void CArborEdit::DDV_Numeric() { if( GetModify() ) { int iMinVal = 0; int iMaxVal = 0; // if they didn't set a range, but entered a number, validate with max values // that can be stored in the database..... if( m_bIntRangeSet ) { iMinVal = m_iMinValue; iMaxVal = m_iMaxValue; } else { if( m_bNegativeValue ) iMinVal = INT_MIN; else iMinVal = 0; iMaxVal = INT_MAX; } if( !ValidateNum( iMinVal, iMaxVal ) ) { CGuiMsg::GuiMessage(GUIMSG_NUMBER_INT_RANGE_INVALID, iMinVal, iMaxVal ); SetSel( 0, -1 ); SetFocus(); AfxThrowUserException(); } } }
void CArborEdit::DDV_Float() { // check to see if the control was modified at all....if so continue if( GetModify() ) { double dMinVal = 0.0; double dMaxVal = 0.0; // if they didn't set a range, but entered a number, validate with max values // that can be stored in the database..... if( m_bDoubleRangeSet ) { dMinVal = m_dMinValue; dMaxVal = m_dMaxValue; } else { if( m_bNegativeValue ) dMinVal = INT_MIN/100.0; else dMinVal = 0.0; dMaxVal = INT_MAX/100.0; } if( !ValidateDouble( dMinVal, dMaxVal ) ) { CGuiMsg::GuiMessage(GUIMSG_NUMBER_DOUBLE_RANGE_INVALID, dMinVal, dMaxVal ); SetSel( 0, -1 ); SetFocus(); AfxThrowUserException(); } } }
void CPopupEdit::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) { CEdit::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd); CString Text; GetWindowText(Text); if (Text != "INFINITY") { if (!atoi(Text)) { SetWindowText(m_sInitText); GetWindowText(Text); } Text.Format("%d", atoi(Text)); CString Temp; GetWindowText(Temp); Temp = Temp.Right(1); if (!Temp.SpanIncluding("kKmMgG").IsEmpty()) Text.Format("%s%s", LPCTSTR(Text), LPCTSTR(Temp)); CString OldText; GetWindowText(OldText) ; if (GetModify() || OldText != Text) SetWindowText(Text); } if (m_bIsEmbeddedIntoListCtrl) { CWnd *Parent = GetParent(); ASSERT_VALID(Parent); CString str; GetWindowText(str); LV_DISPINFO dispinfo; dispinfo.hdr.hwndFrom = Parent->m_hWnd; dispinfo.hdr.idFrom = GetDlgCtrlID(); dispinfo.hdr.code = LVN_ENDLABELEDIT; dispinfo.item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; dispinfo.item.iItem = m_iItem; dispinfo.item.iSubItem = m_iSubItem; if (m_bESC) { dispinfo.item.pszText = NULL; dispinfo.item.cchTextMax = 0; } else { dispinfo.item.pszText = const_cast<LPTSTR>((LPCTSTR) str); dispinfo.item.cchTextMax = str.GetLength(); } CWnd *ParentParent = Parent->GetParent(); ASSERT_VALID(ParentParent); ParentParent->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, Parent->GetDlgCtrlID(), LPARAM(&dispinfo)); DestroyWindow(); } }
void Doc_Stc::OnClose (wxCommandEvent & event) { if (GetModify()) { int result = wxMessageBox(_T("This file has been modified. Save?"), _T("Save?"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxICON_QUESTION); if (result == wxCANCEL) return; } delete this; }
void CNumEdit::OnKillfocus() { if (!GetModify()) { if (!IsUndoInProgress()) CancelUndoableEdit(0); } else { GetText(); SetText(); NotifyParent(); } }
BOOL CNumEdit::OnKillfocus() { if (GetModify()) { GetText(); if (m_HaveRange) { m_Val = CLAMP(m_Val, m_MinVal, m_MaxVal); SetText(); } Notify(); } return(FALSE); // let parent handle notification too }
bool LuaScriptEditorView::QueryClose() { if (!GetModify()) return true; CWindow wndMain(GetParent()); CString cszText; cszText.Format(_T("Save changes to %s ?"), m_cszFileTitle.GetString()); int iRet = AtlMessageBox(wndMain, cszText.GetString(), IDR_MAINFRAME, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONQUESTION); if (iRet == IDCANCEL) return false; else if (iRet == IDYES && !DoFileSaveAs()) return false; return true; }
void CArborEditCurrency::OnKillfocus() { // check to see if the control was modified at all....if so continue if( GetModify() ) { // check to see if any value has been entered into the control.... if( GetWindowTextLength() ) { CString sMoneyStr; // get the text entered GetWindowText(sMoneyStr); // make a numeric out of it and display it SetNumeric(sMoneyStr); } else SetNumeric(""); } }
