Exemplo n.º 1
 * source is modified
void FbEditor::onModified(wxStyledTextEvent & event)
    // not directly modifying text?
    auto flags = event.GetModificationType();
    if ((flags & (wxSTC_MOD_INSERTTEXT | wxSTC_MOD_DELETETEXT)) == 0) return;

    // set input buffer

    // get modified line & line length
    int line     = LineFromPosition(event.GetPosition());
    int pos      = PositionFromLine(line);
    int length   = this->GetLineLength(line);

    // analyze the source
    m_srcCtx->analyze(line, pos, length);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ScintillaWrapper::pymlreplace(boost::python::object searchExp, boost::python::object replaceStr, boost::python::object count, boost::python::object flags, boost::python::object startPosition, boost::python::object endPosition)
	boost::python::str contents;
	offset_t currentOffset = 0;

	if (startPosition.is_none() && endPosition.is_none())
		contents = GetCharacterPointer();

		Sci_TextRange range;
		if (!startPosition.is_none())
			range.chrg.cpMin = boost::python::extract<int>(startPosition);
			range.chrg.cpMin = 0;

		if (!endPosition.is_none())
			range.chrg.cpMax = boost::python::extract<int>(endPosition);
			range.chrg.cpMax = GetLength();
		currentOffset = (offset_t)range.chrg.cpMin;

		range.lpstrText = new char[size_t((range.chrg.cpMax - range.chrg.cpMin) + 1)];
		callScintilla(SCI_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&range));
		contents = boost::python::str(const_cast<const char *>(range.lpstrText));
		delete[] range.lpstrText;

	boost::python::object re_module( (boost::python::handle<>(PyImport_ImportModule("re"))) );

	int iFlags = 0;
	int iCount = 0;
	if (!flags.is_none())
		iFlags = boost::python::extract<int>(flags);
	if (!count.is_none())
		iCount = boost::python::extract<int>(count);

	if (0 == iCount)
		iCount = -1;

	boost::python::object re = re_module.attr("compile")(searchExp, iFlags | boost::python::extract<int>(re_module.attr("MULTILINE")));
	if (!re_module.is_none())
		boost::python::object match;
		boost::python::object oreplacement;
		size_t replacementLength;
		idx_t matchStart, matchEnd;
		idx_t startPos = 0;

			match = re.attr("search")(contents, startPos);
			if (!match.is_none())
				// Get expanded replacement string
				oreplacement = match.attr("expand")(replaceStr);
				// Calculate offsets
				matchStart = (idx_t)boost::python::extract<int>(match.attr("start")());
				matchEnd   = (idx_t)boost::python::extract<int>(match.attr("end")());

				// Extract text replacement
				const char *replacement = boost::python::extract<const char *>(oreplacement);
				replacementLength = _len(oreplacement);

				// Replace text in Scintilla
				callScintilla(SCI_SETTARGETSTART, static_cast<offset_t>(matchStart) + currentOffset);
				callScintilla(SCI_SETTARGETEND, static_cast<offset_t>(matchEnd) + currentOffset);
				callScintilla(SCI_REPLACETARGET, replacementLength, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(replacement));

				// Calculate the difference between the old string, 
				// and the new replacement, and add it to the currentOffset
				currentOffset += static_cast<offset_t>(replacementLength - (matchEnd - matchStart));

				// Set startPos to the end of the last match - startPos is with the original document
				startPos = matchEnd; 

		} while(!match.is_none() && (iCount == -1 || --iCount > 0));
