Exemplo n.º 1
static bool ValidateQuery(unsigned char * query)
    // Send doxm resource data if the state of doxm resource
    // matches with the query parameters.
    // else send doxm resource data as NULL
    // TODO Remove this check and rely on Policy Engine
    // and Provisioning Mode to enforce provisioning-state
    // access rules. Eventually, the PE and PM code will
    // not send a request to the /doxm Entity Handler at all
    // if it should not respond.
    OC_LOG (INFO, TAG, PCF("In ValidateQuery"));
    if(NULL == gDoxm)
        return false;

    OicParseQueryIter_t parseIter = {0};

    ParseQueryIterInit(query, &parseIter);

        if(strncasecmp((char *)parseIter.attrPos, OIC_JSON_OWNED_NAME, parseIter.attrLen) == 0)
            if((strncasecmp((char *)parseIter.valPos, OIC_SEC_TRUE, parseIter.valLen) == 0) &&
                return true;
            else if((strncasecmp((char *)parseIter.valPos, OIC_SEC_FALSE, parseIter.valLen) == 0)
                    && (!gDoxm->owned))
                return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
static bool ValidateQuery(const char * query)
    // Send doxm resource data if the state of doxm resource
    // matches with the query parameters.
    // else send doxm resource data as NULL
    // TODO Remove this check and rely on Policy Engine
    // and Provisioning Mode to enforce provisioning-state
    // access rules. Eventually, the PE and PM code will
    // not send a request to the /doxm Entity Handler at all
    // if it should not respond.
    OIC_LOG (DEBUG, TAG, "In ValidateQuery");
    if(NULL == gDoxm)
        return false;

    bool bOwnedQry = false;         // does querystring contains 'owned' query ?
    bool bOwnedMatch = false;       // does 'owned' query value matches with doxm.owned status?
    bool bDeviceIDQry = false;      // does querystring contains 'deviceid' query ?
    bool bDeviceIDMatch = false;    // does 'deviceid' query matches with doxm.deviceid ?

    OicParseQueryIter_t parseIter = {.attrPos = NULL};

    ParseQueryIterInit((unsigned char*)query, &parseIter);

        if(strncasecmp((char *)parseIter.attrPos, OIC_JSON_OWNED_NAME, parseIter.attrLen) == 0)
            bOwnedQry = true;
            if((strncasecmp((char *)parseIter.valPos, OIC_SEC_TRUE, parseIter.valLen) == 0) &&
                bOwnedMatch = true;
            else if((strncasecmp((char *)parseIter.valPos, OIC_SEC_FALSE, parseIter.valLen) == 0)
                    && (!gDoxm->owned))
                bOwnedMatch = true;

        if(strncasecmp((char *)parseIter.attrPos, OIC_JSON_DEVICE_ID_NAME, parseIter.attrLen) == 0)
            bDeviceIDQry = true;
            OicUuid_t subject = {.id={0}};
            unsigned char base64Buff[sizeof(((OicUuid_t*)0)->id)] = {};
            uint32_t outLen = 0;
            B64Result b64Ret = B64_OK;

            b64Ret = b64Decode((char *)parseIter.valPos, parseIter.valLen, base64Buff,
                                           sizeof(base64Buff), &outLen);

            VERIFY_SUCCESS(TAG, (B64_OK == b64Ret && outLen <= sizeof(subject.id)), ERROR);
                       memcpy(subject.id, base64Buff, outLen);
            if(0 == memcmp(&gDoxm->deviceID.id, &subject.id, sizeof(gDoxm->deviceID.id)))
                bDeviceIDMatch = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
void CCallback::ProcessCallbacks() {
	CMySQLQuery *Query = NULL;
	while( (Query = GetNextQuery()) != NULL) {
		CCallback *Callback = Query->Callback;
		if(Callback != NULL && (Callback->Name.length() > 0 || Query->OrmObject != NULL) ) { 

			bool PassByReference = Query->Callback->IsInline;

			if(Query->OrmObject != NULL) { //orm, update the variables with the given result
				switch(Query->OrmQueryType) {


			for (list<AMX *>::iterator a = m_AmxList.begin(), end = m_AmxList.end(); a != end; ++a) { 
				AMX *amx = (*a);
				cell amx_Ret;
				int amx_Index;
				cell amx_MemoryAddress = -1;

				if (amx_FindPublic(amx, Callback->Name.c_str(), &amx_Index) == AMX_ERR_NONE) { 

					int StringIndex = Callback->ParamFormat.length()-1; 
					while(!Callback->Parameters.empty() && StringIndex >= 0) {
						switch(Callback->ParamFormat.at(StringIndex)) {
							case 'i':
							case 'd': {
								int val = 0;
								ConvertStrToInt(Callback->Parameters.top().c_str(), val);

								if(PassByReference == false)
									amx_Push(amx, (cell)val);
								else {
									cell tmpAddress;
									amx_PushArray(amx, &tmpAddress, NULL, (cell*)&val, 1);
									if(amx_MemoryAddress < NULL)
										amx_MemoryAddress = tmpAddress;
							} break;

							case 'f': {
								float float_val = 0.0f;
								ConvertStrToFloat(Callback->Parameters.top().c_str(), float_val);
								cell FParam = amx_ftoc(float_val);
								if(PassByReference == false)
									amx_Push(amx, FParam);
								else {
									cell tmpAddress;
									amx_PushArray(amx, &tmpAddress, NULL, (cell*)&FParam, 1);
									if(amx_MemoryAddress < NULL)
										amx_MemoryAddress = tmpAddress;

							} break;
							default: {
								cell tmpAddress;
								amx_PushString(amx, &tmpAddress, NULL, Callback->Parameters.top().c_str(), 0, 0);
								if(amx_MemoryAddress < NULL)
									amx_MemoryAddress = tmpAddress;


					Query->Result = NULL;

					amx_Exec(amx, &amx_Ret, amx_Index);
					if (amx_MemoryAddress >= NULL)
						amx_Release(amx, amx_MemoryAddress);

					if(Query->ConnHandle->IsActiveResultSaved() == false)
						delete Query->ConnHandle->GetActiveResult();

					Query->ConnHandle->SetActiveResult((CMySQLResult *)NULL);

					break; //we have found our callback, exit loop