBoundingShape->CollisionTest(o->GetBoundingShape());
Exemplo n.º 3
bool Life::CollisionTest(shared_ptr<GameObject> o)
	if (o->GetType() != GameObjectType("Spaceship")) return false;
	if (GetType() == o->GetType()) return false;
	if (mBoundingShape.get() == NULL) return false;
	if (o->GetBoundingShape().get() == NULL) return false;
	return mBoundingShape->CollisionTest(o->GetBoundingShape());
Exemplo n.º 4
bool Drone::CollisionTest(SmartPtr<GameObject> o)
//    if (o->GetType() != GameObjectType("Bullet")) return false;
    if (o->GetType() == GameObjectType("Drone")) return false;
	if (GetType() == o->GetType()) return false;
	if (mBoundingShape.GetPtr() == NULL) return false;
	if (o->GetBoundingShape().GetPtr() == NULL) return false;
	return mBoundingShape->CollisionTest(o->GetBoundingShape());
Exemplo n.º 5
void Ore::OnCollision(const GameObjectList& objects)
    SmartPtr<GameObject> object;
    GameObjectType const* type = NULL;

    GameObjectList::const_iterator it = objects.begin();
    GameObjectList::const_iterator end = objects.end();

    for (; it != end; ++it)
        object = *it;
        type = &(object->GetType());

        // Compare Object type
        if((*type) == GameObjectType("Spaceship"))
            cout << "ORE COLIDES WITH SPACESHIP\n";
Exemplo n.º 6
void Drone::OnCollision(const GameObjectList& objects)
    SmartPtr<GameObject> object;
    GameObjectType const* type = NULL;

    GameObjectList::const_iterator it = objects.begin();
    GameObjectList::const_iterator end = objects.end();

    for (; it != end; ++it)
//        const GameObjectType * type = &((*it)->GetType() );

        object = *it;
        type = &(object->GetType());
//        const char * type_name = object->GetType().GetTypeName();
//        cout << type_name << ";" << endl;

        // Compare Object type
        if((*type) == GameObjectType("Bullet"))
            // TODO add damage related stuff to GameObject which should allow you to bypass this whole awkward pointer stuff here...
            Bullet* b = (Bullet*) object.GetPtr();
//            cout << "colision with bullet" << endl;
//            Bullet* b = dynamic_cast<Bullet*>(object.GetPtr());

            int damage = b->GetDamage();
            int health = mHealth;
            int newHealth = mHealth - damage;

            //cout << "HEALTH " << mHealth << endl;
            // Check if alive
            if(mHealth <= 0) mWorld->RemoveObject(this);
Exemplo n.º 7
void Asteroid::OnCollision(const GameObjectList& objects)
    SmartPtr<GameObject> object;
    GameObjectType const* type = NULL;

    GameObjectList::const_iterator it = objects.begin();
    GameObjectList::const_iterator end = objects.end();

    for (; it != end; ++it)
//        const GameObjectType * type = &((*it)->GetType() );
        object = *it;
        type = &(object->GetType());
//        const char * type_name = object->GetType().GetTypeName();
//        cout << type_name << ";" << endl;

        // Compare Object type
        if((*type) == GameObjectType("Bullet"))
            // @todo mWorld-> see if you can do the spliting of asteroids from here rather than the asteroids.cpp
Exemplo n.º 8
namespace Engine{

	// GameObject type for 
	static const GameObjectType OBJ_INVALID = GameObjectType(0);

	// GameObject type for filtering by "any object" (i.e. no filtering is applied)
	static const GameObjectType OBJ_ANY = GameObjectType(1);

	// First valid GameObjectType index (to reserve lower indices for special meanings)
	static const GameObjectType OBJ_OFFSET = GameObjectType(16);

	class WorldManager : public Singleton<WorldManager>


		// Initializes the game world
		void Initialize();

		// Destroys the game world
		void Terminate();

		// Updates all game objects in the game world
		void Update(const GameTime& gameTime);

		// Draws all game objects in the game world
		void Draw(const GameTime& gameTime);

		// Game object creation and removal                           //

		// Adds a game object to the world and returns the handle
		GameObjectGUID AddGameObject(GameObject* gameObject);

		// Adds a group of game objects to the world 
		void AddGameObjects(const GameObjectCollection& gameObjects);

		// Removes a game object from the world
		void RemoveGameObject(GameObject* gameObject);

		// Removes a group of game objects from the world
		void RemoveGameObjects(const GameObjectCollection& gameObjects);

