Exemplo n.º 1
// in going from order n to order n+1 
// we add one term a/(n+1) for each a relatively prime to (n+1)
int farey(int order)
	int j;
	if(order <= lastFarey) {
		return fareyCnt[order];
	for(j = lastFarey; j < order; j++) {
		fareyCnt[j+1] = fareyCnt[j] + GetPhi(j+1);
	lastFarey = order;

	return fareyCnt[order];
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Test.C Projeto: XuQiao/HI
void Test() {
  correlations::Result  r;
  correlations::HarmonicVector h(n);
  correlations::QVector q(h);
  correlations::recursive::FromQVector c(q);

  while (NextEvent()) {

    while (NextObservation()) {
      correlations::Real phi    = GetPhi();
      correlations::Real Weight = GetWeight();

      q.fill(phi, weight);
    r += c.calculate(h);
  std::cout << r.eval() << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 3
jdouble JNICALL Java_ardrone_ARDrone_getPhi(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
	return GetPhi();
Exemplo n.º 4
 * @brief move the robot to the target position
 * @param tarX is the x value of target position
 * @param tarY is the y value of target position
 * @param speed the robot should move at this speed
 * @param tarP
 * @param varDir defines whether the robot should move forwards or backwards
 * @param dist The distance to the target - automatically computed if negative (default)
 * @return bool
bool NewRoboControl::cruisetoBias(double tarX, double tarY, int speed, double tarP, double varDir, double dist)
#ifdef SIMULATION   //The cruisetoBias() does not work in simulation

    if (IsOnTarget(Position(tarX, tarY)))
        return true;
    GotoXY(tarX, tarY);
    return false;


    /*   returniert true, wenn Roboter am Ziel angekommen ist. returniert false, wenn Roboter noch unterwegs ist
    **   Ablauf:
    **     1.  Anfahren zur Zielposition
    **     1.1 Ziel anvisieren/andrehen
    **     1.2 Beschleunigen
    **     1.3 Während der Fahrt ggf leichte Richtungskorrekturen on-the-fly
    **     1.4 Kurz vor Zielposition Abbremsvorgang einleiten
    **     2.  Zielwinkel andrehen

    //Position roboterpos = m_robot->GetPos(); //Hier müsst ihr die Roboterposition abrufen
    double posX = GetX();
    double posY = GetY();
    double posP = GetPhi().Rad();  //Hier Roboterwinkel abrufen

    const double variationTrans = 0.05;                              // maximale Abweichung zum Ziel (in Meter)
    const double variationAngle = degToRad(5);                       // maximale Drehabweichung am Ende (in Rad)  degToRad wandelt Grad in Rad um
    const double variationDirec = degToRad(varDir);                       // maximale Drehabweichung am Start, bevor Roboter anfängt zu fahren

    //Abweichungen berechnen
    double diffX = tarX - posX;
    double diffY = tarY - posY;
    double diffP = atan2(diffY, diffX);
    double diffAngle;
    double speedAngle;
    double speedAngleDrive;

    //Berechnen ob Roboter vorwärts oder rückwärts fahren soll
    //eDirection ist ein enum hier
    eDirection eDir =  getDirection(diffP, posP);

    if (!((fabs(diffX) < variationTrans) && (fabs(diffY) < variationTrans)))
    // Schritt 1: Roboter noch nicht an Zielposition?
        diffAngle = getDiffAngle(diffP, posP);
        speedAngle = getSpeedP(diffP, posP);
        speedAngleDrive = getSpeedPt(diffP, posP, speed);
        Log("Diff2: " + ToString(speedAngleDrive), DEBUG);
        if ((fabs(diffAngle) > variationDirec) && (fabs(diffAngle) < degToRad(90)))  // pi/2 = 1,57079633     Schritt 1.1
            //Roboter rotieren
            setSpeed(0, speedAngle, eDir);
        else if ((fabs(diffAngle)) <= variationDirec)  // Schritt 1.1 erfolgreich, es folgt Schritt 1.2
            if (dist <= 0)
                dist = sqrt((diffX * diffX) + (diffY * diffY));
            setSpeed(speed * getSpeedT(dist), speedAngleDrive, eDir);
            // Schritt 1.2 - 1.4 gleichzeitig!
    else   // Schritt 1: fertig. Roboter ist an Zielposition.
        if (tarP == -10)
            setSpeed(0, 0, FORWARD);
            return true;
        else if ((fabs(getDiffAngle(tarP*M_PI/180, posP))) > variationAngle)
            setSpeed(0, getSpeedP(tarP, posP), getDirection(tarP, posP));
            setSpeed(0, 0, FORWARD);
            return true;

    return false;

