Exemplo n.º 1
FTextureID GetWeaponIcon(AWeapon *weapon)	// This function is also used by SBARINFO
	FTextureID AltIcon = GetHUDIcon(weapon->GetClass());
	FState * state=NULL, *ReadyState;
	FTextureID picnum = !AltIcon.isNull()? AltIcon : weapon->Icon;

	if (picnum.isNull())
		if (weapon->SpawnState && weapon->SpawnState->sprite!=0)
			state = weapon->SpawnState;
		// no spawn state - now try the ready state
		else if ((ReadyState = weapon->FindState(NAME_Ready)) && ReadyState->sprite!=0)
			state = ReadyState;
		if (state && (unsigned)state->sprite < (unsigned)sprites.Size ())
			spritedef_t * sprdef = &sprites[state->sprite];
			spriteframe_t * sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + state->GetFrame()];

			picnum = sprframe->Texture[0];
	return picnum;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void DrawInventory(player_t * CPlayer, int x,int y)
	AInventory * rover;
	int numitems = (hudwidth - 2*x) / 32;
	int i;

	CPlayer->mo->InvFirst = rover = StatusBar->ValidateInvFirst(numitems);
	if (rover!=NULL)
			screen->DrawTexture(invgems[!!(level.time&4)], x-10, y,
				DTA_KeepRatio, true,
				DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0x6666, TAG_DONE);

		for(i=0;i<numitems && rover;rover=rover->NextInv())
			if (rover->Amount>0)
				FTextureID AltIcon = GetHUDIcon(rover->GetClass());

				if (AltIcon.Exists() && (rover->Icon.isValid() || AltIcon.isValid()) )
					int trans = rover==CPlayer->mo->InvSel ? FRACUNIT : 0x6666;

					DrawImageToBox(TexMan[AltIcon.isValid()? AltIcon : rover->Icon], x, y, 19, 25, trans);
					if (rover->Amount>1)
						char buffer[10];
						int xx;
						mysnprintf(buffer, countof(buffer), "%d", rover->Amount);
						if (rover->Amount>=1000) xx = 32 - IndexFont->StringWidth(buffer);
						else xx = 22;

						screen->DrawText(IndexFont, CR_GOLD, x+xx, y+20, buffer, 
							DTA_KeepRatio, true,
							DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, trans, TAG_DONE);
			screen->DrawTexture(invgems[2 + !!(level.time&4)], x-10, y,
				DTA_KeepRatio, true,
				DTA_VirtualWidth, hudwidth, DTA_VirtualHeight, hudheight, DTA_Alpha, 0x6666, TAG_DONE);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void DrawOneWeapon(player_t * CPlayer, int x, int & y, AWeapon * weapon)
	int trans;
	FTextureID picnum;

	// Powered up weapons and inherited sister weapons are not displayed.
	if (weapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP) return;
	if (weapon->SisterWeapon && weapon->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_TYPE(weapon->SisterWeapon))) return;

	if (CPlayer->ReadyWeapon)
		if (weapon==CPlayer->ReadyWeapon || weapon==CPlayer->ReadyWeapon->SisterWeapon) trans=0xd999;

	FState * state=NULL, *ReadyState;
	FTextureID AltIcon = GetHUDIcon(weapon->GetClass());
	picnum = !AltIcon.isNull()? AltIcon : weapon->Icon;

	if (picnum.isNull())
		if (weapon->SpawnState && weapon->SpawnState->sprite!=0)
			state = weapon->SpawnState;
		// no spawn state - now try the ready state
		else if ((ReadyState = weapon->FindState(NAME_Ready)) && ReadyState->sprite!=0)
			state = ReadyState;
		if (state &&  (unsigned)state->sprite < (unsigned)sprites.Size ())
			spritedef_t * sprdef = &sprites[state->sprite];
			spriteframe_t * sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + state->GetFrame()];

			picnum = sprframe->Texture[0];