		// Game object retrieval									  //

		// Retrieves all game objects
		size_t RetrieveAll(GameObjectCollection& out_GameObjectCollection) const;

		// Retrieves the game object that matches the specified GUID
		size_t RetrieveByGUID(GameObjectGUID guid, GameObjectCollection& out_GameObjectCollection) const;

		// Retrieves all game objects that matchs the specified type
		size_t RetrieveByType(GameObjectType type, GameObjectCollection& out_GameObjectCollection) const;

		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Legacy

		// Retrieves the nearest game object to the specified position considering x and y coordinates (returns whether a game object was found)
		bool RetrieveNearestGameObject(const f2& position, GameObject*& out_GameObject, GameObjectType typeFilter = GameObjectType(Engine::OBJ_ANY));

		// Retrieves the nearest game object to the specified position considering x, y and z coordinates (returns whether a game object was found)
		bool RetrieveNearestGameObject(const f3& position, GameObject*& out_GameObject, GameObjectType typeFilter = GameObjectType(Engine::OBJ_ANY));

		// Retrieves the k-nearest game object to the specified position considering x and y coordinates (returns the number of game objects found)
		size_t RetrieveKNearestGameObjects(const f2& position, size_t k, std::vector<GameObject*>& out_GameObjects, GameObjectType typeFilter = GameObjectType(Engine::OBJ_ANY));

		// Retrieves the k-nearest game object to the specified position considering x, y and z coordinates (returns the number of game objects found)
		size_t RetrieveKNearestGameObjects(const f3& position, size_t k, std::vector<GameObject*>& out_GameObjects, GameObjectType typeFilter = GameObjectType(Engine::OBJ_ANY));

		// Retrieves all game objects closer than the specified distance to a point considering x and y coordinates (returns the number of game objects found)
		size_t RetrieveGameObjectsNearPosition(const f2& position, float maxDistance, std::vector<GameObject*>& out_GameObjects, GameObjectType typeFilter = GameObjectType(Engine::OBJ_ANY));

		// Retrieves all game objects closer than the specified distance to a point considering x, y and z coordinates(returns the number of game objects found)
		size_t RetrieveGameObjectsNearPosition(const f3& position, float maxDistance, std::vector<GameObject*>& out_GameObjects, GameObjectType typeFilter = GameObjectType(Engine::OBJ_ANY));

		// Collision-aware movement		                              //

		// Possible responses on collisions
		enum class CollisionResponse
			IGNORE,		// Ignore collisions
			STOP,		// Stop moving on collision
			SLIDE,		// Remove the motion component parallel to the collision normal (removes speed)
			REDIRECT,	// Redirects the motion to move perpendicular to the collision normal (does not remove speed, except for perpendicular collisions)
			REFLECT		// Reflects the object of the colliding surface (does not remove speed)


		// Maximum number of iterations in movement solver
		static const unsigned char s_MaxMovementIterations;

		// Minimum separation distance to keep between objects
		//		NOTE: when a collision occurs, the moving object is pushed back out 
		//		of the colliding object by this distance. Placing objects next to 
		//		each other with a separation of 0 units is not compatible with the 
		//		ray-casting approach used for collision detection as an inter-distance 
		//		of 0 units is registered as a collision.
		static const float s_ObjectSeparationDistance;

		///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2D

		// Pushes an object out of a colliding object along the motion vector
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline void PushOut2D(GameObject& gameObject, const vector2D<valuetype>& motion)
			gameObject.t() -= (motion * s_ObjectSeparationDistance) / motion.length();

		// Finds the nearest collision along a specified motion vector
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline bool FindFirstCollision2D(GameObject& gameObject, const vector2D<valuetype>& motion, const GameObjectCollection& other, vector2D<valuetype>& out_Position, vector2D<valuetype>& out_Normal, valuetype& out_Progression)
			// Initialize to full motion (1.0 progression)
			out_Position = gameObject.t2D() + motion;
			out_Progression = 1.0f;

			vector2D<valuetype> currentPosition;
			vector2D<valuetype> currentNormal;
			valuetype currentProgression = 1.0f;

			bool collision = false;

			// Ray cast all other objects to find the nearest collision
			CollisionManager c = CollisionManager::GetInstance();

			for (GameObject* g : other.objects()) {
				if (gameObject.guid() == g->guid()) { continue; }
				if (c.IsIntersecting(gameObject.aabb2D_world(), g->aabb2D_world(), motion, currentPosition, currentNormal, currentProgression))
					if (currentProgression < out_Progression)
						out_Progression = currentProgression;
						out_Position = currentPosition;
						out_Normal = currentNormal;
						collision = true;
						if (currentProgression == 0.0f) { return true; }

			return collision;

