void UDebugSkelMeshComponent::ToggleClothSectionsVisibility(bool bShowOnlyClothSections)
	FSkeletalMeshResource* SkelMeshResource = GetSkeletalMeshResource();
	if (SkelMeshResource)

		for (int32 LODIndex = 0; LODIndex < SkelMeshResource->LODModels.Num(); LODIndex++)
			FStaticLODModel& LODModel = SkelMeshResource->LODModels[LODIndex];

			for (int32 SecIdx = 0; SecIdx < LODModel.Sections.Num(); SecIdx++)
				FSkelMeshSection& Section = LODModel.Sections[SecIdx];

				// toggle visibility between cloth sections and non-cloth sections
				if (bShowOnlyClothSections)
					// enables only cloth sections
					if (LODModel.Chunks[Section.ChunkIndex].HasApexClothData())
						Section.bDisabled = false;
						Section.bDisabled = true;
				{   // disables cloth sections and also corresponding original sections
					if (LODModel.Chunks[Section.ChunkIndex].HasApexClothData())
						Section.bDisabled = true;
						LODModel.Sections[Section.CorrespondClothSectionIndex].bDisabled = true;
						Section.bDisabled = false;
void UDebugSkelMeshComponent::RestoreClothSectionsVisibility()
	// if this skeletal mesh doesn't have any clothing assets, just return
	if (!SkeletalMesh || SkeletalMesh->ClothingAssets.Num() == 0)

	FSkeletalMeshResource* SkelMeshResource = GetSkeletalMeshResource();
	if (SkelMeshResource)

		for(int32 LODIndex = 0; LODIndex < SkelMeshResource->LODModels.Num(); LODIndex++)
			FStaticLODModel& LODModel = SkelMeshResource->LODModels[LODIndex];

			// enables all sections first
			for(int32 SecIdx = 0; SecIdx < LODModel.Sections.Num(); SecIdx++)
				LODModel.Sections[SecIdx].bDisabled = false;

			// disables corresponding original section to enable the cloth section instead
			for(int32 SecIdx = 0; SecIdx < LODModel.Sections.Num(); SecIdx++)
				FSkelMeshSection& Section = LODModel.Sections[SecIdx];

					LODModel.Sections[Section.CorrespondClothSectionIndex].bDisabled = true;

int32 UDebugSkelMeshComponent::FindCurrentSectionDisplayMode()
	ESectionDisplayMode DisplayMode = ESectionDisplayMode::None;

	FSkeletalMeshResource* SkelMeshResource = GetSkeletalMeshResource();
	// if this skeletal mesh doesn't have any clothing asset, returns "None"
	if (!SkelMeshResource || !SkeletalMesh || SkeletalMesh->ClothingAssets.Num() == 0)
		return ESectionDisplayMode::None;
		int32 LODIndex;
		int32 NumLODs = SkelMeshResource->LODModels.Num();
		for (LODIndex = 0; LODIndex < NumLODs; LODIndex++)
			// if find any LOD model which has cloth data, then break
			if (SkelMeshResource->LODModels[LODIndex].HasApexClothData())

		// couldn't find 
		if (LODIndex == NumLODs)
			return ESectionDisplayMode::None;

		FStaticLODModel& LODModel = SkelMeshResource->LODModels[LODIndex];

		// firstly, find cloth sections
		for (int32 SecIdx = 0; SecIdx < LODModel.Sections.Num(); SecIdx++)
			FSkelMeshSection& Section = LODModel.Sections[SecIdx];

			if (LODModel.Chunks[Section.ChunkIndex].HasApexClothData())
				// Normal state if the cloth section is visible and the corresponding section is disabled
				if (Section.bDisabled == false &&
					LODModel.Sections[Section.CorrespondClothSectionIndex].bDisabled == true)
					DisplayMode = ESectionDisplayMode::ShowOnlyClothSections;

