static INT_PTR CALLBACK LicenseProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { page *m_this_page=g_this_page; HWND hwLicense; #define LicIgnoreWMCommand g_cbLicRead // g_cbLicRead is only used in WM_INITDIALOG during EM_STREAMIN if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { TCHAR *l = (TCHAR *)GetNSISStringNP(GetNSISTab(this_page->parms[1])); int lt = *l; EDITSTREAM es = { (DWORD_PTR)(++l), 0, #ifdef _UNICODE lt==SF_RTF?StreamLicenseRTF:StreamLicense #else StreamLicense #endif }; int selected = (this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_SELECTED) | !(this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_FORCE_SELECTION); SetUITextFromLang(IDC_LICENSEAGREE,this_page->parms[2]); SetUITextFromLang(IDC_LICENSEDISAGREE,this_page->parms[3]); CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg,IDC_LICENSEAGREE+!selected,BST_CHECKED); EnableNext(selected); hwLicense=GetUIItem(IDC_EDIT1); SetActiveCtl(hwLicense); SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_AUTOURLDETECT,TRUE,0); #define lbg g_header->license_bg SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0,lbg>=0?lbg:GetSysColor(-lbg)); #undef lbg SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,ENM_LINK|ENM_KEYEVENTS); //XGE 8th September 2002 Or'd in ENM_KEYEVENTS SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_EXLIMITTEXT,0,mystrlen(l)); g_cbLicRead = 0; SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_STREAMIN,lt,(LPARAM)&es); LicIgnoreWMCommand = 0; return FALSE; } if (uMsg == WM_COMMAND && HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED && !LicIgnoreWMCommand) { if (m_this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_FORCE_SELECTION) { int is = SendMessage(GetUIItem(IDC_LICENSEAGREE), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) & BST_CHECKED; m_this_page->flags &= ~PF_LICENSE_SELECTED; m_this_page->flags |= is; EnableNext(is); SetNextDef(); } } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY) { hwLicense=GetUIItem(IDC_EDIT1); #define nmhdr ((NMHDR *)lParam) #define enlink ((ENLINK *)lParam) #define msgfilter ((MSGFILTER *)lParam) if (nmhdr->code==EN_LINK) { if (enlink->msg==WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { TEXTRANGE tr = { { enlink->chrg.cpMin, enlink->chrg.cpMax, }, ps_tmpbuf }; if (tr.chrg.cpMax-tr.chrg.cpMin < COUNTOF(ps_tmpbuf)) { SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_GETTEXTRANGE,0,(LPARAM)&tr); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT)); ShellExecute(hwndDlg,_T("open"),tr.lpstrText,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW)); } } } //Ximon Eighteen 8th September 2002 Capture return key presses in the rich //edit control now that the control gets the focus rather than the default //push button. When the user presses return ask the outer dialog to move //the installer onto the next page. MSDN docs say return non-zero if the //rich edit control should NOT process this message, hence the return 1. // //This is required because the RichEdit control is eating all the key hits. //It does try to release some and convert VK_ESCAPE to WM_CLOSE, VK_ENTER //to a push on the default button and VM_TAB to WM_NEXTDLGCTL. But sadly it //it sends all of these messages to its parent instead of just letting the //dialog manager handle them. Instead of properly handling WM_GETDLGCODE, //it mimics the dialog manager. if (nmhdr->code==EN_MSGFILTER) { if (msgfilter->msg==WM_KEYDOWN) { if (msgfilter->wParam==VK_RETURN) { SendMessage(g_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0); } if (msgfilter->wParam==VK_ESCAPE) { SendMessage(g_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } return 1; } } #undef nmhdr #undef enlink #undef msgfilter } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY_INIGO_MONTOYA) { LicIgnoreWMCommand++; } return HandleStaticBkColor(); }
static BOOL CALLBACK LicenseProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { page *m_this_page=g_this_page; HWND hwLicense; if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { char *l = (char *)GetNSISStringNP(GetNSISTab(this_page->parms[1])); int lt = *l; EDITSTREAM es = { (DWORD)(++l), 0, StreamLicense }; int selected = (this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_SELECTED) | !