Exemplo n.º 1
static void test_fontfamily_properties (void)
    GpFontFamily* FontFamily = NULL;
    GpStatus stat;
    UINT16 result = 0;

    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(arial, NULL, &FontFamily);
    if(stat == FontFamilyNotFound)
        skip("Arial not installed\n");
        stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(FontFamily, FontStyleRegular, &result);
        expect(Ok, stat);
        ok (result == 2355, "Expected 2355, got %d\n", result);
        result = 0;
        stat = GdipGetEmHeight(FontFamily, FontStyleRegular, &result);
        expect(Ok, stat);
        ok(result == 2048, "Expected 2048, got %d\n", result);
        result = 0;
        stat = GdipGetCellAscent(FontFamily, FontStyleRegular, &result);
        expect(Ok, stat);
        ok(result == 1854, "Expected 1854, got %d\n", result);
        result = 0;
        stat = GdipGetCellDescent(FontFamily, FontStyleRegular, &result);
        ok(result == 434, "Expected 434, got %d\n", result);

    stat = GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(TimesNewRoman, NULL, &FontFamily);
    if(stat == FontFamilyNotFound)
        skip("Times New Roman not installed\n");
        result = 0;
        stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(FontFamily, FontStyleRegular, &result);
        expect(Ok, stat);
        ok(result == 2355, "Expected 2355, got %d\n", result);
        result = 0;
        stat = GdipGetEmHeight(FontFamily, FontStyleRegular, &result);
        expect(Ok, stat);
        ok(result == 2048, "Expected 2048, got %d\n", result);
        result = 0;
        stat = GdipGetCellAscent(FontFamily, FontStyleRegular, &result);
        expect(Ok, stat);
        ok(result == 1825, "Expected 1825, got %d\n", result);
        result = 0;
        stat = GdipGetCellDescent(FontFamily, FontStyleRegular, &result);
        ok(result == 443, "Expected 443 got %d\n", result);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: font.c Projeto: Dietr1ch/wine
static void gdip_get_font_metrics(GpFont *font, struct font_metrics *fm)
    INT style;
    GpFontFamily *family;
    GpStatus stat;

    stat = GdipGetFontStyle(font, &style);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeight(font, NULL, &fm->font_height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetFontSize(font, &fm->font_size);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    fm->lfHeight = (INT)(fm->font_size * -1.0);

    stat = GdipGetFamily(font, &family);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    stat = GdipGetEmHeight(family, style, &fm->em_height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(family, style, &fm->line_spacing);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetCellAscent(family, style, &fm->ascent);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetCellDescent(family, style, &fm->descent);
    expect(Ok, stat);

Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: font.c Projeto: miurahr/wine
 * GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI [GDIPLUS.@]
 *  font        [I] Font to retrieve DPI from
 *  dpi         [I] DPI to assume
 *  height      [O] Return value
 *  FAILURE: InvalidParameter if font or height is NULL
 *  According to MSDN, the result is (lineSpacing)*(fontSize / emHeight)*dpi
 *  (for anything other than unit Pixel)
GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(GDIPCONST GpFont *font, REAL dpi, REAL *height)
    GpStatus stat;
    INT style;
    UINT16 line_spacing, em_height;
    REAL font_size;

    if (!font || !height) return InvalidParameter;

    TRACE("%p (%s), %f, %p\n", font,
            debugstr_w(font->family->FamilyName), dpi, height);

    font_size = units_to_pixels(get_font_size(font), font->unit, dpi);
    style = get_font_style(font);
    stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(font->family, style, &line_spacing);
    if (stat != Ok) return stat;
    stat = GdipGetEmHeight(font->family, style, &em_height);
    if (stat != Ok) return stat;

    *height = (REAL)line_spacing * font_size / (REAL)em_height;

    TRACE("%s,%d => %f\n",
          debugstr_w(font->family->FamilyName), font->otm.otmTextMetrics.tmHeight, *height);

    return Ok;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI [GDIPLUS.@]
 *  font        [I] Font to retrieve DPI from
 *  dpi         [I] DPI to assume
 *  height      [O] Return value
 *  FAILURE: InvalidParameter if font or height is NULL
 *  According to MSDN, the result is (lineSpacing)*(fontSize / emHeight)*dpi
 *  (for anything other than unit Pixel)
GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI(GDIPCONST GpFont *font, REAL dpi, REAL *height)
    GpStatus stat;
    INT style;
    UINT16 line_spacing, em_height;
    REAL font_height, font_size;

    if (!font || !height) return InvalidParameter;

