Exemplo n.º 1
void FrameMain::UpdateTitle() {
	wxString newTitle;
	if (context->ass->IsModified()) newTitle << "* ";
	newTitle << GetScriptFileName();

#ifndef __WXMAC__
	newTitle << " - Aegisub " << GetAegisubLongVersionString();

#if defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(__LP64__)
	// On Mac, set the mark in the close button

	if (GetTitle() != newTitle) SetTitle(newTitle);
Exemplo n.º 2
// ScriptError
// This function is called when a scantime, parsetime, bindtime, or runtime
// error occurs.  The error type is passed, along with a pointer to the error
// message, the file name (which we need to parse) and line number.
// RETURNS:     Nothing
VOID ScriptError (INT errtype, INT errfile, INT errline,
                  INT errstart, INT errend, LPSTR errmsg)
    LPSTR       szFName;
    CHAR        buf[256], caption[80], *szFmt = "Test Driver %s Error";
    CHAR        *temp;
    INT         i;

    // Create the message box's caption
    switch (errtype)
        case ER_SCAN:
            temp = "Scanner";
        case ER_PARSE:
            temp = "Parser";
        case ER_BIND:
            temp = "Bind";
        case ER_RUN:
            temp = "Runtime";
    wsprintf (caption, szFmt, (LPSTR)temp);

    // Next create the text for the box
    szFName = GetScriptFileName (errfile);
    i = _fstrlen (szFName);
    while (i && szFName[i-1] != '\\')
    wsprintf (buf, (LPSTR)((errline > 0) ? "%s\r\n%s(%d)" : "%s\r\n%s"),
              (LPSTR)errmsg, (LPSTR)szFName+i, errline);

    // Throw up the message box and we're done!
    MessageBeep (MB_ICONSTOP);
    MessageBox (NULL, buf, caption, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Urho3DPlayer::Setup()
    // Web platform depends on the resource system to read any data files. Skip parsing the command line file now
    // and try later when the resource system is live
#ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__
    // Read command line from a file if no arguments given. This is primarily intended for mobile platforms.
    // Note that the command file name uses a hardcoded path that does not utilize the resource system
    // properly (including resource path prefix), as the resource system is not yet initialized at this point
    FileSystem* filesystem = GetSubsystem<FileSystem>();
    const String commandFileName = filesystem->GetProgramDir() + "Data/CommandLine.txt";
    if (GetArguments().Empty() && filesystem->FileExists(commandFileName))
        SharedPtr<File> commandFile(new File(context_, commandFileName));
        String commandLine = commandFile->ReadLine();
        ParseArguments(commandLine, false);
        // Reparse engine startup parameters now
        engineParameters_ = Engine::ParseParameters(GetArguments());

    // Check for script file name from the arguments

    // Show usage if not found
    if (scriptFileName_.Empty())
        ErrorExit("Usage: Urho3DPlayer <scriptfile> [options]\n\n"
            "The script file should implement the function void Start() for initializing the "
            "application and subscribing to all necessary events, such as the frame update.\n"
            #ifndef WIN32
            "\nCommand line options:\n"
            "-x <res>     Horizontal resolution\n"
            "-y <res>     Vertical resolution\n"
            "-m <level>   Enable hardware multisampling\n"
            "-v           Enable vertical sync\n"
            "-t           Enable triple buffering\n"
            "-w           Start in windowed mode\n"
            "-s           Enable resizing when in windowed mode\n"
            "-hd          Enable high DPI, only supported by Apple platforms (OSX, iOS, and tvOS)\n"
            "-q           Enable quiet mode which does not log to standard output stream\n"
            "-b <length>  Sound buffer length in milliseconds\n"
            "-r <freq>    Sound mixing frequency in Hz\n"
            "-pp <paths>  Resource prefix path(s), separated by semicolons, default to executable path\n"
            "The resource prefix paths can also be defined using URHO3D_PREFIX_PATH env - var\n"
            "When both are defined, the paths set by -pp takes higher precedence\n"
            "-p <paths>   Resource path(s) to use, separated by semicolons, default to 'Data;CoreData'\n"
            "-pf <files>  Resource package file to use, separated by semicolons, default to none\n"
            "-ap <paths>  Resource autoload path(s), separated by semicolons, default to 'AutoLoad'\n"
            "-log <level> Change the log level, valid 'level' values: 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error'\n"
            "-ds <file>   Dump used shader variations to a file for precaching\n"
            "-mq <level>  Material quality level, default 2 (high)\n"
            "-tq <level>  Texture quality level, default 2 (high)\n"
            "-tf <level>  Texture filter mode, default 2 (trilinear)\n"
            "-af <level>  Texture anisotropy level, default 4. Also sets anisotropic filter mode\n"
            "-gl2         Force OpenGL 2 use even if OpenGL 3 is available\n"
            "-flushgpu    Flush GPU command queue each frame. Effective only on Direct3D\n"
            "-borderless  Borderless window mode\n"
            "-headless    Headless mode. No application window will be created\n"
            "-landscape   Use landscape orientations (iOS only, default)\n"
            "-portrait    Use portrait orientations (iOS only)\n"
            "-prepass     Use light pre-pass rendering\n"
            "-deferred    Use deferred rendering\n"
            "-renderpath <name> Use the named renderpath (must enter full resource name)\n"
            "-lqshadows   Use low-quality (1-sample) shadow filtering\n"
            "-noshadows   Disable shadow rendering\n"
            "-nolimit     Disable frame limiter\n"
            "-nothreads   Disable worker threads\n"
            "-nosound     Disable sound output\n"
            "-noip        Disable sound mixing interpolation\n"
            "-touch       Touch emulation on desktop platform\n"
        // Use the script file name as the base name for the log file
        engineParameters_["LogName"] = filesystem->GetAppPreferencesDir("urho3d", "logs") + GetFileNameAndExtension(scriptFileName_) + ".log";
    // On Web platform setup a default windowed resolution similar to the executable samples
    engineParameters_["FullScreen"]  = false;