(this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_FORCE_SELECTION); SetUITextFromLang(IDC_LICENSEAGREE,this_page->parms[2]); SetUITextFromLang(IDC_LICENSEDISAGREE,this_page->parms[3]); SendMessage(GetUIItem(IDC_LICENSEAGREE+!selected),BM_SETCHECK,BST_CHECKED,0); EnableWindow(m_hwndOK,selected); hwLicense=GetUIItem(IDC_EDIT1); SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_AUTOURLDETECT,TRUE,0); #define lbg g_header->license_bg SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0,lbg>=0?lbg:GetSysColor(-lbg)); #undef lbg SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,ENM_LINK|ENM_KEYEVENTS); //XGE 8th September 2002 Or'd in ENM_KEYEVENTS dwRead=0; SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_EXLIMITTEXT,0,mystrlen(l)); SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_STREAMIN,lt,(LPARAM)&es); //XGE 5th September 2002 - place the initial focus in the richedit control SetFocus(hwLicense); return FALSE; //End Xge } if (uMsg == WM_COMMAND && HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { if (m_this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_FORCE_SELECTION) { int is = SendMessage(GetUIItem(IDC_LICENSEAGREE), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) & BST_CHECKED; m_this_page->flags &= ~PF_LICENSE_SELECTED; m_this_page->flags |= is; EnableWindow( m_hwndOK, is ); } } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY) { hwLicense=GetUIItem(IDC_EDIT1); #define nmhdr ((NMHDR *)lParam) #define enlink ((ENLINK *)lParam) #define msgfilter ((MSGFILTER *)lParam) if (nmhdr->code==EN_LINK) { if (enlink->msg==WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { TEXTRANGE tr = { enlink->chrg.cpMin, enlink->chrg.cpMax, ps_tmpbuf }; if (tr.chrg.cpMax-tr.chrg.cpMin < sizeof(ps_tmpbuf)) { SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_GETTEXTRANGE,0,(LPARAM)&tr); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0,IDC_WAIT)); ShellExecute(hwndDlg,"open",tr.lpstrText,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0,IDC_ARROW)); } } if (enlink->msg==WM_SETCURSOR) { #ifndef IDC_HAND #define IDC_HAND MAKEINTRESOURCE(32649) #endif SetCursor(LoadCursor(0,IDC_HAND)); } } //Ximon Eighteen 8th September 2002 Capture return key presses in the rich //edit control now that the control gets the focus rather than the default //push button. When the user presses return ask the outer dialog to move //the installer onto the next page. MSDN docs say return non-zero if the //rich edit control should NOT process this message, hence the return 1. if (nmhdr->code==EN_MSGFILTER) { if (msgfilter->msg==WM_KEYDOWN) { if (msgfilter->wParam==VK_RETURN && IsWindowEnabled(m_hwndOK)) { outernotify(1); } if (msgfilter->wParam==VK_ESCAPE) { SendMessage(g_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } return 1; } } #undef nmhdr #undef enlink #undef msgfilter } return HandleStaticBkColor(); }
static INT_PTR CALLBACK LicenseProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { page *m_this_page=g_this_page; HWND hwLicense; static int ignoreWMCommand; if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { TCHAR *l = (TCHAR *)GetNSISStringNP(GetNSISTab(this_page->parms[1])); int lt = *l; EDITSTREAM es = { (DWORD_PTR)(++l), 0, StreamLicense }; int selected = (this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_SELECTED) | !(this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_FORCE_SELECTION); SetUITextFromLang(IDC_LICENSEAGREE,this_page->parms[2]); SetUITextFromLang(IDC_LICENSEDISAGREE,this_page->parms[3]); CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg,IDC_LICENSEAGREE+!selected,BST_CHECKED); EnableNext(selected); hwLicense=GetUIItem(IDC_EDIT1); SetActiveCtl(hwLicense); SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_AUTOURLDETECT,TRUE,0); #define lbg g_header->license_bg SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0,lbg>=0?lbg:GetSysColor(-lbg)); #undef lbg SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,ENM_LINK|ENM_KEYEVENTS); //XGE 8th September 2002 Or'd in ENM_KEYEVENTS dwRead=0; SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_EXLIMITTEXT,0,mystrlen(l)); SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_STREAMIN,lt,(LPARAM)&es); ignoreWMCommand = 0; return FALSE; } if (uMsg == WM_COMMAND && HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED && !ignoreWMCommand) { if (m_this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_FORCE_SELECTION) { int is = SendMessage(GetUIItem(IDC_LICENSEAGREE), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) & BST_CHECKED; m_this_page->flags &= ~PF_LICENSE_SELECTED; m_this_page->flags |= is; EnableNext(is); SetNextDef(); } } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY) { hwLicense=GetUIItem(IDC_EDIT1); #define nmhdr ((NMHDR *)lParam) #define enlink ((ENLINK *)lParam) #define msgfilter ((MSGFILTER *)lParam) if (nmhdr->code==EN_LINK) { if (enlink->msg==WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { TEXTRANGE tr = { { enlink->chrg.cpMin, enlink->chrg.cpMax, }, ps_tmpbuf }; if (tr.chrg.cpMax-tr.chrg.cpMin < (sizeof(ps_tmpbuf)/sizeof(*ps_tmpbuf))) { SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_GETTEXTRANGE,0,(LPARAM)&tr); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT)); ShellExecute(hwndDlg,TEXT("open"),tr.lpstrText,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW)); } } } //Ximon Eighteen 8th September 2002 Capture return key presses in the rich //edit control now that the control gets the focus rather than the default //push button. When the user presses return ask the outer dialog to move //the installer onto the next page. MSDN docs say return non-zero if the //rich edit control should NOT process this message, hence the return 1. if (nmhdr->code==EN_MSGFILTER) { if (msgfilter->msg==WM_KEYDOWN) { if (msgfilter->wParam==VK_RETURN) { SendMessage(g_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0); } if (msgfilter->wParam==VK_ESCAPE) { SendMessage(g_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } return 1; } } #undef nmhdr #undef enlink #undef msgfilter } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY_INIGO_MONTOYA) { ignoreWMCommand++; } return HandleStaticBkColor(); }