    TRACE("%p (%s), %f, %p\n", font,
            debugstr_w(font->family->FamilyName), dpi, height);

    font_size = get_font_size(font);
    style = get_font_style(font);
    stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(font->family, style, &line_spacing);
    if (stat != Ok) return stat;
    stat = GdipGetEmHeight(font->family, style, &em_height);
    if (stat != Ok) return stat;

    font_height = (REAL)line_spacing * font_size / (REAL)em_height;

    switch (font->unit)
        case UnitPixel:
        case UnitWorld:
            *height = font_height;
        case UnitPoint:
            *height = font_height * dpi * inch_per_point;
        case UnitInch:
            *height = font_height * dpi;
        case UnitDocument:
            *height = font_height * (dpi / 300.0);
        case UnitMillimeter:
            *height = font_height * (dpi / mm_per_inch);
            FIXME("Unhandled unit type: %d\n", font->unit);
            return NotImplemented;

    TRACE("%s,%d(unit %d) => %f\n",
          debugstr_w(font->family->FamilyName), font->otm.otmTextMetrics.tmHeight, font->unit, *height);

    return Ok;
Exemplo n.º 5
static GF_Err gdip_get_font_info(GF_FontReader *dr, char **font_name, s32 *em_size, s32 *ascent, s32 *descent, s32 *underline, s32 *line_spacing, s32 *max_advance_h, s32 *max_advance_v)
	UINT16 val, em;
	FontPriv *ctx = (FontPriv *)dr->udta;

	*font_name = NULL;
	*em_size = *ascent = *descent = *line_spacing = *max_advance_h = *max_advance_v = 0;
	if (!ctx->font) return GF_BAD_PARAM;

	GdipGetEmHeight(ctx->font, ctx->font_style, &em);
	*em_size = (s32) em;
	GdipGetCellAscent(ctx->font, ctx->font_style, &val);
	ctx->ascent = (Float) val;
	*ascent = (s32) val;
	GdipGetCellDescent(ctx->font, ctx->font_style, &val);
	*descent = (s32) val; *descent *= -1;
	ctx->descent = -1 * (Float) val;
	*underline = *descent / 2;
	GdipGetLineSpacing(ctx->font, ctx->font_style, &val);
	*line_spacing = (s32) val;
	*max_advance_v = *ascent - *descent;

	unsigned short test_str[4];
	Fixed w, h, w2;
	ctx->em_size = (Float) *em_size;
	test_str[0] = (unsigned short) '_';
	test_str[1] = (unsigned short) '\0';
	gdip_get_text_size(dr, test_str, &w, &h);
	ctx->underscore_width = FIX2FLT(w);

	test_str[0] = (unsigned short) '_';
	test_str[1] = (unsigned short) ' ';
	test_str[2] = (unsigned short) '_';
	test_str[3] = (unsigned short) '\0';
	gdip_get_text_size(dr, test_str, &w2, &h);
	ctx->whitespace_width = FIX2FLT(w2 - 2*w);

	*max_advance_h = (s32) MAX(ctx->underscore_width, ctx->whitespace_width);
	return GF_OK;
Exemplo n.º 6
static M4Err gdip_get_font_metrics(FontRaster *dr, Float *ascent, Float *descent, Float *lineSpacing)
	UINT16 val, em;
	FontPriv *ctx = (FontPriv *)dr->priv;

	*ascent = *descent = *lineSpacing = 0.0;
	if (!ctx->font) return M4BadParam;

	GdipGetEmHeight(ctx->font, ctx->font_style, &em);
	GdipGetCellAscent(ctx->font, ctx->font_style, &val);
	*ascent = ctx->font_size * val;
	*ascent /= em;

	GdipGetCellDescent(ctx->font, ctx->font_style, &val);
	*descent = ctx->font_size * val;
	*descent /= em;