		// Move a game object along the specified motion vector, ignoring collisions
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline void MoveIgnore2D(GameObject& gameObject, const vector2D<valuetype>& motion)
			gameObject.t() += motion;

		// Move a game object along the specified motion vector, stopping at the first collision
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline bool MoveStop2D(GameObject& gameObject, const vector2D<valuetype>& motion, const GameObjectCollection& other, bool updateVelocity)
			// Broadphase filtering based on AABB sweep
			CollisionManager& c(CollisionManager::GetInstance());
			aabb2D<valuetype> sweep(gameObject.aabb2D_world().sweep(motion));
			GameObjectCollection otherBP(other);

			// Output variables for collision finder
			vector2D<valuetype> position;
			vector2D<valuetype> normal;
			valuetype progression;

			// Move the object and push it out of colliding objects
			bool collision = FindFirstCollision2D(gameObject, motion, otherBP, position, normal, progression);
			if (progression == 0.0f) { gameObject.velocity(f3(0.0)); return true; }
			gameObject.t() += motion * progression;
			if (collision) { PushOut2D(gameObject, motion); if (updateVelocity) { gameObject.velocity(f3(0.0)); } }
			return collision;

		// Move a game object along the specified motion vector, sliding along colliding objects
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline bool MoveSlide2D(GameObject& gameObject, const vector2D<valuetype>& motion, const GameObjectCollection& other)
			// Broadphase filtering based on AABB sweep
			CollisionManager& c(CollisionManager::GetInstance());
			aabb2D<valuetype> sweep(gameObject.aabb2D_world().sweep(motion));
			GameObjectCollection otherBP(other);

			// Output variables for collision finder
			vector2D<valuetype> position;
			vector2D<valuetype> normal;
			valuetype progression;

			// Make a copy of the motion vector that is modified throughout iterations
			vector2D<valuetype> motion_i(motion);

			unsigned char iteration = 0;
			bool collision = false;

				// Move the object and push it out of colliding objects
				bool collisionCurrent = FindFirstCollision2D(gameObject, motion_i, otherBP, position, normal, progression);
				if (progression == 0.0f) { return true; }
				gameObject.t() += motion_i * progression;
				collision |= collisionCurrent;
				if (!collisionCurrent) {  return collision; }
				PushOut2D(gameObject, motion_i);

				// Calculate the new motion vector to have sliding behavior
				motion_i = motion_i * (1.0f - progression);
				motion_i = motion_i - motion_i.project(normal);

			} while (iteration < s_MaxMovementIterations);

			return collision;

		// Move a game object along the specified motion vector, redirecting motion along colliding objects
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline bool MoveRedirect2D(GameObject& gameObject, const vector2D<valuetype>& motion, const GameObjectCollection& other, bool updateVelocity)
			// Output variables for collision finder
			vector2D<valuetype> position;
			vector2D<valuetype> normal;
			valuetype progression;

			// Make a copy of the motion vector that is modified throughout iterations
			vector2D<valuetype> motion_i(motion);

			unsigned char iteration = 0;
			bool collision = false;

				// Broadphase filtering based on AABB sweep
				CollisionManager& c(CollisionManager::GetInstance());
				aabb2D<valuetype> sweep(gameObject.aabb2D_world().sweep(motion_i));
				GameObjectCollection otherBP(other);

				// Move the object and push it out of colliding objects
				bool collisionCurrent = FindFirstCollision2D(gameObject, motion_i, otherBP, position, normal, progression);
				if (progression == 0.0f) { return true; }
				gameObject.t() += motion_i * progression;
				collision |= collisionCurrent;
				if (!collisionCurrent) { return collision; }
				PushOut2D(gameObject, motion);

				// Calculate the new motion vector to have redirecting behavior
				motion_i = motion_i * (1.0f - progression);
				vector2D<valuetype> direction = motion_i - motion_i.project(normal);
				motion_i = motion_i.align(direction);
				if (updateVelocity) { gameObject.velocity(gameObject.velocity2D().align(motion_i)); }

			} while (iteration < s_MaxMovementIterations);

			return collision;

