Exemplo n.º 1
//요청한 실시간 데이터가 수신되면 호출 됩니다.
void CGoldenCrossStrategy::OnRealData(LPRECV_REAL_PACKET realpacket)
	//선물 체결 실시간 데이터
	if( strcmp( realpacket->szTrCode, NAME_FC0 ) == 0 )
		LPFC0_OutBlock pOutBlock = (LPFC0_OutBlock)realpacket->pszData;
		sltime chetime = GetTime(pOutBlock->chetime);
		double current = GetDoubleData( pOutBlock->price, sizeof( pOutBlock->price) , 2 );    // 현재가            
		long curVol = GetLongData( pOutBlock->cvolume    , sizeof( pOutBlock->cvolume));    // 체결량            
		long vol = GetLongData( pOutBlock->volume     , sizeof( pOutBlock->volume));    // 누적거래량 

		CString log;
		log.Format("선물 시세 수신.. 현재가: %.2f, 체결량 : %d", current, curVol);

		//차트에 데이터를 추가합니다.
		pFUChart->OnTick(chetime, current, curVol);

		//캔들의 갯수가 20개를 넘으면
		if (pFUChart->GetCandleCount() > 20)
			double ma20, ma5;
			double ma20pre, ma5pre;
			//마지막 봉의 종가 이평을 구합니다.
			pFUChart->GetMA(&ma20, CANDLE_PART::close, 20, 0);
			pFUChart->GetMA(&ma5, CANDLE_PART::close, 5, 0);

			//하나 이전 봉의 종가이평을 구합니다.
			pFUChart->GetMA(&ma20pre, CANDLE_PART::close, 20, 1);
			pFUChart->GetMA(&ma5pre, CANDLE_PART::close, 5, 1);

			//매수 상태가 아니면 진입 여부를 판단합니다.
			if (isEntered == FALSE)
				//골든 크로스라면 매수합니다.
				if (ma20pre > ma5pre && ma20 < ma5)
					NormalLog("골든 크로스 발생");
					FuOrder(JongCode, entryQuantity, 0);
					isEntered = TRUE;
			else //매수 상태이면 청산 여부를 판단합니다.
				//데드 크로스라면 매도합니다.
				if (ma20pre < ma5pre && ma20 > ma5)
					NormalLog("데드 크로스 발생");
					FuOrder(JongCode, entryQuantity * -1, 0);
					isEntered = FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Uint32 SCI_Boot - This module is the main SCI boot routine.
//                   It will load code via the SCI-A port.
//                   It will return a entry point address back
//                   to the InitBoot routine which in turn calls
//                   the ExitBoot routine.
Uint32 SCI_Boot(Uint32 BootMode)
    statusCode.status = NO_ERROR;
    statusCode.address = 0x12346578;

    Uint32 EntryAddr;

    // Assign GetWordData to the SCI-A version of the
    // function. GetWordData is a pointer to a function.
    GetWordData = SCIA_GetWordData;

    // If the KeyValue was invalid, abort the load
    // and return the flash entry point.
    if (SCIA_GetWordData() != 0x08AA)
        statusCode.status = VERIFY_ERROR;
        statusCode.address = FLASH_ENTRY_POINT;

    ReadReservedFn(); //reads and discards 8 reserved words

    EntryAddr = GetLongData();


    Uint16 x = 0;
    for(x = 0; x < 32676; x++){}
    for(x = 0; x < 32676; x++){}

    return EntryAddr;
Exemplo n.º 3
Uint32 CAN_Boot()
   Uint32 EntryAddr;

   // If the missing clock detect bit is set, just
   // loop here.
   if(SysCtrlRegs.PLLSTS.bit.MCLKSTS == 1)

   // Asign GetWordData to the CAN-A version of the
   // function.  GetWordData is a pointer to a function.
   GetWordData = CAN_GetWordData;


   // If the KeyValue was invalid, abort the load
   // and return the flash entry point.
   if (CAN_GetWordData() != 0x08AA) return FLASH_ENTRY_POINT;


   EntryAddr = GetLongData();


   return EntryAddr;
Exemplo n.º 4
Uint32 I2C_Boot(void)
   Uint32 EntryAddr;

   // Assign GetWordData to the I2C-A version of the
   // function.  GetWordData is a pointer to a function.
   GetWordData = I2C_GetWord;

   // Init I2C pins, clock, and registers
   // I2C_Init();
   // Initialize the I2C-A port for communications
   // with the host.
   // Configure I2C pins and turn on I2C clock
   //  GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.bit.GPIO28 = 2;		// Configure as SDA pin
   //  GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.bit.GPIO29 = 2;		// Configure as SCL pin
   GpioCtrlRegs.GPAMUX2.all |=0x0A000000;
   //  GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.bit.GPIO28 = 0;		// Turn SDA pullup on
   //  GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.bit.GPIO29 = 0;		// Turn SCL pullup on
   GpioCtrlRegs.GPAPUD.all &=~0x30000000;
   //  GpioCtrlRegs.GPAQSEL2.bit.GPIO28 = 3;    // Asynch
   //  GpioCtrlRegs.GPAQSEL2.bit.GPIO29 = 3;    // Asynch
   GpioCtrlRegs.GPAQSEL2.all |=0x0F000000;
   SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.I2CAENCLK = 1;	// Turn I2C module clock on