Exemplo n.º 5
Phi & Phi::operator()(const Rho & myrho){
	return *this;
Exemplo n.º 6
Phi::Phi(const Rho & myrho){
Exemplo n.º 7
G4VSolid const* PlacedParallelepiped::ConvertToGeant4() const {
  return new G4Para(GetLabel(), GetX(), GetY(), GetZ(), GetAlpha(), GetTheta(),
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: reco.C Projeto: FCALSW/LuCaS
void reco( Double_t dcut , Long64_t nwanted, TString fname )
  // attache dictionaries before file
        TFile fin ( fname );
        TTree *Lcal = (TTree*)fin.Get("Lcal");
        if (Lcal == 0) return;
	pTracks = 0; 
        pHits   = 0;

       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("vX", &vX ); 
       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("vY", &vY ); 
       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("vZ", &vZ ); 
       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("numPrim", &numPrim );
       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("numHits", &numHits );
       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("Etot", Etot );
       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("Emax", &Emax );
       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("Tracks", &pTracks ); 
       Lcal->SetBranchAddress("Hits", &pHits );
   Int_t Nbins = 300;
   Double_t Xlo=   2.5;
   Double_t Xup= 1502.5;
   TFile *out = new TFile("reco-plots-rot0-uncor.root","RECREATE");
   TF1 *res1 = new TF1("res1","sqrt([0]*[0]/x+[1]*[1])",1.,1601.);
   TF1 *cfun1 = new TF1("cfun1","1.+[0]*exp(-[1]*x*x)+[2]/(x*x+[3])",-45.,45.);
   TF1 *cfun2 = new TF1("cfun2","1.+ [0]/(x*x+[1])",-45.,45.);
   TProfile *hpr1 = new TProfile("hpr1"," ;E_{beam} [GeV]; E_{vis} [GeV]",Nbins,Xlo,Xup,0.,1000.,"S");
   TH1D *sigeove =  new TH1D("sigeove"," ;E_{beam} [GeV]; #sigma_{E}/E",Nbins,Xlo,Xup);
   TH1D *rmseove =  new TH1D("rmseove"," ;E_{beam} [GeV]; RMS_{E}/E",Nbins,Xlo,Xup);
   TH1D *dErec[NSAMP_MAX];
   TH1D *euse = new TH1D ( "euse"," ; E_{used}  [GeV] ; Number of events",600, 0., 6. );
   TH1D *edep[NSAMP_MAX];
   TH1D *dphi[NSAMP_MAX], *Qmax[NSAMP_MAX];
   //   TProfile *dgap[NSAMP_MAX];
   TH2D *dgap[NSAMP_MAX];
   TH1D *dtheta[NSAMP_MAX];
   double qmax[NSAMP_MAX];
   TProfile *phioff = new TProfile("phioff","#phi offset;1/P  [GeV^{-1}];<#Delta#Phi>   [rad]",500,0.,0.25,-TWO_PI,TWO_PI,"E");
   for( int ih=0; ih<NSAMP_MAX; ih++){
     TString nam1("dphi");
     TString nam2("edep");
     TString nam3("dErec");
     TString nam4("dgap");
     TString nam5("dtheta");
     TString nam6("Qmax");
     nam1 += ih;
     nam2 += ih;
     nam3 += ih;
     nam4 += ih;
     nam5 += ih;
     nam6 += ih;
     dphi[ih] = new TH1D(nam1,"; #Delta#Phi   [rad]; Number of events", 300, -0.3, 0.3 );
     dtheta[ih] = new TH1D(nam5,"; #Delta#theta   [rad]; Number of events", 200, -0.002, 0.002 );
     edep[ih] = new TH1D(nam2," ; E_{VIS}  [GeV] ; Number of events",500,Elo[ih],Eup[ih]);   
     dErec[ih] = new TH1D( nam3 ," ; #DeltaE   [GeV]; Number of events",60, -25., 25. );
     //     dgap[ih] = new TProfile(nam4,"; distance from the gap [mm]; <E_{VIS}>/E_{VIS}",900,-45.,45.,0.,1000.,"E");
     dgap[ih] = new TH2D(nam4,"; distance from the gap [mm]; <E_{VIS}>/E_{VIS}",900,-45.,45.,100,0.5,1.5);
     Qmax[ih] = new TH1D(nam6,"; Q_{max}    pC; number of events ",40,0.,20.);
     //     dErec[ih]->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin);
     //     edep[ih]->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin);
     //     dphi[ih]->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin);
   std::vector < myHit > hits_P;  // list of hits z > 0
   std::vector < myHit > hits_N;  //              z < 0
   cout << " Energy saturation at "<< E_MAX << " [MeV] " << endl;
   cout << " Energy treshold at   "<< E_MIN << " [MeV] " << endl;
   Long64_t nentries = Lcal->GetEntries();
#ifdef si500
     Double_t p0 =  6.13e-4;   // si 500
     Double_t p1 =  1.71e-2;;
#ifdef rot3_hh
   Double_t p0 = 1.771e-3;  // si=320
   Double_t p1 = 1.122e-2;
   Double_t p0 = 2.145e-3;  // si=320
   Double_t p1 = 1.131e-2;
   Double_t C_fac = 0.01138;
     /*     Double_t g0 = 1.006e-2;
     Double_t g1 = 2.367e-7;
     Double_t g2 = -7.476e-10;
     // Long64_t nskip = 0;
   nentries = ( nwanted > 0 && nwanted < nentries ) ? nwanted : nentries ;
   cout << " Nentries "<< nentries << endl;
   for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry< nentries ;jentry++) {
     Double_t theta_rec1 = 0., phi_rec1=0. ;
     Double_t theta_rec2 = 0., phi_rec2=0. ;
     Double_t     e_use1 = 0.,   e_use2=0. ;
     Double_t     e_vis1 = 0.,   e_vis2=0. ;
      e_vis2 = 0.;

