Exemplo n.º 1
GYINT32 GYNetAddress::SetAddr(GYINT32 addr, GYBOOL is_net_order)
    GYINT32 err = 0;
    m_sockAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = GYTRUE == is_net_order ? addr :htonl(addr);
    GYCHAR address[MaxAddrStringLengh] = {0};
    if(0 != GetAddressString(address, sizeof(address)))
        err = INVALID_VALUE;
        GYMemset(&m_sockAddr, 0, sizeof(m_sockAddr));
#ifdef _DEBUG
        GYMemcpy(m_addressString, address, sizeof(m_addressString));
#endif // _DEBUG

    return err;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Realm List command handler
bool AuthSocket::_HandleRealmList()
    sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Entering _HandleRealmList");
    if (socket().recv_len() < 5)
        return false;


    // Get the user id (else close the connection)
    // No SQL injection (prepared statement)
    PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_ACCOUNT_ID_BY_NAME);
    stmt->setString(0, _login);
    PreparedQueryResult result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt);
    if (!result)
        sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "'%s:%d' [ERROR] user %s tried to login but we cannot find him in the database.", socket().getRemoteAddress().c_str(), socket().getRemotePort(), _login.c_str());
        return false;

    Field* fields = result->Fetch();
    uint32 id = fields[0].GetUInt32();

    // Update realm list if need

    ACE_INET_Addr clientAddr;

    // Circle through realms in the RealmList and construct the return packet (including # of user characters in each realm)
    ByteBuffer pkt;

    size_t RealmListSize = 0;
    for (RealmList::RealmMap::const_iterator i = sRealmList->begin(); i != sRealmList->end(); ++i)
        // don't work with realms which not compatible with the client
        bool okBuild = ((_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG) && i->second.gamebuild == _build) || ((_expversion & PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG) && !AuthHelper::IsPreBCAcceptedClientBuild(i->second.gamebuild));

        // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
        uint32 flag = i->second.flag;
        RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = AuthHelper::GetBuildInfo(i->second.gamebuild);
        if (!okBuild)
            if (!buildInfo)

            flag |= REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE | REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD;   // tell the client what build the realm is for

        if (!buildInfo)
            flag &= ~REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD;

        std::string name = i->first;
        if (_expversion & PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG && flag & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss << name << " (" << buildInfo->MajorVersion << '.' << buildInfo->MinorVersion << '.' << buildInfo->BugfixVersion << ')';
            name = ss.str();

        // We don't need the port number from which client connects with but the realm's port

        uint8 lock = (i->second.allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;

        uint8 AmountOfCharacters = 0;
        stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_SEL_NUM_CHARS_ON_REALM);
        stmt->setUInt32(0, i->second.m_ID);
        stmt->setUInt32(1, id);
        result = LoginDatabase.Query(stmt);
        if (result)
            AmountOfCharacters = (*result)[0].GetUInt8();

        pkt << i->second.icon;                              // realm type
        if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG)                 // only 2.x and 3.x clients
            pkt << lock;                                    // if 1, then realm locked
        pkt << uint8(flag);                                 // RealmFlags
        pkt << name;
        pkt << GetAddressString(GetAddressForClient(i->second, clientAddr));
        pkt << i->second.populationLevel;
        pkt << AmountOfCharacters;
        pkt << i->second.timezone;                          // realm category
        if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG)                 // 2.x and 3.x clients
            pkt << uint8(0x2C);                             // unk, may be realm number/id?
            pkt << uint8(0x0);                              // 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 clients

        if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG && flag & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
            pkt << uint8(buildInfo->MajorVersion);
            pkt << uint8(buildInfo->MinorVersion);
            pkt << uint8(buildInfo->BugfixVersion);
            pkt << uint16(buildInfo->Build);


    if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG)                     // 2.x and 3.x clients
        pkt << uint8(0x10);
        pkt << uint8(0x00);
    else                                                    // 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 clients
        pkt << uint8(0x00);
        pkt << uint8(0x02);

    // make a ByteBuffer which stores the RealmList's size
    ByteBuffer RealmListSizeBuffer;
    RealmListSizeBuffer << uint32(0);
    if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG)                     // only 2.x and 3.x clients
        RealmListSizeBuffer << uint16(RealmListSize);
        RealmListSizeBuffer << uint32(RealmListSize);

    ByteBuffer hdr;
    hdr << uint8(REALM_LIST);
    hdr << uint16(pkt.size() + RealmListSizeBuffer.size());
    hdr.append(RealmListSizeBuffer);                        // append RealmList's size buffer
    hdr.append(pkt);                                        // append realms in the realmlist

    socket().send((char const*)hdr.contents(), hdr.size());