void CArborEditCurrency::DDV_Float() { // check to see if the control was modified at all....if so continue if( GetModify() ) { double dMinVal = 0.0; double dMaxVal = 0.0; // if they didn't set a range, but entered a number, validate with max values // that can be stored in the database..... if( m_bDoubleRangeSet ) { dMinVal = m_dMinValue; dMaxVal = m_dMaxValue; } else { if( m_bNegativeValue ) dMinVal = INT_MIN/100.0; else dMinVal = 0.0; dMaxVal = INT_MAX/100.0; } if( !ValidateDouble( dMinVal, dMaxVal ) ) { CString sMsg; // sMsg.Format( "Number is not valid!\nPlease enter a number between %f - %f.", dMinVal, dMaxVal ); sMsg.Format( GetIntlString(IDS_NUMBER_NOT_VALID_MSG),"%f - %f.", dMinVal, dMaxVal ); AfxMessageBox( sMsg, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); SetSel( 0, -1 ); SetFocus(); AfxThrowUserException(); } } }
bool CScriptEditView::DoFileSave() { ATLASSERT( m_szFilePath[0] != 0 ); if( !GetModify() ) return true; bool bRet = SaveFile( m_szFilePath ); if( bRet ) { SetModify( FALSE ); } else { AtlMessageBox( WtlGetMainWnd(), IDS_WRITE_FILE_FAILED, IDR_MAINFRAME, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR ); } return bRet; }
bool CScriptEditView::QueryClose() { if( !GetModify() ) return true; TCHAR szFmt[32]; AtlLoadString( IDS_SAVE_MODIFIED, szFmt, DIMOF(szFmt) ); TCHAR szBuff[MAX_PATH + 40]; wsprintf( szBuff, szFmt, m_szFileName ); int nRet = AtlMessageBox( WtlGetMainWnd(), szBuff, IDR_MAINFRAME, MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ); if(nRet == IDCANCEL) return false; if(nRet == IDYES) return OnFileSave(); return true; }
bool Edit::Modified () { // return modified state return (GetModify() && !GetReadOnly()); }
bool CodeEditor::Modified() { // Return modified state return (GetModify() && !GetReadOnly()); }
BOOL CArborEdit::OnKillfocus() { // check to see if the control was modified at all....if so continue if( GetModify() ) { // check to see if any value has been entered into the control.... if( GetWindowTextLength() ) { //CAMqa72199 Wasabi - check for non-JIS chars in text field //Note that this code disallows extended Japanese characters //which are used in some proper names CString ControlText; if (ArbI18N::IsJapanese() || ArbI18N::IsBidi() ) { GetWindowText(ControlText); int ctl = ControlText.GetLength(); int cursor = 0; bool ok = true; while ((cursor < ctl) && ok) { TCHAR c = ControlText[cursor]; if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(932, c)) { cursor++; //skip trail byte if in a double byte char //CAMqa77746 applying CAMqa70838 - delete the non-JIS character check } cursor++; } if (!ok) { AfxMessageBox(GetIntlString(IDS_GUI_MSG_INVALID_INPUT_CHAR), MB_ICONERROR); SetSel( 0, -1 ); SetFocus(); AfxThrowUserException(); } } //CAMqa72199 End Japanese-only processing if( EditStyleIs(EDIT_CURRENCY) || EditStyleIs(EDIT_FLOAT) ) { double dTemp = GetDoubleValue(); LPTSTR buff = new char[80]; FloatToString( buff, dTemp) ; SetWindowText(buff); SetModify( TRUE ); delete buff; } else if( EditStyleIs( EDIT_DATE ) ) { CString ControlText; // Extract the text from the exit control and then GetWindowText(ControlText); //we have to re-format Date on case if Date = "x/x/xx" //otherwise ValidateDate() function return FALSE COleDateTime oleDate; //TCHAR year[5]; if( !ParseDate( ControlText, oleDate ) || ( oleDate.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::invalid )) // invalid date { return FALSE; // no message Boxes } Arb_date CDate; char strdate[GAL_DATE_LEN]; CDate.year = oleDate.GetYear(); CDate.month = oleDate.GetMonth(); CDate.day = oleDate.GetDay(); strcpy(strdate,(CString)Arbdate_to_string(&CDate,ArbI18N::GetSysDateFmt())); CString Text = CString(strdate); SetWindowText(Text); SetModify( TRUE ); //SetWindowText(ControlText); SetModify( TRUE ); } } } return FALSE; }
void CPDF_GeneralState::SetRenderIntent(const CFX_ByteString& ri) { GetModify()->m_RenderIntent = RI_StringToId(ri); }