Exemplo n.º 1
void Bitmap::copyRectFromBitmap(const Bitmap& src, unsigned srcCol, unsigned srcRow, unsigned destCol, unsigned destRow, unsigned width, unsigned height) {
    if (srcCol == 0 && srcRow == 0 && width == 0 && height == 0){
        width = src.width();
        height = src.height();
    if (width == 0 || height == 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("Can't copy zero height/width rectangle");
    if (srcCol + width >= src.width() || srcRow + height >= src.height())
        throw std::runtime_error("Rectangle doesn't fit within source bitmap");
    if (destCol + width >= _width || destRow + height >= _height)
        throw std::runtime_error("Rectangle doesn't fit within destination bitmap");
    if (_pixels == src._pixels && RectsOverlap(srcCol, srcRow, destCol, destRow, width, height))
        throw std::runtime_error("Source and destination are the same bitmap, and rects overlap. Not allowed!");
    FormatConverterFunc converter = NULL;
    if(_format != src._format)
        converter = ConverterFuncForFormats(_format, src._format);
    for (unsigned row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
        for (unsigned col = 0; col < width; ++col) {
            unsigned char *srcPixel = src._pixels + GetPixelOffset(srcCol + col, srcRow + row, src._width, src._height, src._format);
            unsigned char *destPixel = _pixels + GetPixelOffset(destCol + col, destRow + row, _width, _height, _format);
            if (converter) {
                converter(srcPixel, destPixel);
            } else {
                memcpy(destPixel, srcPixel, _format);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * \函数名称:
 *   GetPixel()
 * \输入参数:
 *   int	x		- 象素在X轴的坐标
 *   int	y		- 象素在Y轴的坐标
 * \返回值:
 *   RGBQUAD			- 返回DIB在该点真实的颜色
 * \说明:
 *   该函数得到DIB图象在该点真是的颜色。
RGBQUAD CDib::GetPixel(int x, int y)
	// 颜色结构
	RGBQUAD cColor;
	// 根据每象素比特数得到此点的象素值
	switch (m_lpBMIH->biBitCount)
		case 1 :
			if (1<<(7-x%8) & *(LPBYTE)(m_lpImage+GetPixelOffset(x, y)))
				cColor.rgbBlue  = 255;
				cColor.rgbGreen = 255;
				cColor.rgbRed   = 255;
				cColor.rgbReserved =0;
				cColor.rgbBlue  = 0;
				cColor.rgbGreen = 0;
				cColor.rgbRed   = 0;	
				cColor.rgbReserved =0;
		case 4 :	
				int nIndex = (*(LPBYTE)(m_lpImage+GetPixelOffset(x, y)) & 
							   (x%2 ? 0x0f : 0xf0)) >> (x%2 ? 0 : 4);
				LPRGBQUAD pDibQuad = (LPRGBQUAD) (m_lpvColorTable) + nIndex;
				cColor.rgbBlue  = pDibQuad->rgbBlue;
				cColor.rgbGreen = pDibQuad->rgbGreen;
				cColor.rgbRed   = pDibQuad->rgbRed;
				cColor.rgbReserved =0;
		case 8 :	
				int nIndex = *(BYTE*)(m_lpImage+GetPixelOffset(x, y));
				LPRGBQUAD pDibQuad = (LPRGBQUAD) (m_lpvColorTable) + nIndex;
				cColor.rgbBlue  = pDibQuad->rgbBlue;
				cColor.rgbGreen = pDibQuad->rgbGreen;
				cColor.rgbRed   = pDibQuad->rgbRed;
				cColor.rgbReserved =0;
				int nIndex = *(BYTE*)(m_lpImage+GetPixelOffset(x, y));					
				cColor.rgbRed   = m_lpImage[nIndex];
				cColor.rgbGreen = m_lpImage[nIndex + 1];
				cColor.rgbBlue  = m_lpImage[nIndex + 2];
				cColor.rgbReserved =0;	

	// 返回颜色结构
	return cColor;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Bitmap::flipVertically() {
    unsigned long rowSize = _format*_width;
    unsigned char* rowBuffer = new unsigned char[rowSize];
    unsigned halfRows = _height / 2;

    for(unsigned rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < halfRows; ++rowIdx) {
        unsigned char* row = _pixels + GetPixelOffset(0, rowIdx, _width, _height, _format);
        unsigned char* oppositeRow = _pixels + GetPixelOffset(0, _height - rowIdx - 1, _width, _height, _format);

        memcpy(rowBuffer, row, rowSize);
        memcpy(row, oppositeRow, rowSize);
        memcpy(oppositeRow, rowBuffer, rowSize);

    delete rowBuffer;
Exemplo n.º 4
void Bitmap::rotate90CounterClockwise() {
    unsigned char* newPixels = (unsigned char*) malloc(_format*_width*_height);

    for(unsigned row = 0; row < _height; ++row) {
        for(unsigned col = 0; col < _width; ++col) {
            unsigned srcOffset = GetPixelOffset(col, row, _width, _height, _format);
            unsigned destOffset = GetPixelOffset(row, _width - col - 1, _height, _width, _format);
            memcpy(newPixels + destOffset, _pixels + srcOffset, _format); //copy one pixel

    _pixels = newPixels;

    unsigned swapTmp = _height;
    _height = _width;
    _width = swapTmp;
Exemplo n.º 5
cv::Mat FLImageToMat(const Fl_Image* img)
	cv::Mat mat = cv::Mat::zeros(img->h(), img->w(), CV_8UC3);

	for (int x = 0; x < img->w(); ++x)
		for (int y = 0; y < img->h(); ++y)
			cv::Vec3b& cvp = mat.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x);
			long index = GetPixelOffset(img, x, y);
			switch ( img->count() ) 
			case 1: 
					const char *buf = img->data()[0];
					switch ( img->d() ) 
					case 1: 
							cvp[0] = cvp[1] = cvp[2] = *(buf+index);
					case 3:
						cvp[2] = *(buf+index+0);
						cvp[1] = *(buf+index+1);
						cvp[0] = *(buf+index+2);
	return mat;
Exemplo n.º 6
Fl_Image* MatToFLImage(const cv::Mat& mat)
	const int depth = 3;
	std::vector<unsigned char> newData(mat.cols * mat.rows * depth);
	unsigned char* buf = newData.data();

	for (int x = 0; x < mat.cols; ++x)
		for (int y = 0; y < mat.rows; ++y)
			const cv::Vec3b& cvp = mat.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x);
			long index = GetPixelOffset(x, y, mat.cols, depth);

			*(buf+index+0) = cvp[2];
			*(buf+index+1) = cvp[1];
			*(buf+index+2) = cvp[0];

	std::unique_ptr<Fl_RGB_Image> newImage(new Fl_RGB_Image(newData.data(), mat.cols,  mat.rows, depth, 0));
	Fl_Image* rez = newImage->copy();
	return rez;
Exemplo n.º 7
unsigned char* Bitmap::getPixel(unsigned int column, unsigned int row) const {
    if(column >= _width || row >= _height)
        throw std::runtime_error("Pixel coordinate out of bounds");

    return _pixels + GetPixelOffset(column, row, _width, _height, _format);