Exemplo n.º 1
void CFrameHolder::CalculateCaptionPosition(const RECT &rcWindow, RECT* rcCaption)
	//_ASSERTE(FALSE && "CFrameHolder::CalculateCaptionPosition MUST be refactored!");

	FrameDrawStyle dt = gpConEmu->DrawType();

	if (dt == fdt_Aero || dt == fdt_Win8)
		// Почему тут не SM_CXFRAME не помню
		rcCaption->left = 0; //2; //GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
		rcCaption->right = (rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left); // - 4; //GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
		rcCaption->top = GetFrameHeight(); //6; //GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME);
		if (gpSet->isTabsInCaption)
			rcCaption->bottom = rcCaption->top + GetCaptionHeight()/*это наш*/; // (gpSet->isTabs ? (GetCaptionDragHeight()+GetTabsHeight()) : GetWinCaptionHeight()); //gpConEmu->GetDwmClientRectTopOffset() - 1;
			rcCaption->bottom = rcCaption->top + GetCaptionHeight()/*это наш*/; // (gpSet->isTabs ? (GetCaptionDragHeight()+GetTabsHeight()) : GetWinCaptionHeight()); //gpConEmu->GetDwmClientRectTopOffset() - 1;
	else if (dt == fdt_Themed)
		rcCaption->left = GetFrameWidth();
		rcCaption->right = (rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left) - GetFrameWidth() - 1;
		rcCaption->top = GetFrameHeight();
		//rcCaption->bottom = rcCaption->top + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + (gSet.isTabs ? (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)/2) : 0);
		rcCaption->bottom = rcCaption->top + GetCaptionHeight()/*это наш*/; // (gpSet->isTabs ? (GetCaptionDragHeight()+GetTabsHeight()) : GetWinCaptionHeight());
		rcCaption->left = GetFrameWidth();
		rcCaption->right = (rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left) - GetFrameWidth() - 1;
		rcCaption->top = GetFrameHeight();
		//rcCaption->bottom = rcCaption->top + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) - 1 + (gpSet->isTabs ? (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)/2) : 0);
		rcCaption->bottom = rcCaption->top + GetCaptionHeight()/*это наш*/; // (gpSet->isTabs ? (GetCaptionDragHeight()+GetTabsHeight()) : GetWinCaptionHeight());
Exemplo n.º 2
// Gets the current frame in the animation
// and moves to the next one in order.
RECT CAnimation::GetFrame()
	SetTimeWaited(GetTimeWaited() + GAME->GetTimer().GetDeltaTime());

	RECT tRect;
	tRect.left = GetCurrentFrame() * GetFrameWidth();
	tRect.top = 0;
	tRect.right = tRect.left + GetFrameWidth();
	tRect.bottom = tRect.top + GetFrameHeight();	
	if(GetTimeWaited() > GetTimePerFrame() && !GetStatic())
		SetCurrentFrame(GetCurrentFrame() + 1);

		if(GetCurrentFrame() > GetFrameCount())

	return tRect;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Table::FrameTab(int zoom, Draw& w, bool was, int x, int y, int yp, int cx) const {
	if(!was) return;
	DrawFatFrame(w, x + DocZoom(zoom, GetLm()), yp,
		         cx - DocZoom(zoom, GetLm()) - DocZoom(zoom, GetRm()) -
				 (zoom < 1024) * DocZoom(zoom, GetFrameWidth()),
		         y - yp + (zoom >= 1024) * DocZoom(zoom, GetFrameWidth()),
				 GetFrameColor(), DocZoomLn(zoom, GetFrameWidth()));
Exemplo n.º 4
void MpVerticalScrollbar::AdaptSlider (int shp) 
  // adapt to new slider height
  sh = MpMax(shp,2*GetFrameWidth());	 // set a minimum slider height
  sh = MpMin(sh,Height()-2*GetFrameWidth()); // set a maximum slider height
Exemplo n.º 5
void MpVerticalScrollbar::set_vars() 
  sx = sy = GetFrameWidth();
  sw = Width() - 2*sx; 	// slider width
  yspan = Height() - 2*sy - sh; // is height - 2 * frame_depth - shifter_height
  yact = 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
static BOOLEAN
GetFrameValidRect (PRECT pValidRect, HOT_SPOT *pOldHot)
	COORD hx, hy;