static BOOL CALLBACK LicenseProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { page *m_this_page=g_this_page; HWND hwLicense; static int ignoreWMCommand; EDITSTREAM es; es.dwError = 0; if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { TCHAR *l = (TCHAR *)GetNSISStringNP(GetNSISTab(this_page->parms[1])); // First char contains SF_RTF or SF_TEXT (SF_UNICODE) int lt = *l; int selected; bCookieNuked = FALSE; // SF_UNICODE is never set for ANSI NSIS if (lt & SF_UNICODE) { es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR)(++l); es.pfnCallback = StreamLicenseW; } else { es.pfnCallback = StreamLicenseA; #ifdef _UNICODE { // If Unicode support, then even though this is straight ASCII coming // in, it was encoded as WCHAR and therefore must be turned back to // ASCII. char* tmp = WideCharToAnsi(++l); // How do we nuke tmp so we don't get a memory leak? // Well, we need to teach StreamLicenseA to do that for us. bManageCookie = TRUE; es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR) tmp; } #else bManageCookie = FALSE; es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR)(++l); #endif } selected = (this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_SELECTED) | !(this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_FORCE_SELECTION); SetUITextFromLang(IDC_LICENSEAGREE,this_page->parms[2]); SetUITextFromLang(IDC_LICENSEDISAGREE,this_page->parms[3]); CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg,IDC_LICENSEAGREE+!selected,BST_CHECKED); EnableNext(selected); hwLicense=GetUIItem(IDC_EDIT1); SetActiveCtl(hwLicense); SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_AUTOURLDETECT,TRUE,0); #define lbg g_header->license_bg SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0,lbg>=0?lbg:GetSysColor(-lbg)); #undef lbg SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_SETEVENTMASK,0,ENM_LINK|ENM_KEYEVENTS); //XGE 8th September 2002 Or'd in ENM_KEYEVENTS dwRead=0; SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_EXLIMITTEXT,0,mystrlen(l)); SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_STREAMIN,lt,(LPARAM)&es); ignoreWMCommand = 0; return FALSE; } if (uMsg == WM_COMMAND && HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED && !ignoreWMCommand) { if (m_this_page->flags & PF_LICENSE_FORCE_SELECTION) { int is = SendMessage(GetUIItem(IDC_LICENSEAGREE), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) & BST_CHECKED; m_this_page->flags &= ~PF_LICENSE_SELECTED; m_this_page->flags |= is; EnableNext(is); SetNextDef(); } } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY) { hwLicense=GetUIItem(IDC_EDIT1); #define nmhdr ((NMHDR *)lParam) #define enlink ((ENLINK *)lParam) #define msgfilter ((MSGFILTER *)lParam) if (nmhdr->code==EN_LINK) { if (enlink->msg==WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { TEXTRANGE tr = { { enlink->chrg.cpMin, enlink->chrg.cpMax, }, ps_tmpbuf }; if (tr.chrg.cpMax-tr.chrg.cpMin < sizeof(ps_tmpbuf)) { SendMessage(hwLicense,EM_GETTEXTRANGE,0,(LPARAM)&tr); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_WAIT)); ShellExecute(hwndDlg,_T("open"),tr.lpstrText,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetCursor(LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW)); } } } //Ximon Eighteen 8th September 2002 Capture return key presses in the rich //edit control now that the control gets the focus rather than the default //push button. When the user presses return ask the outer dialog to move //the installer onto the next page. MSDN docs say return non-zero if the //rich edit control should NOT process this message, hence the return 1. // //This is required because the RichEdit control is eating all the key hits. //It does try to release some and convert VK_ESCAPE to WM_CLOSE, VK_ENTER //to a push on the default button and VM_TAB to WM_NEXTDLGCTL. But sadly it //it sends all of these messages to its parent instead of just letting the //dialog manager handle them. Instead of properly handling WM_GETDLGCODE, //it mimics the dialog manager. if (nmhdr->code==EN_MSGFILTER) { if (msgfilter->msg==WM_KEYDOWN) { if (msgfilter->wParam==VK_RETURN) { SendMessage(g_hwnd, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0); } if (msgfilter->wParam==VK_ESCAPE) { SendMessage(g_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); } return 1; } } #undef nmhdr #undef enlink #undef msgfilter } if (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY_INIGO_MONTOYA) { ignoreWMCommand++; } return HandleStaticBkColor(); }