		// secondly, find non-cloth sections except cloth-corresponding sections
		bool bFoundNonClothSection = false;

		for (int32 SecIdx = 0; SecIdx < LODModel.Sections.Num(); SecIdx++)
			FSkelMeshSection& Section = LODModel.Sections[SecIdx];

			// not related to cloth sections
			if (!LODModel.Chunks[Section.ChunkIndex].HasApexClothData() &&
				Section.CorrespondClothSectionIndex < 0)
				bFoundNonClothSection = true;
				if (!Section.bDisabled)
					if (DisplayMode == ESectionDisplayMode::ShowOnlyClothSections)
						DisplayMode = ESectionDisplayMode::ShowAll;
						DisplayMode = ESectionDisplayMode::HideOnlyClothSections;

	return DisplayMode;
void USkeletalMeshComponent::RecalcRequiredBones(int32 LODIndex)
	if (!SkeletalMesh)

	FSkeletalMeshResource* SkelMeshResource = GetSkeletalMeshResource();

	// The list of bones we want is taken from the predicted LOD level.
	FStaticLODModel& LODModel = SkelMeshResource->LODModels[LODIndex];
	RequiredBones = LODModel.RequiredBones;
	const UPhysicsAsset* const PhysicsAsset = GetPhysicsAsset();
	// If we have a PhysicsAsset, we also need to make sure that all the bones used by it are always updated, as its used
	// by line checks etc. We might also want to kick in the physics, which means having valid bone transforms.
		TArray<FBoneIndexType> PhysAssetBones;
		for(int32 i=0; i<PhysicsAsset->BodySetup.Num(); i++ )
			int32 PhysBoneIndex = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.FindBoneIndex( PhysicsAsset->BodySetup[i]->BoneName );
			if(PhysBoneIndex != INDEX_NONE)

		// Then sort array of required bones in hierarchy order

		// Make sure all of these are in RequiredBones.
		MergeInBoneIndexArrays(RequiredBones, PhysAssetBones);

	// Make sure that bones with per-poly collision are also always updated.
	// TODO UE4

	// Purge invisible bones and their children
	// this has to be done before mirror table check/phsysics body checks
	// mirror table/phys body ones has to be calculated
	if (ShouldUpdateBoneVisibility())
		check(BoneVisibilityStates.Num() == SpaceBases.Num());

		int32 VisibleBoneWriteIndex = 0;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < RequiredBones.Num(); ++i)
			FBoneIndexType CurBoneIndex = RequiredBones[i];

			// Current bone visible?
			if (BoneVisibilityStates[CurBoneIndex] == BVS_Visible)
				RequiredBones[VisibleBoneWriteIndex++] = CurBoneIndex;

		// Remove any trailing junk in the RequiredBones array
		const int32 NumBonesHidden = RequiredBones.Num() - VisibleBoneWriteIndex;
		if (NumBonesHidden > 0)
			RequiredBones.RemoveAt(VisibleBoneWriteIndex, NumBonesHidden);

	// Add in any bones that may be required when mirroring.
	// JTODO: This is only required if there are mirroring nodes in the tree, but hard to know...
	if(SkeletalMesh->SkelMirrorTable.Num() > 0 && 
		SkeletalMesh->SkelMirrorTable.Num() == LocalAtoms.Num())
		TArray<FBoneIndexType> MirroredDesiredBones;

		// Look up each bone in the mirroring table.
		for(int32 i=0; i<RequiredBones.Num(); i++)
			MirroredDesiredBones[i] = SkeletalMesh->SkelMirrorTable[RequiredBones[i]].SourceIndex;

		// Sort to ensure strictly increasing order.

		// Make sure all of these are in RequiredBones, and 
		MergeInBoneIndexArrays(RequiredBones, MirroredDesiredBones);

	// Ensure that we have a complete hierarchy down to those bones.
	FAnimationRuntime::EnsureParentsPresent(RequiredBones, SkeletalMesh);

	// make sure animation requiredBone to mark as dirty
	if (AnimScriptInstance)

	bRequiredBonesUpToDate = true;

	// Invalidate cached bones.