	OldHot = _CurFramePtr->HotSpot;
	hx = OldHot.x;
	hy = OldHot.y;
	pValidRect->corner.x = hx;
	pValidRect->corner.y = hy;
	pValidRect->extent.width = GetFrameWidth (_CurFramePtr);
	pValidRect->extent.height = GetFrameHeight (_CurFramePtr);
	if (_pCurContext->ClipRect.extent.width)
		if (!BoxIntersect (&_pCurContext->ClipRect,
				pValidRect, pValidRect))
			return (FALSE);

		hx -= _pCurContext->ClipRect.corner.x;
		hy -= _pCurContext->ClipRect.corner.y;
		pValidRect->corner.x += hx;
		pValidRect->corner.y += hy;
		_CurFramePtr->HotSpot = MAKE_HOT_SPOT (hx, hy);

	*pOldHot = OldHot;
	return (TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 7
int  Table::GetWidth(int zoom) const {
	int cx = 0;
	for(int i = 0; i < GetRows(); i++) {
		const Array<TableCell>& row = cell[i];
		int x = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j < row.GetCount(); j++)
			x = max(x, row[j].GetWidth(zoom) / row[j].GetRatio());
		cx = max(cx, x * GetTotalRatio(row));
	return cx + 2 * GetFrameWidth();
Exemplo n.º 8
int  Table::GetHeight(int zoom, int cx) const {
	int cy = 0;
	int ln = 0;
	cx -= DocZoomLn(zoom, GetFrameWidth()) + DocZoomLn(zoom, GetFrameWidth()) +
		  DocZoom(zoom, GetLm()) + DocZoom(zoom, GetRm());
	cy += 2 * DocZoomLn(zoom, GetFrameWidth());
	while(ln < GetRows()) {
		Vector<Line> line;
		int span = 0;
		for(;;) {
			int k = ln + line.GetCount();
			if(ln + line.GetCount() >= GetRows() ||
			   line.GetCount() && !KeepLine(k) && span <= 0)
			span = max((line.Add() = GetLine(zoom, k, cx, NULL)).span, span);
		cy += Span(line);
		ln += line.GetCount();
	return cy;
Exemplo n.º 9
void arith_frame_blit (FRAME srcFrame, const RECT *rsrc, FRAME dstFrame,
		const RECT *rdst, int num, int denom)
	TFB_Image *srcImg, *dstImg;
	SDL_Surface *src, *dst;
	SDL_Rect srcRect, dstRect, *srp = NULL, *drp = NULL;
	srcImg = srcFrame->image;
	dstImg = dstFrame->image;
	LockMutex (srcImg->mutex);
	LockMutex (dstImg->mutex);
	src = (SDL_Surface *)srcImg->NormalImg;
	dst = (SDL_Surface *)dstImg->NormalImg;
	if (rdst)
		dstRect.x = rdst->corner.x;
		dstRect.y = rdst->corner.y;
		dstRect.w = rdst->extent.width;
		dstRect.h = rdst->extent.height;
		drp = &dstRect;
	if (rsrc)
		srcRect.x = rsrc->corner.x;
		srcRect.y = rsrc->corner.y;
		srcRect.w = rsrc->extent.width;
		srcRect.h = rsrc->extent.height;
		srp = &srcRect;
	else if (srcFrame->HotSpot.x || srcFrame->HotSpot.y)
		if (rdst)
			dstRect.x -= srcFrame->HotSpot.x;
			dstRect.y -= srcFrame->HotSpot.y;
			dstRect.x = -srcFrame->HotSpot.x;
			dstRect.y = -srcFrame->HotSpot.y;
			dstRect.w = GetFrameWidth (srcFrame);
			dstRect.h = GetFrameHeight (srcFrame);
			drp = &dstRect;

	TFB_BlitSurface (src, srp, dst, drp, num, denom);
	UnlockMutex (srcImg->mutex);
	UnlockMutex (dstImg->mutex);
Exemplo n.º 10
void Table::RectLine(int zoom, Draw& w, int x, int y, int i, const Line& ln,
					 Vector<ValueRect>& vr) const {
	const Array<TableCell>& row = cell[i];
	x += DocZoom(zoom, GetLm()) + DocZoomLn(zoom, GetFrameWidth());
	for(int j = 0; j < row.GetCount(); j++) {
		const TableCell& cell = row[j];
		const Cell& cl = ln.cell[j];
		Size sz = cl.size;
		if(cl.paint) {
			int h = cl.span ? cl.spanh : ln.height;
			cell.GetValueRects(zoom, w, x, y, sz.cx, h, sz.cy, vr);
		x += sz.cx;
Exemplo n.º 11
FReply SFlipbookKeyframeWidget::OnDragDetected(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent)
	if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown(EKeys::LeftMouseButton))
		UPaperFlipbook* Flipbook = FlipbookBeingEdited.Get();
		if ((Flipbook != nullptr) && Flipbook->IsValidKeyFrameIndex(FrameIndex))
			TSharedRef<FFlipbookKeyFrameDragDropOp> Operation = FFlipbookKeyFrameDragDropOp::New(
				GetFrameWidth().Get(), Flipbook, FrameIndex);

			return FReply::Handled().BeginDragDrop(Operation);