		// Move a game object along the specified motion vector, reflecting of colliding objects
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline bool MoveReflect2D(GameObject& gameObject, const vector2D<valuetype>& motion, const GameObjectCollection& other, bool updateVelocity)
			// Output variables for collision finder
			vector2D<valuetype> position;
			vector2D<valuetype> normal;
			valuetype progression;

			// Make a copy of the motion vector that is modified throughout iterations
			vector2D<valuetype> motion_i(motion);

			unsigned char iteration = 0;
			bool collision = false;

				// Broadphase filtering based on AABB sweep
				CollisionManager& c(CollisionManager::GetInstance());
				aabb2D<valuetype> sweep(gameObject.aabb2D_world().sweep(motion_i));
				GameObjectCollection otherBP(other);

				// Move the object and push it out of colliding objects
				bool collisionCurrent = FindFirstCollision2D(gameObject, motion_i, otherBP, position, normal, progression);
				if (progression == 0.0f) { return true; }
				gameObject.t() += motion_i * progression;
				collision |= collisionCurrent;
				if (!collisionCurrent) { return collision; }
				PushOut2D(gameObject, motion_i);

				// Calculate the new motion vector to have redirecting behavior
				motion_i = (motion_i.reflect(normal)) * (1.0f - progression);
				if (updateVelocity) { gameObject.velocity(gameObject.velocity2D().align(motion_i)); }

			} while (iteration < s_MaxMovementIterations);

			return collision;


		// Moves a game object along the specified motion vector, resolving collisions on the way
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline bool Move2D(GameObject& gameObject, const vector2D<valuetype>& motion, CollisionResponse response, const GameObjectCollection& other, bool updateVelocity = false)
			// If collisions should be ignored, skip broadphase filtering
			if (response == CollisionResponse::IGNORE) { MoveIgnore2D(gameObject, motion); return false; }

			// Move the object based on the specified collision response
			switch (response)
			case CollisionResponse::STOP:
				return MoveStop2D(gameObject, motion, other, updateVelocity);
			case CollisionResponse::SLIDE:
				return MoveSlide2D(gameObject, motion, other);
			case CollisionResponse::REDIRECT:
				return MoveRedirect2D(gameObject, motion, other, updateVelocity);
			case CollisionResponse::REFLECT:
				return MoveReflect2D(gameObject, motion, other, updateVelocity);

		// Moves the game object based on its velocity, resolving collisions on the way
		template<typename valuetype>
		inline bool Move2D(GameObject& gameObject, valuetype deltaTimeSeconds, CollisionResponse response, const GameObjectCollection& other, bool updateVelocity = true)
			// Calculate the motion vector from the velocity and delta time
			vector2D<valuetype> motion = gameObject.velocity2D() * deltaTimeSeconds;

			return Move2D(gameObject, motion, response, other, updateVelocity);

		// Debug rendering                                            //

		// Draws the bounding boxes of all game objects
		void DrawBoundingBoxes() const;


		// Incrementing counter for handles
		unsigned int m_Handles;

		// Data structure holding all GameObjects (mapped by GUID)
		std::unordered_map<GameObjectGUID, GameObject*> m_GameObjects;

		// Data structure holding all GameObjects (mapped by GameObjectType)
		std::unordered_map<GameObjectType, std::list<GameObject*>> m_GameObjectsByType;

		// Adds a GameObject to the by-type indexed map
		void AddToByTypeMap(GameObject* gameObject);

		// Removes a GameObject from the by-type indexed map
		void RemoveFromByTypeMap(GameObject* gameObject);

		// List of game objects that are marked to be removed
		std::list<GameObjectGUID> m_GameObjectRemoveList;

		// Removes all game objects that have been marked for removal
		void RemoveMarkedGameObjects();

Exemplo n.º 9
void Asteroids::OnObjectRemoved(GameWorld* world, SmartPtr<GameObject> object)
    if (object->GetType() == GameObjectType("Asteroid"))
        SmartPtr<GameObject> explosion = CreateExplosion();


        if(object->GetScale() > 0.2) {
            float newVel[4][2] = { {-1.0,-1.0}, { 1.0,-1.0},
                                   { 1.0, 1.0}, {-1.0, 1.0} };
            GLVector3f obPos = object->GetPosition();

