Exemplo n.º 1
bool Jitterometer::RecordEndTime()
    if (!num_cycles)
        return false;

    int cycles = num_cycles;
    struct timeval timenow;
    gettimeofday(&timenow, NULL);

    if (starttime_valid)
        times[count] = (timenow.tv_sec  - starttime.tv_sec ) * 1000000 +
                       (timenow.tv_usec - starttime.tv_usec) ;

    starttime_valid = 0;

    if (count >= cycles)
        /* compute and display stuff, reset count to -1  */
        double mean = 0, sum_of_squared_deviations=0;
        double standard_deviation;
        double tottime = 0;
        int i;

        /* compute the mean */
        for(i = 0; i < cycles; i++)
            mean += times[i];

        tottime = mean;
        mean /= cycles;

        if (tottime > 0)
            last_fps = cycles / tottime * 1000000;

        /* compute the sum of the squares of each deviation from the mean */
        for(i = 0; i < cycles; i++)
            sum_of_squared_deviations += (mean - times[i]) * (mean - times[i]);

        /* compute standard deviation */
        standard_deviation = sqrt(sum_of_squared_deviations / (cycles - 1));
        if (mean > 0)
            last_sd = standard_deviation / mean;

        /* retrieve load if available */
        QString extra;
        lastcpustats = GetCPUStat();
        if (!lastcpustats.isEmpty())
            extra = QString("CPUs: ") + lastcpustats;

            name + QString("Mean: %1 Std.Dev: %2 fps: %3 ")
                .arg(last_fps, 0, 'f', 2) + extra);

        count = 0;
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool Jitterometer::RecordEndTime()
    if (!m_num_cycles)
        return false;

    int cycles = m_num_cycles;
    struct timeval timenow;
    gettimeofday(&timenow, nullptr);

    if (m_starttime_valid)
        m_times[m_count] = (timenow.tv_sec  - m_starttime.tv_sec ) * 1000000 +
                           (timenow.tv_usec - m_starttime.tv_usec) ;

    m_starttime_valid = false;

    if (m_count >= cycles)
        /* compute and display stuff, reset count to -1  */
        double mean = 0, sum_of_squared_deviations=0;
        double standard_deviation;
        double tottime = 0;
        int i;

        /* compute the mean */
        for(i = 0; i < cycles; i++)
            mean += m_times[i];

        tottime = mean;
        mean /= cycles;

        if (tottime > 0)
            m_last_fps = cycles / tottime * 1000000;

        /* compute the sum of the squares of each deviation from the mean */
        for(i = 0; i < cycles; i++)
            sum_of_squared_deviations += (mean - m_times[i]) * (mean - m_times[i]);

        /* compute standard deviation */
        standard_deviation = sqrt(sum_of_squared_deviations / (cycles - 1));
        if (mean > 0)
            m_last_sd = standard_deviation / mean;

        /* retrieve load if available */
        QString extra;
        m_lastcpustats = GetCPUStat();
        if (!m_lastcpustats.isEmpty())
            extra = QString("CPUs: ") + m_lastcpustats;

            m_name + QString("FPS: %1 Mean: %2 Std.Dev: %3 ")
                .arg(m_last_fps, 7, 'f', 2).arg((int)mean, 5)
                .arg((int)standard_deviation, 5) + extra);

        m_count = 0;
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
void UIPerformance::RecordEndTime(quint64 Time)
    if (!m_totalCount)

    int cycles = m_totalCount;

    if (m_starttimeValid)
        m_totalTimes[m_currentCount] = Time - m_starttime;

    m_starttimeValid = false;

    if (m_currentCount >= cycles)
        qreal totalmean  = 0.0;
        qreal rendermean = 0.0;

        for(int i = 0; i < cycles; i++)
            rendermean += m_renderTimes[i];
            totalmean  += m_totalTimes[i];

        if (totalmean > 0)
            m_lastFPS = (cycles / totalmean) * 1000000.0;

        totalmean  /= cycles;
        rendermean /= cycles;

        qreal totaldeviations  = 0.0;
        qreal renderdeviations = 0.0;
        for(int i = 0; i < cycles; i++)
            renderdeviations += (rendermean - m_renderTimes[i]) * (rendermean - m_renderTimes[i]);
            totaldeviations  += (totalmean - m_totalTimes[i]) * (totalmean - m_totalTimes[i]);

        qreal rendersd = sqrt(renderdeviations / (cycles - 1));
        qreal totalsd  = sqrt(totaldeviations / (cycles - 1));
        if (totalmean > 0.0)
            m_lastTotalSD = totalsd / totalmean;
        if (rendermean > 0.0)
            m_lastRenderSD = rendersd / rendermean;

        QString extra;
        m_lastCPUStats = GetCPUStat();
        if (!m_lastCPUStats.isEmpty())
            extra = QString("Load: ") + m_lastCPUStats;

                QString("FPS: %1+-%3 Draw: %4% ")
                .arg(m_lastFPS, 4, 'f', 3)
                .arg(m_lastTotalSD, 2, 'f', 2)
                .arg((rendermean / totalmean) * 100.0, 2, 'f', 0)
                + extra);

        m_currentCount = 0;
