void DrawUsingCGImage( void )
	OSErr  err = noErr;
	Handle hOpenTypeList = NewHandle(0);
	long   numTypes = 0;
	FSSpec theFSSpec;
	Rect   bounds = { 45, 10, 100, 100 };
	GraphicsImportComponent importer = 0;
    CGImageRef imageRef = 0;
    CGContextRef context = NULL;
    CGRect rect;
	BuildGraphicsImporterValidFileTypes( hOpenTypeList, &numTypes );
	HLock( hOpenTypeList );

	err = GetOneFileWithPreview(numTypes, (OSTypePtr)*hOpenTypeList, &theFSSpec, NULL);
	DisposeHandle( hOpenTypeList );
	if ( err ) return;
	// locate and open a graphics importer component which can be used to draw the
	// selected file. If a suitable importer is not found the ComponentInstance
	// is set to NULL.
	err = GetGraphicsImporterForFile( &theFSSpec,	// specifies the file to be drawn
									  &importer );	// pointer to the returned GraphicsImporterComponent
	window = NewCWindow( NULL, &bounds, "\pDraw Using CGImage", false, documentProc, (WindowPtr)-1, true, 0);
    // import the image as a CGImage
    err = GraphicsImportCreateCGImage( importer, &imageRef, kGraphicsImportCreateCGImageUsingCurrentSettings );
    if (err) return;
    SizeWindow( window, CGImageGetWidth( imageRef ), CGImageGetHeight( imageRef ), false );
    // create a Core Graphics Context from the window port
	err = QDBeginCGContext(GetWindowPort(window), &context);
	if (err) return;

    // make a rectangle designating the location and dimensions in user space of the bounding box in which to draw the image
    rect = CGRectMake( 0, 0, CGImageGetWidth( imageRef ), CGImageGetHeight( imageRef ) );
    // draw the image
    CGContextDrawImage( context, rect, imageRef );
    // end the the context we had for the port
	QDEndCGContext(GetWindowPort(window), &context);
	// close the importer instance
	CloseComponent( importer );
BOOL DoGraphicsImport(PINFO pInfo)
	long	err;

	// Get the graphics importer component
	err = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(&pInfo->spec, &pInfo->gi);
	if (err) 
		goto bail;

	// Get the pixel bounds of this image
	err = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds(pInfo->gi, &pInfo->imageRect);

	if (err)
		return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
void DrawImage( void )
    OSErr  err = noErr;
    Handle hOpenTypeList = NewHandle(0);
    long   numTypes = 0;
    FSSpec theFSSpec;
    Rect   bounds;
    GraphicsImportComponent importer = 0;

    BuildGraphicsImporterValidFileTypes( hOpenTypeList, &numTypes );
    HLock( hOpenTypeList );

    err = GetOneFileWithPreview(numTypes, (OSTypePtr)*hOpenTypeList, &theFSSpec, NULL);
    DisposeHandle( hOpenTypeList );
    if ( err ) return;

    // locate and open a graphics importer component which can be used to draw the
    // selected file. If a suitable importer is not found the ComponentInstance
    // is set to NULL.
    err = GetGraphicsImporterForFile( &theFSSpec,	// specifies the file to be drawn
                                      &importer );	// pointer to the returned GraphicsImporterComponent

    // get the native size of the image associated with the importer
    err = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds( importer, 	// importer instance
                                          &bounds );	// returned bounds

    OffsetRect( &bounds, 10, 45 );
    window = NewCWindow( NULL, &bounds, "\pDraw Image", true, documentProc, (WindowPtr)-1, true, 0);

    // set the graphics port for drawing
    err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld( importer,				// importer instance
                                   GetWindowPort( window ),	// destination graphics port or GWorld
                                   NULL );					// destination GDevice, set to NULL uses GWorlds device

    // draw the image
    err = GraphicsImportDraw( importer );