	GdipGetLineSpacing(ctx->font, ctx->font_style, &val);
	*lineSpacing = ctx->font_size * val;
	*lineSpacing /= em;
	return M4OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: font.c Projeto: Dietr1ch/wine
static void test_logfont(void)
    LOGFONTA lfa, lfa2;
    GpFont *font;
    GpFontFamily *family;
    GpStatus stat;
    GpGraphics *graphics;
    HDC hdc = GetDC(0);
    INT style;
    REAL rval;
    UINT16 em_height, line_spacing;
    Unit unit;

    GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, &graphics);

    memset(&lfa, 0, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
    memset(&lfa2, 0xff, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
    lstrcpyA(lfa.lfFaceName, "Tahoma");

    stat = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, &lfa, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lfa2);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    ok(lfa2.lfHeight < 0, "Expected negative height\n");
    expect(0, lfa2.lfWidth);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfEscapement);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfOrientation);
    ok((lfa2.lfWeight >= 100) && (lfa2.lfWeight <= 900), "Expected weight to be set\n");
    expect(0, lfa2.lfItalic);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfUnderline);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfStrikeOut);
    ok(lfa2.lfCharSet == GetTextCharset(hdc) || lfa2.lfCharSet == ANSI_CHARSET,
        "Expected %x or %x, got %x\n", GetTextCharset(hdc), ANSI_CHARSET, lfa2.lfCharSet);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfOutPrecision);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfClipPrecision);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfQuality);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfPitchAndFamily);


    memset(&lfa, 0, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
    lfa.lfHeight = 25;
    lfa.lfWidth = 25;
    lfa.lfEscapement = lfa.lfOrientation = 50;
    lfa.lfItalic = lfa.lfUnderline = lfa.lfStrikeOut = TRUE;

    memset(&lfa2, 0xff, sizeof(LOGFONTA));
    lstrcpyA(lfa.lfFaceName, "Tahoma");

    stat = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, &lfa, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lfa2);
    expect(Ok, stat);

    ok(lfa2.lfHeight < 0, "Expected negative height\n");
    expect(0, lfa2.lfWidth);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfEscapement);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfOrientation);
    ok((lfa2.lfWeight >= 100) && (lfa2.lfWeight <= 900), "Expected weight to be set\n");
    expect(TRUE, lfa2.lfItalic);
    expect(TRUE, lfa2.lfUnderline);
    expect(TRUE, lfa2.lfStrikeOut);
    ok(lfa2.lfCharSet == GetTextCharset(hdc) || lfa2.lfCharSet == ANSI_CHARSET,
        "Expected %x or %x, got %x\n", GetTextCharset(hdc), ANSI_CHARSET, lfa2.lfCharSet);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfOutPrecision);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfClipPrecision);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfQuality);
    expect(0, lfa2.lfPitchAndFamily);

    stat = GdipGetFontStyle(font, &style);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    ok (style == (FontStyleItalic | FontStyleUnderline | FontStyleStrikeout),
            "Expected , got %d\n", style);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitWorld, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &rval);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(25.347656, rval);
    stat = GdipGetFontSize(font, &rval);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(21.0, rval);

    stat = GdipGetFamily(font, &family);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetEmHeight(family, FontStyleRegular, &em_height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(2048, em_height);
    stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(family, FontStyleRegular, &line_spacing);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(2472, line_spacing);


    memset(&lfa, 0, sizeof(lfa));
    lfa.lfHeight = -25;
    lstrcpyA(lfa.lfFaceName, "Tahoma");
    stat = GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(hdc, &lfa, &font);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    memset(&lfa2, 0xff, sizeof(lfa2));
    stat = GdipGetLogFontA(font, graphics, &lfa2);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(lfa.lfHeight, lfa2.lfHeight);

    stat = GdipGetFontUnit(font, &unit);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(UnitWorld, unit);

    stat = GdipGetFontHeight(font, graphics, &rval);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(30.175781, rval);
    stat = GdipGetFontSize(font, &rval);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expectf(25.0, rval);

    stat = GdipGetFamily(font, &family);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    stat = GdipGetEmHeight(family, FontStyleRegular, &em_height);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(2048, em_height);
    stat = GdipGetLineSpacing(family, FontStyleRegular, &line_spacing);
    expect(Ok, stat);
    expect(2472, line_spacing);


    ReleaseDC(0, hdc);