Exemplo n.º 1
bool wxNotebook::SetPageText( size_t page, const wxString &text )
    wxCHECK_MSG( m_widget != NULL, FALSE, wxT("invalid notebook") );

    wxGtkNotebookPage* nb_page = GetNotebookPage(page);

    wxCHECK_MSG( nb_page, FALSE, wxT("SetPageText: invalid page index") );

    nb_page->m_text = text;

    gtk_label_set( nb_page->m_label, wxGTK_CONV( nb_page->m_text ) );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
void wxNotebook::DoApplyWidgetStyle(GtkRcStyle *style)
    gtk_widget_modify_style(m_widget, style);
    size_t cnt = m_pagesData.GetCount();
#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
        gtk_widget_modify_style(GTK_WIDGET(GetNotebookPage(i)->m_label), style);
Exemplo n.º 3
void wxNotebook::SetPadding( const wxSize &padding )
    wxCHECK_RET( m_widget != NULL, wxT("invalid notebook") );

    m_padding = padding.GetWidth();

    for (size_t i = GetPageCount(); i--;)
        wxGtkNotebookPage* pageData = GetNotebookPage(i);
        if (pageData->m_image)
                pageData->m_image, false, false, m_padding, GTK_PACK_START);
            pageData->m_label, false, false, m_padding, GTK_PACK_END);
Exemplo n.º 4
void wxNotebook::DoApplyWidgetStyle(GtkRcStyle *style)
    GTKApplyStyle(m_widget, style);
    for (size_t i = GetPageCount(); i--;)
        GTKApplyStyle(GetNotebookPage(i)->m_label, style);
Exemplo n.º 5
int wxNotebook::HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, long *flags) const
    GtkAllocation a;
    gtk_widget_get_allocation(m_widget, &a);
    const int x = a.x;
    const int y = a.y;

    const size_t count = GetPageCount();
    size_t i = 0;

#ifndef __WXGTK3__
    GtkNotebook * notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK(m_widget);
    if (gtk_notebook_get_scrollable(notebook))
        i = g_list_position( notebook->children, notebook->first_tab );

    for ( ; i < count; i++ )
        wxGtkNotebookPage* pageData = GetNotebookPage(i);
        GtkWidget* box = pageData->m_box;

        const gint border = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(box));

        if ( IsPointInsideWidget(pt, box, x, y, border) )
            // ok, we're inside this tab -- now find out where, if needed
            if ( flags )
                if (pageData->m_image && IsPointInsideWidget(pt, pageData->m_image, x, y))
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONICON;
                else if (IsPointInsideWidget(pt, pageData->m_label, x, y))
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONLABEL;
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONITEM;

            return i;

    if ( flags )
        *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_NOWHERE;
        wxWindowBase * page = GetCurrentPage();
        if ( page )
            // rect origin is in notebook's parent coordinates
            wxRect rect = page->GetRect();

            // adjust it to the notebook's coordinates
            wxPoint pos = GetPosition();
            rect.x -= pos.x;
            rect.y -= pos.y;
            if ( rect.Contains( pt ) )
                *flags |= wxBK_HITTEST_ONPAGE;

    return wxNOT_FOUND;
Exemplo n.º 6
int wxNotebook::GetPageImage( size_t page ) const
    wxCHECK_MSG(page < GetPageCount(), wxNOT_FOUND, "invalid notebook index");

    return GetNotebookPage(page)->m_imageIndex;
Exemplo n.º 7
int wxNotebook::HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, long *flags) const
    const gint x = m_widget->allocation.x;
    const gint y = m_widget->allocation.y;

    const size_t count = GetPageCount();
    size_t i = 0;

    // MR: Code to fix HitTest index return when tabs are scrolled.
    // No idea if it would work for GTK1
#if 0
    GtkNotebook * notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK(m_widget);
    if (gtk_notebook_get_scrollable(notebook));
        i = g_list_position( notebook->children, notebook->first_tab );

    for ( ; i < count; i++ )
        wxGtkNotebookPage* nb_page = GetNotebookPage(i);
        GtkWidget *box = nb_page->m_box;

        // VZ: don't know how to find the border width in GTK+ 1.2
        const gint border = 0;
        if ( IsPointInsideWidget(pt, box, x, y, border) )
            // ok, we're inside this tab -- now find out where, if needed
            if ( flags )
                GtkWidget *pixmap = NULL;

