// Sets the console font properties.
	void SetFontProperties(int fontX, int fontY, wchar_t *fontName)
		HANDLE hOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

		/* Retrieving pointers for Windows Vista/7 Functions */
		PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx = (PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx)
			GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "GetCurrentConsoleFontEx");
		PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx = (PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx)
			GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "SetCurrentConsoleFontEx");

		/* Check for pointers: if they exist, we have Vista/7 and we can use them */
		if (pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx && pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx)

			/* Tell the font info how big it is, to avoid memory corruption */
			cfi.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX);
			pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx(hOutput, TRUE, &cfi);

			/* Set the font type to name indicated by wide string literal */
			/* Set to 0 to keep current settings */
			lstrcpyW(cfi.FaceName, fontName);
			cfi.dwFontSize.X = fontX;
			cfi.dwFontSize.Y = fontY;
			cfi.FontFamily = 0; /* Set to 0x30 for Terminal font */
			cfi.FontWeight = 0;

			/* Set the console font info */
			pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx(hOutput, TRUE, &cfi);
		else  /* We don't have access to the vista functions */
			CONSOLE_INFO2 ci = { sizeof(ci) };
			HWND hwndConsole = GetConsoleWindow();

			GetConsoleSizeInfo(&ci, hOutput);

			/* Set to 0 to keep current settings */
			ci.FontSize.X = fontX;
			ci.FontSize.Y = fontY;
			ci.FontFamily = 0; /* Set to 0x30 for Terminal font */
			ci.FontWeight = 0;

			lstrcpyW(ci.FaceName, fontName);
			ci.CursorSize = 100;
			ci.FullScreen = FALSE;
			ci.QuickEdit = FALSE;
			ci.AutoPosition = 0x10000;
			ci.InsertMode = TRUE;
			ci.ScreenColors = MAKEWORD(0x7, 0x0);
			ci.PopupColors = MAKEWORD(0x5, 0xf);
			ci.HistoryNoDup = TRUE;
			ci.HistoryBufferSize = 50;
			ci.NumberOfHistoryBuffers = 4;

			ci.CodePage = 0;
			ci.Hwnd = hwndConsole;
			lstrcpyW(ci.ConsoleTitle, L"");

			SetConsoleInfo(hwndConsole, &ci);
Exemplo n.º 2
void SetConsoleFontSizeTo(HWND inConWnd, int inSizeY, int inSizeX, const wchar_t *asFontName, WORD anTextColors /*= 0*/, WORD anPopupColors /*= 0*/)
	if (VerifyVersionInfoW(&osvi, VER_MAJORVERSION | VER_MINORVERSION, dwlConditionMask))
		// We have Vista
		apiSetConsoleFontSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), inSizeY, inSizeX, asFontName);
		// We have older NT (Win2k, WinXP)
		// So... using undocumented hack

		const COLORREF DefaultColors[16] =
			0x00000000, 0x00800000, 0x00008000, 0x00808000,
			0x00000080, 0x00800080, 0x00008080, 0x00c0c0c0,
			0x00808080,	0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ffff00,
			0x000000ff, 0x00ff00ff,	0x0000ffff, 0x00ffffff

		if (!gpConsoleInfoStr)
			gpConsoleInfoStr = (CONSOLE_INFO*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(CONSOLE_INFO));

			if (!gpConsoleInfoStr)
				return; // memory allocation failed

			gpConsoleInfoStr->Length = sizeof(CONSOLE_INFO);

		if (!anTextColors)
			GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi);
			anTextColors = csbi.wAttributes ? csbi.wAttributes : MAKEWORD(0x7, 0x0);
		if (!anPopupColors)
			anPopupColors = MAKEWORD(0x5, 0xf);

		// get current size/position settings rather than using defaults..
		// set these to zero to keep current settings
		gpConsoleInfoStr->FontSize.X				= inSizeX;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->FontSize.Y				= inSizeY;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->FontFamily				= 0;//0x30;//FF_MODERN|FIXED_PITCH;//0x30;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->FontWeight				= 0;//0x400;
		lstrcpynW(gpConsoleInfoStr->FaceName, asFontName ? asFontName : L"Lucida Console", countof(gpConsoleInfoStr->FaceName)); //-V303
		gpConsoleInfoStr->CursorSize				= 25;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->FullScreen				= FALSE;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->QuickEdit					= FALSE;
		//gpConsoleInfoStr->AutoPosition			= 0x10000;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->AutoPosition				= FALSE;
		RECT rcCon; GetWindowRect(inConWnd, &rcCon);
		gpConsoleInfoStr->WindowPosX = rcCon.left;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->WindowPosY = rcCon.top;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->InsertMode				= TRUE;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->ScreenColors				= anTextColors; //MAKEWORD(0x7, 0x0);
		gpConsoleInfoStr->PopupColors				= anPopupColors; //MAKEWORD(0x5, 0xf);
		gpConsoleInfoStr->HistoryNoDup				= FALSE;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->HistoryBufferSize			= 50;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->NumberOfHistoryBuffers	= 32; //-V112

