Exemplo n.º 1
TGraphErrors *makesysplot(TH1F *h, float dmu, int color)

  auto h1 = (TH1F *)h->Clone("h1");
  auto h2 = (TH1F *)h->Clone("h2");

  //if (h->GetTitle()=="Data b-jets 12")
    h->SetTitle("Data b-jets");
  h1->SetTitle("variation up");
  h2->SetTitle("variation down");

  float mu = h->GetMean();

  int n = round(mu*10);
  float i1=h->Integral(1,n);
  float w1 = weightedsum(h,1,n);

  float t = (mu-w1)/(1-i1);
  float alpha1 = (mu-dmu-t)/(w1-t*i1)-1;
  float beta1 = (1-(1+alpha1)*i1)/(1-i1)-1;
  float alpha2 = (mu+dmu-t)/(w1-t*i1)-1;
  float beta2 = (1-(1+alpha2)*i1)/(1-i1)-1;

  auto hbar = (TH1F *)h->Clone("hbar");

  for (int i=1;i<=h->GetNbinsX();i++) {
    float p = i>n ? 1+alpha1 : 1+beta1;
    p = i>n ? 1+alpha2 : 1+beta2;
  Normalize({h1,h2}); //in principle it is not needed
  for (int i=1;i<=h->GetNbinsX();i++)

  plotlegendpos = TopLeft;
  // plotsecondline = Form("%.3f,%.3f",h1->GetMean()-mu,mu-h2->GetMean()); //check means
  // plotthirdline = Form("%.3f",dmu);

  TGraphErrors *sys = new TGraphErrors(hbar->GetNbinsX());
  for (int i=1;i<=hbar->GetNbinsX();i++) {

  //draw true value, variation1 and variation2
  plotytitle = "Event fractions";
  // Draw({h,h1,h2},{"E1","hist","hist","e1p"});

  // auto c2 = getc();
  // h->Draw("e1");
  // sys->Draw("e2");
  // h->Draw("e1,same");
  // SavePlot(c2,Form("%ssys2",h->GetName()));

  return sys;

  //draw cdf (for fun)
  // auto hint = h->GetIntegral();
  // auto h1int = h1->GetIntegral();
  // auto h2int = h2->GetIntegral();

  // vector<double> xaxis;
  // for (int i=1;i<=h->GetNbinsX()+1;i++) xaxis.push_back(h->GetBinLowEdge(i));

  // auto g = new TGraph(xaxis.size()+1,&xaxis[0],hint); g->SetLineColor(kRed);
  // auto g1 = new TGraph(xaxis.size()+1,&xaxis[0],h1int); g1->SetLineColor(kGreen);
  // auto g2 = new TGraph(xaxis.size()+1,&xaxis[0],h2int); g2->SetLineColor(kBlue);

  // auto c = getc();
  // g->SetMinimum(0);g->SetMaximum(1);
  // g->Draw();
  // g1->Draw("same");
  // g2->Draw("same");

  // g->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x_{J}");
  // g->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("prob");

  // SavePlots(c,"cum");

Exemplo n.º 2
void dataDrivenFromCR(TFile* fdata, TFile* fmc, TFile* fout, TString ddtype, TString gentype) {
  // Additional hists to consider: dataStats, MCstats, impurity

  TList* listOfDirs = fmc->GetListOfKeys();
  for (auto k : *listOfDirs) {
    TString srname = k->GetName();
    if (!srname.Contains("sr")) continue;
    if (srname.Contains("base") || srname.Contains("incl") || srname.Contains("sb")) continue;
    if (ddtype == "cr0b" && (srname.EndsWith("2") || srname.EndsWith("3"))) continue;

    TString crname = srname;
    crname.ReplaceAll("sr", ddtype);

    TString hname_data_CR = crname + "/h_metbins";
    TString hname_MC_SR = srname + "/h_metbins" + gentype;
    TString hname_MC_CR = crname + "/h_metbins";

    auto outdir = (TDirectory*) fout->mkdir(srname);

    auto hist_data_CR = (TH1D*) fdata->Get(hname_data_CR);
    auto hist_MC_CR = (TH1D*) fmc->Get(hname_MC_CR);
    auto hist_MC_SR = (TH1D*) fmc->Get(hname_MC_SR);

    if (!fmc->Get(hname_MC_CR)) {
      cout << "Couldn't find yield hist for " << hist_MC_CR << " in " << fmc->GetName() << "!!" << endl;
      cout << "This should not happend! Can not use data driven on this region! Use MC yields directly use TF from other SR!" << endl;
      continue;  // <-- actions to be added
    if (!fmc->Get(hname_MC_SR)) {
      cout << "Couldn't find yield hist for " << hist_MC_SR << " in " << fmc->GetName() << ". Cannot define TF!" << endl;
      continue;  // <-- actions to be added
    if (!fdata->Get(hname_data_CR)) {
      cout << "Couldn't find yield hist for " << hist_data_CR << " in " << fdata->GetName() << ". Please use yield from MC!" << endl;
      continue;  // <-- actions to be added

