Exemplo n.º 1
std::string RenderingDebugger::Message::ToReportString(const std::string& reportTypeName) const
    std::string s;
    s += reportTypeName;
    s += ": ";
    if (!GetGroupName().empty())
        s += "during '";
        s += GetGroupName();
        s += "': ";
    if (!GetSource().empty())
        s += "in '";
        s += GetSource();
        s += "': ";
    s += GetText();
    return s;
Exemplo n.º 2
 @brief ユーザ情報の表示
void CUserInfoDlg::ExecUserInfo()
	TCHAR szUserName[UNLEN + 1];
	DWORD nUserNameSize = sizeof(szUserName) / sizeof(TCHAR);
	GetUserName(szUserName, &nUserNameSize);
	m_strUserName = szUserName;

	TCHAR szDomainName[DNLEN + 1];
	DWORD nDomainNameSize = sizeof(szDomainName) / sizeof(TCHAR);
	GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsDomain, szDomainName, & nDomainNameSize);
	m_strDomainName = szDomainName;

	TCHAR szFullUserName[UNLEN + 1];
	ZeroMemory(szFullUserName, sizeof(szFullUserName));
	GetFullName(szUserName, szDomainName, szFullUserName);
	m_strFullUserName = szFullUserName;

	m_bAdminUser = IsUserAnAdmin();

	TCHAR szGroupName[(GNLEN + 1) * 5];
	ZeroMemory(szGroupName, sizeof(szGroupName));
	GetGroupName(szUserName, szGroupName);
	m_strGroupName = szGroupName;	

Exemplo n.º 3
void COMF::DumpSymbols() {
   // Dump public, external and communal names records
   uint32 i;          // Record index
   uint32 xn = 0;     // External name index
   char * string;
   uint32 TypeIndex;
   uint32 Group;
   uint32 Segment;
   uint32 BaseFrame;
   uint32 Offset;

   for (i = 0; i < NumRecords; i++) {
      if (Records[i].Type2 == OMF_EXTDEF) {
         // EXTDEF record.
         Records[i].Index = 3;
         printf("\n\nExternal names:");

         // Loop through strings in record
         while (Records[i].Index < Records[i].End) {
            string = Records[i].GetString();
            TypeIndex = Records[i].GetIndex();
            printf("\n  %2i  %s, Type %i", ++xn, string, TypeIndex);
         if (Records[i].Index != Records[i].End) err.submit(1203);   // Check for consistency

      if (Records[i].Type2 == OMF_PUBDEF) {
         // PUBDEF record.
         printf("\n\nPublic names:");
         Records[i].Index = 3;
         Group = Records[i].GetIndex();
         Segment = Records[i].GetIndex();
         BaseFrame = 0;
         if (Segment == 0) BaseFrame = Records[i].GetWord();
         // Loop through strings in record
         while (Records[i].Index < Records[i].End) {
            string = Records[i].GetString();
            Offset = Records[i].GetNumeric();
            TypeIndex = Records[i].GetIndex();
            printf("\n  %s, Segment %s, Group %s, Offset 0x%X, Type %i", 
               string, GetSegmentName(Segment), GetGroupName(Group), Offset, TypeIndex);
            if (BaseFrame) printf(", Frame %i", BaseFrame);
         if (Records[i].Index != Records[i].End) err.submit(1203);   // Check for consistency

      if (Records[i].Type2 == OMF_CEXTDEF) {
         // CEXTDEF record.
         printf("\n\nCommunal names:");
         Records[i].Index = 3;
         while (Records[i].Index < Records[i].End) {
            uint32 LIndex = Records[i].GetIndex();    // Index into preceding LNAMES
            uint32 Type = Records[i].GetIndex();      // Type index. Ignored
            printf("\n  %2i  %s, Type %i", ++xn, GetLocalName(LIndex), Type);
         if (Records[i].Index != Records[i].End) err.submit(1203);   // Check for consistency
Exemplo n.º 4
void CSiteGroupsTree::OnGetDispInfo(NMHDR *header, LRESULT *result)
    NMTVDISPINFO *info = reinterpret_cast<NMTVDISPINFO *>(header);

    ASSERT((info->item.mask & TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE) == 0);
    ASSERT((info->item.mask & TVIF_CHILDREN) == 0);

    if (info->item.mask & TVIF_TEXT) {
        WebWatch::SiteItemGroup & group = GetGroupFromItem(info->item.hItem);
        const std::string & name = GetGroupName(group);
        strncpy(info->item.pszText, name.c_str(), info->item.cchTextMax - 2);
        info->item.pszText[info->item.cchTextMax - 1] = '\0';
Exemplo n.º 5
GroupId AdminCache::GetAdminGroup(AdminId id, unsigned int index, const char **name)
	AdminUser *pUser = (AdminUser *)m_pMemory->GetAddress(id);
	if (!pUser || pUser->magic != USR_MAGIC_SET || index >= pUser->grp_count)

	int *table = (int *)m_pMemory->GetAddress(pUser->grp_table);