	if (picnum.isValid())
		FTexture * tex = TexMan[picnum];
		int w = tex->GetWidth();
		int h = tex->GetHeight();
		int rh;
		if (w>h) rh=8;
		else rh=16,y-=8;		// don't draw tall sprites too small!
		DrawImageToBox(tex, x-24, y, 20, rh, trans);
Exemplo n.º 4
// Weapons List
FTextureID GetInventoryIcon(AInventory *item, DWORD flags, bool *applyscale=NULL)	// This function is also used by SBARINFO
	FTextureID picnum, AltIcon = GetHUDIcon(item->GetClass());
	FState * state=NULL, *ReadyState;
	if (flags & DI_ALTICONFIRST)
		if (!(flags & DI_SKIPALTICON) && AltIcon.isValid())
			picnum = AltIcon;
		else if (!(flags & DI_SKIPICON))
			picnum = item->Icon;
		if (!(flags & DI_SKIPICON) && item->Icon.isValid())
			picnum = item->Icon;
		else if (!(flags & DI_SKIPALTICON))
			picnum = AltIcon;
	if (!picnum.isValid()) //isNull() is bad for checking, because picnum could be also invalid (-1)
		if (!(flags & DI_SKIPSPAWN) && item->SpawnState && item->SpawnState->sprite!=0)
			state = item->SpawnState;
			if (applyscale != NULL && !(flags & DI_FORCESCALE))
				*applyscale = true;
		// no spawn state - now try the ready state if it's weapon
		else if (!(flags & DI_SKIPREADY) && item->GetClass()->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)) && (ReadyState = item->FindState(NAME_Ready)) && ReadyState->sprite!=0)
			state = ReadyState;
		if (state && (unsigned)state->sprite < (unsigned)sprites.Size ())
			spritedef_t * sprdef = &sprites[state->sprite];
			spriteframe_t * sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + state->GetFrame()];

			picnum = sprframe->Texture[0];
	return picnum;
Exemplo n.º 5
static void DrawOneKey(int xo, int & x, int & y, int & c, AInventory * inv)
	FTextureID icon = FNullTextureID();
	FTextureID AltIcon = GetHUDIcon(inv->GetClass());

	if (!AltIcon.Exists()) return;

	if (AltIcon.isValid()) 
		icon = AltIcon;
	else if (inv->SpawnState && inv->SpawnState->sprite!=0)
		FState * state = inv->SpawnState;
		if (state &&  (unsigned)state->sprite < (unsigned)sprites.Size ())
			spritedef_t * sprdef = &sprites[state->sprite];
			spriteframe_t * sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + state->GetFrame()];
			icon = sprframe->Texture[0];
	if (icon.isNull()) icon = inv->Icon;

	if (icon.isValid())	
		x -= 9;
		DrawImageToBox(TexMan[icon], x, y, 8, 10);
		if (c>=10)
Exemplo n.º 6
static int DrawAmmo(player_t *CPlayer, int x, int y)

	int i,j,k;
	char buf[256];
	AInventory *inv;

	AWeapon *wi=CPlayer->ReadyWeapon;


	if (0 == hud_showammo)
		// Show ammo for current weapon if any
		if (wi) AddAmmoToList(wi);
		// Order ammo by use of weapons in the weapon slots
		for (k = 0; k < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; k++) for(j = 0; j < CPlayer->weapons.Slots[k].Size(); j++)
			PClassActor *weap = CPlayer->weapons.Slots[k].GetWeapon(j);

			if (weap)
				// Show ammo for available weapons if hud_showammo CVAR is 1
				// or show ammo for all weapons if hud_showammo is greater than 1
				if (hud_showammo > 1 || CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(weap))

		// Now check for the remaining weapons that are in the inventory but not in the weapon slots
			if (inv->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))

	// ok, we got all ammo types. Now draw the list back to front (bottom to top)

	int def_width = ConFont->StringWidth("000/000");
	int yadd = ConFont->GetHeight();


		PClassAmmo * type = orderedammos[i];
		AAmmo * ammoitem = (AAmmo*)CPlayer->mo->FindInventory(type);

		AAmmo * inv = ammoitem? ammoitem : (AAmmo*)GetDefaultByType(orderedammos[i]);
		FTextureID AltIcon = GetHUDIcon(type);
		FTextureID icon = !AltIcon.isNull()? AltIcon : inv->Icon;
		if (!icon.isValid()) continue;

		int trans= (wi && (type==wi->AmmoType1 || type==wi->AmmoType2)) ? 0xc000:0x6000;

		int maxammo = inv->MaxAmount;
		int ammo = ammoitem? ammoitem->Amount : 0;

		mysnprintf(buf, countof(buf), "%3d/%3d", ammo, maxammo);

		int tex_width= clamp<int>(ConFont->StringWidth(buf)-def_width, 0, 1000);

		int fontcolor=( !maxammo ? CR_GRAY :    
						 ammo < ( (maxammo * hud_ammo_red) / 100) ? CR_RED :   
						 ammo < ( (maxammo * hud_ammo_yellow) / 100) ? CR_GOLD : CR_GREEN );

		DrawHudText(ConFont, fontcolor, buf, x-tex_width, y+yadd, trans);
		DrawImageToBox(TexMan[icon], x-20, y, 16, 8, trans);
	return y;