    // close the importer instance
    CloseComponent( importer );
Exemplo n.º 4
GLuint texture_load(const char *filename)
    FSSpec fss;
    ComponentInstance gi;
    Rect rect;
    GWorldPtr world;
    int width;
    int height;
    int pitch;
    unsigned char *buffer;
    GLuint id;
    NativePathNameToFSSpec(filename, &fss);
    GetGraphicsImporterForFile(&fss, &gi);
    GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds(gi, &rect);
    width = rect.right;
    height = rect.bottom;
    pitch = width * 4;
    buffer = malloc(pitch * height);
    QTNewGWorldFromPtr(&world, k32ARGBPixelFormat, &rect, NULL, NULL, 0,
                       buffer, pitch);
    GraphicsImportSetGWorld(gi, world, NULL);
    id = texture_load_data(buffer, width, height,
                           4, -pitch,
                           GL_RGBA, ARGB_FORMAT, ARGB_TYPE);
    return id;
Exemplo n.º 5
    // I let Quicktime handle image import since it supports most popular
    // image formats such as:
    // *.psd, *.bmp, *.tif, *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.pct, *.pcx
    bool pixel_map::load_from_qt(const char *filename)
		FSSpec						fss;
		OSErr						err;
		// get file specification to application directory
		err = HGetVol(nil, &fss.vRefNum, &fss.parID);
		if (err == noErr)
			CopyCStringToPascal(filename, fss.name);
			GraphicsImportComponent		gi;
			err = GetGraphicsImporterForFile (&fss, &gi);
			if (err == noErr)
				ImageDescriptionHandle	desc;
				GraphicsImportGetImageDescription(gi, &desc);
// For simplicity, all images are currently converted to 32 bit.
				// create an empty pixelmap
				short depth = 32;
				create ((**desc).width, (**desc).height, (org_e)depth, 0xff);
				DisposeHandle ((Handle)desc);
				// let Quicktime draw to pixelmap
				GraphicsImportSetGWorld(gi, m_pmap, nil);
// Well, this is a hack. The graphics importer sets the alpha channel of the pixelmap to 0x00
// for imported images without alpha channel but this would cause agg to draw an invisible image.
				// set alpha channel to 0xff
				unsigned char * buf = m_buf;
				for (unsigned int size = 0; size < m_img_size; size += 4)
					*buf = 0xff;
					buf += 4;
        return err == noErr;
Exemplo n.º 6
//		QutTexture_CreateGWorldFromFile : Create a GWorld from a file.
QutTexture_CreateGWorldFromFile(const FSSpec *theFSSpec, TQ3PixelType pixelType)
{	CTabHandle					colourTableHnd;
	ImageDescriptionHandle		imageDescHnd;
	ComponentInstance			theImporter;
	GWorldPtr					theGWorld;
	TQ3Uns32					theDepth;
	Rect						theRect;
	OSErr						theErr;

	// Initialise ourselves
	theImporter    = NULL;
	theGWorld      = NULL;
	imageDescHnd   = NULL;
	colourTableHnd = NULL;
	theDepth       = (pixelType == kQ3PixelTypeARGB16 || pixelType == kQ3PixelTypeRGB16) ? 16 : 32;

	// Create the importer
	theErr = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(theFSSpec, &theImporter);

	// Query the importer for the information we need
	if (theErr == noErr)
		GraphicsImportGetBoundsRect(theImporter, &theRect);
		theErr = GraphicsImportGetImageDescription(theImporter, &imageDescHnd);
		if (theErr == noErr)
			theErr = GetImageDescriptionCTable(imageDescHnd, &colourTableHnd);

	// Create the GWorld
	if (theErr == noErr)
		theErr = NewGWorld(&theGWorld, theDepth, &theRect, colourTableHnd, NULL,
			useTempMem | kQ3NativeEndianPixMap );

	// Draw the image into the GWorld
	if (theErr == noErr)
		GraphicsImportSetGWorld(theImporter, theGWorld, NULL);