                GList *children = gtk_container_children(GTK_CONTAINER(box));
                for ( GList *child = children; child; child = child->next )
                    if ( GTK_IS_PIXMAP(child->data) )
                        pixmap = GTK_WIDGET(child->data);

                if ( children )

                if ( pixmap && IsPointInsideWidget(pt, pixmap, x, y) )
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONICON;
                else if ( IsPointInsideWidget(pt, GTK_WIDGET(nb_page->m_label), x, y) )
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONLABEL;
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONITEM;

            return i;

    if ( flags )
        *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_NOWHERE;

    return wxNOT_FOUND;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool wxNotebook::SetPageImage( size_t page, int image )
    /* HvdH 28-12-98: now it works, but it's a bit of a kludge */

    wxGtkNotebookPage* nb_page = GetNotebookPage(page);

    if (!nb_page) return FALSE;

    /* Optimization posibility: return immediately if image unchanged.
     * Not enabled because it may break existing (stupid) code that
     * manipulates the imagelist to cycle images */

    /* if (image == nb_page->m_image) return true; */

    /* For different cases:
       1) no image -> no image
       2) image -> no image
       3) no image -> image
       4) image -> image */

    if (image == -1 && nb_page->m_image == -1)
        return true; /* Case 1): Nothing to do. */

    GtkWidget *pixmapwid = NULL;

    if (nb_page->m_image != -1)
        /* Case 2) or 4). There is already an image in the gtkhbox. Let's find it */

        GList *child = gtk_container_children(GTK_CONTAINER(nb_page->m_box));
        while (child)
            if (GTK_IS_PIXMAP(child->data))
                pixmapwid = GTK_WIDGET(child->data);
            child = child->next;

        /* We should have the pixmap widget now */
        wxASSERT(pixmapwid != NULL);

        if (image == -1)
            /* If there's no new widget, just remove the old from the box */
            gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(nb_page->m_box), pixmapwid);
            nb_page->m_image = -1;

            return true; /* Case 2) */

    /* Only cases 3) and 4) left */
    wxASSERT( m_imageList != NULL ); /* Just in case */

    /* Construct the new pixmap */
    const wxBitmap *bmp = m_imageList->GetBitmapPtr(image);
    GdkPixmap *pixmap = bmp->GetPixmap();
    GdkBitmap *mask = NULL;
    if ( bmp->GetMask() )
        mask = bmp->GetMask()->GetBitmap();

    if (pixmapwid == NULL)
        /* Case 3) No old pixmap. Create a new one and prepend it to the hbox */
        pixmapwid = gtk_pixmap_new (pixmap, mask );

        /* CHECKME: Are these pack flags okay? */
        gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(nb_page->m_box), pixmapwid, FALSE, FALSE, m_padding);
        /* Case 4) Simply replace the pixmap */
        gtk_pixmap_set(GTK_PIXMAP(pixmapwid), pixmap, mask);

    nb_page->m_image = image;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
int wxNotebook::HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, long *flags) const
    const gint x = m_widget->allocation.x;
    const gint y = m_widget->allocation.y;

    const size_t count = GetPageCount();
    size_t i = 0;

    GtkNotebook * notebook = GTK_NOTEBOOK(m_widget);
    if (gtk_notebook_get_scrollable(notebook))
        i = g_list_position( notebook->children, notebook->first_tab );

    for ( ; i < count; i++ )
        wxGtkNotebookPage* nb_page = GetNotebookPage(i);
        GtkWidget *box = nb_page->m_box;

        const gint border = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(box));

        if ( IsPointInsideWidget(pt, box, x, y, border) )
            // ok, we're inside this tab -- now find out where, if needed
            if ( flags )
                GtkWidget *pixmap = NULL;

                GList *children = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(box));
                for ( GList *child = children; child; child = child->next )
                    if (GTK_IS_IMAGE(child->data))
                        pixmap = GTK_WIDGET(child->data);

                if ( children )

                if ( pixmap && IsPointInsideWidget(pt, pixmap, x, y) )
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONICON;
                else if ( IsPointInsideWidget(pt, GTK_WIDGET(nb_page->m_label), x, y) )
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONLABEL;
                    *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_ONITEM;

            return i;

    if ( flags )
        *flags = wxBK_HITTEST_NOWHERE;
        wxWindowBase * page = GetCurrentPage();
        if ( page )
            // rect origin is in notebook's parent coordinates
            wxRect rect = page->GetRect();

            // adjust it to the notebook's coordinates
            wxPoint pos = GetPosition();
            rect.x -= pos.x;
            rect.y -= pos.y;
            if ( rect.Contains( pt ) )
                *flags |= wxBK_HITTEST_ONPAGE;

    return wxNOT_FOUND;