Exemplo n.º 1
void CPhysicsObject::ComputeDragBasis(bool isStatic) {

	if (!isStatic && GetCollide()) {
		btCollisionShape *shape = m_pObject->getCollisionShape();

		btVector3 min, max, delta;
		btTransform ident = btTransform::getIdentity();

		shape->getAabb(ident, min, max);

		delta = max - min;
		delta = delta.absolute();

		m_dragBasis.setX(delta.y() * delta.z());
		m_dragBasis.setY(delta.x() * delta.z());
		m_dragBasis.setZ(delta.x() * delta.y());
		m_dragBasis *= GetInvMass();

		btVector3 ang = m_pObject->getInvInertiaDiagLocal();
		delta *= 0.5;

		m_angDragBasis.setX(AngDragIntegral(ang[0], delta.x(), delta.y(), delta.z()) + AngDragIntegral(ang[0], delta.x(), delta.z(), delta.y()));
		m_angDragBasis.setY(AngDragIntegral(ang[1], delta.y(), delta.x(), delta.z()) + AngDragIntegral(ang[1], delta.y(), delta.z(), delta.x()));
		m_angDragBasis.setZ(AngDragIntegral(ang[2], delta.z(), delta.x(), delta.y()) + AngDragIntegral(ang[2], delta.z(), delta.y(), delta.x()));
Exemplo n.º 2
void CPhysicsObject::OutputDebugInfo() const {
	Msg( "-----------------\n" );
	// FIXME: requires CBaseEntity!!
	// Msg( "Object: %s\n", (CBaseEntity *)GetGameData()->GetModelName() );
	Msg( "Mass: %f (inv %f)\n", GetMass(), GetInvMass() );
	// FIXME: complete this function via format noted on
	// http://facepunch.com/threads/1178143?p=35663773&viewfull=1#post35663773
Exemplo n.º 3
void CPhysicsObject::OutputDebugInfo() const {

	if (m_pName)
		Msg("Object: %s\n", m_pName);

	Msg("Mass: %f (inv %f)\n", GetMass(), GetInvMass());

	Vector pos;
	QAngle ang;
	GetPosition(&pos, &ang);
	Msg("Position: %f %f %f\nAngle: %f %f %f\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, ang.x, ang.y, ang.z);

	Vector inertia = GetInertia();
	Vector invinertia = GetInvInertia();
	Msg("Inertia: %f %f %f (inv %f %f %f)\n", inertia.x, inertia.y, inertia.z, invinertia.x, invinertia.y, invinertia.z);

	Vector vel;
	AngularImpulse angvel;
	GetVelocity(&vel, &angvel);
	Msg("Velocity: %f, %f, %f\nAng Velocity: %f, %f, %f\n", vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, angvel.x, angvel.y, angvel.z);

	float dampspeed, damprot;
	GetDamping(&dampspeed, &damprot);
	Msg("Damping %f linear, %f angular\n", dampspeed, damprot);

	Vector dragBasis;
	Vector angDragBasis;
	ConvertPosToHL(m_dragBasis, dragBasis);
	ConvertDirectionToHL(m_angDragBasis, angDragBasis);
	Msg("Linear Drag: %f, %f, %f (factor %f)\n", dragBasis.x, dragBasis.y, dragBasis.z, m_dragCoefficient);
	Msg("Angular Drag: %f, %f, %f (factor %f)\n", angDragBasis.x, angDragBasis.y, angDragBasis.z, m_angDragCoefficient);

	// TODO: Attached to x controllers

	Msg("State: %s, Collision %s, Motion %s, Drag %s, Flags %04X (game %04x, index %d)\n", 
		IsAsleep() ? "Asleep" : "Awake",
		IsCollisionEnabled() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled",
		IsStatic() ? "Static" : IsMotionEnabled() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled",
		IsDragEnabled() ? "Enabled" : "Disabled",

	const char *pMaterialStr = g_SurfaceDatabase.GetPropName(m_materialIndex);
	surfacedata_t *surfaceData = g_SurfaceDatabase.GetSurfaceData(m_materialIndex);
	if (surfaceData) {
		Msg("Material: %s : density(%f), thickness(%f), friction(%f), elasticity(%f)\n", 
			pMaterialStr, surfaceData->physics.density, surfaceData->physics.thickness, surfaceData->physics.friction, surfaceData->physics.elasticity);