	GroupId gid = table[index];

	if (name)
		*name = GetGroupName(gid);

	return gid;
Exemplo n.º 6
void ParmLinkMgr::SetParm( bool flagA, int comp_ind, int group_ind, int parm_ind )
	vector< Geom* > compVec = aircraftPtr->getGeomVec();
	compVec.push_back( aircraftPtr->getUserGeom() );

	if ( compVec.size() == 0 )
		m_WorkingParmLink.SetParmA( NULL );
		m_WorkingParmLink.SetParmB( NULL );

	if ( comp_ind >= (int)compVec.size() ) comp_ind = 0;
	Geom* gPtr = compVec[comp_ind];

	string group_name = GetGroupName( gPtr, group_ind );

	vector< Parm* > parmVec = GetParmVec( gPtr, group_name );

	if ( parmVec.size() == 0 )
		if ( flagA )	m_WorkingParmLink.SetParmA( NULL );
		else			m_WorkingParmLink.SetParmB( NULL );

	if ( parm_ind >= (int)parmVec.size() )
		parm_ind = 0;

	if ( flagA )
		m_WorkingParmLink.SetParmA( parmVec[parm_ind] );
		m_WorkingParmLink.SetParmB( parmVec[parm_ind] );


Exemplo n.º 7
void COMF::DumpRelocations() {
   // Dump all LEDATA, LIDATA, COMDAT and FIXUPP records
   uint32 LastDataRecord = 0;          // Index to the data record that relocations refer to
   uint32 LastDataRecordSize = 0;      // Size of the data record that relocations refer to
   int8 * LastDataRecordPointer = 0;   // Pointer to data in the data record that relocations refer to
   uint32 i;                           // Loop counter
   uint32 Segment, Offset, Size;       // Contents of LEDATA or LIDATA record
   uint32 LastOffset = 0;              // Offset of last LEDATA or LIDATA record
   uint32 Frame, Target, TargetDisplacement; // Contents of FIXUPP record
   uint8 byte1, byte2;                 // First two bytes of subrecord

   // Bitfields in subrecords
   OMF_SLocat Locat;         // Structure of first two bytes of FIXUP subrecord swapped = Locat field
   OMF_SFixData FixData;     // Structure of FixData field in FIXUP subrecord of FIXUPP record
   OMF_STrdDat TrdDat;       // Structure of Thread Data field in THREAD subrecord of FIXUPP record

   printf("\n\nLEDATA, LIDATA, COMDAT and FIXUPP records:");
   for (i = 0; i < NumRecords; i++) {
      if (Records[i].Type2 == OMF_LEDATA) {
         // LEDATA record
         Segment = Records[i].GetIndex();             // Read segment and offset
         Offset  = Records[i].GetNumeric();
         Size    = Records[i].End - Records[i].Index; // Calculate size of data
         LastDataRecord = i;                          // Save for later FIXUPP that refers to this record
         LastDataRecordSize = Size;
         LastDataRecordPointer = Records[i].buffer + Records[i].FileOffset + Records[i].Index;
         if (Segment < 0x4000) {
            printf("\n  LEDATA: segment %s, Offset 0x%X, Size 0x%X", // Dump segment, offset, size
               GetSegmentName(Segment), Offset, Size);
            LastOffset = Offset;
         else { // Undocumented Borland communal section
            printf("\n  LEDATA communal section %i, Offset 0x%X, Size 0x%X", // Dump segment, offset, size
               (Segment & ~0x4000), Offset, Size);
            LastOffset = Offset;

      if (Records[i].Type2 == OMF_LIDATA) {
         // LIDATA record
         Segment = Records[i].GetIndex();
         Offset  = Records[i].GetNumeric();
         LastDataRecord = i;
         LastDataRecordSize = Records[i].End - Records[i].Index; // Size before expansion of repeat blocks
         LastDataRecordPointer = Records[i].buffer + Records[i].FileOffset + Records[i].Index;
         printf("\n  LIDATA: segment %s, Offset 0x%X, Size ",
            GetSegmentName(Segment), Offset);
         // Call recursive function to interpret repeat data block
         Size = Records[i].InterpretLIDATABlock();
         printf(" = 0x%X", Size);
         LastOffset = Offset;

      if (Records[i].Type2 == OMF_COMDAT) {
         // COMDAT record
         uint32 Flags = Records[i].GetByte(); // 1 = continuation, 2 = iterated, 4 = local, 8 = data in code segment
         uint32 Attributes = Records[i].GetByte(); 
         uint32 Base = 0;
         // 0 = explicit, 1 = far code, 2 = far data, 3 = code32, 4 = data32
         // 0x00 = no match, 0x10 = pick any, 0x20 = same size, 0x30 = exact match
         uint32 Align = Records[i].GetByte(); // Alignment
         Offset  = Records[i].GetNumeric();    // Offset
         uint32 TypeIndex = Records[i].GetIndex(); // Type index
         if ((Attributes & 0x0F) == 0) {
            Base = Records[i].GetIndex(); // Public base
         uint32 NameIndex = Records[i].GetIndex(); // LNAMES index
         Size    = Records[i].End - Records[i].Index; // Calculate size of data

         printf("\n  COMDAT: name %s, Offset 0x%X, Size 0x%X, Attrib 0x%02X, Align %i, Type %i, Base %i",
            GetLocalName(NameIndex), Offset, Size, Attributes, Align, TypeIndex, Base);
         LastOffset = Offset;

      if (Records[i].Type2 == OMF_FIXUPP) {
         // FIXUPP record
         printf("\n  FIXUPP:");
         Records[i].Index = 3;