    // Construct a search path to find the resource prefix with two entries:
    // The first entry is an empty path which will be substituted with program/bin directory -- this entry is for binary when it is still in build tree
    // The second and third entries are possible relative paths from the installed program/bin directory to the asset directory -- these entries are for binary when it is in the Urho3D SDK installation location
    if (!engineParameters_.Contains("ResourcePrefixPaths"))
        engineParameters_["ResourcePrefixPaths"] = ";../share/Resources;../share/Urho3D/Resources";
Exemplo n.º 4
void Urho3DPlayer::Start()
    // Reattempt reading the command line now on Web platform
#ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
    if (GetArguments().Empty())
        SharedPtr<File> commandFile = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetFile("CommandLine.txt", false);
        if (commandFile)
            String commandLine = commandFile->ReadLine();
            ParseArguments(commandLine, false);


    if (scriptFileName_.Empty())
        ErrorExit("Script file name not specified; cannot proceed");

    String extension = GetExtension(scriptFileName_);
    if (extension != ".lua" && extension != ".luc")
        // Instantiate and register the AngelScript subsystem
        context_->RegisterSubsystem(new Script(context_));

        // Hold a shared pointer to the script file to make sure it is not unloaded during runtime
        scriptFile_ = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>()->GetResource<ScriptFile>(scriptFileName_);

        /// \hack If we are running the editor, also instantiate Lua subsystem to enable editing Lua ScriptInstances
#ifdef URHO3D_LUA
        if (scriptFileName_.Contains("Editor.as", false))
            context_->RegisterSubsystem(new LuaScript(context_));
        // If script loading is successful, proceed to main loop
        if (scriptFile_ && scriptFile_->Execute("void Start()"))
            // Subscribe to script's reload event to allow live-reload of the application
            SubscribeToEvent(scriptFile_, E_RELOADSTARTED, URHO3D_HANDLER(Urho3DPlayer, HandleScriptReloadStarted));
            SubscribeToEvent(scriptFile_, E_RELOADFINISHED, URHO3D_HANDLER(Urho3DPlayer, HandleScriptReloadFinished));
            SubscribeToEvent(scriptFile_, E_RELOADFAILED, URHO3D_HANDLER(Urho3DPlayer, HandleScriptReloadFailed));
        ErrorExit("AngelScript is not enabled!");
#ifdef URHO3D_LUA
        // Instantiate and register the Lua script subsystem
        LuaScript* luaScript = new LuaScript(context_);

        // If script loading is successful, proceed to main loop
        if (luaScript->ExecuteFile(scriptFileName_))
        ErrorExit("Lua is not enabled!");

    // The script was not successfully loaded. Show the last error message and do not run the main loop
Exemplo n.º 5
int FrameMain::TryToCloseSubs(bool enableCancel) {
	if (context->ass->IsModified()) {
		int flags = wxYES_NO;
		if (enableCancel) flags |= wxCANCEL;
		int result = wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Do you want to save changes to %s?"), GetScriptFileName()), _("Unsaved changes"), flags, this);
		if (result == wxYES) {
			cmd::call("subtitle/save", context.get());
			// If it fails saving, return cancel anyway
			return context->ass->IsModified() ? wxCANCEL : wxYES;
		return result;
	else {
		return wxYES;