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Exemplo n.º 12
bool PS3EyeCapture::Init(const int deviceNum){
    //printf("PS3 Eye cameras connected: %i\n", PS3EyeDriver::GetInstance().GetNumCameras());
    //The requested FPS will be changed to the next-lowest valid framerate if an invalid framerate is requested.
    bool success = PS3EyeDriver::GetInstance().InitCamera(deviceNum, PS3EyeDriver::RESOLUTION_SETTING::FULL_640_480, 60);
        rawData = (unsigned char*)malloc(GetFrameWidth()*GetFrameHeight()*3*sizeof(unsigned char));
        //cv::Mat frame(cv::Mat(cv::Size(GetFrameWidth(), GetFrameHeight()), CV_8U));
        if(useThreadedUpdate) PS3EyeDriver::GetInstance().StartThreadUpdate();
    return success;
Exemplo n.º 13
void Table::GetValueRects(int zoom, Draw& w, int x, int& y, int cx, Vector<ValueRect>& vr)
const {
	int zfw = DocZoomLn(zoom, GetFrameWidth());
	int li = 0;
	cx -= 2 * zfw + DocZoom(zoom, GetLm()) + DocZoom(zoom, GetRm());
	y += zfw;
	while(li < GetRows()) {
		Vector<Line> line;
		int span = 0;
		for(;;) {
			int k = li + line.GetCount();
			if(k >= GetRows() || line.GetCount() && !KeepLine(k) && span <= 0)
			span = max((line.Add() = GetLine(zoom, k, cx, NULL)).span, span);
		y += Span(line);
		RectLines(zoom, w, x, y, li, line, vr);
		li += line.GetCount();
	y += zfw;
	const JFontManager* fontMgr = GetFontManager();

	JFont font = itsText->GetCurrentFont();

	const JSize lineCount       = itsText->IsEmpty() ? 0 : itsText->GetLineCount();
	const JString lineCountStr  = GetLongestLineText(lineCount);
	const JSize lineHeight      = font.GetLineHeight();
	const JSize lineNumberWidth = font.GetStringWidth(lineCountStr);

	SetColWidth(kBreakpointColumn, lineHeight);
	SetColWidth(kExecPointColumn,  lineHeight);
	SetColWidth(kLineNumberColumn, lineNumberWidth + 2*kMarginWidth);

	const JSize origRowCount = GetRowCount();
	if (origRowCount < lineCount)
		AppendRows(lineCount - origRowCount, lineHeight);
	else if (origRowCount > lineCount)
		RemovePrevRows(origRowCount, origRowCount - lineCount);

	const JCoordinate tableWidth = GetBoundsWidth();
	const JCoordinate apWidth    = GetApertureWidth();
	if (tableWidth != apWidth)
		AdjustSize(tableWidth-apWidth, 0);
		itsText->Place(GetFrameWidth(), 0);
		itsText->AdjustSize(apWidth-tableWidth, 0);

	ScrollTo(0, itsVScrollbar->GetValue());
Exemplo n.º 15
void Table::DrawLine(int zoom, Draw& w, int x, int y, int i, const Line& ln,
					 int ymax, Vector<int> *yl) const {
	const Array<TableCell>& row = cell[i];
	x += DocZoom(zoom, GetLm()) + DocZoomLn(zoom, GetFrameWidth());
	if(yl) yl->SetCount(row.GetCount(), 0);
	for(int j = 0; j < row.GetCount(); j++) {
		const TableCell& cell = row[j];
		const Cell& cl = ln.cell[j];
		Size sz = cl.size;
		if(cl.paint) {
			TableCell::PaintInfo pi;
			int h = cl.span ? cl.spanh : ln.height;
			if(yl) {
				pi.yl = (*yl)[j];
				if(ymax - y >= 0)
					h = min(ymax - y, h);
			cell.Paint(zoom, w, x, y, sz.cx, h, sz.cy, GetFrameColor(), pi);
			if(yl) (*yl)[j] = pi.yl;
		x += sz.cx;
Exemplo n.º 16
LRESULT CFrameHolder::OnNcCalcSize(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