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void AuthSocket::LoadRealmlist(ByteBuffer& pkt, uint32 acctid)
    RealmList::RealmListIterators iters;
    iters = sRealmList.GetIteratorsForBuild(_build);
    uint32 numRealms = sRealmList.NumRealmsForBuild(_build);
    ACE_INET_Addr clientAddr;

    switch (_build)
        case 5875:                                          // 1.12.1
        case 6005:                                          // 1.12.2
        case 6141:                                          // 1.12.3
            pkt << uint32(0);                               // unused value
            pkt << uint8(numRealms);
            for (RealmList::RealmStlList::const_iterator itr = iters.first;
                 itr != iters.second;
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;
                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", (*itr)->m_ID, acctid);
                if (result)
                    Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    AmountOfCharacters = 0;
                bool ok_build = std::find((*itr)->realmbuilds.begin(), (*itr)->realmbuilds.end(), _build) != (*itr)->realmbuilds.end();
                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    buildInfo = &(*itr)->realmBuildInfo;
                RealmFlags realmflags = (*itr)->realmflags;

                // 1.x clients not support explicitly REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD, so manually form similar name as show in more recent clients
                std::string name = (*itr)->name;
                if (realmflags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    char buf[20];
                    snprintf(buf, 20, " (%u,%u,%u)", buildInfo->major_version, buildInfo->minor_version, buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    name += buf;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds and locked realms (1.x clients not support locked state show)
                if (!ok_build || ((*itr)->allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel))
                    realmflags = RealmFlags(realmflags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE);

                pkt << uint32((*itr)->icon);                                        // realm type
                pkt << uint8(realmflags);                                           // realmflags
                pkt << name;                                                        // name
                pkt << GetAddressString(GetAddressForClient((**itr), clientAddr));  // address
                pkt << float((*itr)->populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8((*itr)->timezone);                                     // realm category
                pkt << uint8(0x00);                                                 // unk, may be realm number/id?

            pkt << uint16(0x0002);                          // unused value (why 2?)

        case 8606:                                          // 2.4.3
        case 10505:                                         // 3.2.2a
        case 11159:                                         // 3.3.0a
        case 11403:                                         // 3.3.2
        case 11723:                                         // 3.3.3a
        case 12340:                                         // 3.3.5a
        case 13623:                                         // 4.0.6a
        case 15050:                                         // 4.3.0
        case 15595:                                         // 4.3.4
        case 16357:                                         // 5.1.0
		case 16992:											// 5.3.0
        case 17055:                                         // 5.3.0
		case 17116:                                         // 5.3.0
		case 17128:                                         // 5.3.0
        case 17538:                                         // 5.4.1
        case 17658:                                         // 5.4.2
        case 17688:                                         // 5.4.2a
        case 17898:                                         // 5.4.7
        case 17930:                                         // 5.4.7
        case 17956:                                         // 5.4.7
        case 18019:                                         // 5.4.7
        case 18291:                                         // 5.4.8
        case 18414:                                         // 5.4.8
        default:                                            // and later
            pkt << uint32(0);                               // unused value
            pkt << uint16(numRealms);
            for (RealmList::RealmStlList::const_iterator itr = iters.first;
                 itr != iters.second;
                uint8 AmountOfCharacters;

                // No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
                QueryResult* result = LoginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT numchars FROM realmcharacters WHERE realmid = '%d' AND acctid='%u'", (*itr)->m_ID, acctid);
                if (result)
                    Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                    AmountOfCharacters = fields[0].GetUInt8();
                    delete result;
                    { AmountOfCharacters = 0; }

                bool ok_build = std::find((*itr)->realmbuilds.begin(), (*itr)->realmbuilds.end(), _build) != (*itr)->realmbuilds.end();

                RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = ok_build ? FindBuildInfo(_build) : NULL;
                if (!buildInfo)
                    { buildInfo = &(*itr)->realmBuildInfo; }

                uint8 lock = ((*itr)->allowedSecurityLevel > _accountSecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;

                RealmFlags realmFlags = (*itr)->realmflags;

                // Show offline state for unsupported client builds
                if (!ok_build)
                    { realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags | REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE); }

                if (!buildInfo)
                    { realmFlags = RealmFlags(realmFlags & ~REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD); }

                pkt << uint8((*itr)->icon);                                         // realm type (this is second column in Cfg_Configs.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(lock);                                                 // flags, if 0x01, then realm locked
                pkt << uint8(realmFlags);                                           // see enum RealmFlags
                pkt << (*itr)->name;                                                // name
                pkt << GetAddressString(GetAddressForClient((**itr), clientAddr));  // address
                pkt << float((*itr)->populationLevel);
                pkt << uint8(AmountOfCharacters);
                pkt << uint8((*itr)->timezone);                                     // realm category (Cfg_Categories.dbc)
                pkt << uint8(0x2C);                                                 // unk, may be realm number/id?

                if (realmFlags & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->major_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->minor_version);
                    pkt << uint8(buildInfo->bugfix_version);
                    pkt << uint16(_build);

            pkt << uint16(0x0010);                          // unused value (why 10?)