Exemplo n.º 1
uint32 CreatureTextMgr::SendChat(Creature* source, uint8 textGroup, uint64 whisperGuid, ChatType msgtype, Language language, TextRange range, uint32 sound, Team team, bool gmOnly, Player* srcPlr)
    if (!source)
        return 0;
    CreatureTextMap::const_iterator sList = mTextMap.find(source->GetEntry());
    if (sList == mTextMap.end())
        sLog->outErrorDb("CreatureTextMgr: Could not find Text for Creature(%s) Entry %u in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.", source->GetName(), source->GetEntry());
        return 0;
    CreatureTextHolder TextHolder = (*sList).second;
    CreatureTextHolder::const_iterator itr = TextHolder.find(textGroup);
    if (itr == TextHolder.end())
        sLog->outErrorDb("CreatureTextMgr: Could not find TextGroup %u for Creature(%s) GuidLow %u Entry %u. Ignoring.", uint32(textGroup), source->GetName(), source->GetGUIDLow(), source->GetEntry());
        return 0;
    CreatureTextGroup TextGroup = (*itr).second;//has all texts in the group
    CreatureTextRepeatIds repeatGroup = GetRepeatGroup(source, textGroup);//has all textIDs from the group that were already said
    CreatureTextGroup tempGroup;//will use this to talk after sorting repeatGroup

    for (CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator giter = TextGroup.begin(); giter != TextGroup.end(); ++giter)
        if (std::find(repeatGroup.begin(), repeatGroup.end(), (*giter).id) == repeatGroup.end())
    if (tempGroup.empty())
        CreatureTextRepeatMap::iterator mapItr = mTextRepeatMap.find(source->GetGUID());
        if (mapItr != mTextRepeatMap.end())
            CreatureTextRepeatGroup::iterator groupItr = (*mapItr).second.find(textGroup);
        tempGroup = TextGroup;
    uint8 count = 0;
    float lastChance = -1;
    bool isEqualChanced = true;

    float totalChance = 0;

    for (CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator iter = tempGroup.begin(); iter != tempGroup.end(); ++iter)
        if (lastChance >= 0 && lastChance != (*iter).probability)
            isEqualChanced = false;

        lastChance = (*iter).probability;
        totalChance += (*iter).probability;
    int32 offset = -1;
    if (!isEqualChanced)
        for (CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator iter = tempGroup.begin(); iter != tempGroup.end(); ++iter)
            uint32 chance = uint32((*iter).probability);
            uint32 r = urand(0, 100);
            if (r <= chance)
    uint32 pos = 0;
    if (isEqualChanced || offset < 0)
        pos = urand(0, count - 1);
    else if (offset >= 0)
        pos = offset;
    CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator iter = tempGroup.begin() + pos;

    ChatType finalType = (msgtype == CHAT_TYPE_END) ? (*iter).type : msgtype;
    Language finalLang = (language == LANG_ADDON) ? (*iter).lang : language;
    uint32 finalSound = sound ? sound : (*iter).sound;

    if (finalSound)
        SendSound(source, finalSound, finalType, whisperGuid, range, team, gmOnly);

    if ((*iter).emote)
        SendEmote(srcPlr ? srcPlr->ToUnit() : source, (*iter).emote);

    SendChatString(srcPlr ? srcPlr->ToUnit() : source, (*iter).text.c_str(), finalType, finalLang, whisperGuid, range, team, gmOnly);
    if (isEqualChanced || (!isEqualChanced && totalChance == 100.0f))
        SetRepeatId(source, textGroup, (*iter).id);

    return (*iter).duration;
Exemplo n.º 2
uint32 CreatureTextMgr::SendChat(Creature* source, uint8 textGroup, uint64 whisperGuid /*= 0*/, ChatMsg msgType /*= CHAT_MSG_ADDON*/, Language language /*= LANG_ADDON*/, TextRange range /*= TEXT_RANGE_NORMAL*/, uint32 sound /*= 0*/, Team team /*= TEAM_OTHER*/, bool gmOnly /*= false*/, Player* srcPlr /*= NULL*/)
    if (!source)
        return 0;

    CreatureTextMap::const_iterator sList = mTextMap.find(source->GetEntry());
    if (sList == mTextMap.end())
        sLog->outErrorDb("CreatureTextMgr: Could not find Text for Creature(%s) Entry %u in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.", source->GetName(), source->GetEntry());
        return 0;

    CreatureTextHolder const& textHolder = sList->second;
    CreatureTextHolder::const_iterator itr = textHolder.find(textGroup);
    if (itr == textHolder.end())
        sLog->outErrorDb("CreatureTextMgr: Could not find TextGroup %u for Creature(%s) GuidLow %u Entry %u. Ignoring.", uint32(textGroup), source->GetName(), source->GetGUIDLow(), source->GetEntry());
        return 0;