	// Clean up
	if (theImporter != NULL)
	if (imageDescHnd != NULL)
		DisposeHandle((Handle) imageDescHnd);
	if (colourTableHnd != NULL)

Exemplo n.º 7
/********************> LoadTGA() <*****/
bool upload_image(const unsigned char* filePath, bool hasalpha)

#if 1

	// for Windows, just use TGA loader for now
	char fileName[ 256];
	CopyPascalStringToC( filePath, fileName);
	// change extension to .TGA
	int len = strlen( fileName);
	if (len > 3)
		fileName[ len - 3] = 't';
		fileName[ len - 2] = 'g';
		fileName[ len - 1] = 'a';
//	return (LoadTGA( fileName) != NULL);
	return (LoadImage(fileName, texture));


	OSStatus err;
	ComponentResult cr;

	/*FSRef fsref;
	Boolean isdir;
	err = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)filePath, &fsref, &isdir);

	FSSpec fsspec;
	err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &fsspec, NULL);

	//Boolean isdir;
	FSSpec fsspec;
	//err = FSMakeFSSpec (0, 0, (const unsigned char*)filePath, &fsspec);
	err = FSMakeFSSpec (0, 0, filePath, &fsspec);
	//err=FSPathMakeFSSpec((const UInt8*)filePath,&fsspec,&isdir);*/

	GraphicsImportComponent gi;
	err = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(&fsspec, &gi);

	Rect natbounds;
	cr = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds(gi, &natbounds);

	size_t buffersize = 4 * natbounds.bottom * natbounds.right;
	//void* buf = malloc(buffersize);
	/*if(hasalpha)*/texture.bpp = 32;
	//if(!hasalpha)texture.bpp = 24;

	GWorldPtr gw;
	err = QTNewGWorldFromPtr(&gw, k32ARGBPixelFormat, &natbounds, NULL, NULL,
		0, texture.data, 4 * natbounds.right);

	cr = GraphicsImportSetGWorld(gi, gw, NULL);

	natbounds.top = natbounds.bottom;
	natbounds.bottom = 0;

	cr = GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect(gi, &natbounds);

	cr = GraphicsImportDraw(gi);

	err = CloseComponent(gi);

	/*glTexImage2D(textureTarget, 0, GL_RGBA, natbounds.right, natbounds.top, 0,
	GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, buf);


	// Loop Through The Image Data
	GLuint			imageSize;									// Used To Store The Image Size When Setting Aside Ram
	GLuint			temp;										// Temporary Variable
	GLuint			bytesPerPixel;										// Temporary Variable
	imageSize = texture.sizeX * texture.sizeY * bytesPerPixel;
	int alltrans=10;

	for( GLuint i = 0; i < int( imageSize ); i += 4 )
		// Swaps The 1st And 3rd Bytes ('R'ed and 'B'lue)
		temp = texture.data[i];					// Temporarily Store The Value At Image Data 'i'
		texture.data[i] = texture.data[i + 1];	// Set The 1st Byte To The Value Of The 3rd Byte
		texture.data[i + 1] = texture.data[i + 2];				// Set The 3rd Byte To The Value In 'temp' (1st Byte Value)
		texture.data[i + 2] = texture.data[i + 3];
		texture.data[i + 3] = temp;

	int tempplace;
		for( GLuint i = 0; i < int( imageSize ); i += 4 )
			texture.data[i + 3] = 255;
			/*texture.data[tempplace] = texture.data[i];	// Set The 1st Byte To The Value Of The 3rd Byte
			texture.data[tempplace + 1] = texture.data[i + 1];				// Set The 3rd Byte To The Value In 'temp' (1st Byte Value)
			texture.data[tempplace + 2] = texture.data[i + 2];

