Exemplo n.º 1
static void InitBannerFrame( void )
	if( !banner_local.flags.bInited )
		TEXTCHAR font[256];
		InvokeDeadstart(); // register my control please... (f*****g optimizations)
		banner_local.pii = GetImageInterface();
		banner_local.pdi = GetDisplayInterface();

		banner_local.flags.bFullDraw = RequiresDrawAll();

		GetDisplaySizeEx( 0, NULL, NULL, &banner_local.w, &banner_local.h );
#ifndef __NO_OPTIONS__
		SACK_GetProfileStringEx( WIDE( "SACK/Widgets/Banner2" ), WIDE( "Default Font" ), WIDE( "arialbd.ttf" ), font, sizeof( font ), TRUE );
		StrCpy( font, WIDE( "arialbd.ttf" ) );
		banner_local.font = RenderFontFile( font
													 , banner_local.w / 30, ( ( banner_local.w * 1080 ) / 1920 ) / 20
									  , 2 );
		if( !banner_local.font )
#ifndef __NO_OPTIONS__
			SACK_GetProfileStringEx( WIDE( "SACK/Widgets/Banner2" ), WIDE( "Alternate Font" ), WIDE( "fonts/arialbd.ttf" ), font, sizeof( font ), TRUE );
			StrCpy( font, WIDE( "fonts/arialbd.ttf" ) );
			banner_local.font = RenderFontFile( font
										  , banner_local.w / 30, ( ( banner_local.w * 1080 ) / 1920 ) / 20
														 , 2 );

		banner_local.explorer_font = RenderFontFile( font
									  , banner_local.w / 60, ( ( banner_local.w * 1080 ) / 1920 ) / 40
									  , 2 );
		banner_local.flags.bInited = TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	l.world = OpenWorld( WIDE("") );
	LoadWorldFromFile( l.world );
	WakeableSleep( 500 ); // give the world time to load.
		uint32_t w, h;
		PBODY body = EnterWorld( l.world );
		PVIEW view ;
		GetDisplaySizeEx( 0, NULL,NULL,&w, &h );
		//view = CreateViewEx( V_FORWARD, NULL, WIDE("blah"), h/3, h/3 );
		//view = CreateViewEx( V_DOWN, NULL, WIDE("blah"), h/3, 0 );
		//view = CreateViewEx( V_UP, NULL, WIDE("blah"), h/3, 2*h/2 );
		//view = CreateViewEx( V_RIGHT, NULL, WIDE("blah"), 0, h/3 );
		//view = CreateViewEx( V_LEFT, NULL, WIDE("blah"), 2*h/3, h/3 );
		//view = CreateViewEx( V_BEHIND, NULL, WIDE("blah"), 3*h/3, h/3 );
		//Equip( body );
		//PlayWorld( world, body );
		while( 1 )
			Sleep( 1000 );
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main( void )
	int32_t x, y;
	uint32_t w, h;
	PRENDERER renderer;

	l.pii = GetImageInterface();
   l.pri = GetDisplayInterface();
	SetSystemLog( SYSLOG_FILE, stdout );
	GetDisplaySizeEx( 0, &x, &y, &w, &h );
	renderer = OpenDisplaySizedAt( 0, w, h, x, y );
	SetTouchHandler( renderer, touch_events, 0 );
	UpdateDisplay( renderer );
	while( 1 )
      WakeableSleep( 1000 );

#if 0
   HOOKPROC hkprcSysMsg;
static HINSTANCE hinstDLL; 
static HHOOK hhookSysMsg; 
hinstDLL = LoadLibrary(TEXT("c:\\myapp\\sysmsg.dll")); 
hkprcSysMsg = (HOOKPROC)GetProcAddress(hinstDLL, "SysMessageProc"); 

hhookSysMsg = SetWindowsHookEx( 

   return 0;