    int lastbin = hist_data_CR->GetNbinsX();
    int extr_start_bin = lastbin; // the bin to start extrapolation, if == lastbin means no MET extrapolation is needed

    auto combineYieldsInExtrBins = [&](TH1D* hist) {
      double err = 0;
      double ylds = hist->IntegralAndError(extr_start_bin, -1, err);
      for (int ibin = extr_start_bin; ibin <= lastbin; ++ibin) {
        hist->SetBinContent(ibin, ylds);
        hist->SetBinError(ibin, err);

    if (useMetExtrapolation) {
      double yldCR(0.0), err(0.0);
      for (; extr_start_bin > 1; --extr_start_bin) {
        yldCR = hist_MC_CR->IntegralAndError(extr_start_bin, -1, err);
        double TFval = hist_MC_SR->GetBinContent(extr_start_bin) / yldCR;
        if (yldCR > extr_threshold && (TFval < extr_TFcap)) break;
      // if (gentype == "_2lep" && (srname == "srE2" || srname == "srG2")) extr_start_bin = lastbin; // temporary hack for 2016
      // if (gentype == "_2lep" && (srname == "srH")) extr_start_bin = 1; // temporary hack for 2016
      if (extr_start_bin != lastbin) {
        cout << "Doing MET extrapolation for  " << crname << "  from bin " << lastbin << " (last bin) to bin " << extr_start_bin << "!" << endl;

    TH1D* centralHist;

    auto crdir = (TDirectoryFile*) fmc->Get(crname);
    for (auto h : *(crdir->GetListOfKeys())) {
      TString hname = h->GetName();
      if (!hname.BeginsWith("h_metbins")) continue;
      // hardcode genclass skipping for now
      if (hname.Contains("_2lep") || hname.Contains("_1lep") || hname.Contains("_Znunu") || hname.Contains("_unclass")) continue;

      TString hnameSR = hname;
      hnameSR.ReplaceAll("h_metbins", "h_metbins" + gentype);

      // Not using fraction
      auto hist_MC_CR = (TH1D*) crdir->Get(hname)->Clone(hname+"_cr");
      auto hist_MC_SR = (TH1D*) fmc->Get(srname + "/" + hnameSR);

      if (!hist_MC_SR) {
        if (!hnameSR.Contains("cr2lTriggerSF"))
          cout << "Couldn't find yield hist for " << (srname + "/" + hnameSR) << " in " << fmc->GetName() << ". Use centralHist!" << endl;
        hist_MC_SR = (TH1D*) fmc->Get(hname_MC_SR)->Clone(hnameSR);

      auto alphaHist = (TH1D*) hist_MC_SR->Clone(hname+"_alpha");
      if (useMetExtrapolation && extr_start_bin != lastbin) {
        // To take the MET distribution from the CR
        double cerr_SR = 0;
        double cyld_SR = alphaHist->IntegralAndError(extr_start_bin, -1, cerr_SR);
        double cyld_CR = hist_MC_CR->Integral(extr_start_bin, -1);
        for (int ibin = extr_start_bin; ibin <= lastbin; ++ibin) {
          double metfrac = hist_MC_CR->GetBinContent(ibin) / cyld_CR;
          alphaHist->SetBinContent(ibin, metfrac * cyld_SR);
          alphaHist->SetBinError(ibin, metfrac * cerr_SR);

      for (int i = 1; i <= alphaHist->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
        // zero out negative yields
        if (alphaHist->GetBinContent(i) < 0) {
          alphaHist->SetBinContent(i, 0);
          alphaHist->SetBinError(i, 0);

      TH1D* hout = (TH1D*) alphaHist->Clone(hname);

      if (yearSeparateSyst && (hname.EndsWith("Up") || hname.EndsWith("Dn"))) {
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {

          auto hcen_MC_CR = (TH1D*) fbkgs[i]->Get(crname+"/h_metbins");
          auto hcen_MC_SR = (TH1D*) fbkgs[i]->Get(srname+"/h_metbins"+gentype);
          auto hsys_MC_CR = (TH1D*) fbkgs[i]->Get(crname+"/"+hname);
          auto hsys_MC_SR = (TH1D*) fbkgs[i]->Get(srname+"/"+hnameSR);

          if (!hist_MC_SR) {
            if (!hnameSR.Contains("cr2lTriggerSF"))
              cout << "Couldn't find yield hist for " << (srname + "/" + hnameSR) << " in " << fmc->GetName() << ". Use centralHist!" << endl;
            hist_MC_SR = (TH1D*) fmc->Get(hname_MC_SR)->Clone(hnameSR);