         // Loop through entries in record
         while (Records[i].Index < Records[i].End) {

            // Read first byte
            byte1 = Records[i].GetByte();
            if (byte1 & 0x80) {
               // This is a FIXUP subrecord
               Frame = 0; Target = 0; TargetDisplacement = 0;

               // read second byte
               byte2 = Records[i].GetByte();
               // swap bytes and put into byte12 bitfield
               Locat.bytes[1] = byte1;
               Locat.bytes[0] = byte2;
               // Read FixData
               FixData.b = Records[i].GetByte();

               // print mode and location
               printf("\n   %s %s, Offset 0x%X", 
                  Lookup(OMFRelocationModeNames, Locat.s.M),
                  Lookup(OMFFixupLocationNames, Locat.s.Location),
                  Locat.s.Offset + LastOffset);

               // Read conditional fields
               if (FixData.s.F == 0) {
                  if (FixData.s.Frame < 4) {
                     Frame = Records[i].GetIndex();
                  else Frame = 0;

                  switch (FixData.s.Frame) { // Frame method
                  case 0:  // F0: segment
                     printf(", segment %s", GetSegmentName(Frame));  break;

                  case 1:  // F1: group
                     printf(", group %s", GetGroupName(Frame));  break;

                  case 2:  // F2: external symbol
                     printf(", external frame %s", GetSymbolName(Frame));  break;

                  case 4:  // F4: frame = source, 
                           // or Borland floating point emulation record (undocumented?)
                     printf(", frame = source; or Borland f.p. emulation record");

                  case 5:  // F5: frame = target
                     printf(", frame = target");  break;

                     printf(", target frame %i method F%i", Frame, FixData.s.Frame);
               else {
                  printf(", frame uses thread %i", FixData.s.Frame);
               if (FixData.s.T == 0) {
                  // Target specified
                  Target = Records[i].GetIndex();
                  uint32 TargetMethod = FixData.s.Target + FixData.s.P * 4;

                  switch (FixData.s.Target) { // = Target method modulo 4
                  case 0: // T0 and T4: Target = segment
                  case 1: // T1 and T5: Target = segment group
                     printf(". Segment %s (T%i)",
                        GetSegmentName(Target), TargetMethod);
                  case 2: // T2 and T6: Target = external symbol
                     printf(". Symbol %s (T%i)",
                        GetSymbolName(Target), TargetMethod);
                  default: // Unknown method
                     printf(", target %i unknown method T%i", Target, TargetMethod);
               else {
                  // Target specified in previous thread
                  printf(", target uses thread %i", FixData.s.Target);

               if (FixData.s.P == 0) {
                  TargetDisplacement = Records[i].GetNumeric();
                  printf("\n    target displacement %i", TargetDisplacement);
               // Get inline addend
               if (LastDataRecordPointer && Locat.s.Offset < LastDataRecordSize) {
                  int8 * inlinep = LastDataRecordPointer + Locat.s.Offset;
                  switch (Locat.s.Location) {
                  case 0: case 4:  // 8 bit
                     printf(", inline 0x%X", *inlinep);  break;

                  case 1: case 2: case 5: // 16 bit
                     printf(", inline 0x%X", *(int16*)inlinep);  break;

                  case 3: // 16+16 bit
                     printf(", inline 0x%X:0x%X", *(int16*)(inlinep+2), *(int16*)inlinep);  break;

                  case 9: case 13: // 32 bit
                     printf(", inline 0x%X", *(int32*)inlinep);  break;

                  case 6: case 11: // 16+32 bit
                     printf(", inline 0x%X:0x%X", *(int16*)(inlinep+4), *(int32*)inlinep);  break;
            else {
               // This is a THREAD subrecord
               TrdDat.b = byte1;                 // Put byte into bitfield

               uint32 Index  = 0;
               if (TrdDat.s.Method < 4) {
                  Index  = Records[i].GetIndex(); // has index field if method < 4 ?
               printf("\n   %s Thread %i. Method %s%i, index %i",
                  (TrdDat.s.D ? "Frame" : "Target"), TrdDat.s.Thread,
                  (TrdDat.s.D ? "F" : "T"), TrdDat.s.Method, Index);
         } // Finished loop through subrecords
         if (Records[i].Index != Records[i].End) err.submit(1203);   // Check for consistency
   } // Finished loop through records