Exemplo n.º 1
 * Called periodically to update the system stats
static void updateStats()
	static portTickType lastTickCount = 0;
	SystemStatsData stats;

	// Get stats and update
	stats.FlightTime = xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_RATE_MS;
#if defined(ARCH_POSIX) || defined(ARCH_WIN32)
	// POSIX port of FreeRTOS doesn't have xPortGetFreeHeapSize()
	stats.HeapRemaining = 10240;
	stats.HeapRemaining = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();

	// Get Irq stack status
	stats.IRQStackRemaining = GetFreeIrqStackSize();

	// When idleCounterClear was not reset by the idle-task, it means the idle-task did not run
	if (idleCounterClear) {
		idleCounter = 0;

	portTickType now = xTaskGetTickCount();
	if (now > lastTickCount) {
		uint32_t dT = (xTaskGetTickCount() - lastTickCount) * portTICK_RATE_MS;	// in ms
		stats.CPULoad =
			100 - (uint8_t) roundf(100.0f * ((float)idleCounter / ((float)dT / 1000.0f)) / (float)IDLE_COUNTS_PER_SEC_AT_NO_LOAD);
	} //else: TickCount has wrapped, do not calc now
	lastTickCount = now;
	idleCounterClear = 1;
#if defined(STM32F2XX) || defined(STM32F4XX)
	// STM32F2XX and STM32F4XX sensor values
	float temp_voltage = 3.3f * PIOS_ADC_PinGet(5) / ((1 << 12) - 1);
	const float STM32_TEMP_V25 = 0.76f; /* V */
	const float STM32_TEMP_AVG_SLOPE = 2.5f; /* mV/C */
	stats.CPUTemp = (temp_voltage-STM32_TEMP_V25) * 1000.0f / STM32_TEMP_AVG_SLOPE + 25.0f;
	float temp_voltage = 3.3f * PIOS_ADC_PinGet(0) / ((1 << 12) - 1);
	const float STM32_TEMP_V25 = 1.43f; /* V */
	const float STM32_TEMP_AVG_SLOPE = 4.3f; /* mV/C */
	stats.CPUTemp = (temp_voltage-STM32_TEMP_V25) * 1000.0f / STM32_TEMP_AVG_SLOPE + 25.0f;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Called periodically to update the system stats
static void updateStats()
	static uint32_t lastTickCount = 0;
	SystemStatsData stats;

	// Get stats and update
	stats.FlightTime = PIOS_Thread_Systime();
#if defined(ARCH_POSIX) || defined(ARCH_WIN32)
	// POSIX port of FreeRTOS doesn't have xPortGetFreeHeapSize()
	stats.HeapRemaining = 10240;
	stats.HeapRemaining = PIOS_heap_get_free_size();

	// Get Irq stack status
	stats.IRQStackRemaining = GetFreeIrqStackSize();

	// When idleCounterClear was not reset by the idle-task, it means the idle-task did not run
	if (idleCounterClear) {
		idleCounter = 0;

	uint32_t now = PIOS_Thread_Systime();
	if (now > lastTickCount) {
		float dT = (PIOS_Thread_Systime() - lastTickCount) / 1000.0f;

		// In the case of a slightly miscalibrated max idle count, make sure CPULoad does
		// not go negative and set an alarm inappropriately.
		float idleFraction = ((float)idleCounter / dT) / (float)IDLE_COUNTS_PER_SEC_AT_NO_LOAD;
		if (idleFraction > 1)
			stats.CPULoad = 0;
			stats.CPULoad = 100 - roundf(100.0f * idleFraction);
	} //else: TickCount has wrapped, do not calc now
	lastTickCount = now;
	idleCounterClear = 1;
	float temp_voltage = 3.3 * PIOS_ADC_DevicePinGet(PIOS_INTERNAL_ADC, 0) / ((1 << 12) - 1);
	const float STM32_TEMP_V25 = 1.43; /* V */
	const float STM32_TEMP_AVG_SLOPE = 4.3; /* mV/C */
	stats.CPUTemp = (temp_voltage-STM32_TEMP_V25) * 1000 / STM32_TEMP_AVG_SLOPE + 25;