	g_PhysicsCollision.OutputDebugInfo((CPhysCollide *)m_pObject->getCollisionShape()->getUserPointer());
Exemplo n.º 4
void dgBody::Freeze ()
	if (GetInvMass().m_w > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
		if (!m_freeze) {
			m_freeze = true;
			for (dgBodyMasterListRow::dgListNode* node = m_masterNode->GetInfo().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
				dgBody* const body = node->GetInfo().m_bodyNode;
				body->Freeze ();
Exemplo n.º 5
void dgBody::Unfreeze ()
	if (GetInvMass().m_w > dgFloat32 (0.0f)) {
// note this is in observation (to prevent bodies from not going to sleep  inside triggers	               
//		m_equilibrium = false;			
		if (m_freeze) {
			m_freeze = false;
			for (dgBodyMasterListRow::dgListNode* node = m_masterNode->GetInfo().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) {
				dgBody* const body = node->GetInfo().m_bodyNode;
				body->Unfreeze ();
Exemplo n.º 6
void CompoundBody::AddImpulse(AglVector3 pImpulse)
	if (!mStatic && !mTempStatic)
		mVelocity += pImpulse * GetInvMass();
void CPhysicsObject::Init( IVP_Real_Object *pObject, int materialIndex, float volume, float drag, float angDrag, const Vector *massCenterOverride )
	m_materialIndex = materialIndex;
	m_pObject = pObject;
	pObject->client_data = (void *)this;
	m_pGameData = NULL;
	m_gameFlags = 0;
	m_sleepState = OBJ_SLEEP;		// objects start asleep
	m_activeIndex = 0xFFFF;
	m_pShadow = NULL;
	m_shadowTempGravityDisable = false;

	m_dragBasis = vec3_origin;
	m_angDragBasis = vec3_origin;
	if ( massCenterOverride )
		m_massCenterOverride = *massCenterOverride;

	if ( !IsStatic() && GetCollide() )
		// Basically we are computing drag as an OBB.  Get OBB extents for projection
		// scale those extents by appropriate mass/inertia to compute velocity directly (not force)
		// in the controller
		// NOTE: Compute these even if drag coefficients are zero, because the drag coefficient could change later

		// Get an AABB for this object and use the area of each side as a basis for approximating cross-section area for drag
		Vector dragMins, dragMaxs;
		// NOTE: coordinates in/out of physcollision are in HL units, not IVP
		physcollision->CollideGetAABB( dragMins, dragMaxs, GetCollide(), vec3_origin, vec3_angle );

		Vector delta = dragMaxs - dragMins;
		ConvertPositionToIVP( delta.x, delta.y, delta.z );
		delta.x = fabsf(delta.x);
		delta.y = fabsf(delta.y);
		delta.z = fabsf(delta.z);
		// dragBasis is now the area of each side
		m_dragBasis.x = delta.y * delta.z;
		m_dragBasis.y = delta.x * delta.z;
		m_dragBasis.z = delta.x * delta.y;
		m_dragBasis *= GetInvMass();

		const IVP_U_Float_Point *pInvRI = m_pObject->get_core()->get_inv_rot_inertia();

		// This angular basis is the integral of each differential drag area's torque over the whole OBB
		// need half lengths for this integral
		delta *= 0.5;
		// rotation about the x axis
		m_angDragBasis.x = AngDragIntegral( pInvRI->k[0], delta.x, delta.y, delta.z ) + AngDragIntegral( pInvRI->k[0], delta.x, delta.z, delta.y );
		// rotation about the y axis
		m_angDragBasis.y = AngDragIntegral( pInvRI->k[1], delta.y, delta.x, delta.z ) + AngDragIntegral( pInvRI->k[1], delta.y, delta.z, delta.x );
		// rotation about the z axis
		m_angDragBasis.z = AngDragIntegral( pInvRI->k[2], delta.z, delta.x, delta.y ) + AngDragIntegral( pInvRI->k[2], delta.z, delta.y, delta.x );
		drag = 0;
		angDrag = 0;

	m_dragCoefficient = drag;
	m_angDragCoefficient = angDrag;

	SetVolume( volume );