      if ( Etot[1] <= 0.) continue;
      double E_gen=0., theta_gen=0., phi_gen=0.;
      int numtr = pTracks->size();
      for ( int it=0; it< numtr; it++){
      Track_t track = (*pTracks)[it];
      E_gen = sqrt( track.pX*track.pX + track.pY*track.pY + track.pZ*track.pZ )/1000.;
      theta_gen = atan ( sqrt( track.pX*track.pX + track.pY*track.pY)/fabs(track.pZ));
      phi_gen = atan2 ( track.pY , track.pX);
      phi_gen = ( phi_gen > 0. ) ? phi_gen : phi_gen + TWO_PI;
      if ( theta_gen < 0.041 || theta_gen > 0.068 ){ continue;}
      int sample=0;
      switch( (int)E_gen ){
      case 5:
	sample = 0;
      case 15:
	sample = 1;
      case 25:
	sample = 2;
      case 50:
	sample = 3;
      case 100:
	sample = 4;
      case 150:
	sample = 5;
      case 200:
	sample = 6;
      case 250:
	sample = 7;
      case 500:
	sample = 8;
      case 1500:
	sample = 9;
	cout<< "uknown case " << (int)E_gen << endl;
      // Fill the list of hits
      int nHits = pHits->size();
      qmax[sample] = 0.;
      for ( Int_t ih=0; ih<nHits ; ih++) {
	// Int_t layer   = (cellID[ih] >> 16) & 0xff ;
        Hit_t hit = (*pHits)[ih];
	double ehit = ( hit.eHit > E_MAX ) ? E_MAX : hit.eHit ;
	if ( ehit < E_MIN ) continue ;
        if ( qmax[sample] < ehit ) qmax[sample]=ehit; 
	//        Double_t rCell = sqrt( hit.xCell*hit.xCell+hit.yCell*hit.yCell);
        Double_t rCell = sqrt( hit.xHit*hit.xHit + hit.yHit*hit.yHit);
        Double_t phiCell = atan2( hit.yCell, hit.xCell );
        if ( hit.zCell < 0. ) {
          hits_N.push_back ( myHit( ehit, rCell, phiCell, hit.zCell) );
        else {
          hits_P.push_back ( myHit( ehit, rCell, phiCell, hit.zCell) );

      } // end hit loop
      // sort hits in descending order
      //      cout<< " accepted " << nskip << " " << hits_P.size()<< " " << hits_N.size() << endl;
     if ( hits_N.begin() != hits_N.end() ) {
	std::sort ( hits_N.begin(), hits_N.end(), SortByEnergy );
	theta_rec1 = GetTheta ( hits_N );
	phi_rec1 = GetPhi ( hits_N );
	    e_vis1 = GetEnergy( theta_rec1, hits_N );

      if ( hits_P.begin() != hits_P.end() ) {
	std::sort ( hits_P.begin(), hits_P.end(), SortByEnergy );
	theta_rec2 = GetTheta( hits_P );
	phi_rec2 = GetPhi ( hits_P );
#ifdef rot3_hh
	double dist = GetDistance( theta_rec2, phi_rec2, 3.75);
	double dist = GetDistance( theta_rec2, phi_rec2, 0.);
	//       	if ( CheckSector( phi_rec2 ) )continue;
      	if ( fabs(dist) < dcut ) continue;
	double avrEvis = p0 + p1*E_gen;
	    e_vis2 = GetEnergy(  hits_P )/1000.;
	    //       	    e_vis2 *= GetCorrection( sample, dist);
	    dgap[sample]->Fill( dist, avrEvis/e_vis2, 1.  );