    CreatureTextGroup const& textGroupContainer = itr->second;  //has all texts in the group
    CreatureTextRepeatIds repeatGroup = GetRepeatGroup(source, textGroup);//has all textIDs from the group that were already said
    CreatureTextGroup tempGroup;//will use this to talk after sorting repeatGroup

    for (CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator giter = textGroupContainer.begin(); giter != textGroupContainer.end(); ++giter)
        if (std::find(repeatGroup.begin(), repeatGroup.end(), giter->id) == repeatGroup.end())

    if (tempGroup.empty())
        CreatureTextRepeatMap::iterator mapItr = mTextRepeatMap.find(source->GetGUID());
        if (mapItr != mTextRepeatMap.end())
            CreatureTextRepeatGroup::iterator groupItr = mapItr->second.find(textGroup);

        tempGroup = textGroupContainer;

    uint8 count = 0;
    float lastChance = -1;
    bool isEqualChanced = true;

    float totalChance = 0;

    for (CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator iter = tempGroup.begin(); iter != tempGroup.end(); ++iter)
        if (lastChance >= 0 && lastChance != iter->probability)
            isEqualChanced = false;

        lastChance = iter->probability;
        totalChance += iter->probability;

    int32 offset = -1;
    if (!isEqualChanced)
        for (CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator iter = tempGroup.begin(); iter != tempGroup.end(); ++iter)
            uint32 chance = uint32(iter->probability);
            uint32 r = urand(0, 100);
            if (r <= chance)

    uint32 pos = 0;
    if (isEqualChanced || offset < 0)
        pos = urand(0, count - 1);
    else if (offset >= 0)
        pos = offset;

    CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator iter = tempGroup.begin() + pos;

    ChatMsg finalType = (msgType == CHAT_MSG_ADDON) ? iter->type : msgType;
    Language finalLang = (language == LANG_ADDON) ? iter->lang : language;
    uint32 finalSound = sound ? sound : iter->sound;

    if (finalSound)
        SendSound(source, finalSound, finalType, whisperGuid, range, team, gmOnly);

    Unit* finalSource = source;
    if (srcPlr)
        finalSource = srcPlr;

    if (iter->emote)
        SendEmote(finalSource, iter->emote);

    CreatureTextBuilder builder(finalSource, finalType, iter->group, iter->id, finalLang, whisperGuid);
    SendChatPacket(finalSource, builder, finalType, whisperGuid, range, team, gmOnly);
    if (isEqualChanced || (!isEqualChanced && totalChance == 100.0f))
        SetRepeatId(source, textGroup, iter->id);

    return iter->duration;
uint32 CreatureTextMgr::SendChat(Creature* source, uint8 textGroup, WorldObject const* whisperTarget /*= nullptr*/, ChatMsg msgType /*= CHAT_MSG_ADDON*/, Language language /*= LANG_ADDON*/, CreatureTextRange range /*= TEXT_RANGE_NORMAL*/, uint32 sound /*= 0*/, Team team /*= TEAM_OTHER*/, bool gmOnly /*= false*/, Player* srcPlr /*= nullptr*/)
    if (!source)
        return 0;

    CreatureTextMap::const_iterator sList = mTextMap.find(source->GetEntry());
    if (sList == mTextMap.end())
        TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql.creaturetextmgr", "CreatureTextMgr: Could not find Text for Creature %s (Entry %u, GUID %u) in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.", source->GetName().c_str(), source->GetEntry(), source->GetGUID().GetCounter());
        return 0;

    CreatureTextHolder const& textHolder = sList->second;
    CreatureTextHolder::const_iterator itr = textHolder.find(textGroup);
    if (itr == textHolder.end())
        TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql.creaturetextmgr", "CreatureTextMgr: Could not find TextGroup %u for Creature %s (Entry %u, GUID %u) in 'creature_text' table. Ignoring.", uint32(textGroup), source->GetName().c_str(), source->GetEntry(), source->GetGUID().GetCounter());
        return 0;

    CreatureTextGroup const& textGroupContainer = itr->second;  //has all texts in the group
    CreatureTextRepeatIds repeatGroup = GetRepeatGroup(source, textGroup);//has all textIDs from the group that were already said
    CreatureTextGroup tempGroup;//will use this to talk after sorting repeatGroup

    for (CreatureTextGroup::const_iterator giter = textGroupContainer.begin(); giter != textGroupContainer.end(); ++giter)
        if (std::find(repeatGroup.begin(), repeatGroup.end(), giter->id) == repeatGroup.end())

    if (tempGroup.empty())
        tempGroup = textGroupContainer;

    auto iter = Trinity::Containers::SelectRandomWeightedContainerElement(tempGroup, [](CreatureTextEntry const& t) -> double
        return t.probability;

    ChatMsg finalType = (msgType == CHAT_MSG_ADDON) ? iter->type : msgType;
    Language finalLang = (language == LANG_ADDON) ? iter->lang : language;
    uint32 finalSound = sound ? sound : iter->sound;

    if (range == TEXT_RANGE_NORMAL)
        range = iter->TextRange;

    if (finalSound)
        SendSound(source, finalSound, finalType, whisperTarget, range, team, gmOnly);

    Unit* finalSource = source;
    if (srcPlr)
        finalSource = srcPlr;

    if (iter->emote)
        SendEmote(finalSource, iter->emote);

    if (srcPlr)
        PlayerTextBuilder builder(source, finalSource, finalSource->getGender(), finalType, iter->group, iter->id, finalLang, whisperTarget);
        SendChatPacket(finalSource, builder, finalType, whisperTarget, range, team, gmOnly);
        CreatureTextBuilder builder(finalSource, finalSource->getGender(), finalType, iter->group, iter->id, finalLang, whisperTarget);
        SendChatPacket(finalSource, builder, finalType, whisperTarget, range, team, gmOnly);

    SetRepeatId(source, textGroup, iter->id);
    return iter->duration;