Exemplo n.º 1
void CAbstractFile::LoadComment()
	CIni ini(thePrefs.GetFileCommentsFilePath(), md4str(GetFileHash()));
	m_strComment = ini.GetStringUTF8(_T("Comment")).Left(MAXFILECOMMENTLEN);
	m_uRating = ini.GetInt(_T("Rate"), 0);
	m_bCommentLoaded = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool FBuildPatchAppManifest::GetFileHash(const FGuid& FileGuid, FSHAHashData& OutHash) const
	const FString* const * FoundFilename = FileNameLookup.Find(FileGuid);
	if (FoundFilename)
		return GetFileHash(**FoundFilename, OutHash);
	return false;
uint32 CModInfoManager::GetDirectoryHash( const char *pPath )
	if (!gEnv || !gEnv->pCryPak)
		return 0;

	ICryPak* pCryPak = gEnv->pCryPak;

	// Recursively find all files and hash them
	uint32 result = 0;

	CryStackStringT<char, _MAX_PATH*2> searchPath;
	searchPath.Format("%s\\*", pPath);

	_finddata_t fd;
	intptr_t h = pCryPak->FindFirst(searchPath.c_str(), &fd, 0, true);
	if (h != -1)
		CryStackStringT<char, _MAX_PATH*2> path;
			if ((fd.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) == 0)
				// Add to checksum
				uint32 fileHash = 0;

				CryStackStringT<char, _MAX_PATH*2> modPath;
				modPath.Format("%s\\%s", pPath, fd.name);

				if (GetFileHash(modPath.c_str(), fileHash))
					result += fileHash;


			if (strcmp(fd.name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(fd.name, "..") == 0)

			path = pPath;
			path += "\\";
			path += fd.name;

			result += GetDirectoryHash(path.c_str());
		while(0 == pCryPak->FindNext(h, &fd));

		pCryPak->FindClose (h);

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  HANDLE signf = 0;
  HANDLE signmmf = 0;
  PBYTE signdata = NULL;
  LARGE_INTEGER signsz = {.QuadPart = 0};
  void *keyblob = NULL;
  unsigned char err = 1;

  HCRYPTHASH hash = 0;

  if (argc != 3) {
    fputs("Usage: lab2sign <input file> <output file>", stderr);
    return -1;

  crash_if(!CryptAcquireContext(&prov, "lab2", MS_ENHANCED_PROV, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0),
           "Can't acquire crypt context.");

  hash = GetFileHash(prov, argv[1]);

  signf = CreateFileA(argv[2], GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
                    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
  signmmf = CreateFileMappingA(signf, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL);
  crash_if(!signmmf, "Can't open memory mapped file.");
  GetFileSizeEx(signf, &signsz);
  signdata = MapViewOfFile(signmmf, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
  crash_if(!signdata, "Can't map view of file.");

  crash_if(!CryptGetUserKey(prov, AT_SIGNATURE, &key),
           "Can't acquire signature key.");

  if (CryptVerifySignature(hash, signdata, signsz.LowPart, key, NULL, 0)) {
    printf("Signature matches.\n");
    err = 0;
  } else {
    printf("Signature mismatch.\n");

  apply_not_null(signdata, UnmapViewOfFile);
  apply_not_null(signmmf, CloseHandle);
  apply_not_null(signf, CloseHandle);

  apply_not_null(keyblob, free);

  apply_not_null(hash, CryptDestroyHash)

  if (err)
    return -1;
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
CPacket* CKnownFile::CreateSrcInfoPacket(const CUpDownClient* forClient, uint8 byRequestedVersion, uint16 nRequestedOptions)
	// Kad reviewed
	if (m_ClientUploadList.empty()) {
		return NULL;	
	if ((((CKnownFile*)forClient->GetRequestFile() != this)
		&& ((CKnownFile*)forClient->GetUploadFile() != this)) || forClient->GetUploadFileID() != GetFileHash()) {
		wxString file1 = _("Unknown");
		if (forClient->GetRequestFile() && forClient->GetRequestFile()->GetFileName().IsOk()) {
			file1 = forClient->GetRequestFile()->GetFileName().GetPrintable();
		} else if (forClient->GetUploadFile() && forClient->GetUploadFile()->GetFileName().IsOk()) {
			file1 = forClient->GetUploadFile()->GetFileName().GetPrintable();
		wxString file2 = _("Unknown");
		if (GetFileName().IsOk()) {
			file2 = GetFileName().GetPrintable();
		AddDebugLogLineM(false, logKnownFiles, wxT("File missmatch on source packet (K) Sending: ") + file1 + wxT("  From: ") + file2);
		return NULL;

	const BitVector& rcvstatus = forClient->GetUpPartStatus();
	bool SupportsUploadChunksState = !rcvstatus.empty();
	//wxASSERT(rcvstatus.size() == GetPartCount()); // Obviously!
	if (rcvstatus.size() != GetPartCount()) {
		// Yuck. Same file but different part count? Seriously f****d up.
		AddDebugLogLineM(false, logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Impossible situation: different partcounts for the same known file: %i (client) and %i (file)")) % rcvstatus.size() % GetPartCount());
		return NULL;