		// Issue 700: Default history buffers count too small.
		HKEY hkConsole = NULL;
		LONG lRegRc;
		if (0 == (lRegRc = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Console\\ConEmu", 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ, NULL, &hkConsole, NULL)))
			DWORD nSize = sizeof(DWORD), nValue, nType;
			struct {
				LPCWSTR pszName;
				DWORD nMin, nMax;
				ULONG *pnVal;
			} BufferValues[] = {
				{L"HistoryBufferSize", 16, 999, &gpConsoleInfoStr->HistoryBufferSize},
				{L"NumberOfHistoryBuffers", 16, 999, &gpConsoleInfoStr->NumberOfHistoryBuffers}
			for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(BufferValues); ++i)
				lRegRc = RegQueryValueEx(hkConsole, BufferValues[i].pszName, NULL, &nType, (LPBYTE)&nValue, &nSize);
				if ((lRegRc == 0) && (nType == REG_DWORD) && (nSize == sizeof(DWORD)))
					if (nValue < BufferValues[i].nMin)
						nValue = BufferValues[i].nMin;
					else if (nValue > BufferValues[i].nMax)
						nValue = BufferValues[i].nMax;

					if (nValue != *BufferValues[i].pnVal)
						*BufferValues[i].pnVal = nValue;

		// color table
		for(size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
			gpConsoleInfoStr->ColorTable[i] = DefaultColors[i];

		gpConsoleInfoStr->CodePage					= GetConsoleOutputCP();//0;//0x352;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->Hwnd						= inConWnd;
		gpConsoleInfoStr->ConsoleTitle[0] = 0;

		// Send data to console window
		SetConsoleInfo(inConWnd, gpConsoleInfoStr);
Exemplo n.º 3

  Sets the console palette and font size.
VOID WINAPI SetConsolePalette(COLORREF palette[], int fontX, int fontY, wchar_t *fontName)
  int i;
  HANDLE hOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

    /* Retrieving pointers for Windows Vista/7 Functions */
  PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx = (PGetCurrentConsoleFontEx)
    GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "GetCurrentConsoleFontEx");
  PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx = (PSetCurrentConsoleFontEx)
    GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "SetCurrentConsoleFontEx");
  PGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx pGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx = (PGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)
    GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx");
  PSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx pSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx = (PSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)
    GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx");

    /* Check for pointers: if they exist, we have Vista/7 and we can use them */
  if (pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx && pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx &&
      pGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx && pSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx)

      /* Tell the font info how big it is, to avoid memory corruption */
    cfi.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX);
    pGetCurrentConsoleFontEx(hOutput, TRUE, &cfi);

      /* Set the font type to name indicated by wide string literal */
      /* Set to 0 to keep current settings */
    lstrcpyW(cfi.FaceName, fontName);
    cfi.dwFontSize.X = fontX;  
    cfi.dwFontSize.Y = fontY;
    cfi.FontFamily = 0; /* Set to 0x30 for Terminal font */
    cfi.FontWeight = 0;

      /* Set the console font info */
    pSetCurrentConsoleFontEx(hOutput, TRUE, &cfi);

      /* Get the size of the structure before filling the struct */
    cbi.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
    pGetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOutput, &cbi);

      /* Loop through the given palette, copying the data into the color table */
    for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; ++i)
      cbi.ColorTable[i] = palette[i];
      /* Set the console screen buffer info */
    pSetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOutput, &cbi);
  else  /* We don't have access to the vista functions */
    int i;
    CONSOLE_INFO ci = { sizeof(ci) };
    HWND hwndConsole = GetConsoleWindow();

    GetConsoleSizeInfo(&ci, hOutput);

      /* Set to 0 to keep current settings */
    ci.FontSize.X = fontX;
    ci.FontSize.Y = fontY;
    ci.FontFamily = 0; /* Set to 0x30 for Terminal font */
    ci.FontWeight = 0;

    lstrcpyW(ci.FaceName, fontName); 
    ci.CursorSize = 100;
    ci.FullScreen = FALSE;
    ci.QuickEdit = FALSE;
    ci.AutoPosition = 0x10000;
    ci.InsertMode = TRUE;
    ci.ScreenColors = MAKEWORD(0x7, 0x0);
    ci.PopupColors = MAKEWORD(0x5, 0xf); 
    ci.HistoryNoDup = TRUE; 
    ci.HistoryBufferSize = 50; 
    ci.NumberOfHistoryBuffers = 4; 

    for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      ci.ColorTable[i] = palette[i];

    ci.CodePage = 0; 
    ci.Hwnd = hwndConsole;
    lstrcpyW(ci.ConsoleTitle, L""); 

    SetConsoleInfo(hwndConsole, &ci); 