          auto alphaHist_yi = (TH1D*) fmc->Get(hname_MC_SR)->Clone(TString(hname).Insert(hname.Length()-2, Form("%d", 15+i)));
          auto h_MC_CR_yi = (TH1D*) fmc->Get(hname_MC_CR)->Clone(Form("%s_den_%d", hname.Data(), 15+i));
          if (hcen_MC_SR) alphaHist_yi->Add(hcen_MC_SR, -1);
          if (hsys_MC_SR) alphaHist_yi->Add(hsys_MC_SR);
          if (hcen_MC_CR) h_MC_CR_yi->Add(hcen_MC_CR, -1);
          if (hsys_MC_CR) h_MC_CR_yi->Add(hsys_MC_CR);

          if (useMetExtrapolation && extr_start_bin != lastbin) {
            // To take the MET distribution from the CR
            double cerr_SR = 0;
            double cyld_SR = alphaHist_yi->IntegralAndError(extr_start_bin, -1, cerr_SR);
            double cyld_CR = h_MC_CR_yi->Integral(extr_start_bin, -1);
            for (int ibin = extr_start_bin; ibin <= lastbin; ++ibin) {
              double metfrac = h_MC_CR_yi->GetBinContent(ibin) / cyld_CR;
              alphaHist_yi->SetBinContent(ibin, metfrac * cyld_SR);
              alphaHist_yi->SetBinError(ibin, metfrac * cerr_SR);

          for (int i = 1; i <= alphaHist_yi->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
            // zero out negative yields
            if (alphaHist_yi->GetBinContent(i) < 0) {
              alphaHist_yi->SetBinContent(i, 0);
              alphaHist_yi->SetBinError(i, 0);

      if (hname.EndsWith("h_metbins")) {
        centralHist = hout;
        // Store the central alpha hist and extr_start_bin for signal contamination
        if (useMetExtrapolation && extr_start_bin < lastbin) {
          TH1D* h_extrstart = new TH1D("h_extrstart", "MET extrapolation start bin", 1, 0, 1);
          h_extrstart->SetBinContent(1, extr_start_bin);
        if (doCRPurityError) {
          auto hist_MC_CR_pure = (TH1D*) fmc->Get(hname_MC_CR + gentype);
          auto hout_purityUp = (TH1D*) hout->Clone(hname+"_CRpurityUp");
          auto hout_purityDn = (TH1D*) hout->Clone(hname+"_CRpurityDn");
          if (useMetExtrapolation && extr_start_bin < lastbin)
          for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= lastbin; ++ibin) {
            double crpurityerr = 0.5 * (hist_MC_CR->GetBinContent(ibin) - hist_MC_CR_pure->GetBinContent(ibin)) / hist_MC_CR->GetBinContent(ibin);
            hout_purityUp->SetBinContent(ibin, hout->GetBinContent(ibin) / ( 1 - crpurityerr));
            hout_purityDn->SetBinContent(ibin, hout->GetBinContent(ibin) / ( 1 + crpurityerr));

          auto purityHist = (TH1D*) hist_MC_CR_pure->Clone("h_CRpurity");
          purityHist->Divide(hist_MC_CR_pure, hist_MC_CR, 1, 1, "B");

    // Create alphaHist for dataStats
    auto h_dataStats = (TH1D*) centralHist->Clone("h_metbins_dataStats");
    auto h_MCStats = (TH1D*) centralHist->Clone("h_metbins_MCStats");
    for (int ibin = 1; ibin <= extr_start_bin; ++ibin) {
      // If not doing met extrapolation, extr_start_bin will equal to lastbin
      double data_error_thisbin = (hist_data_CR->GetBinContent(ibin) < 0.01)? 0 : hist_data_CR->GetBinError(ibin) / hist_data_CR->GetBinContent(ibin);
      h_dataStats->SetBinError(ibin, data_error_thisbin * h_dataStats->GetBinContent(ibin));

      double MC_SR_error_thisbin = (hist_MC_SR->GetBinContent(ibin) < 1e-5)? 0 : hist_MC_SR->GetBinError(ibin) / hist_MC_SR->GetBinContent(ibin);
      double MC_CR_error_thisbin = (hist_MC_CR->GetBinContent(ibin) < 1e-5)? 0 : hist_MC_CR->GetBinError(ibin) / hist_MC_CR->GetBinContent(ibin);
      double MC_error_thisbin = sqrt(MC_SR_error_thisbin*MC_SR_error_thisbin + MC_CR_error_thisbin*MC_CR_error_thisbin);

      h_MCStats->SetBinError(ibin, MC_error_thisbin * h_MCStats->GetBinContent(ibin));
    for (int ibin = extr_start_bin+1; ibin <= lastbin; ++ibin) {
      // If doing met extrapolation, the bins following extr_start_bin for data and MC CR will be set to have 0 stat error
      // TODO: verify that this is the right thing to do
      h_dataStats->SetBinError(ibin, 0);
      double MC_SR_error_thisbin = (hist_MC_SR->GetBinContent(ibin) < 1e-5)? 0 : hist_MC_SR->GetBinError(ibin) / hist_MC_SR->GetBinContent(ibin);
      h_MCStats->SetBinError(ibin, MC_SR_error_thisbin * h_MCStats->GetBinContent(ibin));

