Exemplo n.º 1
    // Expands bounding box using given coordinate.
    inline void expand(const GeoCoordinate& c)
        minPoint = GeoCoordinate(
            std::min(minPoint.latitude, c.latitude),
            std::min(minPoint.longitude, c.longitude));

        maxPoint = GeoCoordinate(
            std::max(maxPoint.latitude, c.latitude),
            std::max(maxPoint.longitude, c.longitude));
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Expands bounding box using given coordinate.
    inline void expand(const GeoCoordinate& c)
        minPoint = GeoCoordinate(
            minPoint.latitude < c.latitude ? minPoint.latitude : c.latitude,
            minPoint.longitude < c.longitude ? minPoint.longitude : c.longitude);

        maxPoint = GeoCoordinate(
            maxPoint.latitude > c.latitude ? maxPoint.latitude : c.latitude,
            maxPoint.longitude > c.longitude ? maxPoint.longitude : c.longitude);
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Gets double value or zero.
    inline double getValue(key_type keyId,
                           double size = 1,
                           const utymap::GeoCoordinate& coordinate = GeoCoordinate()) const
        if (!has(keyId))
            return 0;

        auto declaration = get(keyId);
        auto rawValue = declaration->value();
        char dimen = (*rawValue)[rawValue->size() - 1];

        // in meters
        if (dimen == 'm' && coordinate.isValid()) {
            double value = std::stod(rawValue->substr(0, rawValue->size() - 1));
            return utymap::utils::GeoUtils::getOffset(coordinate, value);

        // relative to size
        if (dimen == '%') {
            double value = std::stod(rawValue->substr(0, rawValue->size() - 1));
            return size * value * 0.01;

        return  declaration->isEval()
                ? declaration->evaluate<double>(tags_, stringTable_)
                : std::stod(*rawValue);
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Gets double value or zero.
 inline double getValue(const std::string& key,
                        double size = 1,
                        const utymap::GeoCoordinate& coordinate = GeoCoordinate()) const
     key_type keyId = stringTable_.getId(key);
     return getValue(keyId, size, coordinate);
Exemplo n.º 5
  /// Converts given world coordinate represented by (x, y) to geocoordinate.
  static GeoCoordinate worldToGeo(const GeoCoordinate &worldZero, double x, double y) {
    double latitudeCircumference = LatitudeEquator*std::cos(utymap::utils::deg2Rad(worldZero.latitude));

    auto deltaLongitude = (x*360)/latitudeCircumference;
    auto deltaLatitude = (y*360)/CircleDistance;

    return GeoCoordinate(worldZero.latitude + deltaLatitude, worldZero.longitude + deltaLongitude);
Exemplo n.º 6
    void build(const Element& element, const Style& style)
        MeshContext meshContext(*mesh_, style);

        auto geoCoordinate = GeoCoordinate(polygon_->points[1], polygon_->points[0]);

        double height = style.getValue(HeightKey);
        // NOTE do not allow height to be zero. This might happen due to the issues in input osm data.
        if (height == 0)
            height = 10;

        double minHeight = style.getValue(MinHeightKey);

        double elevation = context_.eleProvider.getElevation(geoCoordinate) + minHeight;

        height -= minHeight;

        // roof
        auto roofType = style.getString(RoofTypeKey);
        double roofHeight = style.getValue(RoofHeightKey);
        auto roofGradient = GradientUtils::evaluateGradient(context_.styleProvider, meshContext.style, element.tags, RoofColorKey);
        auto roofBuilder = RoofBuilderFactoryMap.find(*roofType)->second(context_, meshContext);
        roofBuilder->setMinHeight(elevation + height);
        roofBuilder->setColor(roofGradient, 0);

        // facade
        auto facadeType = style.getString(FacadeTypeKey);
        auto facadeBuilder = FacadeBuilderFactoryMap.find(*facadeType)->second(context_, meshContext);
        auto facadeGradient = GradientUtils::evaluateGradient(context_.styleProvider, meshContext.style, element.tags, FacadeColorKey);
        facadeBuilder->setColor(facadeGradient, 0);

Exemplo n.º 7
 // Returns center of bounding box.
 inline GeoCoordinate center() const
     return GeoCoordinate(
         minPoint.latitude + (maxPoint.latitude - minPoint.latitude) / 2,
         minPoint.longitude + (maxPoint.longitude - minPoint.longitude) / 2);
Exemplo n.º 8
 BoundingBox() : 
     BoundingBox(GeoCoordinate(90, 180), GeoCoordinate(-90, -180))
Exemplo n.º 9
 inline void setCoordinates(T& t, const ClipperLib::Path& path) {
     for (const auto& c : path) {
         t.coordinates.push_back(GeoCoordinate(c.Y / Scale, c.X / Scale));
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// Returns point between two at given distance in percents.
 static GeoCoordinate newPoint(const GeoCoordinate &p1,
                               const GeoCoordinate &p2,
                               double distanceInProcents) {
   return GeoCoordinate(p1.latitude + (p2.latitude - p1.latitude)*distanceInProcents,
                        p1.longitude + (p2.longitude - p1.longitude)*distanceInProcents);