	CMemFile data(1024);
	uint8 byUsedVersion;
	bool bIsSX2Packet;
	if (forClient->SupportsSourceExchange2() && byRequestedVersion > 0){
		// the client uses SourceExchange2 and requested the highest version he knows
		// and we send the highest version we know, but of course not higher than his request
		byUsedVersion = std::min(byRequestedVersion, (uint8)SOURCEEXCHANGE2_VERSION);
		bIsSX2Packet = true;

		// we don't support any special SX2 options yet, reserved for later use
		if (nRequestedOptions != 0) {
			AddDebugLogLineM(false, logKnownFiles, CFormat(wxT("Client requested unknown options for SourceExchange2: %u")) % nRequestedOptions);
	} else {
		byUsedVersion = forClient->GetSourceExchange1Version();
		bIsSX2Packet = false;
		if (forClient->SupportsSourceExchange2()) {
			AddDebugLogLineM(false, logKnownFiles, wxT("Client which announced to support SX2 sent SX1 packet instead"));
	uint16 nCount = 0;

	uint32 cDbgNoSrc = 0;

	SourceSet::iterator it = m_ClientUploadList.begin();
	for ( ; it != m_ClientUploadList.end(); it++ ) {
		const CUpDownClient *cur_src = *it;
		if (	cur_src->HasLowID() ||
			cur_src == forClient ||
			!(	cur_src->GetUploadState() == US_UPLOADING ||
				cur_src->GetUploadState() == US_ONUPLOADQUEUE)) {
		bool bNeeded = false;
		if ( SupportsUploadChunksState ) {
			const BitVector& srcstatus = cur_src->GetUpPartStatus();
			if ( !srcstatus.empty() ) {
				//wxASSERT(srcstatus.size() == GetPartCount()); // Obviously!
				if (srcstatus.size() != GetPartCount()) {
				if ( cur_src->GetUpPartCount() == forClient->GetUpPartCount() ) {
					for (int x = 0; x < GetPartCount(); x++ ) {
						if ( srcstatus.at(x) && !rcvstatus.at(x) ) {
							// We know the receiving client needs
							// a chunk from this client.
							bNeeded = true;
			} else {
				// This client doesn't support upload chunk status.
				// So just send it and hope for the best.
				bNeeded = true;
		} else {
			// remote client does not support upload chunk status,
			// search sources which have at least one complete part
			// we could even sort the list of sources by available
			// chunks to return as much sources as possible which
			// have the most available chunks. but this could be
			// a noticeable performance problem.
			const BitVector& srcstatus = cur_src->GetUpPartStatus();
			if ( !srcstatus.empty() ) {
				//wxASSERT(srcstatus.size() == GetPartCount());
				if (srcstatus.size() != GetPartCount()) {
				for (int x = 0; x < GetPartCount(); x++ ) {
					if ( srcstatus.at(x) ) {
						// this client has at least one chunk
						bNeeded = true;
			} else {
				// This client doesn't support upload chunk status.
				// So just send it and hope for the best.
				bNeeded = true;

		if ( bNeeded ) {
			uint32 dwID;
			if(byUsedVersion >= 3) {
				dwID = cur_src->GetUserIDHybrid();
			} else {
				dwID = cur_src->GetIP();
			if (byUsedVersion >= 2) {
			if (byUsedVersion >= 4){
				// CryptSettings - SourceExchange V4
				// 5 Reserved (!)
				// 1 CryptLayer Required
				// 1 CryptLayer Requested
				// 1 CryptLayer Supported
				const uint8 uSupportsCryptLayer	= cur_src->SupportsCryptLayer() ? 1 : 0;
				const uint8 uRequestsCryptLayer	= cur_src->RequestsCryptLayer() ? 1 : 0;
				const uint8 uRequiresCryptLayer	= cur_src->RequiresCryptLayer() ? 1 : 0;
				const uint8 byCryptOptions = (uRequiresCryptLayer << 2) | (uRequestsCryptLayer << 1) | (uSupportsCryptLayer << 0);
			if (nCount > 500) {
	if (!nCount) {
		return 0;
	data.Seek(bIsSX2Packet ? 17 : 16, wxFromStart);

	CPacket* result = new CPacket(data, OP_EMULEPROT, bIsSX2Packet ? OP_ANSWERSOURCES2 : OP_ANSWERSOURCES);
	if ( result->GetPacketSize() > 354 ) {
	return result;