	LRESULT lRc = 0;
	FrameDrawStyle fdt = gpConEmu->DrawType();
	LPRECT nccr = wParam
			? pParm->rgrc
			: (RECT*)lParam;
	if (!gpSet->isTabsInCaption)
		lRc = DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
		if (!gpSet->isTabs || !gpSet->isTabsInCaption)
			lRc = DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
			RECT r[3];
			r[0] = *nccr;
			if (wParam)
				r[1] = pParm->rgrc[1];
				r[2] = pParm->rgrc[2];
			if (fdt == fdt_Aero)
				// В Aero (Glass) важно, чтобы клиенская область начиналась с верхнего края окна,
				// иначе не получится "рисовать по стеклу"
				nccr->top = r->top; // нада !!!
				nccr->left = r->left + GetFrameWidth();
				nccr->right = r->right - GetFrameWidth();
				nccr->bottom = r->bottom - GetFrameHeight();
				//TODO: Темы!!! В XP ширина/высота рамки может быть больше
				nccr->top = r->top + GetFrameHeight() + GetCaptionHeight();
				nccr->left = r->left + GetFrameWidth();
				nccr->right = r->right - GetFrameWidth();
				nccr->bottom = r->bottom - GetFrameHeight();

		// Наверное имеет смысл сбрасывать всегда, чтобы Win не пыталась
		// отрисовать невалидное содержимое консоли (она же размер меняет)
		if (wParam)
			//pParm->rgrc[1] = *nccr;
			//pParm->rgrc[2] = r[2];
			memset(pParm->rgrc+1, 0, sizeof(RECT)*2);

	return lRc;
Exemplo n.º 17
bool Table::Paint(int zoom, Draw& w, int x, int y, int cx, int ymax, PaintInfo& pi) const {
	int j;
	Vector<Line> header;
	int zfw = DocZoomLn(zoom, GetFrameWidth());
	int tcx = cx - 2 * zfw - DocZoom(zoom, GetLm()) - DocZoom(zoom, GetRm());
	bool breakpage = pi.line != pi.oline;
	int  pgcy = ymax - y;
	pi.oline = pi.line;
	if(pi.line) {
		int m = min(GetHeaderRows(), cell.GetCount());
		for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
			header.Add() = GetLine(zoom, j, tcx, NULL);
	int hdrcy = Span(header);
	if(hdrcy > ymax - y) {
		hdrcy = 0;
	int hg = hdrcy;
	int yp = y;
	y += zfw;
	bool was = false;
	if(y >= ymax) {
		pi.ypos = y;
		return true;
	while(pi.line < GetRows() && y < ymax) {
		Vector<Line> line;
		Vector<int> *yl = &pi.yl;
		int span = 0;
		bool nospan = true;
		for(;;) {
			int k = pi.line + line.GetCount();
			if(k >= GetRows() || line.GetCount() && !KeepLine(k) && span <= 0)
			span = max((line.Add() = GetLine(zoom, k, tcx, yl)).span, span);
			if(span) nospan = false;
			yl = NULL;
		hg += Span(line);
		int lhg = line.Top().height;
		if(hg + y + zfw > ymax) {
			if((!breakpage ||
				lhg > style.breakcy && ymax - (y + hg - lhg) - zfw > style.breakpgcy)
			   && nospan && line.GetCount() && hg + y + zfw - lhg <= ymax) {
				int yy = y + hdrcy;
				PaintLines(zoom, w, x, yy, 0, header, 0);
				yy = y + hdrcy;
				int i;
				for(i = 0; i < line.GetCount() - 1; i++) {
					DrawLine(zoom, w, x, yy, pi.line++, line[i], ymax, NULL);
					yy += line[i].height;
				DrawLine(zoom, w, x, yy, pi.line, line[i], ymax, &pi.yl);
				breakpage = was = true;
				y = ymax;
			if(breakpage) {
				FrameTab(zoom, w, was, x, y, yp, cx);
				pi.ypos = y;
				return true;
		y += hg;
		int yy = y;
		PaintLines(zoom, w, x, yy, pi.line, line, &pi.yl);
		PaintLines(zoom, w, x, yy, 0, header, 0);
		hg = 0;
		breakpage = was = true;
		pi.line += line.GetCount();
	FrameTab(zoom, w, was, x, y, yp, cx);
	pi.ypos = y + zfw;
	return false;