            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                SmartPtr<GameObject> newAsteroid = CreateAsteroid(obPos.x, obPos.y);
                float f = 5;    //force
                newAsteroid->SetVelocity(GLVector3f(newVel[i][0] * f + (rand() % 4), newVel[i][1] * f + (rand() % 4), 0.0));

        if (mAsteroidCount <= 0)
            SetTimer(500, START_NEXT_LEVEL);
    if (object->GetType() == GameObjectType("AsteroidOre"))
        SmartPtr<GameObject> explosion = CreateExplosion();

        float newPos[4][2] = { {-1.0,-1.0}, { 1.0,-1.0},
                               { 1.0, 1.0}, {-1.0, 1.0} };
        GLVector3f obPos = object->GetPosition();
        float obRot = object->GetRotation();
        int sep = 5; // how much to separate the ore fromt he position of the asteroid

        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            SmartPtr<GameObject> ore = CreateOre();
            ore->SetPosition(GLVector3f(obPos.x + newPos[i][0] * sep + (rand() % 4), obPos.y + newPos[i][1] * sep + (rand() % 4), 0.0));

        int noA = 1 + (rand() % 3);
        cout << "RAND A: " << noA << endl;

        for (int i = 0; i < noA; i++)
            SmartPtr<GameObject> newAsteroid = CreateAsteroid(obPos.x, obPos.y);
            float rA = rand() % 360; // a random angle
            cout << "RAND ANGLE: " << rA << endl;
            newAsteroid->SetVelocity(GLVector3f( cos(DEG2RAD * rA), sin(DEG2RAD * rA), 0.0));
            cout << "Object Scale: " << object->GetScale() << endl;
Exemplo n.º 10
void Asteroids::OnMouseButton(int button, int state, int x, int y)

    if(state == GLUT_DOWN)
        if(button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON)
            mMoveCamera = true;

            // Calculate world coordinates
            const int zl = mGameWindow->GetZoomLevel();
            GLVector3f m2w((x - mGameDisplay->GetWidth()/2)/zl + mCameraFocus->x, (mGameDisplay->GetHeight()/2 - y)/zl + mCameraFocus->y, 0.0);

            SmartPtr<GameObject> checkSelect = mGameWorld->GetOnClickSelect(m2w);
            SmartPtr<Order> o = NULL;
            if(checkSelect.GetPtr() == NULL) {
                o = new Order(ORDER_MOVE);
            } else {
                o = new Order(ORDER_ATTACK);
        if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON)
//            cout << endl;
//            cout << "GLUT MOUSE: " << x << "\t" << y << endl;

//            GLVector2i mouseVector(GLVector2i(x, mGameDisplay->GetHeight() - y));
//            cout << "GUI COORDS: " << mouseVector.x << "\t" << mouseVector.y << endl;

//            float dw = mGameDisplay->GetWidth();
//            float dh = mGameDisplay->GetHeight();
//            cout << "DISPLAY WH: " << dw << "\t" << dh << endl;

            // Get game zoom level
//            cout << "ZOOM LEVEL: " << zl << endl;

//            GLVector3f mouse2world((x - dw/2)/zl + mCameraFocus->x, (dh/2 - y)/zl + mCameraFocus->y, 0.0);
//            cout << "M2W COORDS: " << mouse2world.x << "\t" << mouse2world.y << endl;
//            cout << "CAM  FOCUS: " << mCameraFocus->x << "\t" << mCameraFocus->y << endl;

//            mGameWorld->AddObject(CreateAsteroid(x,y));
//            mGameWorld->AddObject(CreateAsteroid());
//            mAsteroidCount++;

            // get zoom level of the game to calculate world coordinates
            const int zl = mGameWindow->GetZoomLevel();
            // Calculate the world coordinate corresponding to mouse coordinates (m2w = mouse to world).
            GLVector3f m2w((x - mGameDisplay->GetWidth()/2)/zl + mCameraFocus->x, (mGameDisplay->GetHeight()/2 - y)/zl + mCameraFocus->y, 0.0);

            // Make the selection box visible
            // Set the starting point for the box to be the mouse coordinates
            // Set the second point of the box (where mouse is) to also be the mouse coordinates to reset it
            // Set the world coordinates coresponding to  the mouse coordinates

            SmartPtr<GameObject> selectedGO = mGameWorld->GetOnClickSelect(m2w);
            if(selectedGO.GetPtr() != NULL){
                if(selectedGO->GetType() == GameObjectType("Drone"))
            cout << "CLICK FOUND: " << selectedGO.GetPtr() << endl;

            //mGameWorld->AddObject(CreateAsteroid(mouse2world.x, mouse2world.y));
//            SmartPtr<GameObject> a = CreateAsteroid(mGameWorld->GetHeight(), mGameWorld->GetWidth());
    else if (state == GLUT_UP)
        mMoveCamera = false;