		int which=0;
		float temp;
		float howmany;
		for( GLuint k = 0; k < int( imageSize); k += bytesPerPixel*texture.sizeX*texdetail )
			for( GLuint i = 0; i < int( imageSize/texture.sizeY ); i += bytesPerPixel*texdetail )
				for( GLuint b = 0; b < bytesPerPixel ; b ++ ){	
					for( GLuint l = 0; l < texdetail*texture.sizeX ; l +=texture.sizeX ){
						for( GLuint j = 0; j < texdetail ; j ++ )
							temp += (int)texture.data[k+i+j*bytesPerPixel+l*bytesPerPixel+b];	// Set The 1st Byte To The Value Of The 3rd Byte

	return true;

Exemplo n.º 8
GWorldPtr OpenImage (void)
    unsigned long rowStride;
    GraphicsImportComponent giComp;
    NavReplyRecord replyNav;
    NavTypeListHandle hTypeList = (NavTypeListHandle) NewHandleClear (sizeof (NavTypeList) + sizeof (OSType) * 13);
    FSSpec fsspecImage;
    AEKeyword theKeyword;
    DescType actualType;
    Size actualSize;
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    Rect rectImage;
    GDHandle origDevice;
    CGrafPtr origPort;
    PixMapHandle hPixMap;
    ImageDescriptionHandle hImageDesc;
    MatrixRecord matrix;
    GWorldPtr pGWorld;
    unsigned char * pImageBuffer;
    long imageWidth;
    long imageHeight;
    float imageAspect;
    long imageDepth;
    long textureWidth;
    long textureHeight;

    GetGWorld (&origPort, &origDevice); // save onscreen graphics port

    HLock ((Handle) hTypeList);
    (**hTypeList).osTypeCount = 14;
    (**hTypeList).osType[0] = 'qtif';
    (**hTypeList).osType[1] = 'SGI ';
    (**hTypeList).osType[2] = '8BPS';
    (**hTypeList).osType[3] = 'GIF ';
    (**hTypeList).osType[4] = 'GIFf';
    (**hTypeList).osType[5] = 'JPEG';
    (**hTypeList).osType[6] = 'JPG ';
    (**hTypeList).osType[7] = 'PICT';
    (**hTypeList).osType[8] = 'PNTG';
    (**hTypeList).osType[9] = 'grip';
    (**hTypeList).osType[10] = 'BMPp';
    (**hTypeList).osType[11] = 'TIFF';
    (**hTypeList).osType[12] = 'TEXT';
    (**hTypeList).osType[13] = '????';

    err = NavChooseFile (NULL, &replyNav, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, hTypeList, NULL); 
    if ((err == noErr) && (replyNav.validRecord))
	    err = AEGetNthPtr (&(replyNav.selection), 1, typeFSS, &theKeyword, &actualType,
						&fsspecImage, sizeof (fsspecImage), &actualSize);
    NavDisposeReply (&replyNav);
    if (err != noErr)
	    return NULL;

    GetGraphicsImporterForFile (&fsspecImage, &giComp);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;