   // Initialize I2C in master transmitter mode
   I2caRegs.I2CSAR = 0x0050;		// Slave address - EEPROM control code
   I2caRegs.I2CPSC.all = 0;			// I2C clock should be between 7Mhz-12Mhz
   I2caRegs.I2CCLKL = 43;			// Prescalers set for 100kHz bit rate
   I2caRegs.I2CCLKH = 43;			//   at a 10Mhz I2C clock

   I2caRegs.I2CMDR.all = 0x0620;	// Master transmitter
   									// Take I2C out of reset
   									// Stop when suspended

   I2caRegs.I2CFFTX.all = 0x6000;	// Enable FIFO mode and TXFIFO
   I2caRegs.I2CFFRX.all = 0x2000;	// Enable RXFIFO

   // Check for 0x08AA data header, else go to flash
   if (I2C_CheckKeyVal() == ERROR) { return FLASH_ENTRY_POINT; }

   // Check for clock and prescaler speed changes and reserved words
   // Get point of entry address after load
   EntryAddr = GetLongData();

   // Receive and copy one or more code sections to  destination addresses

   return EntryAddr;
Uint32 SCI_Boot()
   Uint32 EntryAddr;

   // Asign GetWordData to the SCI-A version of the
   // function.  GetOnlyWordData is a pointer to a function.
   // This version doesn't send echo back each character.
   GetOnlyWordData = SCIA_GetOnlyWordData;

   checksum = 0;

   // If the KeyValue was invalid, abort the load
   // and return the flash entry point. 
   if (SCIA_GetOnlyWordData() != 0x08AA) return FLASH_ENTRY_POINT;


   EntryAddr = GetLongData();   

   return EntryAddr;
Exemplo n.º 6
void CopyData()

   struct HEADER {
     Uint16 BlockSize;
     Uint32 DestAddr;
     Uint32 ProgBuffAddr;
   } BlockHeader;

   Uint16 wordData;
   Uint16 status;
   Uint16 i,j;

   //Make sure code security is disabled

   Flash_CPUScaleFactor = SCALE_FACTOR;
   Flash_CallbackPtr = NULL;

   status = Flash_Erase((SECTORA | SECTORB | SECTORC | SECTORD), &FlashStatus);
   if(status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
	   //TODO fix so that it returns a serial error and reboot device

   // After Flash Erase, send the checksum to PC program.
   // Get the size in words of the first block
   BlockHeader.BlockSize = (*GetOnlyWordData)();

   // While the block size is > 0 copy the data
   // to the DestAddr.  There is no error checking
   // as it is assumed the DestAddr is a valid
   // memory location

   while(BlockHeader.BlockSize != (Uint16)0x0000)

	  if(BlockHeader.BlockSize > PROG_BUFFER_LENGTH){
		  //Block is to big to fit into our buffer so we must program it in chunks
	      BlockHeader.DestAddr = GetLongData();
	      //Program as many full buffers as possible
	      for(j = 0; j < (BlockHeader.BlockSize / PROG_BUFFER_LENGTH); j++){
		      BlockHeader.ProgBuffAddr = (Uint32)progBuf;
		      for(i = 1; i <= PROG_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++)
		          wordData = (*GetOnlyWordData)();
		          *(Uint16 *)BlockHeader.ProgBuffAddr++ = wordData;
		      status = Flash_Program((Uint16 *) BlockHeader.DestAddr, (Uint16 *)progBuf, PROG_BUFFER_LENGTH, &FlashStatus);
		      if(status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
		      BlockHeader.DestAddr += PROG_BUFFER_LENGTH;
		      // After Flash program, send the checksum to PC program.
	      //Program the leftovers
	      BlockHeader.ProgBuffAddr = (Uint32)progBuf;
	      for(i = 1; i <= (BlockHeader.BlockSize % PROG_BUFFER_LENGTH); i++)
	          wordData = (*GetOnlyWordData)();
	          *(Uint16 *)BlockHeader.ProgBuffAddr++ = wordData;
	      status = Flash_Program((Uint16 *) BlockHeader.DestAddr, (Uint16 *)progBuf, (BlockHeader.BlockSize % PROG_BUFFER_LENGTH), &FlashStatus);
	      if(status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
	      // After Flash program, send the checksum to PC program.
		  //Block will fit into our buffer so we'll program it all at once
	      BlockHeader.DestAddr = GetLongData();
	      BlockHeader.ProgBuffAddr = (Uint32)progBuf;
	      for(i = 1; i <= BlockHeader.BlockSize; i++)
	          wordData = (*GetOnlyWordData)();
	          *(Uint16 *)BlockHeader.ProgBuffAddr++ = wordData;
	      status = Flash_Program((Uint16 *) BlockHeader.DestAddr, (Uint16 *)progBuf, BlockHeader.BlockSize, &FlashStatus);
	      if(status != STATUS_SUCCESS)
	      // After Flash program, send the checksum to PC program.

      // Get the size of the next block
      BlockHeader.BlockSize = (*GetOnlyWordData)();