Exemplo n.º 1
void Window::GetBatches(PODVector<UIBatch>& batches, PODVector<float>& vertexData, const IntRect& currentScissor)
    if (modal_)
        // Modal shade
        if (modalShadeColor_ != Color::TRANSPARENT)
            UIElement* rootElement = GetRoot();
            const IntVector2& rootSize = rootElement->GetSize();
            UIBatch batch(rootElement, BLEND_ALPHA, IntRect(0, 0, rootSize.x_, rootSize.y_), 0, &vertexData);
            batch.AddQuad(0, 0, rootSize.x_, rootSize.y_, 0, 0, 0, 0, modalShadeColor_);
            UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches);

        // Modal frame
        if (modalFrameColor_ != Color::TRANSPARENT && modalFrameSize_ != IntVector2::ZERO)
            UIBatch batch(this, BLEND_ALPHA, currentScissor, 0, &vertexData);
            int x = GetIndentWidth();
            IntVector2 size = GetSize();
            size.x_ -= x;
            batch.AddQuad(x - modalFrameSize_.x_, -modalFrameSize_.y_, size.x_ + 2 * modalFrameSize_.x_, size.y_ + 2 * modalFrameSize_.y_, 0, 0, 0, 0, modalFrameColor_);
            UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches);

    BorderImage::GetBatches(batches, vertexData, currentScissor);
Exemplo n.º 2
int Text::GetRowStartPosition(unsigned rowIndex) const
    float rowWidth = 0;

    if (rowIndex < rowWidths_.size())
        rowWidth = rowWidths_[rowIndex];

    int ret = GetIndentWidth();

    switch (textAlignment_)
    case HA_LEFT:
    case HA_CENTER:
        ret += (GetSize().x_ - rowWidth) / 2;
    case HA_RIGHT:
        ret += GetSize().x_ - rowWidth;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
void BorderImage::GetBatches(PODVector<UIBatch>& batches, PODVector<float>& vertexData, const IntRect& currentScissor,
                             const IntVector2& offset)
    bool allOpaque = true;
    if (GetDerivedOpacity() < 1.0f || color_[C_TOPLEFT].a_ < 1.0f || color_[C_TOPRIGHT].a_ < 1.0f ||
            color_[C_BOTTOMLEFT].a_ < 1.0f || color_[C_BOTTOMRIGHT].a_ < 1.0f)
        allOpaque = false;

    batch(this, blendMode_ == BLEND_REPLACE && !allOpaque ? BLEND_ALPHA : blendMode_, currentScissor, texture_, &vertexData);

    // Calculate size of the inner rect, and texture dimensions of the inner rect
    const IntRect& uvBorder = (imageBorder_ == IntRect::ZERO) ? border_ : imageBorder_;
    int x = GetIndentWidth();
    IntVector2 size = GetSize();
    size.x_ -= x;
    IntVector2 innerSize(
        Max(size.x_ - border_.left_ - border_.right_, 0),
        Max(size.y_ - border_.top_ - border_.bottom_, 0));
    IntVector2 innerUvSize(
        Max(imageRect_.right_ - imageRect_.left_ - uvBorder.left_ - uvBorder.right_, 0),
        Max(imageRect_.bottom_ - imageRect_.top_ - uvBorder.top_ - uvBorder.bottom_, 0));

    IntVector2 uvTopLeft(imageRect_.left_, imageRect_.top_);
    uvTopLeft += offset;

    // Top
    if (border_.top_)
        if (border_.left_)
            batch.AddQuad(x, 0, border_.left_, border_.top_, uvTopLeft.x_, uvTopLeft.y_, uvBorder.left_, uvBorder.top_);
        if (innerSize.x_)
            batch.AddQuad(x + border_.left_, 0, innerSize.x_, border_.top_, uvTopLeft.x_ + uvBorder.left_, uvTopLeft.y_,
                          innerUvSize.x_, uvBorder.top_, tiled_);
        if (border_.right_)
            batch.AddQuad(x + border_.left_ + innerSize.x_, 0, border_.right_, border_.top_,
                          uvTopLeft.x_ + uvBorder.left_ + innerUvSize.x_, uvTopLeft.y_, uvBorder.right_, uvBorder.top_);
    // Middle
    if (innerSize.y_)
        if (border_.left_)
            batch.AddQuad(x, border_.top_, border_.left_, innerSize.y_, uvTopLeft.x_, uvTopLeft.y_ + uvBorder.top_,
                          uvBorder.left_, innerUvSize.y_, tiled_);
        if (innerSize.x_)
            batch.AddQuad(x + border_.left_, border_.top_, innerSize.x_, innerSize.y_, uvTopLeft.x_ + uvBorder.left_,
                          uvTopLeft.y_ + uvBorder.top_, innerUvSize.x_, innerUvSize.y_, tiled_);
        if (border_.right_)
            batch.AddQuad(x + border_.left_ + innerSize.x_, border_.top_, border_.right_, innerSize.y_,
                          uvTopLeft.x_ + uvBorder.left_ + innerUvSize.x_, uvTopLeft.y_ + uvBorder.top_, uvBorder.right_, innerUvSize.y_,
    // Bottom
    if (border_.bottom_)
        if (border_.left_)
            batch.AddQuad(x, border_.top_ + innerSize.y_, border_.left_, border_.bottom_, uvTopLeft.x_,
                          uvTopLeft.y_ + uvBorder.top_ + innerUvSize.y_, uvBorder.left_, uvBorder.bottom_);
        if (innerSize.x_)
            batch.AddQuad(x + border_.left_, border_.top_ + innerSize.y_, innerSize.x_, border_.bottom_,
                          uvTopLeft.x_ + uvBorder.left_, uvTopLeft.y_ + uvBorder.top_ + innerUvSize.y_, innerUvSize.x_, uvBorder.bottom_,
        if (border_.right_)
            batch.AddQuad(x + border_.left_ + innerSize.x_, border_.top_ + innerSize.y_, border_.right_, border_.bottom_,
                          uvTopLeft.x_ + uvBorder.left_ + innerUvSize.x_, uvTopLeft.y_ + uvBorder.top_ + innerUvSize.y_, uvBorder.right_,

    UIBatch::AddOrMerge(batch, batches);

    // Reset hovering for next frame
    hovering_ = false;