      // fill histograms
      C_fac = (e_vis2 - p0)/p1;
      Double_t delta_phi = phi_gen - (phi_rec2 + PHI_OFFSET[sample]);
      Double_t pT = 1./(E_gen*sin(theta_rec2));
      Double_t E_rec = C_fac ;
      //      double delta = p1*p1 - 4.*p2*(p0-e_vis2);
      //      if( delta >= 0. ) E_rec = (-p1+sqrt(delta))/(2.*p2);
      Qmax[sample]->Fill( qmax[sample]*E2Q );
      dtheta[sample] -> Fill ( theta_rec2 - theta_gen );
      dphi[sample]-> Fill ( delta_phi);
      phioff->Fill( pT , delta_phi );
      if ( e_vis2 > 0. ) {
             edep [sample]-> Fill ( e_vis2 );
	     dErec[sample]  -> Fill ( ( E_rec - E_gen));
	     euse -> Fill ( e_use2 );
      if  ( e_use1 > 0.) euse -> Fill ( e_use1 );
      // end of event
   // final operations with histograms 
   int binum[NSAMP_MAX] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
   int ii = 1;
   for ( int ib=1; ib < hpr1->GetNbinsX()+1; ib++ ){
     double binc = hpr1->GetBinContent(ib);
     if( binc > 0.){
      binum[ii] = ib;
      cout << "bin: " << ii << "\t value: " << binc << endl;
   for ( int ih=0;ih<NSAMP_MAX;ih++){
     if( edep[ih]->Integral() > 0. ) {
       cout<< " fitting ih: " << ih << "\t"<<ebeam[ih] << endl;
       TF1 *f = edep[ih]->GetFunction("gaus");
       double mean = f->GetParameter(1);
       double rmse = f->GetParameter(2);
       double ratio = rmse/mean;
       double e1 = f->GetParError(1);
       double e2 = f->GetParError(2);
       double err = sqrt(e1*e1/(mean*mean)+e2*e2/(rmse*rmse))*ratio;
       cout << "<E> " << mean << " sigma "<< rmse << endl;
       sigeove->SetBinContent( binum[ih], ratio );
       sigeove->SetBinError( binum[ih], err );
       mean = edep[ih]->GetMean();
       rmse = edep[ih]->GetRMS();
       e1 = edep[ih]->GetMeanError();
       e2 = edep[ih]->GetRMSError();
       ratio = rmse/mean;
       err = sqrt(e1*e1/(mean*mean)+e2*e2/(rmse*rmse))*ratio;
       rmseove->SetBinContent( binum[ih], ratio);
       rmseove->SetBinError( binum[ih],2.*err);
   for ( int ih=0; ih<NSAMP_MAX; ih++){
     P0[ih] = 0.;
     P1[ih] = 0.;
     P2[ih] = 0.;
     P3[ih] = 0.;

     for( int ih=0; ih<NSAMP_MAX; ih++){
       if( dphi[ih]->Integral() > 0. ) {
	 cout<< " Fitting gap: "<< ih <<"\t E= "<<ebeam[ih]<<endl;
	 TF1 *f=dgap[ih]->GetFunction("cfun2");
     // P0[ih]=f->GetParameter(0);
     // P1[ih]=f->GetParameter(1);
       dgap[ih]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.9, 2.5);
     cout << "const double a1[NSAMP_MAX] = {" ;
     for (int ih=0;ih<9;ih++) printf("%5.3e%1s",P0[ih],", ");
     cout << "const double w1[NSAMP_MAX] = {" ;
     for (int ih=0;ih<9;ih++) printf("%5.3e%1s",P1[ih],", ");
     cout << "const double a2[NSAMP_MAX] = {" ;
     for (int ih=0;ih<9;ih++) printf("%5.3e%1s",P2[ih],", ");
     cout << "const double w2[NSAMP_MAX] = {" ;
      for (int ih=0;ih<9;ih++) printf("%5.3e%1s",P3[ih],", ");

     //    out->Close();