	// create GWorld
    err = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds (giComp, &rectImage);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
    hImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle) NewHandle (sizeof (ImageDescriptionHandle));
    HLock ((Handle) hImageDesc);
    err = GraphicsImportGetImageDescription (giComp, &hImageDesc); 
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
    imageWidth = rectImage.right - rectImage.left;
    imageHeight = rectImage.bottom - rectImage.top;
    imageAspect = ((float) imageWidth) / ((float) imageHeight);
    imageDepth = (**hImageDesc).depth; // bits
    if (imageDepth <= 16)
        imageDepth = 16;
        imageDepth = 32;
    #if 1
    textureWidth = imageWidth;//40;//imageWidth;//256;
    textureHeight = imageHeight;//40 * imageHeight / imageWidth;//imageHeight;//256;
    textureWidth = imageWidth;//256;
    textureHeight = imageHeight;//256;
    SetRect (&rectImage, 0, 0, textureWidth, textureHeight); // l, t, r. b  reset to texture rectangle
    rowStride = textureWidth * imageDepth / 8; 
    pImageBuffer = (unsigned char *) NewPtrClear (rowStride * (textureHeight));
    if (imageDepth == 32)
	QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&(pGWorld), k32ARGBPixelFormat, &rectImage, NULL, NULL, 0, pImageBuffer, rowStride);
	QTNewGWorldFromPtr (&(pGWorld), k16BE555PixelFormat, &rectImage, NULL, NULL, 0, pImageBuffer, rowStride);
    if (NULL == pGWorld)
	    return NULL;
    // decompress to gworld
    SetIdentityMatrix (&matrix);
	ScaleMatrix (&matrix, X2Fix ((float) textureWidth / (float) imageWidth), X2Fix ((float) textureHeight / (float) imageHeight), X2Fix (0.0), X2Fix (0.0));
	err = GraphicsImportSetMatrix(giComp, &matrix);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
	err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld (giComp, pGWorld, NULL);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
	err = GraphicsImportSetQuality(giComp, codecLosslessQuality);
    if (err != noErr)
        return NULL;
    hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap (pGWorld);
    if ((hPixMap) && (LockPixels (hPixMap))) // lock offscreen pixel map
		GraphicsImportDraw (giComp);
		return NULL;
    // modify alpha
    if ( imageDepth == 32 )
        unsigned long i;
        unsigned long * pixel = (unsigned long *)GetPixBaseAddr( hPixMap );
        for (i = 0; i < textureWidth * textureHeight; i++)
            if ((*pixel & 0x00FFFFFF) == 0x00FF00) // mask only color bits and look for green
                *pixel = 0x00000000;//0x00303040; // replace green with dark gray transparent (to help filtering)
                *pixel |= 0xFF000000; // ensure alpha is set for opaque pixels
        unsigned short i;
        unsigned short * pixel = (unsigned short *)GetPixBaseAddr( hPixMap );
        for (i = 0; i < textureWidth * textureHeight; i++)
            if ((*pixel & 0x7FFF) == 0x03E0) // mask only color bits and look for green
                *pixel = 0x0000;//0x0363; // replace green with dark gray transparent (to help filtering)
                *pixel |= 0x8000; // ensure alpha is set for opaque pixels

    return pGWorld;
Exemplo n.º 9
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	CreateCGImageWithQTFromFile
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	FSRef*						inFSRef,
	CGImageRef*					outImage )
	OSStatus					err;
	GraphicsImportComponent		importer;
	FSSpec						fileSpec;
	GWorldPtr					gWorld = NULL;
	Rect						bounds;
	CGDataProviderRef			provider;
	CGColorSpaceRef				colorspace;
	long						width;
	long						height;
	long						rowbytes;
	Ptr							dataPtr;

	// Make an FSRef into an FSSpec
	err = FSGetCatalogInfo( inFSRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &fileSpec, NULL );
	require_noerr( err, CantMakeFSSpec );

	err = GetGraphicsImporterForFile( &fileSpec, &importer );
	require_noerr( err, CantGetImporter );
	err = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds( importer, &bounds );
	require_noerr( err, CantGetBounds );

	// Allocate the buffer
	width = RECT_WIDTH( bounds );
	height = RECT_HEIGHT( bounds );
	rowbytes = width * 4;
	dataPtr = NewPtr( height * rowbytes );
	require_action( dataPtr != NULL, CantAllocBuffer, err = memFullErr );
	err = NewGWorldFromPtr( &gWorld, 32, &bounds, NULL, NULL, NULL, dataPtr, rowbytes );
	require_noerr( err, CantCreateGWorld );

	err = GraphicsImportSetGWorld( importer, gWorld, GetGWorldDevice( gWorld) );
	require_noerr( err, CantSetGWorld );

	err = GraphicsImportDraw( importer );
	require_noerr( err, CantDraw );
	provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData( NULL, dataPtr, height * rowbytes,
			GWorldImageBufferRelease );
	require_action( provider != NULL, CantCreateProvider, err = memFullErr );

	colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
	require_action( colorspace != NULL, CantCreateColorSpace, err = memFullErr );
	*outImage = CGImageCreate( width, height, 8, 32, rowbytes, colorspace,
			kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst, provider, NULL, false, kCGRenderingIntentDefault );
	require_action( *outImage != NULL, CantCreateImage, err = memFullErr );
	CGColorSpaceRelease( colorspace );

