Exemplo n.º 1
XnStatus MockGenerator::OnStateReady()
	XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK;
	nRetVal = MockProductionNode::OnStateReady();
	// allocate current buffer (so the app won't get a NULL pointer)
	XnUInt32 nNeededSize = GetRequiredBufferSize();

	nRetVal = ResizeBuffer(m_nCurrentDataIdx, nNeededSize);

	xnOSMemSet(m_data[m_nCurrentDataIdx].pData, 0, nNeededSize);

	return (XN_STATUS_OK);
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL CShellFileOp::Go ( BOOL* lpbOperationStarted,
                        int*  lpnAPIReturn /*=NULL*/,
                        BOOL* lpbAnyOperationsAborted  /*=NULL*/ )
TCHAR* szzSourceFiles = NULL;
TCHAR* szzDestFiles = NULL;
DWORD  dwSourceBufferSize;
DWORD  dwDestBufferSize;
int    nAPIRet;

    // Validate the pointers....
    ASSERT ( AfxIsValidAddress ( lpbOperationStarted, sizeof(BOOL) ) );
    ASSERT ( lpnAPIReturn == NULL  ||
             AfxIsValidAddress ( lpnAPIReturn, sizeof(int) ) );
    ASSERT ( lpbAnyOperationsAborted == NULL  ||
             AfxIsValidAddress ( lpbAnyOperationsAborted, sizeof(BOOL) ) );

    m_bGoCalledAPI = FALSE;

    if ( NULL != lpbOperationStarted )
        *lpbOperationStarted = FALSE;

                                        // Do a bunch of validation before
                                        // calling the API.

                                        // 1. Did you call SetOperationFlags()?

    if ( ! m_bFlagsSet )
        TRACE0("Go() aborting because SetOperationFlags() was not called first.\n");
        goto bailout;

                                        // 2 Is the op type valid?

    if ( ! ( m_rFOS.wFunc == FO_COPY  ||  m_rFOS.wFunc == FO_DELETE  ||
             m_rFOS.wFunc == FO_MOVE  ||  m_rFOS.wFunc == FO_RENAME ) )
        TRACE0("Go() aborting because the operation type was invalid.\n");
        goto bailout;

                                        // 3 Is the source file list nonempty?
    if ( m_lcstrSourceFiles.IsEmpty() ) 
        TRACE0("Go() aborting because the source file list is empty.\n");
        goto bailout;

                                        // 4. Is the dest file list nonempty
                                        // if the op needs dest files?

    if ( m_rFOS.wFunc != FO_DELETE  &&  m_lcstrDestFiles.IsEmpty() )
        TRACE0("Go() aborting because the destination file list is empty.\n");
        goto bailout;

                                        // 5. Is the dest file list OK?  There
                                        // must either be one entry, or the same
                                        // number of entries as in the source
                                        // list.

    if ( m_rFOS.wFunc != FO_DELETE )
        if ( m_lcstrDestFiles.GetCount() != 1  &&
             m_lcstrDestFiles.GetCount() != m_lcstrSourceFiles.GetCount() )
            TRACE0("Go() aborting because the destination file list has the wrong number of strings.\n");
            goto bailout;

                                        // Everything checked out OK, so now
                                        // build the big double-null-terminated
                                        // buffers.

    dwSourceBufferSize = GetRequiredBufferSize ( m_lcstrSourceFiles );

    if ( m_rFOS.wFunc != FO_DELETE )
        dwDestBufferSize = GetRequiredBufferSize ( m_lcstrDestFiles );

        szzSourceFiles = (LPTSTR) new BYTE [ dwSourceBufferSize ];

        if ( m_rFOS.wFunc != FO_DELETE )
            szzDestFiles = (LPTSTR) new BYTE [ dwDestBufferSize ];
    catch (...)
        TRACE0("Memory exception in CShellFileOp::Go()!\n");

    FillSzzBuffer ( szzSourceFiles, m_lcstrSourceFiles );

    if ( m_rFOS.wFunc != FO_DELETE )
        FillSzzBuffer ( szzDestFiles, m_lcstrDestFiles );

                                        // and now, the moment you've all been
                                        // waiting for

    m_rFOS.pFrom = szzSourceFiles;
    m_rFOS.pTo = szzDestFiles;
    m_rFOS.lpszProgressTitle = (LPCTSTR) m_cstrProgressDlgTitle;

                                        // If there are 2 or more strings in
                                        // the destination list, set the 
                                        // MULTIDESTFILES flag.
    if ( m_lcstrDestFiles.GetCount() > 1 )
        m_rFOS.fFlags |= FOF_MULTIDESTFILES;

    m_bGoCalledAPI = TRUE;
    if ( NULL != lpbOperationStarted )
        *lpbOperationStarted = TRUE;

                                        // drum roll please....
    nAPIRet = SHFileOperation ( &m_rFOS );  // tah-dah!

                                        // Save the return value from the API.    
    if ( NULL != lpnAPIReturn )
        *lpnAPIReturn = nAPIRet;

                                        // Check if the user cancelled the
                                        // operation.

    if ( NULL != lpbAnyOperationsAborted )
        *lpbAnyOperationsAborted = m_rFOS.fAnyOperationsAborted;

    // If we got here via one of the gotos, fire off an assert.
    // If this assert fires, check the debug window for a TRACE output
    // line that describes the problem.
    ASSERT ( m_bGoCalledAPI );

                                        // Free buffers.
    if ( NULL != szzSourceFiles )
        delete [] szzSourceFiles;

    if ( NULL != szzDestFiles )
        delete [] szzDestFiles;

    return m_bGoCalledAPI  &&  0 == nAPIRet;