Exemplo n.º 1
// Checks for collision of a point with this collider.
// Param1: The point to test.
// Returns true if the point is within the collider, that includes touching its outer line,
// false otherwise.
bool CircleCollider::CheckPointCollision(const XMFLOAT2& point) const
	float squareRadius = GetRadius() * GetRadius();

	float squareDistance = 0.0f;
	XMStoreFloat(&squareDistance, XMVector2LengthSq(XMLoadFloat2(&GetCentre()) - XMLoadFloat2(&point)));

	return squareRadius >= squareDistance;
Exemplo n.º 2
 // GetSpan
 inline void tBox::GetSpan(tScalar & min,
                           tScalar & max,
                           const tVector3 & axis) const
   tScalar s = Abs(Dot(axis, mTransform.orientation.mCols[0])) * (0.5f * mSideLengths.x);
   tScalar u = Abs(Dot(axis, mTransform.orientation.mCols[1])) * (0.5f * mSideLengths.y);
   tScalar d = Abs(Dot(axis, mTransform.orientation.mCols[2])) * (0.5f * mSideLengths.z);
   tScalar r = s + u + d;
   tScalar p = Dot(GetCentre(), axis);
   min = p-r;
   max = p+r;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Checks for collision of a line with this collider.
// Param1: The start point of the line.
// Param2: The end point of the line.
// Returns true if the line intersects with the collider, that includes touching it and
// being fully encompassed by it, false otherwise.
bool CircleCollider::CheckLineCollision(const XMFLOAT2& lineStart, const XMFLOAT2& lineEnd) const
	if(lineStart.x == lineEnd.x && lineStart.y == lineEnd.y)
		// If the points are identical, check whether that shared point lies within the collider.
		return CheckPointCollision(lineStart);

	XMVECTOR lineSegment = XMLoadFloat2(&lineEnd) - XMLoadFloat2(&lineStart);
	XMVECTOR startToCollider = XMLoadFloat2(&GetCentre()) - XMLoadFloat2(&lineStart);

	float segmentLength = 0.0f;
	XMStoreFloat(&segmentLength, XMVector2Length(lineSegment));

	XMVECTOR normLineSegment = lineSegment / segmentLength;

	float projection = 0.0f;
	XMStoreFloat(&projection, XMVector2Dot(startToCollider, normLineSegment));

	if((projection < 0.0f) || (projection > segmentLength))
		// Projection is beyond the start or end point of the segment
		return false;

	// Get the projected point
	XMVECTOR projectedPoint = XMLoadFloat2(&lineStart) + normLineSegment * projection;

	// Check if the projected point lies within the radius of the collider
	float squareRadius = GetRadius() * GetRadius();
	float squareDistance = 0.0f;
	XMStoreFloat(&squareDistance, XMVector2Dot(XMLoadFloat2(&GetCentre()) - projectedPoint, XMLoadFloat2(&GetCentre()) - projectedPoint));

	return squareRadius >= squareDistance;
