Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Returns a class instance from an instanced library
 * @param lib - [in] dynamic library instance
 * @param className - [in] class name
 * @return pointer to class instance
DynClass* DynLoader::GetClassInstance(DynLib& lib, const dyn_string& className)
	for(auto entry : lib.instances)
		if(entry->name == className)
			return entry->instance;

	dyn_string builderName("Create" + className);

	// POSIX guarantees that the size of a pointer to object is equal to 
	// the size of a pointer to a function. On Windows NT systems this is also a safe 
	// assumption.
	std::function<DynClass*()> builder(std::bind(
			reinterpret_cast<DynClass*(*)()>(GetSymbolByName(lib, builderName.c_str()))));
	if(builder == nullptr)
		throw LoaderException("Factory builder `" + builderName + 
				"` for Class `" + className +
				"` not found in " + lib.name);

	// Create an instance of the class
	auto instance = builder();
	if(instance == nullptr)
		throw LoaderException("Unable to create instance of class `" + className + "`");
	auto entry = new DynClassEntry(className, instance);


	return instance;
Exemplo n.º 2
DWORD GetKernelSymbolOffset(char *lpszSymbolName)
    DWORD Ret = 0;

    // get system modules information
    PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES Info = (PRTL_PROCESS_MODULES)GetSysInf(SystemModuleInformation);
    if (Info)
        char *lpszKernelName = (char *)Info->Modules[0].FullPathName + Info->Modules[0].OffsetToFileName;
        char szKernelPath[MAX_PATH];

        // get full kernel image path
        GetSystemDirectory(szKernelPath, MAX_PATH);
        lstrcat(szKernelPath, "\\");
        lstrcat(szKernelPath, lpszKernelName);

        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Using kernel binary '%s'\r\n", szKernelPath);

        // load kernel module
        HMODULE hModule = LoadLibraryEx(szKernelPath, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES);
        if (hModule)
            // get symbol offset
            LARGE_INTEGER Addr;
            Addr.QuadPart = GetSymbolByName(szKernelPath, hModule, lpszSymbolName);
            if (Addr.QuadPart > 0)
                Addr.QuadPart -= (ULONGLONG)hModule;
                Ret = Addr.LowPart;

            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "LoadLibraryEx() ERROR %d\r\n", GetLastError());


    return Ret;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Get class instance
 * @param className - [in] class name
 * @return pointer to class instance
DynamicClass * DynamicLibrary::GetInstance( const PDL_CHAR * className )
	const InstanceMap::iterator loadedInstance( instances_.find( className ) );
	if ( loadedInstance != instances_.end() ) { return ( loadedInstance -> second ); }
	const pdl_string builderName( pdl_string( "Create" ) + pdl_string( className ) );
	// Tricky code to prevent compiler error
	// ISO C++ forbids casting between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object
	DynamicBuilder builder = 0;
	void * symbol = GetSymbolByName( builderName.c_str() );
	( void ) memcpy( &builder, &symbol, sizeof( void * ) );
	if ( !builder )
		instances_[ className ] = 0;
		throw LoaderException( pdl_string( "Class `" ) + pdl_string( className ) +
		                       pdl_string( "` not found in " )  + libraryName_ );

	DynamicClass * instance = ( DynamicClass * )( *builder )();
	instances_[ className ] = instance;
	return instance;