	CGDataProviderRelease( provider );

	if ( gWorld != NULL )
		DisposeGWorld( gWorld );

	return err;
Exemplo n.º 10
void QTCmpr_CompressImage (WindowObject theWindowObject)
	Rect						myRect;
	GraphicsImportComponent		myImporter = NULL;
	ComponentInstance			myComponent = NULL;
	GWorldPtr					myImageWorld = NULL;		// the graphics world we draw the image in
	PixMapHandle				myPixMap = NULL;
	ImageDescriptionHandle		myDesc = NULL;
	Handle						myHandle = NULL;
	OSErr						myErr = noErr;

	if (theWindowObject == NULL)
	// get a graphics importer for the image file and determine the natural size of the image;
	// note that the image file *already* has a graphics importer associated with it (namely
	// (**theWindowObject).fGraphicsImporter), but we create a new one so that the existing one
	// can be used to redraw the image in the callback procedure QTCmpr_FilterProc

	myErr = GetGraphicsImporterForFile(&(**theWindowObject).fFileFSSpec, &myImporter);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	myErr = GraphicsImportGetNaturalBounds(myImporter, &myRect);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// create an offscreen graphics world and draw the image into it
	myErr = QTNewGWorld(&myImageWorld, 0, &myRect, NULL, NULL, kICMTempThenAppMemory);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;
	// get the pixmap of the GWorld; we'll lock the pixmap, just to be safe
	myPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(myImageWorld);
	if (!LockPixels(myPixMap))
		goto bail;
	// set the current port and draw the image
	GraphicsImportSetGWorld(myImporter, (CGrafPtr)myImageWorld, NULL);
	// configure and display the standard image compression dialog box
	// open the standard compression dialog component
	myComponent = OpenDefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType, StandardCompressionSubType);
	if (myComponent == NULL)
		goto bail;
	// set the picture to be displayed in the dialog box; passing NULL for the rect
	// means use the entire image; passing 0 for the flags means to use the default
	// system method of displaying the test image, which is currently a combination
	// of cropping and scaling; personally, I prefer scaling (your mileage may vary)
	SCSetTestImagePixMap(myComponent, myPixMap, NULL, scPreferScaling);

	// install the custom procs, if requested
	// we can install two kinds of custom procedures for use in connection with
	// the standard dialog box: (1) a modal-dialog filter function, and (2) a hook
	// function to handle the custom button in the dialog box
	if (gUseExtendedProcs)
		QTCmpr_InstallExtendedProcs(myComponent, (long)myPixMap);
	// request image compression settings from the user; in other words, put up the dialog box
	myErr = SCRequestImageSettings(myComponent);
	if (myErr == scUserCancelled)
		goto bail;

	// compress the image
	myErr = SCCompressImage(myComponent, myPixMap, NULL, &myDesc, &myHandle);
	if (myErr != noErr)
		goto bail;

	// save the compressed image in a new file
	QTCmpr_PromptUserForDiskFileAndSaveCompressed(myHandle, myDesc);
	if (gUseExtendedProcs)

	if (myPixMap != NULL)
		if (GetPixelsState(myPixMap) & pixelsLocked)
	if (myImporter != NULL)

	if (myComponent != NULL)

	if (myDesc != NULL)

	if (myHandle != NULL)

	if (myImageWorld != NULL)