Exemplo n.º 1
bool FMRUList::VerifyMRUFile(int32 InItem)
	check( InItem > -1 && InItem < GetMaxItems() );
	const FString filename = Items[InItem];

	// If the file doesn't exist, tell the user about it, remove the file from the list
	if( IFileManager::Get().FileSize( *filename ) == -1 )
		FMessageLog EditorErrors("EditorErrors");
		FFormatNamedArguments Arguments;
		Arguments.Add(TEXT("FileName"), FText::FromString(filename));
		EditorErrors.Warning(FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("MRUList", "Error_FileDoesNotExist", "File does not exist : '{FileName}'.  It will be removed from the recent items list."), Arguments ) );
		EditorErrors.Notify(NSLOCTEXT("MRUList", "Notification_FileDoesNotExist", "File does not exist! Removed from recent items list!"));
		RemoveMRUItem( InItem );

		return false;

	// Otherwise, move the file to the top of the list
	MoveToTop( InItem );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void FMRUList::Cull()
	while( Items.Num() > GetMaxItems() )
		Items.RemoveAt( Items.Num()-1 );
/** Populate MRU/Favorites list by reading saved values from the relevant INI file */
void FMainMRUFavoritesList::ReadFromINI()
	// Read in the MRU items
	InternalReadINI( Items, INISection, TEXT("MRUItem"), GetMaxItems() );

	// Read in the Favorite items
	InternalReadINI( FavoriteItems, FAVORITES_INI_SECTION, TEXT("FavoritesItem"), MaxItems );	
Exemplo n.º 4
void FMRUList::ReadFromINI()
	InternalReadINI( Items, INISection, TEXT("MRUItem"), GetMaxItems() );
Exemplo n.º 5
void FMRUList::RemoveMRUItem(int32 InItem)
	// Find the item and remove it.
	check( InItem > -1 && InItem < GetMaxItems() );
	Items.RemoveAt( InItem );